Long, Lonely Nights (11 page)

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Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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“Don’t yell at me.”

Logan stalked towards her, backing her up against the wall of the kitchen. Her back hit the wall and she gasped. He put a hand to her throat and kissed her. He mashed his lips to hers until she opened her mouth. He dove in and began devouring her. He licked along the inside of her mouth. He sucked at her tongue until he owned it.

Tina found her hands had risen to his shoulders. Instead of pushing him away as she ought to be doing, she pulled him closer. Her hands twisted in his T-shirt holding him there. She slanted her mouth to his and fought for control of the kiss. He refused to give it. His hand left her throat and went to her ass. His other hand found her breast and teased the nipple through her tank top. His mouth left hers and followed the line of her jaw around to her ear.

Logan’s mouth nipped at her neck and earlobe. He followed the quick sting with soft licks of his tongue. The feel of his lips at her ear caused her to shiver. His hand on her breast made her moan. He dropped his head and sucked on her nipple through her shirt. When the nipple poked up, he nibbled at it. Both hands squeezed her ass now and drew her to her tiptoes. With his body crushed to hers, she felt the hard length of his cock against her abdomen. It quickened her breath. He was wearing a condom. When had he managed to put on a condom?

His hands undid her shorts and shoved them down her legs. Then, he shoved one hand inside her panties where she knew he would find her pussy wet for him. She was soaking wet for him. He ran his fingers through her pussy lips. She whimpered. He pushed two fingers inside her. She went up on her toes again. Then his thumb found her clit, and she nearly screamed. He stimulated it all the while shoving his fingers in and out of her until she was beside herself with need. The need built and grew into a raging fire inside her. She felt her womb clench around his searching fingers.

His other hand mounded her breast while his mouth nibbled at her jaw and around to her ear. She found herself pushing against his hand as he pumped them into her. Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, the climax flew over her. She pulsed around his fingers and screamed. He caught it in his mouth and pressed hard on her clit until she writhed between him and the wall.

He removed his hands. Only his mouth at hers kept her standing. Then, he shoved aside her panties. His sheathed cock probed at her pussy lips and found entrance. He pushed inside of her. She moaned. He was so big. She didn’t think he could possibly fit. He raised one of her legs, holding it behind the knee and pressed upward. Over and over again he pushed into her until, inch by inch, he was encased inside her swollen pussy.

Tina wrapped both her legs around his waist and held on to his shoulders as he began to fuck her. At first he went slow and easy, but soon his rhythm picked up speed. It wasn’t long before he pounded into her, pumping his massive cock in and out of her. Her womb clinched as another climax built inside her. Heat burned through her veins like molten metal. She couldn’t fight the feeling. It poured over her. She shoved her face against his neck and shoulder to keep from screaming out loud.

Logan felt her body squeeze his cock as she came. He tried to hold back, but the burning in his balls traveled up his spine. He knew he was going to come. He pounded into her over and over as his seed spewed from his cock. He shouted her name as he came. Finally the spasms stopped. He leaned his head against the wall beside Tina’s head and panted. He struggled to catch his breath even as she unlaced her legs from around his waist. He let her slide down the wall and winced when they separated.

She slipped from between him and the wall and grabbed her clothes off the floor. He cursed and pulled up his pants before following her when she ran up the stairs. He couldn’t believe what he’d just done. He’d fucked her up against the wall in her kitchen like some common whore. Logan made it to her bedroom as she turned to close the door. He shoved his foot inside and shoved the door open.

“Tina. Wait.” He stepped inside the bedroom.

She visibly swallowed. His eyes followed the motion of her throat. She was so delicate. Logan took a step towards her, but stopped when she backed up.

“Don’t.” There were tears in her eyes.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked. He was afraid of the answer.

When she didn’t say anything, he reached out and grabbed her by the arms, then pulled her against him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean for it to even happen. But I’m not sorry it did happen.”

“Why?” She asked. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I want you. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you in your yard after I moved in.”

“You wanted me, so you took me. Is that it? You always get what you want, Logan?”

“No, I don’t. And, I didn’t do all of the taking down there. You were right there with me.”

“It doesn’t change anything though, does it? You still don’t like me. You just wanted to fuck me.” Tina hugged her arms to her body.

Logan cursed and hit the door facing with his hand. Tina jumped, but didn’t back away. How could he make her understand that he more than liked her? He cared for her. But nothing could come of it, because she wasn’t someone who could deal with someone like him. He wasn’t an abusive man, but he was a strong lover. He liked a little kink, and she wasn’t the type of woman to enjoy that in her sex life.

“Yeah, I wanted to fuck you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you,” he finally admitted.

“Get out.”

“Not until you tell me your okay. Did—I—hurt—you?”

Her jaw tightened, and she shook her head no.

“Tell me.”

“No. You didn’t hurt me. Now get out.”

Logan searched her eyes. Satisfied that she told the truth, he walked down the stairs, only to turn at the bottom of them and call back up.

“Come down and lock the door and set the alarm. I’m not leaving the carport until you do.” He walked out the kitchen door and stood waiting to hear the
that she had set the alarm.

Once he heard that and the click of the locks, he walked home. He hadn’t planned on screwing her when he came over earlier. He was angry that the stalker had scared her again. The detective seemed worried, and that worried him. He still didn’t know what was on the card though. Whatever it was had the detective’s attention, and that was good. Now he had screwed up any chance he had of keeping her safe. She would never go for him sleeping on her couch in the living room at night. He would have to watch her more closely. It was the best he could do right now.

* * * *

Once Logan left, Tina leaned against the kitchen door. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She had let him fuck her standing up. She had not only let him, she’d participated. She couldn’t blame him. She was just as much to blame. God, it was so good. He’d made her come twice. She had never come twice before. Hell, she rarely came once. Tina ran her hands over her face and pushed her hair back.

What am I going to do? I’ll never get him out of my system now.

Tina licked her lips and tasted him, spicy and smooth. His scent stayed in her nose all woodsy and warm. There was no hint of aftershave. It was all him. She went back upstairs and pitched her clothes in the dirty clothes hamper including the underwear she wore.

She needed a shower to wash him off her skin or she would never be able to function. The entire time she showered, all she could think about was the feel of his thick cock inside her. He filled her up and then some. No, he hadn’t really hurt her, but he had stretched her.

She dressed again and began to methodically do her housework. At noon, Jenna called and wanted to know if she might like to see a movie. The idea really didn’t appeal to her, but she figured getting out was best at this point. All her thoughts centered around Logan or the stalker. She agreed to meet Jenna at the theater at three-forty. It left her with plenty of time to grocery shop.

She made it back and unpacked everything with enough time to change her clothes and drive to meet Jenna. The other girl waited on her under a street lamp in the parking lot at the theater. They settled on an action movie that wasn’t supposed to be too bloody or gory. It would be getting dark, but not full dark by the time the movie was over. She would be fine, she told herself. Jenna kept looking over at her during the movie.

“Why do you keep looking at me?” she finally hissed.

“You look different. I can’t figure out why.”

“I’m not any different than I ever am.” Tina didn’t want to talk about her encounter with Logan.

“There isn’t anything different. It’s got to be something to do with the lighting.” Tina returned to watching the movie and attempted to ignore that tiny voice that said Jenna would eventually figure it all out.

“Maybe so. I don’t know,” she said.

Once the movie was over, they opted for Chinese and had dinner. Jenna opened her fortune cookie and frowned.

“What does it say?” Tina asked.

“You’ve already met the answer to your prayers. What is that suppose to mean?”

“I don’t know. I guess it depends on what your prayers are.”

“Open yours,” Jenna said.

She cracked hers open and ate part of the cookie before unrolling the fortune

“Danger comes in many forms.” Tina crumpled the note and dropped it in her plate. “Stupid things. They never mean anything.” She shivered and stood up.

“You’re right. They don’t really tell you anything.”

Tina saw Jenna put hers in her pocket though. What were Jenna’s prayers? So much had been going on with her lately, she hadn’t even asked Jenna about Todd and if he had returned. They reached their cars and Tina stopped Jenna with her hand.

“Has Todd been back to harass you anymore?”

“No. He called once, but I didn’t answer the phone.” Jenna punched her key fob and her driver’s side door unlocked.

“You’d tell me if he had, wouldn’t you?” Tina asked.

“Of course. He hasn’t bothered me.”

“Go straight home and call me as soon as you’re safe inside.” Jenna opened her door and turned to make sure Tina was listening.

“Yes, mommy,” she said with a laugh she didn’t feel.

“Very funny. I’m serious. I’ll expect you to call. You don’t and I’m calling the police.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll call as soon as I’m locked inside. I guess it is a good thing I already did my grocery shopping,” Tina said.

“Yeah, good thing. Best to do everything during the middle of the day until they catch the guy.”

“I’ll call you when I get home. Go home, Jenna.” Tina shoved her into the car. Jenna closed her door and looked pointedly at Tina’s car. She took the hint, unlocked her car door, and climbed in. The second she had her seatbelt on and the car started, Jenna nodded and backed out of the parking spot. Tina followed her until they got to the intersection where they parted ways.

As soon as she had the doors locked and the alarm set, Tina called Jenna and told her that she had made it home and everything was fine. They chatted about the movie for a few minutes then hung up. She still had things that needed doing around the house. Finally, by the time it was ten o’clock, she was exhausted and ready for bed. She forced herself to stay up long enough to catch the news and weather before going to bed.

She dreamed about him again. He pulled her out of the shower this time and shoved her against the wall with the knife at her neck. He laughed at her.

“Of course I like you. You belong to me.”

He ran the knife all over her and finally settled at her abdomen where he drew the knife up and a thin line of blood oozed down her pelvis to drip along her leg to her foot. She felt the warmth of it as it seeped from her body. She stared into his eyes, and she remembered they were green.

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