Losing It: A Collection of VCards (35 page)

Read Losing It: A Collection of VCards Online

Authors: Nikki Jefford,Heather Hildenbrand,Bethany Lopez,Kristina Circelli,S. M. Boyce,K. A. Last,Julia Crane,Tish Thawer,Ednah Walters,Melissa Haag,S. T. Bende,Stacey Wallace Benefiel,Tamara Rose Blodgett,Helen Boswell,Alexia Purdy,Julie Prestsater,Misty Provencher,Ginger Scott,Amy Miles,A. O. Peart,Milda Harris,M. R. Polish

Tags: #Fantasy, #Anthology, #Young Adult, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction

BOOK: Losing It: A Collection of VCards
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Delirious over what his mouth was doing, I moaned when his tongue flicked the top of the bud and sent me into a spasm of rapture.

He moved to the other one, and I was grateful it wasn’t left wanting, but the other peak felt abandoned. Then his hand came and rescued it, kneading the taut nipple between his fingers.

Good gracious, this man was a god.

The spot between my thighs was now wet and I tensed once again. Was I supposed to do that? I couldn’t let him down there if I was leaking.

I squirmed, backing away from his delicious mouth.

A cool breeze rustled the trees around us and made my nipples stand up even taller, beckoning Ian to take them back.

“Don’t do that.” He was holding me still. “If you don’t’ stop, this will go faster than I want. I want to taste every inch of you.”

As desirous as that sounded, the wet spot reminded me that we couldn’t go any farther. My insides pulsed down low, as his hands caressed my lower back and teased the soft flesh on my side. I wished he would stop because I swore I was getting wetter with each touch.

“I can’t,” I looked away. If I stared into his eyes I would melt, and apparently I already was so I couldn’t afford to lose everything.

He turned my head with his finger under my chin. His brow creased in worry. “Why? Is there something I’ve done to hurt you? Es, tell me.”

“It’s not you. It’s me.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked again, his voice soothing, comforting.

His genuine concern warmed my soul. “I can’t tell you. It’s embarrassing.”

I shifted again, feeling his member pulsing between my legs.

“You can tell me, I promise, I won’t think any less of you. We’re here, ready to make love because we trust each other.”

He was right, but it was still embarrassing. “I’m leaking something,” I whispered, as quietly as I could.

“What?” he asked.

“I’ve got something leaking from my, you know, my stuff down in my panties.” I couldn’t believe I told him. As if sitting on his lap half naked wasn’t awkward enough, without knowing what I could do to make him feel just as good wasn’t enough.

Ian smiled. “That’s good. That means I’m doing my job right.”

“Excuse me?”

He reached up and kneaded my breast, my still peaked button looking just for him. “You telling me that makes me want you even more. It’s hard to resist, but I’m trying to make this memorable for you. If you’re getting wet that means your body is getting ready for me and wants me too.”  Pressing his hand deeper to my flesh, he groaned. “Es, you’re killing me. I need you.”

Swallowing back my fear, I nodded. Whatever he had in store had to be pure bliss. I just needed to trust him that the wet spot was a good thing.

Lifting me from his lap, he stood and picked me up, carrying me inside and up to the loft. Laying me down on the bed, my heart raced once again, letting me know I wasn’t dead, but alive. Very alive.

Unbuttoning my jeans, he slid them off, tossing them to the floor. My breath caught in my throat as he stripped himself of his own, kicking them away from where he stood.

 “You’re so beautiful,” he said deeply as his eyes raked over me.

I couldn’t stop my own gaze from trailing down his torso to the perfect V that began to form where the waist of his jeans rode—and even lower. Stopping at his shaft, my eyes widened. Surely there was no way he would try to put that thing in me?

It pulsed and stood taller the longer I stared. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but wasn’t sure if he’d like it. But, it beckoned me, taunting me with its head pointing right at me, as if it led Ian like a slave driver.

He kneeled onto the bed beside me, leaning over with one hand by my head and the other tailing down my stomach waking up the butterflies. His fingers brushed my skin lightly, lower, lower…

I gasped as his finger expertly slid through the curls of my carefully cropped strip.

My mind exploded with a plethora of thoughts and emotions as his finger stroked the little nub. Gripping the blanket, a sizzle of excitement flickered to life burning through me. Ian was creating a building passion inside of me that no words in any human language could explain.

Arching, I raised up, wanting more. It felt so good.

His lips crashed down on mine and as much as I wanted his touch, I couldn’t breathe. He had me so wound up that I couldn’t catch my breath and doubted I ever would again. His mouth left to trail to my breast.

Using his hand, he pressed against my thighs, urging them to open wider, giving him better access. I obeyed, with a curiosity that matched the nub he played with in his mouth.

A pressure inside of me sent a frenzy of pleasure throughout my entire body as his finger slipped inside of me. The shock of him entering me that way wore off quickly as he moved his fingers building a new ecstasy. I didn’t even know guys did that to girls. Sex Ed didn’t cover near enough to prepare me for the state of rapture Ian was swiftly sending me to.

I could feel myself getting wetter and Ian groaned in his throat.

“Es,” he whispered against the soft sensitive flesh of my breast. His fingers simultaneously left my wet spot.

He didn’t need to say anything more. The way he said my name tugged at my soul to connect with his. “Yes,” I whispered back, I had nothing left to hide. I needed him. And just knowing I could make him feel something good in return for what he was doing to me made me want to do whatever I needed.

He slipped his knee over to nudged my legs open even wider, and I gripped his shoulders, needing to touch him.

A deep pulse between my legs thumped rapidly in rhythm with my heart, calling out to Ian’s own member. Before he could go any farther, I had to know what it felt like and reached down between us and grasped it.

Ian sucked in a sharp breath and hummed. His shaft was smooth and velvety and my hand barely wrapped around it. Gripping this part of him made me feel in control for one fleeting moment before Ian pushed my hand away. “If you do that we won’t be able to finish.”

I smiled at him. “So that was okay?”

“It was more than okay. I’ve dreamed of the day when you’d touch me and use your hand, but today’s not that day.” His voice was raspy and somehow I knew he was getting close to whatever was ahead. “This will hurt, but I promise to be quick and next time it won’t be as bad. I’ll make it good for you. Forever.”

I tensed at his words. Nothing this far had been painful, and I’d forgotten all about that part. The first time was supposed to be painful.

I stared into his eyes, afraid of what he meant, but more afraid of the unknown.

“It’s okay. Just relax and it will be easier for me to break through.”


His hand found a taut nipple and began twirling it between his fingers once again before his mouth claimed it.

Feathering his lips from my chest and up my neck, they found my mouth and crashed down hard. I felt the tip of his shaft tease near the bud where his fingers brought me to life.

This was it.

In one quick movement, the pressure from Ian entering me turned to pain shooting through my lower abdomen. Ian’s lips pressed harder against me, capturing my cries. He stilled inside me, allowing my body to adjust to the enormous invasion.

I couldn’t stop the tears from silently falling and I hiccupped as I choked back the sobs I was desperately wanted to cry

Ian kissed each salty drop off my face and began to move, very slowly. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

I wasn’t sure if I should trust him, but his movements—as sore as they made me—felt amazing and I couldn’t argue with him. At least not right then. The pain ebbed, letting me relax a little more.

His thrusts were solid and even, but not rushed.

“You’re so tight,” he groaned against my cheek.

His skilled movements got quicker. Thrusting his length into me deeper, he pumped against my wet flesh. His dick slid in and out much easier now than in the beginning. It was still sore, but the pleasure won out and I soon found myself rocking with him, wanting to meet his hips with my own. He couldn’t get inside me enough, and I begged with a whimper for him to push himself into my soul where I waited for a release.

“Es,” he said my name before thrusting into me once.

A hot eruption spread from his pulsing shaft up through my lower belly. It was like a drug spilling inside me making me addicted with just one dose.

But, I wasn’t done. I didn’t know what I was missing, but my body begged and pleaded with his to move again.

“I didn’t mean to go before you.” His breath was hot on my cheek as he tried to catch his breath.

I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I felt a sense of frustration at his words.

His hand slid down between us, where his length still throbbed inside of me and his fingers found the sweet nub. I bucked under him in rapturous pleasure.

The euphoric bliss building in my body, not leaving one nerve exposed, erupted. I gripped around his softening member with my spasming muscles and cried out in satisfaction.

Blind. Out of breath. I writhed under him not knowing what to do.

I didn’t want the feeling to end, but yet I wasn’t sure I could live if he didn’t stop rubbing me. His hand moved away and I relaxed.

Ian lowered his lips to mine, then moved, feathering a kiss wherever he could reach. “I love you. Thank you.”

As good as he just made me feel, it should be me thanking him. Whatever just happened, I wanted to do again. And again.

He slipped out from inside me and rolled over. Lifting his arm, he gestured for me to come lay my head on him.

Turning to my side, between my legs screamed at me to be careful. The tender spot where Ian just pleasured me was sore—yet still swimming in passion—but, at least it didn’t hurt near as bad as when I first let him inside me. There was still a sticky wet spot that I couldn’t ignore, but I didn’t want to leave Ian’s arms just yet.

His fingers gently caressed the sensitive flesh on my side sending chills to spread all over my body. “Do you hurt bad?” he asked, as if he could hear my thoughts.

“Psh, you call that sore? I fight crossbreeds and I’m a witch. That was nothing.” I answered, wrapping an arm around his bare middle.

He chuckled and I loved the way his chest shook. “That’s why I love you. You’re so amazing. Do you regret it?”

“No. I don’t regret anything with you. And I’m glad it was you who was my first.” I said the last part with a blush to my face I was sure.

“And your last,” he declared as he bent to kiss the top of my head.

Yes, and my last. He was the only man I’d ever need.



I cuddled up in the blanket Ian brought out for me, waiting for him to return with some hot cocoa. If this was a dream, it was the best dream I could ever have. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I thought about Ian. I only wondered if when we awoke, things would be the same. Would I still be a virgin or did this count? I bit my bottom lip as I thought about the pain and didn’t want to go through that again. Ian reassured me that it wouldn’t hurt near as bad the next time and soon it wouldn’t be painful at all.

Ian crawled up on the porch-swing and wrapped his arms around me. He was shirtless, wearing just his jeans, and I loved seeing him this way. I leaned my head back on his chest. “Ian, when we wake up…” I wasn’t sure how to put words to my thoughts.

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