Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) (2 page)

Read Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) Online

Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)
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We pulled up into the yard and parked our Harley's at the
end of a long line of motorcycles, and I glanced in the direction of the
clubhouse as I heard the thumping music coming from inside the building.
"Onyx said the club is throwing a welcome home party," I stated as I
dismounted my ride and unfastened my helmet to rest it onto the handlebars.
"Yeah, Hustler got out this morning after an eight year stretch so it's
understandable that he wants to let his hair down a little this evening." Lucas
sniggered and removed his helmet before joining me on the path. "But he's
not the guest of honour," he stated wrapping his arm around my shoulders
and pulling me in the direction of the door.
This intrigued me, who could possibly be the guest of honour? I didn't really
want to turn up on the night the clubhouse was full of people but on the flip
side it would make it easier for me to become invisible and do some
investigating around the place during the festivities.
Lucas opened the metal door as a large cloud of smoke left the building. This
was another difference between the clubs, the Aces dealt in drugs but we were
never allowed to smoke the goods in the grounds. What you did in your own
recreational time was up to you but Viper would have our arses if we were caught
smoking shit in the clubhouse through fear of being busted for petty things.

I followed Lucas inside and found it difficult to hear
myself think because of the noise. I eagerly glanced around the room to see
several women dancing on the bar and guys cheering, encouraging them to strip. I
casually checked out the layout and exits when I was pulled from my
observations by a hard slap on the back.
"Good evening Saviour, I'm pleased you joined us."
I turned to see Onyx's glazed eyes as he leaned forward to wrap his arm firmly around
my shoulder, and direct me over to a table occupied by the inner group.

"Hey, this is Saviour. He saved my arse this morning so
we need to give him a hero's welcome."
The guys cheered and whooped as I sat on the stool and quickly glanced around
the group to see Priest and Polar who were my other two targets. I smiled and
tried to look unaffected by their presence as I clenched my fists in the
pockets of my leather jacket.

"What can I get you to drink?" A young blonde
haired guy asked close to my ear as the music got louder.
"Just a coke for now, make it look like a Jack and coke. I don't drink and
ride." I winked and he nodded understanding what I was getting at. I
didn't want the guys to think I was a pussy but I needed to give this guy an
excuse for not drinking this evening as he may pull me up on my shit. I just
wanted to keep a clear head because I needed to take everything in and not take
something that could cloud my judgements. He handed me my drink as the music
suddenly went quiet.
"Speech!" the guys shouted in unison drumming their hands on the
table as Onyx smiled and made his way to the stage at the end of the bar. He
raised his hands and the club settled down ready to hear from their leader,
their leader who murdered innocent people.

Onyx waited until the crowd settled down. "I want to
start by welcoming Hustler home. He's been gone for eight long years, charged
with a crime that he didn't commit." He stopped and the crowd howled with
laughter as none of us were ever guilty of the crimes we were charged with.
"Okay settle down," Onyx raised his hands high until the group
quietened before continuing. "Being incarcerated especially for as long as
Hustler was, will fuck you up. It's a good job he was already fucked up." The
group continued to snigger, "But I want Hustler to take two weeks off to
get his head together before coming back to the club properly."
"I don't need any special treatment man," Hustler said looking at
Onyx with a puzzled expression.
"If I'd been without pussy for eight years my friend, I know I would want
two weeks off to make up for lost time." The group laughed and Onyx
brought Hustler in for a quick hug before he pulled away and grinned like a
Cheshire cat. Hustler turned and jumped from the stage to grab what looked to
be the next available woman to lower her backwards as he planted a wet kiss in
the crook of her neck making her giggle.

"Before we all continue with the celebrations, I want
to introduce you all to someone." Onyx glanced around the room until he
met my eyes. "Saviour get your arse up here now." All heads turned towards
me as I shuffled uncomfortably before I was shoved in the back towards the
stage. I quickly pulled myself together and strolled towards Onyx seeing every
club member's eyes on me and felt uncomfortable under their scrutiny.
Onyx wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in tight, "Clayton,
the little scrot pulled a knife on me yesterday. He would've succeeded in
stabbing me if it wasn't for the quick thinking of our latest prospect."
I turned to look at him confused by what he'd just said, I assumed he brought
me here to buy me a drink not to make me a prospect. I shook my head slightly in
disbelief but plastered a grin on my face, looking out towards the quiet crowd
to see Polar glare in my direction.
"I'm sponsoring Saviour, it's the least I can do after he saved my
life." The crowd looked between each other and I assumed this wasn't the
norm but the crowd slowly started to clap encouraged by Hustler, welcoming me
to the club. Onyx removed his arm from around my shoulder and grabbed a leather
cut from the bar and handed it to me.
"You're mine now bitch!" He stated to the laughter of the other club
members. Shit!
What had I done?
I removed my jacket to put on the cut, and immediately felt someone directly
behind me standing a little too close for comfort. I spun around to see Polar
glaring at me before he turned to Onyx, "Are you gonna let him join the
club just like that? We don't know fuck all about him Prez." He spat
clearly annoyed and ignoring the fact that I was standing directly beside him.
Onyx placed his hands on his hips as a smirk crossed his face probably at the
fact that Polar was challenging him.
"I'm fucking here you know," I stated stepping forward. I'd made an
enemy in Polar already but I couldn't let it seem like I was scared of him,
even if I was only a prospect. I'd intended to keep a low profile but now that
I was sponsored by the president of the club I couldn't exactly hide, but a
prospect couldn't take on the VP either especially in the middle of the

"I'm not hiding shit, you wanna know something then ask
away!" I held my arms open indicating that I was an open book and not
afraid of him.
Polar stepped forward and eyeballed me until his forehead was resting on mine.
I was fairly tall at 6ft but he had a few inches on me and needed to stoop
slightly to make eye contact. I could feel his breath on my skin as he tried to
control his temper and his eyes flashed with rage as I simply smirked.

"That's enough children, we're celebrating this
evening." Onyx stepped forward and placed his hands on both of our chests.
"If you injure my new prospect so that he can't complete the chores I ask of
him, you'll be doing them yourself you got me?"  Onyx jumped from the
stage but I continued to eyeball Polar, I couldn't let him get the better of me
especially with an audience.
He'd taken so much from me already that I wasn't allowing him to take my pride.
I stared into his eyes knowing that I would eventually be responsible for his
death, and smirked at the fact that Polar was unaware of his fate but I
couldn't hold it together, the smirk turned to a smile as his eyes flashed with
annoyance at my reaction. I wasn't scared of him, in fact I wasn't scared of
anything anymore. I'd become an empty shell with very little emotions and had only
one thing on my mind, vengeance. 
Polar stepped back and shoved me in the chest, "I don't know what your
game is man but I'll find out, and when I do you better be ready. Make sure you
stay out of my way." Polar turned on his heels and stomped from the stage
in the direction of the table that the inner group were sitting at.

The party was now in full swing, there was booze and drugs
being passed around and I was trying my best to not get intoxicated as I wanted
to keep a clear head but this was proving difficult.
My thoughts were interrupted by the roar from the crowd, I glanced over my
shoulder towards the door as a group of women entered the clubhouse. I assumed
that these were tonight's entertainment by the excitement on the guy's faces.
Onyx stood and waved the group over towards the table, "Well hello ladies,
I was wondering when you were coming over. It's not a party without
The women smiled and removed their coats to show an array of different attire,
from being fully clothed to nothing but skimpy lingerie.

"Hustler!" Onyx shouted in the direction of the
guy that had been released from prison this morning. He registered Onyx by
simply nodding before he made his way through the crowd.
"My present to you, please pick one," Onyx said waving his arm
towards the group.
Hustler's face lit up like a kid in a sweet shop as he rubbed his chin
thoughtfully looking at the long line of women. The group sniggered at his enthusiasm
and the time he was taking to analyse each one in detail. As I looked around
the group I noticed that Polar wasn't joining in the fun, he swirled his drink
and knocked it back before leaning forward to pour himself another. His demeanour
intrigued me, I glanced back towards the group to see that Hustler had selected
his prey, an eager looking blonde who was wrapping her legs around his waist as
he lifted her and headed for a doorway at the back of the club.
"Well if he's selected Ebony we won't be seeing him for a couple of hours,
that girl has stamina." Priest said as he wiped his mouth. I looked at him
through hooded eyes, he was the guy that had held me on that frightful day, it
had taken me some time to work out who the third guy was as I didn't get a
close enough look at him but it was his distinctive laugh that had helped me to
make the connection.

"And now it's your turn Saviour. I don't usually let
our prospects shag the girls from the club but you're not a normal prospect.
This is my gift to you, choose wisely." Onyx rubbed his chin and looked
around the group as I felt an undercurrent of anxiety. Polar still wasn't
looking at the girls and the other guys were now staring at me in anticipation.
What the fuck did Onyx mean by selecting wisely, was this some type of test?
I looked down the line of women, they were all beautiful in their own right but
one in particular caught my eye. She was more curvaceous than the others, I
wasn't the sort of bloke that conformed to the stereotypical beauty, I knew
what I liked and she was very pleasing on the eye with curves in all the right
"Do you see something you like?" Onyx asked. I nodded my head slowly,
"Well good, take your prize." Onyx took a swig of his drink and
leaned back in his chair watching the scene play out in front of him. Something
didn't feel right and I still thought that this was a test that I'd be
reprimanded for after my selection.
I walked along the group as the women rested their hands on my chest and pouted
as I past them, but I was making my way to the beauty on the end. I saw her
smile as I approached but the emotion didn't meet her eyes as she glanced
behind me at the group.

"This is fucking bullshit Onyx and you know it. If
you're doing it to piss me off then you're going about it the right way."
Polar stood and clasped his fists but Priest stood by his side to stop him
surging forward.
Shit, this woman was somehow involved with Polar. She couldn't be his old lady
because that wouldn't be allowed, maybe she was a family member but why would
he get so annoyed?
Onyx wasn't fazed by Polar's little outburst, he ignored him and simple shooed me
and the women away. She grasped my hand tightly and led me through the
clubhouse into the corner of the room where there was an available booth. I got
in and she slithered onto my lap to straddle me, this wasn't in my plan, I couldn't
afford to get involved with anyone and I certainly wasn't one for public
displays of affection.

"What's your name?" I asked quietly as she gyrated
her hips allowing the thin piece of silk that covered her modesty to slide over
my jeans.
She leaned back and looked at me with a confused expression, "Name? You want
to know my name?" I must've looked back at her with equal confusion which
made her laugh. "I'm April, nice to meet you." She held out her hand
for me to take and I shook it firmly. "Now that we've been introduced shall
we get on with it?" April ran her hands up my chest making her way towards
my neck and for all the will in the world I couldn't help but become hard.
I grasp April's hand to stop the movement and she quickly glanced around at the
guys sitting at the table. I followed her stare to see Polar watching her every
move and quickly realised that this little show was for his benefit.
"Have you got any rooms here?" April frowned as I brought her into
the here and now, "Have you got any rooms here, at the clubhouse?" I
asked trying to hold her attention.
"Yeah in the back. Would you feel more comfortable in there?" she
asked moving from my lap to sit beside me.
I stood and grabbed for her hand, "Yeah, I don't like an audience."
April smiled and swung her hips provocatively as she led me through an arch way
and down a dimly lit corridor. She pushed open a brown wooden door, "In
here darling." She stated as I glanced around at my surroundings before I
entered the room.

It was a modest sized room with dreary decor but it was tidy
"So how and where do you want me?" April asked as she sauntered to
the other side of the room and started to untie the bow of her chemise.
"Would you be offended if I passed?" April seemed surprised but I saw
her relax a little as she made her way over to the bed.
"Fine by me, what's your story Saviour? Are you married?" April
rummaged in the bedside cabinet and pulled out a box of B&H, opening the
lid she offered me a fag. I nodded and perched myself on the opposite side of
the bed before taking one. April held out the naked flame for me to light my
fag and I puffed happily, letting out a loud sigh as I lay on the bed.
"No girlfriend, wife or kids. I have an aunt in a care home back in
Hertford and I'm currently living in a bedsit living day by day." That was
the story that I had rehearsed and was what I would share with everyone at the
club. That way I had no ties to Essex, another club or any family members that
could be held to ransom. "And what's your story? What's your relationship
with Polar?" I took another drag and flicked the ash into the ashtray that
April had now positioned between us on the bed. Her shocked expression took me
by surprise, "Don't act coy, something's going on with you two and the way
Onyx was winding Polar up, I'd say that the whole club are aware of it."
She sniggered and took a long drag as she pondered her response, "It's
"It always is if there's a man and woman involved." I rolled over so
that I was now laying on my front.
"I'd wondered if it would be easier to become a lesbian," April sniggered
as she stubbed out her fag.
"So what's up with him, won't he take you as his old lady?"
"How'd you guess that?"
"It's the age old story. Club girl falls for biker, biker won't make her
his old lady but is quite happy to shag her and treat her like one without a
She nodded her head, "Polar has made it quite clear that I'll never be his
old lady because I'm a club whore, not that I've ever asked to be. He treats me
like one and expects me to act like one and for the past two years no other guy
has been allowed to touch me."
"Until me."
She nodded, "Until you."
"But did you see how annoyed he got when I selected you?"
April nodded her head, "Yeah because everyone has understood the
unofficial rules he's set."
"And now I've come here unaware and broken those rules. Fuck! Talk about
how to make friends and influence people."
April sniggered, "He'll get over it eventually."
"Do you love him?" I already knew the answer before I asked the
question but I wanted to know how she felt about him.
April blushed, "I always have but I know there'll be no happy ending for
us. I also know that he'll never let me leave, alive anyway."

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