Long, Lonely Nights (29 page)

Read Long, Lonely Nights Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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“Well, he didn’t. Besides, knowing you two, you probably read him the riot act. He won’t even say my name again out loud.”

“Well, if he can still talk he won’t,” Riley said with a smile.

“Riley broke his nose. I don’t know about his jaw,” Logan said.

“You knew there was nothing to worry about then. He wouldn’t have come after us after that. I can’t believe you broke his nose.” Tina shook her head.

“You didn’t come back at eleven or midnight. Then it was one,” Logan said.

“Look,” Tina said. “We are grown and can take care of ourselves. When we couldn’t, we didn’t take chances and accepted help when we needed it.”

Riley leaned in to Jenna, who backed away.

“You’ve been drinking,” he said.

“I had one drink and that was at ten-thirty,” Jenna said. “Neither one of us had more than our limit. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“Come on, Tina. Let’s go. I want a shower,” Jenna turned and walked towards the door.

Tina followed, but Logan reached out and snagged her wrist. He turned her around.

“Are you sure you are okay? Wasn’t it too soon to go out dancing with your stitches?” he asked.

“I checked with the doctor when he pulled my stitches out. He said I could do anything I wanted to do.”

Logan let go of her, and she caught up with Jenna to unlock the door. She and Jenna looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Why were they waiting up for us?” Jenna asked.

“It’s like being back in high school and living in your parents’ house,” Tina agreed.

They couldn’t stop laughing and ended up collapsing on the couch until they could get hold of themselves. Finally, they settled down and went upstairs to shower and go to bed.

Tina thought about Logan while she was in the shower. She missed him. The one time she had curled up with him had been heaven. She wanted that again. She checked her wound which was fine. She had a bright pink scar. He worried for nothing. Why was he worried anyway? She didn’t think he cared. Maybe he did after all. She smiled.

* * * *

“They went out dancing. I can’t believe they did that after everything that has happened,” Logan said.

Riley laughed. “They’re women. They don’t think logically. They wanted to have fun, so they went out.”

Logan ran a hand over his head. “I guess I can see it in Tina, because her threat is gone, but Jenna? Todd is still out there looking for her, and she acted like it was no big deal.”

“Neither one of them needs to go out like they were dressed. There is no telling how many men put the moves on them,” Riley agreed.

“They were with one guy for sure. I could smell him on Tina. He wears some kind of fancy cologne.”

“Knowing them, they stuck together, so I’m sure they both danced with him,” Riley said with a sigh.

“Think he’ll show up here one day?” Logan asked.

“Probably,” Riley answered.

“Hell, I’m not going to be able to watch her with another man, Riley. She belongs to me.”

Riley looked at him like he’d grown a third head. “Do what?”

“She belongs to me.”

“You know you sound like that asshole who we just put in jail.” Riley stared at Logan.

“I guess I know how he felt then, only I won’t hurt her.” Logan swallowed. “I’m not letting her go if I can help it. There has to be some way to tone it down.”

“You can’t change who you are, man. You know it. I know it. We’ve been this way our entire lives. I know I wouldn’t hurt a woman, but I’m rough. Some women just aren’t made to be handled that way. Hell, Jenna bruises if you look at her wrong.”

“So does Tina. She has the lightest rose-colored skin I’ve ever seen,” Logan said.

“Jenna’s is a pale alabaster.”

“Man, you sound like a poet over there.”

“Fuck you.”

Logan sighed. “So, what am I going to do, Riley? I can’t stand by while she dates other men. I can’t have her. What in the hell am I supposed to do?”

“You can move,” Riley offered.

“Not an option. It would drive me crazy wondering if she’s okay or not. I’m staying. I’ll have to deal with it. I can at least make sure that whoever she ends up with treats her right.”

“You’re asking to be tortured now?” Riley asked. “Maybe all you need is a night out on the town yourself. We’ve been stuck here babysitting for the last few weeks. Maybe we should have gone out tonight, too.”

Logan shrugged. “Maybe you’re right.”

“Let’s pick up Morgan tomorrow,” he looked at his watch, “make that tonight and head over to that biker bar. Bound to be something there for anything that ales you.”

“I don’t think I’ll be picking up any tail right now, Riley. I’ll go along with you guys, but I’m not buying.” Logan shook his head.

“You don’t have to buy, just dance and have some fun. You can even get drunk off your ass. I’ll drive.”

“I’m not sure I trust you with my drunk self. I remember one particular bar where one of the guys woke up with a pierced dick that he hadn’t had when he left the base that night.”

“Yeah, well he was an asshole. Who subsequently got a lot of pussy with that pierced peter of his. Who knew it would cause such a sensation with the ladies?”

“Nope, don’t want one,” Logan reiterated when Riley looked at him.

They went inside to find Morgan passed out on the couch with his feet hanging off the edge.

“Good,” Riley said. “I get the guest room.”

“There are two of them. He could have had the other one.”

“Guess he didn’t make it that far,” Riley commented.

One eye popped open and Morgan said, “I was hanging around in case you needed help. You’re women folk back safe and sound?”

“They are not my women folk,” Logan said.

“Or mine,” Riley added.

“Yeah, right. You act like mother hens.” He swung his legs off the couch, stood up, and stretched. “I’m going for a real bed. Talk to you guys later.”

He walked off, and they heard the door to one of the rooms shut.

“I’m calling it a night, too,” Logan said. “Talk to you in the morning.

He left Riley standing in the middle of the living room.

Chapter Fourteen

Logan peeled off his clothes and stepped into the shower. The water was lukewarm at best. Cold would probably have been better since he had a freaking boner. That damn dress she’d had on went straight to his balls when he saw her get out of the car. It fit her perfectly, leaving nothing to the imagination. It hugged her curves and accented her pert breasts. He was sure she had on garters and stockings. Had anyone had their hands on her ass as they danced? The thought burned through him. He didn’t need to imagine anyone touching her but him, or he would likely kill the first one she brought to the house or had picked her up.

Instead, he thought about unzipping that pale blue dress and slipping it off her shoulders. He would hang it over the back of a chair to keep from ruining it. Then he would unhook her bra and take it off for her, dropping it to the floor at their feet. He wouldn’t be able to stand not touching her perfect breasts. He would mound them with his hands and flick her pointed nipples with his fingers. They would pebble for him.

He found his hand gliding up and over the head of his cock as he imagined licking her nipples over and over until she moaned. Then, he would go to his knees and pull her panties down until she could step out of them. She would be soaked by now, dripping with her sweet honey. His hand began sliding faster up and down his thick shaft. His other hand found his balls and massaged them.

He would separate her lips and hold them back so his tongue could reach inside to scoop out some of that delectable dessert. He would push one finger in to test her readiness. She would be hot and tight. He would add another finger and began pumping them even as he pumped his cock with his hand. Faster and faster he would work his fingers. She would moan as he groaned until she began tightening around him. He would pump faster until she screamed, and he shouted out as he came, shooting across the shower stall.

He brought himself down and leaned his head against the shower wall until he could catch his breath. There was no doubt in his mind anymore that he was in love with Tina. But what could he do about it?

Late that morning, Logan woke. He had slept till nearly noon. He cursed. He hadn’t planned to sleep that late. He dressed in faded jeans and an old army T-shirt. Riley and Morgan soon joined him in the kitchen once they smelled the coffee.

“Man, I might tease you about your coffee, but I’m sure as hell glad you are so picky about it. This stuff rocks,” Morgan said.

Riley grunted and raised the cup to his lips.

Logan was thinking about what to fix for breakfast when someone knocked on the back door. He went to the sliding glass door and nearly groaned out loud. Tina and Jenna stood outside with bowls in their hands.

He hollered out, “Heads up. Women in the house.”

He unlocked the sliding glass door, opening it for them to come in.

“What can we do for you today?” he asked.

“We want a favor, so we came prepared to cook pancakes for you,” Tina said indicating their bowls. “I didn’t have enough bacon for all of you, so I hope you have some.”

“Yeah, I’ll donate the bacon if you’re frying up the flap jacks,” Morgan said.

“Hey, it’s my bacon,” Logan complained.

“So?” Riley said.

They led the way to the kitchen. The girls began getting out supplies to cook. Logan pulled bacon out of the freezer and popped it into the microwave to thaw.

“Should be ready to cook in about ten minutes,” he said. “So what is the favor?”

Jenna looked up from what she was doing. “I need my car back now, so I was hoping one of you would take me to get it after breakfast.”

Before anyone could say anything, Riley said, “I’ll take you. It’s at my place.”

“Oh, well thanks, but I can’t ride on the back of your motorcycle. I’ll fall off.”

“You can take my truck,” Logan offered.

“Thanks, but she’ll ride on the back of the bike. She can do it.”

“Riley, maybe you should take Logan’s truck. She’s obviously not comfortable riding the bike,” Tina said.

Riley shrugged. “The only way to find out is for her to try it.”

“Okay! I’ll try it. But, it is your shirt if I get sick on it.”

Riley laughed and walked out of the kitchen with the others.

* * * *

“Well, that went over rather well,” Tina said.

“Except that I have to ride on the bike with Riley. I did not want to end up with him.”

“Why not?”

“He makes me nervous. You heard Logan last night. He broke Todd’s nose and maybe his jaw.”

“He isn’t going to hurt you, Jenna. He would never hurt a woman.”

“I guess.”

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