Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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“I mean are you okay with what happened…what we did earlier?” This side of Luke was an enigma. The moments when he showed insecurity and vulnerability were more frightening than the ones when he showed his more dominant side. But she was beginning to develop feelings for both sides of the man underneath her.

“Of course I am. It was…perfect.” She sighed wistfully as she thought back to the intimate moments they’d shared. She honestly couldn’t have thought of a more perfect interlude.

“It was pretty damn special.”

“It was,” she echoed him.

“You’re probably tired. Let’s get some sleep, okay?” She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed a bit by his suggestion of sleep, but she was tuckered out from the eventful day she’d had.

“Sleep sounds wonderful.” Ava climbed off his lap and went for the door.

“Where the hell are you going?” Luke jumped up and met her.

“Downstairs. The couch is down there.” Pointing to the door she looked over to Luke who had a look of pure confusion on his face.

“You’re not sleeping on the couch.”

“I’m not? I thought you’d want me to sleep there.” She didn’t know if he wanted her in his bed tonight, he’d never said as much.

“Hell, no. I want you in my bed so I can hold you.”

“Okay.” Ava smiled and went back to the bed. She threw back the blankets and slid herself in. Luke walked over and stood beside the other side but didn’t make a move to climb in with her. “Oh, am I on your side?”

“No. But you’re wearing way too many clothes to be sleeping in my bed.” He shoved his underwear down his legs and slid under the covers with her.

“Didn’t know this bed had a dress code,” she said while lifting her t-shirt over her head leaving her breasts exposed.

“It does. The dress code is naked so I can touch you if I wake up in the middle of the night.” He reached over and grazed the back of his knuckles across her sensitive nipple.

Ava sucked in a breath at the contact and closed her eyes. “Luke,” she breathed.

“These need to go, too.” He pulled on the waistband of her sleep shorts. It didn’t take her long to shed those as well and drop them off the side of the bed to join her shirt. “Dress code accomplished.” He grinned.

There was only one lamp in the room and it sat on the nightstand on Luke’s side of the bed. With a light click it was turned off and the room was bathed in a slight glow from the moonlight peeking in through the slit in the curtains. Ava startled when she felt Luke’s hand graze her breast once more. “I thought we were sleeping?” she questioned as she held back the moan that wanted to escape.

“We are.” His hand now cupped her tender swell and squeezed slightly.

“This doesn’t feel like sleeping,” she joked.

“What does it feel like?” His voice was low and gravelly, a tone that told her he was turned on.

“It feels like you’re touching me.” He stopped and pulled away. “No, don’t stop.” Her words came out strangled. Soon his hand was back but this time it trailed a path down her stomach and drew lazy circles right above her aching sex. “Touch me, please,” she whispered in the dark.


“Lower.” He dipped one finger lower and continued his circles around the wet flesh of her swollen clit. Her back bowed as he teased and tormented her with his finger and soft pants fell from her lips as she tried to keep herself in check. But she needed more. He must’ve sensed her building frustration because he scooted closer, grabbed one of her thighs and pulled it from the other. “Spread your other leg wide for me.” She immediately did as he instructed and he rewarded her by sliding his hand over her folds. “Do you have any idea how hard it makes me knowing you’re all spread out, waiting for me?”

“No,” she answered honestly. She’d never been desired to the extent that he was claiming. It was causing excitement and nervousness to rain down on her like a torrential downpour.

“Feel that?” he grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his hard as steel cock. “You do that to me,” he

Ava reached down and pressed his hand to her center. “You do that to me.” Her head rolled toward him so she could see his face in the moonlit room. “I want you.” She’d grown past the point of being shy about her desires. Luke elicited some sort of sex crazed maniac in her and she wasn’t about to apologize for it.

Luke took no time at all in throwing back the sheet that concealed their bodies and settling himself above her. She lay there with senses that were hyper-alert, every single nerve ending firing on all eight cylinders. His heavier weight settled next to her as he used his hips to mock thrust against her ready and waiting flesh. She’d tried to control her reactions to him but it was a losing battle equivalent to the Battle of Troy. Luke was the one sealed in the Trojan horse, waiting to destroy her senses with the wicked things he did to her body.

“I want to take this slow, sweetheart,” he said as he leaned his head to hers and brushed his warm lips to hers. “I want to savor this body.” He ran his palm down her side, tickling slightly as he went.

Ava began to squirm with need. She’d thought of herself as a patient person. After all, patience was a virtue. That thought made her giggle to herself.
From the position I’m currently in, it doesn’t seem like I have many virtues left.

“Hey,” Luke pulled her attention back to his rugged face. “Stop swimming around in that head of yours. Just feel.” He grabbed his hard length and placed it at her entrance. With a slight push of his hips he entered her only about halfway but she needed so much more. The desire to be filled completely by him clawed at her like a catnip crazed feline, accosting its favorite scratching post. What seemed like hours ticked by as he used her agony to torture her by only allowing her to have him bit by bit. Ava’s hands reached down to grab the firm muscles on his ass and pull her to him. “Ava,” his voice held a hint of warning, “Stop forcing this. I want to make slow sweet love to you. Can you handle that?” his tone softened.

“Yes,” Ava whispered while her eyes filled with unshed tears. She didn’t want them to spill onto her cheeks and show Luke how she felt. This whole thing between them wasn’t about emotions; it was just two people being together in an intimate capacity. She had no business trying to sort through the myriad of feelings
swamping her.

Just as she relaxed a fraction more, Luke took the opportunity to slide the rest of the way into her warm waiting body. Her breath caught at feeling all of him within her. Sex never was an emotional thing for Ava. She didn’t care one way or another about it. And towards the end of her relationship with her previous boyfriend, it became evident that sex was just another way for him to control her. There was no way in hell she was letting that happen again. Focusing on just the physical feeling was what she’d intended to do, and was succeeding currently.

“Not sure I’ll ever tire of this,” Luke punctuated his words with deliberate, languid strokes in and out of her depths. His unhurried pace seemed to chip at her resolve even more as she felt the sensations building in her heated core. How Luke was able to take her from freezing cold to boiling in a matter of strokes was beyond her. But she welcomed it with open arms. “Tell me what you need,” he began to grind his pelvis against her clit each time he immersed himself him her wet heat.

Ava didn’t want to tell him that what she really needed was something he couldn’t give her. Safety, a future…no, Luke couldn’t guarantee any of those things. They were wants that she’d stuck in a small box in the back of her mind. The box was locked up tight with zero hope of breaking the code. The day she fled from her old life in Chicago was the day everything she’d ever hoped for and dreamed of went missing in action.

“Ava, focus on me. On this.” Luke drew her attention back to what he was doing to her body. He continued his ministrations—taking her further to the peak she wanted to dive off of.

Their heavy breaths dusted around them like a cloud that couldn’t be waved away. Their combined moans called to her and with each second she felt her body come alive even more. The way Luke slid his bare flesh in and out of her was something to behold. God, she wanted this tender moment to last a lifetime.

“Sweetheart, I’m close,” Luke sounded as if he were gritting his teeth. She wasn’t quite there yet though.

“Do it for me, please,” she pleaded.

“Not unless you go with me.” His control was slipping; she knew by the tensing of his muscles.

“No. I want to see you when you come.”

“Jesus.” He rose up enough to prop himself on his elbows, his face only inches from hers. “Tell me to do it, Ava.”

She lifted her hands and stroked the sides of his stubble covered cheeks. “Come for me, Luke.” Her voice was tender and caring. He didn’t reply, only locked gazes with her and sped up his movements slightly. If she wasn’t paying such close attention to how his body felt, she would’ve missed it. Still he held back for some reason. Why? She wasn’t sure. But Ava wanted him to use her body for his pleasure only. Maybe it was to prove to herself that he was just like all other men, selfish. Or maybe she wanted to watch the emotions play across his face when he tipped over the edge. She didn’t have to wait too long to experience the latter either. With a final thrust of his hips, a low growl that escaped his throat and his head tossed back, Ava saw everything she wanted to as Luke poured himself inside her body.

Once he was spent, he slowly rolled from atop her body and lay next to her. She managed to roll her body over so she was looking at his more than handsome face. “Why did you let me do that?” He brushed a few hairs from her forehead.

“I wanted to see you.” Luke pushed at her shoulder until she was on her back once more. “What are you doing?” She watched as he pressed against her side and began to lift her leg over his thigh.

“I’m not letting you go to sleep when you’re aching like you are now.” His hand slid down her body and began to toy with the sensitive flesh between her legs. “Move your other leg out a bit so I can touch you.”

“You don’t have to do that.” She was serious. As much as she loved the thought of him taking the time to pleasure her, she felt it was unnecessary.

“But I
to do it.” He didn’t waste any time plunging two of his rough digits into her delicate folds. He pulled them out and rubbed moisture over her sensitive clit.

“Mmmmm,” she whimpered arching her back.

His fingers traveled back inside and he began to fuck her with his hand. “Do you have any idea how sexy it is to know my cum is inside you right now?”

“Oh, God,” Ava groaned. Damn she loved the foul things that came out of his mouth.

“That I’m spreading it around with my fingers and soon you’ll come all over my hand?”

“Luke, I need…” she struggled for the words.

“Relax. I know what you need.” The fucking motion of his hand picked up speed and his breathing did as well. “I want you to let go for me, sweetheart. I want you to give me everything you have. Can you do that?”

“Yes,” she whined as her release teetered on the edge.

“Let me have it, give me what I want.” Luke’s rough voice spurred her orgasm into hyper-speed as she felt her pussy begin to flutter around his fingers. “
, I want more, Ava.”

Soon she was giving him all she had as the quakes spread over her body and her sex pulsed in steady waves around his hand. He heightened the sensations by giving her more of what she wanted. Screams tore from her lips as her eyes unfocused. All she could make out was the sounds of Luke urging her on. When her body decided it had no more to give, she went lax in what felt like a heap of bones on the bed beside him.

“Now that,” he kissed her softly on the lips, “was fucking beautiful.” Luke rained down small kisses on her neck, both breasts and even her bare stomach as she lay there trying to recover. Her eyes fluttered shut and the last thing she remembered before sleep overtook her was Luke saying, “Sweet dreams, my gorgeous girl.”




Something startled Ava
awake during the middle of the night. She wasn’t a very sound sleeper anyway, but the noise she’d heard made her sit straight up in bed. Her heart beat rapidly in her heaving chest as she sat there listening again.
. The noise was back.
. There it was again. Five times she counted the strange sound and finally she decided to do some investigating. Glancing over at a slumbering Luke, she decided not to wake him. She’d go downstairs and try to find the source of the thumping sound on her own. Quietly sneaking out of the bed and pulling on her t-shirt and shorts, Ava walked to the door and pulled it open. Her gaze kept going back to the amazing man lying amongst the rumpled sheets—only his torso covered with the white fabric. Her body warmed instantly as she took in his frame with the incandescent glow of the silver moonlight. No, she wasn’t going to wake him. She could handle this on her own. So she opened the door—hoping Luke wouldn’t wake from the sound of the antiquated hinges grating on each other—and stepped out into the darkened hallway. Her bare feet didn’t make a sound as she traveled over the smooth hardwood and found herself at the top of her favorite thing in Luke’s home…the grand staircase. 

Grabbing the unfinished railing Ava let her hand glide over the planate surface as she took each step one by one to the lowest level. Once her feet left the last step and were secure on the floor below, she stood stock still and craned her neck to listen.
. Whatever it was sounded like it came from the kitchen. She soundlessly padded to the source and stood in the doorway, glancing around in a room that, like the rest of the house, was illuminated only by moonlight. The
noise sounded again by the doorway that led outside. Ava tip-toed over to it and looked down to where the wood of the door met the floor. Laying there gasping for air was a bird. Its wings flopped around like it was trying it’s best to escape its confines but it wasn’t getting very far. Having loved animals, Ava picked the creature up and held it out in the rays of moonlight that streamed through the glass window in the door. The poor thing was still gasping for air as she held it gently and looked it over. It wasn’t going to make it. After she’d come to that reality she unlocked and opened the back door to take it outside. At least it would be free while it took its last breath. Just as she went to step outside, Ava heard the
of footsteps coming up the basement steps.
. She quickly ducked behind the door. Clearly it wasn’t Luke; he was still upstairs sleeping soundly. So it had to be Cole. Why she was hiding she didn’t know. But her circle of trust didn’t extend very far and she wasn’t about to be alone with someone she’d met only hours earlier.

The poor bird flopped around in her palms while she stood hidden and soon it took a breath and went still. She listened as the footsteps came closer to the door and could hear Cole talking on his phone.

“Yeah, I’m here. Don’t worry; I’ve got my eye on things.” Cole let out a laugh. “Not sure how deep he’s in but the fucker is going to be shocked, that’s for sure.” There was silence before the door opened and then, “Nah, I’ll have it all tied up soon. You know I’m the best at making sure loose ends don’t unravel too far.”

Ava pretty much stopped listening after that part. What was he talking about? Was it something to do with his job? Or was he discussing Luke? So many scenarios played through her head. Ava wasn’t a trusting person—not after the shit she went through a little over two years ago—but for some reason she trusted Luke. If he
in trouble, she’d want him to know.

The door swung open so violently Ava didn’t have time to stop it. She felt the heavy wood batter her body and let out a yelp.

“What the fuck?” Cole’s voice sounded on the other side. He pulled the door shut and Ava stood there holding her head where it’d smacked her. “What the hell are you doing back there?” he bit out, his expression was full of suspicion. She tried to focus her eyes but everything looked blurry. “Is that a dead bird?” She’d forgotten all about the deceased animal in her free hand.

“What the hell is going on down here?” Ava heard Luke’s voice.

“I don’t know, man. I flung open the door and she was hiding behind it,” Cole explained.

“Ava, sweetheart, look at me,” Luke said softly, lifting her gaze to his. “What the heck is that? Jesus, a dead bird? Do I even want to know why you’re holding a dead bird?”

“It was trapped,” Ava tried to explain.

“Let me have that thing.” Luke wrenched the animal from her hands and flung it out the back door. He looked at her face which held a bit of sadness. “Oh, no. We are not having a fucking funeral or a candlelight vigil for a

Ava rubbed her head and winced. “I didn’t say I wanted a funeral for it. But it deserved better than to be tossed out the door like that.”

Cole snickered beside her. “Look, I’m heading back to bed. You might want to put some ice on that bump.” He left the room and Ava was standing there with a worried Luke.

“Here.” he pulled out a chair from the small kitchen table. “Sit down. I’ll make an ice pack.” Sounds of rattling ice trays and a bag being opened was all she could hear while Luke worked to make a pack to help her head. When he was done he pulled up a chair next to her and held the bag to her injury.

“Thanks,” she groaned.

“What were you doing down here anyway?” he asked.

“I heard a noise. I think that bird got in here somehow and was injured. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s fine.”

Ava waited for a bit before bringing up the one-sided conversation she’d overheard Cole having. “Luke, I heard Cole on the phone. I think you’re in trouble,” she whispered, not wanting the other man to hear her if he was within earshot.

“What makes you think that?” Luke sat back and crossed his arms over his bare chest. Of course her girl parts had to come to life right now. Ugh. But she pushed those feelings aside and told him what she’d heard. Luke didn’t interrupt or try to interject anything until she was finished. “It’s nothing. He has all kinds of problems with his work. Probably some dickhead got out of line again,” Luke defended.

Ava trusted him so why would she question what he was saying. He knew his cousin better than anyone, she supposed. “Okay. I just wanted to make sure.” She felt the ice melting in the bag and pulled it away from her head. “I think I’m going back to bed. I’m tired and of course have a brain ache now.” Luke took the pack from her and tossed it into the kitchen sink.

“I’ll be up in a bit.”

Disappointment swamped her knowing he wasn’t coming back to bed with her right away, but maybe he had something he needed to do. So she traipsed through the house, up the staircase and back to Luke’s bedroom. Slipping under the sheets she lay back and let her eyes drift shut while catching Luke’s scent in the bed. Everything smelled like him. It was one of the most heavenly aromas she’d ever inhaled. Damn, she sounded like a creepy stalker now.


“Fuck,” Luke bit out after he heard Ava close his bedroom door. He sat at the table and leaned forward, propping his elbows on the antique wood.

“Problems?” Cole walked in and took a seat across from him.

“She heard you talking, you know. I told you to be careful. What about that didn’t you understand?” Luke was pissed. He’d laid the ground rules for the other man but he didn’t seem to give a damn.

“How the hell was I to know she’d be up at three a.m. trying to save a damn bird?” Cole sat there with nonchalance all over his face.

“What were you doing downstairs?”

“Making some adjustments.” He stood. “Want to see?” He opened the basement door and motioned to the bottom.

Luke stood and followed him. “Why the hell not.”

The men descended the steps into the damp basement. Cole flipped on the overhead light and bathed Luke’s worktable with illumination.  He then threw back the cloth covering that hid the items underneath.

Cole picked up the high powered rifle and aimed it at a far wall. “Your wind-gauge was fucked up. I took it apart and readjusted it. See for yourself. It should turn a lot better now.” Cole handed him the gun.

Luke sat the firearm on the table, pulled the bipod into position and leaned down, putting his face to the cheek piece. He peered out the scope and twisted the wind-gauge. “Yeah, you’re right. It needed that.” Luke laid the piece of equipment back on the table.

“Where’s your other stuff stashed?” Cole asked as he rounded the table. “I looked but didn’t see anything but this one.”

Luke let out a laugh. “Sorry, buddy, that’s for me to know and you to wonder about. Anyway, I’m beat, I’m gonna head back upstairs. Do yourself a favor and stay out of my shit,” he said over his shoulder.

“You wound me, man,” Cole laughed.

Luke had known Cole for about ten years, but that didn’t mean he appreciated him digging around in his stuff. One rule Luke had was the one where no one was allowed to touch his tools
it was him. Those were the tools of the trade and Cole knew better than to put his meat hooks all over them. Luke switched off the small light and made his way back to the kitchen. He went over to the sink, bracing his hands on the edge and peered outside. Letting out a puff of air he grinned and shook his head while thinking about Ava and the dead bird.
Silly woman.
He chuckled out loud at the absurdity of her feeling bad about the dead creature.


BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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