Long, Lonely Nights (9 page)

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Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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“It’s all it can be.” Logan looked up. “I’m no good for her. We’re both rough men, Riley. The first time I wanted to tie her up, she’d freak out. So, it’s all it can be.”

“We’re both fucked.”

* * * *

Sunday night, Tina stood just inside her balcony doors and looked out. She could barely make out Logan’s back yard. She couldn’t tell if he were out there or not unless she walked outside, but she wouldn’t do that again. Thoughts of his virile body swirled in her mind.

He had a beautiful body even though she hadn’t seen it up close. Her hands itched to explore it, but he was off limits to her. There was no way she could handle a man like that. He would want someone experienced and adventurous.

She wasn’t either of those. Besides, he didn’t really like her anyway. He tolerated her and felt sorry for her. Why else would he have given her his phone numbers?

She hadn’t had a date in nearly a year now, and you didn’t date a man like Logan. You had sex with them.

You’re not some sophisticated woman who has affairs left and right. He is out of your league.

Tina turned away from the balcony and climbed into bed. She had to go to work in the morning, so she needed to get some sleep. She glanced at the clock and grimaced, midnight. If she didn’t fall asleep soon, she wouldn’t be able to function. She turned over and willed herself to sleep.

Logan kissed her. His mouth covered hers and demanded she open to him. His teeth nipped at her lips, his tongue swirled around hers chasing it. When he caught it, he sucked it into his mouth and teased it.

His hands made short work of her bra and he separated them long enough to pull both it and her shirt over her head. He leaned back and gazed at her breasts, then leaned down and licked each nipple until they stood tall and proud. He mounded her breasts then pinched her nipples until she cried out in need. He bent down and sucked a nipple inside his mouth, then held it with his teeth while his tongue licked it, making her squirm. He repeated the process on the other breast.

Tina was wild now and pulled on his T-shirt trying to get it over his head, but he was too tall and had to bend over for her to pull it off. His muscular chest had a sprinkling of dark hair across it. She focused on his nipples. She licked first one then the other.

He grabbed her hair and let it run though his fingers. She unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them. They gaped enough that she could get her hand inside them, but he stopped her. Instead of letting her undress him, he undressed her. He unzipped her pants and pulled them down along with her panties. He didn’t waste time, but laid her back on the bed.

He climbed up and knelt between her legs. She whimpered when his hands smoothed over the skin of her inner thighs. He picked up one leg and licked a line slowly up her inner thigh to mid thigh then stopped. He dropped it and picked up the other leg to do the same thing. She squirmed when he rested his hand on her pelvis and just looked at her. The heat of his hand melted inside of her. Her womb contracted, and she thought she would die if he didn’t do something – anything to relieve the pressure building inside her.

He lay between her legs. She felt his warm breath against her pussy lips. His fingers glided over them, then separated them. He blew across them again. This time the air was cool. She shivered. He swiped his tongue from bottom to top drawing a moan from her. Then he lapped at her like a cat. She felt even more of her juices leaking out, but as fast as they did, his tongue licked them away. She felt the burn deep inside her begin to ignite. His tongue traced circles and other patterns around her pussy, but never touched the one place she needed.

A finger pushed inside of her and she tightened around it. He laughed and wiggled it. She whimpered when he removed it, but he replaced it with two and she lifted her hips from the bed to meet him. He began licking her again, paying attention to her clit now. She could feel her climax gathering inside her. He pumped his fingers in faster and licked her clit with the flat of his tongue. His fingers found her G-spot, and she called out as the beginnings of her climax broke over her. He sucked on her clit and everything inside her burst. He reared up and placed his cock at her entrance, as she convulsed he pushed forward.

Tina woke in a pool of sweat with her hands between her legs. She had masturbated in her sleep. She had never done that before. Neither had she ever climaxed in her dreams. She always woke up before she did. She turned over and looked at the clock. It was four. No need to try to get back to sleep. She might as well get up and shower. First, coffee though, she thought.

Tina turned on the light in her bedroom, and then walked down stairs. She turned on the kitchen light and got a whiff of something in the air. It smelt familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Shrugging, she made her favorite coffee, Southern Pecan. Soon, the smell of coffee drowned out the scent that puzzled her and she forgot all about it.

The first cup of coffee always tasted the best. She normally drank hers black, but if it were at night or with dessert, she added a little cream. This morning, it was rich, black, and strong. The flavor worked her taste buds over as she sipped. She walked over to the window and looked out.

It would be another hot day, but it looked a little bit cloudy. They could use the rain, but she hated going to work in it. Maybe it would hold off until she was inside the building. She would probably go in early since she was up so early.

Tina walked back upstairs to take her shower. She turned on the water and adjusted it then stripped and stepped into the shower. After she dried off, she walked back into her bedroom and smelled the scent again. Maybe it was the perfume Jenna wore. She couldn’t figure it out. It bothered her. The harder she tried to smell it the less she could. Finally, she gave up and searched her closet for something to wear to work.

Once she had her clothes picked out, she chose her underwear. She was just about to pull out a pale yellow pair when she saw the lavender pair. She didn’t remember buying them, but they were lovely. She picked them up and checked, yes, they were her size. Why couldn’t she remember getting them? It didn’t matter. She chose them and put them on.

After dressing, she applied the light make up she wore to work and slipped into her shoes. The clock said six-thirty. Wonderful. She really should wait for at least thirty minutes. The sky outside still looked like rain to her. She didn’t want to get caught in it, so she gave in and gathered her purse and umbrella. She set the alarm and locked up. She unlocked her car door and was about to get in when a noise to her right startled her.

“You’re going to work awful early, aren’t you?”

Logan stood at the edge of her driveway in nothing but jeans and shoes. She had never seen him up close without a shirt. There was a scar that ran from his right shoulder to his right breast. Another one ran low over his abdomen on the left side. Still, it didn’t take away from the beauty of his physique. She swallowed and realized she was staring.

“I got up early and decided to try to beat the rain in to work.”

He looked down at his chest and back up at her. “Anything bother you last night?”

“No. I just woke up early is all.” She glanced at the sky and continued. “I’ve got to go before it starts to rain.”

“Have a good day at work,” he said, turned, and walked away.

Tina saw his back and winced. He had several scars across his back. Some were short lines and others were clusters of raised skin. Funny that she hadn’t noticed them when he’d worked out in his yard during the day without a shirt. She climbed into her car and started it. It was going to be a long day she realized. But, she would get a lot of work done.

* * * *

The workweek flew by. Come Friday, she was ready for the weekend. They had been so busy she ended up working late on three different nights. Jenna worked with her, and they got a security guard to walk them to their cars.

Each of those nights, Logan walked outside and waited while she got in the house. She wondered about it, but was grateful just the same. He didn’t say anything, just watched her get out of the car, unlock her door, and go inside.

Jenna insisted the man liked her when she told her friend about it. “I’m telling you he does because otherwise, why bother?” she said.

“I still think he doesn’t like me. I think he feels sorry for me. I know you told him about my break in last year. He has treated me different ever since then.”

“I didn’t tell him. I promise,” she said.

“You told Riley, though, didn’t you?”

“Um, yeah.”

Friday at noon, she and Jenna where just about to run for lunch when one of the secretaries brought in a vase of yellow roses.

“Who are those for?” Jenna asked.

“They’re for Tina. Aren’t they lovely?”

“Me? I don’t know anyone to give me flowers,” she said.

“There’s a card. See who sent them.” Jenna pulled off the card and handed it to her.

The secretary sat the vase on her desk and left. She looked at little envelope. It had her name and where she worked on it. She frowned and looked at Jenna. Her friend shrugged.

“Open it and find out.”

She tugged out the flap and pulled out the card.

You Belong to Me

Tina dropped the card and backed away from it shaking her head.

“What is it?” Jenna cried out.

She bent and retrieved the card. When she read it, she stared at Tina with wide eyes.

“It’s him isn’t it? It’s the same man who attacked you?”

“Oh God. What am I going to do?” Tina covered her face with her hands trying to hold back the tears. She wouldn’t break down. She had to be strong.

“I need to call the police, I think,” she said. She reached for the phone and dialed their number. She remembered the detective who had handled her case before and asked for him.

“Ma’am, he’s not in right now, can I take a message?”

“Give him my name, and tell him that he’s back.” She left her name and number.

“I guess you need to stay here, so he can call you. I’ll go grab us something to eat and bring it back,” Jenna said.

“I don’t think I can eat right now anyway.” Tina sat in her chair and stared at the offending flowers. She wanted to throw them out but knew she needed to keep them for the police to see.

“I’m still going to go get you something. You will need to eat something before the day is over. I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere alone. Not even to the bathroom.” Jenna grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “It’s going to be okay.”

It all came back to her again: the fear, the frustration, the fury that she didn’t know what to do to put a stop to it.

Why was he doing this to her? It had been a year. Why now? She paced the small room and tried to keep from looking at the yellow roses. She would never be able to look at another yellow rose without thinking about him again.

The phone rang, and she jumped. In her haste to get to it, she tripped over the guest chair and banged her knee. Gasping, she answered the phone.


“This is Detective McKinney.”

“Detective, thank you for calling me. I’m Christina Antonelli. Do you remember me from last year?”

“Yes, I do. Your note said he’s back. Are you sure?”

“Yes, he sent me flowers here at work. The card says, ‘You belong to me.’” Tina swallowed back the bile.

“I’m on my way over. Don’t do anything with the card or the flowers.”

Tina hung up and waited for Jenna to get back. She rubbed her knee. It hurt, but it was the least of her worries. What was she going to do? They had to catch him. If they didn’t, he would kill her. She was sure of it.

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