Long, Lonely Nights (5 page)

Read Long, Lonely Nights Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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What was the flower for? Maybe it was an apology for being so rude when she delivered his package. She would go over and tell him thank you. His truck wasn’t in his carport when she drove up, so she would check later. There was a motorcycle there, though. Surely, he hadn’t traded his truck in for a bike. No, she couldn’t see him doing that. He must have someone visiting. It would be the first time since he moved in as far as she knew.

Shrugging, Tina fixed a sandwich and settled down to watch the news. She would check again later if she didn’t hear his truck. She was determined to tell him thank you and maybe start over with him. It would be nice to be on good terms with each other. Well, civil terms might be as far as it went.

The sound of Logan’s truck several hours later made her glance at her watch. Was it too late to go see him? It was nearly nine o’clock. Well, he was awake, and it was Friday night. She decided to risk it.

Tina stepped back into her shoes and turned off the alarm. She unlocked the doors and then locked them behind her. It didn’t matter to her she was only going next door. She wasn’t taking any chances. The street light and their outside lights gave up plenty of illumination for her to pick her way across their yards. She could hear men’s voices as she approached.

When she stepped up on the drive, both men turned around. She almost turned back at the sight of the man with Logan. He looked like a biker gang leader. He was bald, tall, and muscular. He had dark eyes that looked a lot like Logan’s. Were they brothers? They didn’t look that much alike other than the eyes.

“Logan, aren’t you going to introduce me?” the stranger asked.

“No. What do you want, Christina?”

He remembered her name. It surprised her. She didn’t think he was listening.

She smiled, knowing it fell short of a real one. “I’m Tina. I live next door.”

He held out his hand to shake. She hesitated for just a second, then let him envelope her hand in his large one.

“Name is Riley. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tina,” he said with a wide smile.

“It’s nice to meet you.”

He held her hand a bit longer than was necessary, but let go when she tugged a little. Logan stepped closer to them.

“So, what do you want?” Logan asked again.

“Oh, I just came over to thank you for the flower you left.”

“I didn’t leave a flower for you. What are you talking about?”

“It came from your rose bush. It’s the same color. I thought maybe you left it on my door step.” Tina got worried. Who would have left it if he hadn’t?

“Must be some secret admirer. Tell him not to be such a cheapskate that he steals my roses,” Logan growled.

“Could just be some teenager prank,” Riley spoke up.

“Maybe so. I’m sorry I interrupted you,” Tina huffed, and turned to walk off.

“No problem. It was nice meeting you, Tina,” Riley said.

“Shut up,” Logan said.

Tina walked back over to her house a little pissed off at Logan. The man couldn’t be nice for anything. His friend was much more amicable. She wouldn’t bother him again. She wouldn’t even watch him anymore. He was such an asshole. It was early enough she decided to read before bed. She stripped off and showered before slipping into a gown. She felt like a gown tonight. It would be a nice night to sit outside. The rain from earlier had cooled things off some.

Tina picked up the novel she was reading and stepped outside the French doors. The cooler night air wrapped around her. She could actually breathe. She picked a chair and made herself comfortable. A few minutes later she heard the roar of a motorcycle and figured Logan’s friend was leaving. Too bad Logan wasn’t as friendly as Riley was. Oh well, she thought, forget him and relax.

* * * *

“Man, she’s one hot chick. Too bad she’s so classy,” Riley said.

“Forget her. She’s off limits,” Logan growled.

“Why are you so rude to her? It wouldn’t hurt you to be nice. She is your neighbor.”

“I don’t want her getting any ideas,” he returned.

“You definitely don’t have to worry about that.” Riley just shook his head.

Logan didn’t want his friend even thinking about, Tina. Why was that? He didn’t have any interest in her. Yeah, he liked that she watched him, and the scene the other night had been hot, but like he told Riley, she was off limits. That included him.

He turned the conversation to other things. After awhile, Riley left, promising to call again later the next week. Logan went inside and headed for a shower. The long drive there and back put a kink in his shoulders. The hot water would help loosen it up.

Tomorrow, he had some yard work to do. It reminded him of Morgan and his crack about yard work. He felt like his friend was on the way to recovery. He hoped Morgan would come visit when he got the urge to move on again.

After his shower, Logan stepped out on his patio and looked up. Yep, she was there on her balcony again. He smiled. She was reading, but it didn’t fool him. She was looking for him.

He wore only his boxers again. He couldn’t tell for sure but thought she had on a nightgown tonight.
I wonder why the gown instead of the T-shirt. Is it for me? Maybe she’s thinking about me.
Right, he thought. She’s reading. She probably won’t even know you’re down here. He could make a noise. Then again, why tempt fate. He needed to stop these nightly excursions outside in his shorts. He was asking for trouble.

Logan sat in a chair and propped his feet up. The chair made a noise, and he smirked. He hadn’t meant to do that. Really. Logan felt her eyes on him. He didn’t have to look up to know she would have put her book down and watched him. Why it turned him on so much for her to watch him, he didn’t know. Especially when nothing could come of their little game.

Logan rubbed his cock through his boxers. He pulled it out and massaged it until he had some pre-come. He spread it around the cap and then up and down the stalk. He leaned back and closed his eyes. His thoughts naturally turned to Tina and how he imagined she would look spread out on his bed. He would have her hands tied to the bedpost. She would be totally nude. His hand grasped his cock and squeezed. He ran his other hand down to his balls and rolled them.

Tina’s hair would be spread out on the bed around her. He would come over her and run her hair through his fingers. She’d whimper and try to rock her pelvis against him.

His hand pumped up and down his shaft.

The sight of her body waiting for him would make him harder than he’d ever been. He wanted inside her.

His hand moved faster. His balls contracted.

He would raise her legs over his arms and plunge inside her. She’d scream for him and buck beneath him. She’d beg him to hurry. She would plead with him to move faster—harder.

Logan’s balls burned. The burning move up his shaft. He was going to come.

He erupted inside of her in his mind as his cock sprayed come all over his hand. He worked at slowing his breathing and listened for her. He wasn’t disappointed.

A few seconds later she must have come. She let out a nearly imperceptible
. He smiled and got up to go wash up. He knew he would sleep well that night.

* * * *

Tina rose the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day. She planned to work in the flowerbeds today. They needed weeding. After dressing, she made coffee and breakfast. The day would heat up fast, so she needed to get out there while it wasn’t so hot. She applied sunscreen and grabbed her gloves.

She spent an hour on each bed in the front yard then moved around to the side of the house. The first bed didn’t take very long, but she figured the area under her balcony would take longer.

She decided to take a break first. Lemonade sounded good. Looking at her watch she realized it was nearly noon. She would work awhile on the other bed and quit for lunch. She would save the rest of it until late in the afternoon when it wouldn’t be so hot.

Once she finished the lemonade, she returned to the bed under the balcony. She was just about to start when she realized the ground had been trampled. Someone had been standing under her balcony. It unnerved her. It looked like whoever it was had big feet by the size of the footprints. Her neighbor had big feet. It was probably him. What was he doing in her yard? It didn’t make sense.

Angry, she marched over to where she saw him cutting grass and waved her arms at him to get his attention. He looked annoyed at her, but turned off the lawnmower.

“Yeah, what do you want now?” he asked.

“Have you been in my yard?”

“No. Why would I be in your yard?”

“Someone has,” she said. “They have big feet, and you have big feet.”

“I haven’t been in your yard. Let’s go look at the footprints,” he growled.

He followed her around the fence over to where the balcony was. He knelt on the ground and studied the footprints. He ran his hands over the ground and then stood up.

“You got a ladder?” he asked.

“Yes. Why do you want to know?”

“Because someone used a ladder, I think, up against the house.”

“My God. Please tell me you’re kidding.”

“Nope. Where is the ladder?” he asked again.

“In the shed.” She led the way to the shed and opened the door for him.

He stepped inside, looked at the end of the ladder, and ran his hands over it. They came away with what looked like fresh dirt on them. He looked up at her.

“When is the last time you used this and where?”

“Not for over a month. I used it on the carport to change the light bulb.”

The ladder was one of those multiple position ones. It would act as a tall stepladder, a small scaffold, or a regular tall ladder. Had someone used her own ladder to get up to her balcony?

“I’d say someone used your ladder. I don’t know if they were looking for a way in or if they were watching you some night. I haven’t seen anyone around your house while I’m home. I was gone most of yesterday, though. You were at work, so they might have been here yesterday afternoon.” Logan shut the door to the shed and led her back around to her carport.

“I’m surprised someone didn’t see him. We have a good neighborhood watch here,” Tina said.

“Then it must have been last night.”

“What do I do? I have an alarm system. Surly I don’t have anything to worry about.”

“I’ll look at your locks on your doors,” he said.

Tina didn’t even think twice and led him inside. She had to unlock the doors, and he nodded at her. He looked over the locks and the door facing, she guessed to see if there was any sign someone had tried to get inside. Next, he checked out her front door. He checked each window and didn’t seem to find anything.

“I want to look at your balcony doors,” he said.

Tina led the way upstairs. She walked into her bedroom and was glad she had made the bed before she went downstairs for breakfast. She didn’t normally make it on Saturdays since she changed the sheets.

He studied the French doors then looked out on the balcony. “Here is where the ladder rubbed the wood. He’s been on your balcony, but I don’t see where he tried to get inside. He was probably watching you through the sheers.”

“Oh my God. What do I do?”

“Well, you need to call the police and file a report. Let them come out and see the area. The other thing you can do is stop sitting out on your balcony in your nightgown. He’s probably been watching you.”

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