Long, Lonely Nights (3 page)

Read Long, Lonely Nights Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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He slipped one hand inside his boxers, and Tina nearly fell off her chair when he drew out his cock. Dear God! It was true. It was a monster. He slid his hand up over the top of his cock. He would be weeping pre-come, she decided, and spreading it for lubrication. His other hand went behind his head giving her the perfect view of his privates that weren’t so private anymore. He slowly ran his hand up and down his long thick member as she watched.

Tina slipped her hand inside her panties and fingered her pussy as she watched him speed up. He pumped his cock a little faster. She dipped one finger inside and spread her gathering juices around her clit. She pinched her breast through her T-shirt with the other hand. Her eyes stayed glued to the show below her. He took his hand down from behind his head and reached down to fondle his balls. He rolled them around as he continued to pump. She rolled her nipple around with her fingers as she watched him.

She fingered her clit and felt the beginnings of her climax tighten in her womb. He sped up shafting his cock faster and faster. She followed suit and soon felt the tell tale signs burn within her. Just as he shouted and come spouted from his cock, she pinched her clit and nipple at the same time and came. She bit her lip to keep from making any noise, but a slight whimper escaped. Mortified, she watched to see if he noticed. He didn’t seem to. Instead, he lay back and caught his breath before standing up and disappearing back inside his house.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she finally managed to catch her breath. Her panties were soaking wet. She would have to change them. She stood up and hurried inside. After cleaning up and changing panties, Tina settled back in bed hoping she would sleep tonight without the nightmare and without dreaming of Logan. She had had enough of him to last her a long time.


* * * *

Monday turned out to be a very busy day at work. Tina finalized one account and started a new one right behind it. She usually took the rest of a day to organize her desk before picking up a new client. Today, she felt the need to stay busy. Thoughts of her neighbor’s show kept popping up in her head all during the day. It made concentrating on work nearly impossible. By the time to go home, she was wet and aroused. Sure that everyone could tell, Tina raced to finish what she worked on so she could escape.

“Hey, girl. Let’s go grab dinner at the Los Margarita’s. We haven’t been out to eat in a long time.” Jenna, her best friend stood in the doorway of her office.

“Um, not tonight, Jenna. What about tomorrow night instead?” she asked.

“I’ve got a hair appointment tomorrow after work. Come on. Don’t be a spoil sport. I promise not to keep you out past nine or ten,” she pleaded.

Something was up with her friend. She didn’t normally put up a fuss if Tina declined. Damn, she couldn’t not go. Not if her friend need her.

“Okay. I’ll go. Give me ten minutes, and I’ll meet you there.”

“Great! See you then,” Jenna said, and disappeared from the doorway.

Tina finished up what she worked on, and shut down her computer. A night out would do her good. Maybe even erase, or at least tone down a particular memory. It couldn’t hurt to try.

Jenna already had a pitcher of margaritas and a nacho basket on the table when she arrived. Tina poured a glass and took her first drink. It went down smooth. She needed this after all, she decided.

“So, what has been going on with you lately?” Jenna asked.

“Nothing really. Mostly I take work home. You know me. No social life outside of you.”

“You should really get out some, Tina. You don’t need to hole up in your house. It’s not healthy.”

“I’m fine, thank you very much,” Tina said.

“So have you seen anymore of your neighbor?”

Tina nearly spewed her drink all over Jenna. Yeah, you could say she had seen more of him. She couldn’t help blushing at the memory. She hoped Jenna wouldn’t notice or think it was just her sunburn.

“Ah, you have seen more of him. Come on. Give,” she said.

Tina thought fast. “Well. Um. The UPS man left a package of his at my house, and I took it over to him.”

“So, what is he like? Is he as yummy up close and personal as he is from your balcony?” she asked.

Tina had made the mistake of telling Jenna about watching her neighbor from her balcony. It had been after one such night of margaritas too. She would have to watch herself tonight.

“Well, he’s a lot bigger in person than he seemed from my balcony, but he’s not exactly handsome. He’s also an asshole.”

“Figures. Most men are. Did you at least get his name?”

“Yea, it’s Logan.”

Yep, something was up with her friend. The guy she had been dating lately must have turned out not to be so nice.

“What about you? How are you and Todd doing?” she asked

“We’re not. He’s no better than my ex-husband is. I seem to attract abusive men.”

“Aw, Jenna. Did he hurt you?” Tina looked closely at her friend but didn’t see any bruising.

Jenna’s ex had been very abusive, and after nearly putting her in the hospital, she finally left him and got a divorce. She’d ended up needing a restraining order against him as well.

“No, not really. Just pushed me around some. He’s history though.” She sighed. “What is it about me that they flock to me?”

“It’s not you. It’s just some men are like that. You just happened to have picked a couple of them.”

“A couple? Besides my ex, this is number three. I’m ready to give up. There can’t be any decent men left. Case in point, your neighbor,” Jenna pointed out.

“I might have caught him at a bad time, or he was having a bad day. He might not really be that way. I’m going to reserve judgment until I talk to him again.”

Jenna laughed. “Not giving up on him, huh?”

Tina smiled. “Not yet.”

They ditched the discussion of men since Tina felt like Jenna needed to forget about the boyfriend. Instead, they talked about work and movies. They decided to go to one Friday night if there was anything decent on to see. There were two out that they both wanted to see if they were at one of the theaters in town. A movie night would be wonderful, she decided. And, it would take Jenna’s mind off of men for a little longer.

They ordered their meals, and by the time she’d eaten her carnitas and her part of the nachos, Tina figured she was sufficiently sober to drive home. Jenna appeared fine as well, so she wasn’t worried about her friend making it home. It was nearly ten when they called it a night.

“See you at work tomorrow,” she said.

“Don’t stay up looking at your neighbor. Get some sleep,” her friend teased.

“Don’t worry. I’m ready for bed. Today was a bear of a day.”

They parted company. Tina drove home thinking about Jenna and her latest dating disaster. She’d really been hoping Todd would turn out to be different from her other boyfriends. Nothing she’d seen about him would have indicated he was violent, but looks could be deceiving. Her friend deserved a nice stable man. Now she, on the other hand, didn’t think she would ever find one since she didn’t go out anymore. She just couldn’t make herself trust a man enough to date one. Not since her attack.

Don’t go there, Tina. It’s in the past.

She drove up in her garage and parked the car. Her motion detector came on, so she had plenty of light to see to get her key in the lock. She hurried inside and disarmed the alarm, and then re-armed it, once she was inside and had the door closed and all the locks engaged. She hated living this way. Scared and paranoid. Shaking her head, she took toed off her shoes and picked them up. She climbed the stairs to her bedroom and looked at the French doors.

No, she wasn’t going to even open them tonight. She refused to become addicted to watching him. She wasn’t a voyeur or a snoop. But she had been the other night. What else would you call it when she’d sat and not only watched him jack off, but masturbated while she watched. She was a peeping Tomasina.

Disgusted with herself, she shucked her clothes and stepped under a hot shower and bathed, making sure to only give her genitals a good cleaning, but no stimulation. Well, not much.

She dried off and slipped into bed. Five minutes later she jumped up and checked the locks on the French doors and double checked the security system. Everything was set. She climbed back into bed and drifted off.

She woke sometime later to a hand over her mouth and a knife to her throat. She struggled not to move. Everything inside of her screamed for her to fight, but the knife at her throat reminded her not to. How had he gotten in? She had locks everywhere and the alarm system. It should have gone off.

He leaned down next to her ear and whispered to her, “I’m back to finish what I started, bitch.”

He climbed up on the bed and straddled her legs. Then he directed her to put both wrists up to the headboard. She didn’t move and he slapped her. The knife bit into her neck. She felt a thin line of blood flow down the side of her neck. She whimpered and put both hands up. He fastened a handcuff on her wrist and then around the bar on the headboard to her other wrist.

He laughed and laid the knife aside. Then he pulled up her T-shirt and reached down to twist her nipples until she cried out.

“Shut up. Don’t make a sound, or I’ll start cutting you sooner rather than later.”

When he shoved a hand down her panties, she screamed.

And woke up.

Tina panted. She had broken out in a cold sweat. It was the first time she’d had the nightmare in several weeks. She had hoped they wouldn’t come back any time soon, but no such luck. She got out of bed and ran a hand over her face. She would never get back to sleep now. It was nearly four o’clock. She paced until her heart stopped racing, and then sat in the chair next to her bed. She tried reading for awhile but finally gave up and just stared. It was too bad her neighbor was such an asshole. It would be nice to think she could call on him if she heard anything and got scared.

The first few months after her attack, every little noise had her calling the police. After awhile, they sat her down and had a talk with her. They couldn’t keep coming over for odd noises. She had the best security system she could possibly afford. After awhile, she began to relax and finally made it through the night without waking up to some odd noise that was probably all in her imagination anyway. She wouldn’t be that way again. She refused.

* * * *

He hadn’t seen her on her balcony the last couple of nights. Maybe he had scared her off. He smiled at the memory of that soft cry. He knew she had masturbated while watching him get off. It had been such a turn on to come while she watched. Who knew he was an exhibitionist?

Logan wondered about her. She never seemed to go out once she got home from work. Occasionally, she didn’t come home until nine or ten at night. He figured she ate out those nights, probably with a co-worker. Would they be male or female? For some reason thinking of her out with a man bothered him. He cursed and stood looking out his sliding glass doors.

He couldn’t sleep tonight. Something had woken him up. Probably another dream he couldn’t remember. He had them fairly regularly lately. He didn’t know what had brought them on. He thought they were gone for good when he hadn’t had one in several months. Lately it had been two or three times a week.

Something caught his eye out the window. He looked up and realized his neighbor was awake as well. She seemed to be pacing. Then she disappeared. Had she had a nightmare as well? Or maybe she had insomnia. He shook his head and closed the curtains on the door and then walked into the kitchen to grind beans for coffee. It was four now anyway. He might as well stay up.

Logan enjoyed his first cup of coffee and then took a shower. He planned to spend the entire day on the training manual, hoping to finish it and send it off as soon as possible. Still, he didn’t immediately return to his office to start on the book. The way his mind kept jumping around, he would never be able to concentrate. It might be time for a road trip. Maybe he would see if Riley was up for the trip.

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