London Harmony: Feel the Beat (10 page)

BOOK: London Harmony: Feel the Beat
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Chapter 9 - Falling

This pretty much became the new norm over the next three weeks. Isabelle became the fourth in our merry band of misfits. She would always join me on weekends and nights we had gigs. Tink and I spent as much time together as we could eek out. Mostly either at Ray's or Belle's tiny little flat in Soho, which was over a little Vietnamese market.

I felt silly being an adult living with my mother so I never had her over at my place much. Mum surprised me, she simply adored Isabelle, who was frightened of her and spoke in tiny sentences, “Yes ma'am,” and “No Ma'am.” I thought it was cute since she pretty much owned the room any other time.

The sexual tension between Belle and I had progressed at an exponential rate, but she never went past steamy makeout sessions with me and a little over the sweater action. After the night of Karaoke with Amy and Jake, I was so frustrated at the suggestive dancing Belle had done with me, that I had to take care of myself a couple times in bed that night as I fantasized about the minx. I had to bite my pillow to stop from making noises that would wake up my mum. I swear Isabelle did it on purpose, I was almost at a breaking point.

I was starting to wonder if she felt the same way about me as I felt about her. One night as we were cuddling in her futon while we watched Ghost in the Shell from her huge collection of anime shows. I gathered the courage to ask as I played with her fingers, kissing each knuckle on the tattoos there. In cartoon hearts, one set of knuckles spelled out 'love', and on her left hand 'life'.

I took a breath and asked, “Are you... attracted to me?” I tried to clarify. “In a more than cuddling and kissing way?” She tilted her head and her brow furrowed in question. I quickly added while I had any courage left. “I mean, I've been... umm... wanting more. Of you... I mean I've never shared so much of my life with anyone before. I could talk with you forever and never get tired of it. I've shared all my secrets and dreams and love everything I can learn about you.”

She opened her mouth, but I kept going, “I've hoped you felt the same, but you never go beyond the steamy snogging sessions that leave me sexually frustrated every night.” Then I voiced my fear, “Is it... my eyes?”

Her head snapped up at that and she looked almost angry, then her face softened and a beaming smile slowly spread on her face as she whispered almost hoarsely, “Oh thank the Lord. I've been about to burst since I met you. I didn't want to take things too fast and scare you off Abigail.”

I blinked trying to process what she was saying. She blushed and wiggled her eyebrows. “I've had some interesting nights on this very futon with you on my mind. I've driven myself crazy wondering why you never wanted to go past snuggling.”

I bit my lower lip. “Bloody hell. We're a couple of muppets. I've been falling hard for you and have wanted... more for some time.”

She slid my glasses off and moved her face directly in front of mine. I could see the hunger in her eyes and feel her hot breath on my face as I felt her fingers bunching in the hem of my shirt. “Shut up and take me woman, I've fallen for you too.” She pulled my shirt up and it felt like my entire soul was on fire as her lips started trailing down my chest. Percy whined from where he laid on the dog bed my Belle had bought him.

I smiled as I reached for the bottom of her shirt too and coaxed it up. It wasn't until later as we laid in a sweaty, panting, tangle of limbs that I compared the real thing to my fantasies. I had undershot the mark in them by a factor of ten. This woman owned me, pretty much literally since she was so domineering in bed. I was putty in her hands. I never thought of myself as submissive before just then, and I liked it with her. I loved how this tiny woman took charge and taught me so much.

Before I realized I was talking, I muttered, “I love you Izzy,” while I ran my hands across her naked form.

I froze for a second like a deer caught in headlights until she responded a heartbeat later, “Even though I told myself I'd never fall in love again... I love you too Abi. It's impossible not to.” She kissed me gently then I exhaled in relief and snuggled in.

Then I blinked and sat up suddenly. “Where are my glasses? I want to... see you.” She slid them onto my face for me and I looked into her eyes that were sparkling with something I couldn't identify. Then I noted that she looked shy and bashful.

I traced the tattoos that covered her entire body. The ones that I only got teasing hints of before. I kissed each one. That dragon indeed hung over her shoulders like a shawl. I kissed each star, each heart that seemed to be a bed for each of the tattoos. She would moan each time. I had never seen so many bright colors and pastels outside of my synesthesia induced manifestations.

The anime style sea monsters and mythical beasts that covered her legs were mesmerizing. The way the long tails seemed to caress her buttocks and thighs had me kissing them. She seemed to be shimmying and gasping as I did so. It gave the illusion of the sea monsters swimming.

The only places where her skin wasn't covered in tattoos were her feet from the ankle down, a patch over her left breast, and her hands, excluding her knuckles. I asked about it and she said it was so she could blend in, in places that may think ink is inappropriate. She wouldn't discuss the patch on her left side.

She wasn't just muscular, the woman was ripped. I had never seen a woman with abdomen muscles like hers and I would never have thought it would excite me so much. I kissed and nipped at them.

I got lost in letting my hands roam her hot flesh and the way she responded. It wasn't until I was initiating even more when I realized our roles had just reversed. She was allowing me to take charge as she submitted to my desires. That was probably the most intimate realization of the night. She trusted me to be the one in charge of our passion just as I had trusted her minutes earlier. Why was trust such a turn on for me?

Even to this day, I remember every moment of that night like it had just happened. It was as if my body and soul had finally found their place. They belonged with hers and hers with me. I remember when we had finally collapsed from happy exhaustion and let possibly the most peaceful sleep I had ever experienced engulf me.


I awoke with a start. Percy was whining, and there was a warm weight against my body under the blanket with me. I smiled and hugged the arm that was wrapped around my waist. A gravelly purplish voice that felt like wrapping paper crinkling around me and enveloping my skin said, “Morning Abi.” She kissed my collarbone and I just wanted to squee in joy and hug myself as I remembered how we came to be in her futon in this delightful state of undress.

I gave her arm a squeeze. “Poor Sir Percival is probably ready to burst. I have to take the little guy out.” Then I muttered, “Oh bloody hell.”

She sat up behind me quickly. “What is it?”

I shook my head and smiled back at her delightfully feminine shadow. “Mum. She's probably out of her mind with worry. I hadn't planned to be out all night.”

She chuckled behind me and ran a fingernail gently along my side. I was heating up again though I was sore in all the right places from the previous night's activities. I twisted back and leaned in a little not quite sure where her lips were, she solved my dilemma and her eyes came into focus as she closed the gap and kissed me.

I started rummaging around on her little coffee table. Then she chuckled and I could suddenly see as she slipped my glasses on for me. I realized my left eyelid was cemented shut from the visit from the sandman. I pulled the glasses up and rubbed my eyes, getting the sandman's deposits off. I blinked experimentally then let my glasses back down.

I grinned cheesily at her and fluttered my lashes at her. This promoted the warm bubbling caress of her giggle. She pulled her legs out from under Percy, who was laying across our feet over the blanket, then hopped up spryly.

I enjoyed the show as she scurried over to the bureau she had against the wall of the one room flat. She pulled a nightshirt on then threw one to me that just hit me in the face before falling into my lap.

She snorted at my morning reflexes and I pulled on the nightshirt, which was actually a large t-shirt with the image of Sakura from the Naruto anime. What was oversize on her and hung almost to her knees, fit me nicely. I put my nose to it and inhaled deeply, it had her delightful scent on it.
My toes curled.

I pulled my legs out from under Percy, who hopped off the futon, then I slid on my pants and put on my shoes without socks. Throwing a blanket over my shoulders and pulling a baggie from my coat that was laying on the floor in a pile of Izzy and my clothing that was strewn about the floor, I headed toward the door.

I yawned and stepped out into the hall. I paused a moment, trying to remember what I was forgetting, then I giggled and reached back and opened the door again. Percy squeezed out to the hysterical laughter from the pixie on the other side of the door. I said with a grin, “Shut up you!” I headed past the common loo she shared with the other two flats on this floor, and down the stairs and out into the crisp morning air.

It didn't take Percy long to do his thing in the little strip of lawn at the curb. I cleaned up his mess and deposited it in the waste bin beside the sad little tree there and we hurried back inside.

When we got back in, Tink was ringing off with someone on her mobile. I tilted my head in question. She covered her mouth with a hand then she said, “Rachelle. I was just letting her know I still had you. Your mum is a wee bit on the overprotective side...” Then she added as she dropped her hand to reveal a shocked smile as she shook her head, “...and a right naughty bird!”

She called mum? Then Tink chuckled. “She says it is about time. And that she has a book for us, on lesbian sexual positions she had bought to try to help boost us in the proper direction since we were moving so slow.”

Oh dear lord!
I felt my cheeks burning with a blush. “She didn't! You're just making that up to get me flustered.” She just stood there looking cute, swinging from side to side in nothing but a nightshirt, with a bloody crooked smile on her face. Then I collapsed on the futon in disbelief. “Oh bloody hell!”

After a good amount of chiding, my tiny dynamo of a girlfriend bounced on her toes. “I have something to show you at the shop today. Let's get cleaned up and dressed.” She glanced at the time on her mobile. “Chop chop, Scooter will have my hide if I'm late.”

We took turns in the loo taking a shower and getting ready for the day. I put on my pants and knickers from the previous day and a She-Hulk tee that Belle handed me. It looked like a belly shirt on me. I got a steamy kiss for my “short stuff” mocking of her.
I can live with that.

We puttered to Broken Note in her little van. I was starting to love that little thing, it was sort of an extension of her, part of her complex personality. She had shared with me in confidence that she had a crush on a female anime character when she was a little girl and she patterned herself after her and when she got older and realized she needed to discover herself. That's when she admitted to herself that she really liked it and... she spread her arms wide and motioned a hand along her body. “Taa daa.”

I gave it the Abigail Seal of Approval.

We arrived at Broken Note with five minutes to spare. She hefted my equipment out of the back and dragged it in with me on her arm. I thought about the last time I was in the repair shop. It had been weeks earlier when I picked up my gear and Izzy tagged along with me.

Scott looked up from his morning paper and as we approached he smiled to greet us, “Tink, Abigail. She's finally going to unveil the Frankenstein monster she's been working on for you? I've...” He trailed off then looked back and forth between us and his eyes went wide and he blurted out in his thick Welsh, “Gwn fod gwenu! Cawsoch ddau ryw!”

Bloody hell, I can die now.
I blushed and wanted to shrink away. How did he know? Isabelle looked at me then concern etched her face as she moved between us, in a protective manner. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at me then her boss. There was fire in his eyes as she asked, “What did he say?”

He chuckled as I just said, “He's as bad as mum.”

It took a three count before she got it and then she was blushing too, but she growled out, “Watch it old man, I got my eye on you!”

He held his hands up in mock fear... or was it real fear? He grinned and said, “I just call 'em like I see 'em Tink.”

She squinted an eye and punched his shoulder and headed through the curtain with Percy and I in tow. Scott winked at me as I was tugged along. He followed us into the repair bay.

Izzy pulled me to her workstation then unclipped Percy to let the bloke roam. Scooter grabbed an envelope from his workstation and prompted the room in a loud booming voice that hit me like a hammer in the chest in the deep blues and browns of his accent. “Who had Abigail in the Tinkerbell pool?”

We both stared at the man, what was he on about? Tommy spoke up, “Umm... that would be me.” He stepped forward and Scott met him near us and slapped the envelope into Tommy's hand. Belle's hand landed on the envelope before they could complete the transfer and she held the envelope as the two blokes tugged on it.

She asked coolly, “What Tinkerbell pool?” Scott let go of the envelope and stepped back looking sheepish. Izzy stared at Tommy and cocked an eyebrow. “Tom-tom?”

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