Lost Desires (5 page)

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Authors: Rachael Orman

BOOK: Lost Desires
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Chapter 7

Two weeks after my first experience with anal play, I got the kids ready and dolled myself in preparation to meet up with Tara for a lunch date.
I dropped the kids off with my mother-in-law and got us a table in a corner at our favorite sandwich shop. As I looked over the menu, I thought I heard a familiar voice faint in the distance. Glancing around, my eyes finally landed on John sitting across the small restaurant with a couple across the booth from him.

He had both arms crossed on the table and was leaning forward, talking quietly to them.
I gasped inaudibly, placing a hand over my mouth to cover my shock when I saw the man’s hand creepy up the woman’s thighs, sliding under her dress. Watching as her eyes closed and she bit down on her lip, I knew exactly what I was getting a glimpse at. John handed the man one of the cloth napkins with a few more murmured words and the man draped it over her lap giving them a tiny bit more privacy in a public place.

I couldn’t take my eyes away from the couple as the man kept pleasuring the woman. Seeing her breathing quick
en, I felt myself getting turned on just from seeing such a private moment. Suddenly the woman reached up and pulled the man’s face to her own for what appeared to be a kiss, but I saw her legs tense and shiver as her orgasm washed over her.

“What are you looking at?” Tara asked, sitting across the table from me. I jumped and felt my entire face turn bright red at being caught
, even though it wasn’t me that was actually doing anything.

“Um, nothing?” I cleared my throat and tried to discreetly fan my face.

“Oh my gosh. Now you really have to tell me what you were seeing,” Tara said looking around, trying to find what had caught my eye. The couple appeared to have switched roles with the woman pleasing the man, not that anyone would pick up on it. I knew John, and I’d gotten a glimpse at what was happening.

“Nothing. Really. Don’t mind me.” I shook my head and smiled at her. “It’s nice to see you again. It’s been a couple weeks.” I tried to change the subject.

“Yeah. You know, since you started seeing that doctor I recommended. You know I’m gonna grill you about the entire thing, right?” Tara leaned forward on the table, folding a leg underneath her.

“Here? I need a drink for that. Let’s get out of here and find somewhere that has hard alcohol.” I was trying my best to keep my eyes off the couple with John, but was finding it
difficult since my eyes had a mind of their own and kept sneaking back to them.

“Wait. I know what has you blushing like a wild fire. John is here.” Tara laughed and slapped a hand on the table.

“Shh…” I grabbed her arm and shook my head quickly. “Don’t draw attention to us or him for that matter. Do you know how embarrassed I would be if that was Ian and I with John and another couple that he worked with came up to us?”

“Oh, I’m not going over there. I’ve seen him work before. It’s H-O-T to know what’s going on and no one else
being aware that you do.” Tara fanned herself with her hand.

“You have???” I leaned forward on the table. “How come you didn’t tell me this before? You have to tell me more. What’s it like? Do you know him from his work or outside of it? He was very professional and didn’t share anything personal.”

“I’ll answer everything I can once you answer about how things are with you and Ian.” Tara smiled leaning back in her side of the booth.

“Fine. Fine. Things are great. Now spill.” I waved my hand through the air like it didn’t matter. Tara laughed at my eagerness.

“Interested in the good doc?” Tara wiggled her eyebrows and flicked her eyes towards John.

“No. Not at all. Just interested in how he gets it all to work. You know, personal life with a job like the one he does.”
I shrugged. “Pure curiosity, I guess.”

“So tell me, has Ian stepped up and fucked you good?” Tara asked blowing off my comments.

“Yes. God yes. We only saw John a handful of times, but things are so radically different. I mean not just in bed, but everything. He helps around the house and with the kids so I’m not so tired by the time I fall into bed. Um, you know, so I have enough energy to have a good long session.” I rubbed the back of my neck.

“You are funny. So he helps so you
have the energy to fuck all night. Excellent. That was the goal right?” Tara glanced over at John again, which after her last few comments was starting to make me wonder what their connection really was.

“Yes. I would recommend every couple have a session or two with him. We…” I leaned forward so I could whisper, “even play with toys now. We
did anything like that before.”

“Well, John has quiet the, uh, extensive knowledge in many areas of the bedroom. I’m just glad he could help you out.” Tara smiled, but shrugged. “He’s good at what he does.”

“Oh come on. Now you are holding back. How do you know him?” I grabbed her hand on the table and squeezed it.

“He is the brother of one of my friends. Apparently he isn’t shy to talk about what he does. Never sharing names of course. Discreet
, but extremely effective. Oh, and sexy as fuck. I’ve tried to hook up with him so many times but he’s never accepted.” Tara sighed and gazed in John’s direction again. “Apparently he doesn’t date much. Even his sister doesn’t share much about his personal life. He’s pretty closed off in that department. Maybe he can’t get hard or has a tiny dick or something and that’s why he does what he does. He gets off watching other people do naughty things instead of doing them himself.”

“I have no idea. He never seemed overly interested or creepy or anything during our sessions.” I couldn’t speak about what he was like with other couple, but that didn’t seem to fit the way he was around Ian and I.

“Anyway, so have you seen him recently? I know you were meeting him once a week.” Tara changed the subject.

“We haven’t. Ian and I decided to try to take some time without John helping us and see how it goes. We have a whole new open communication in the bedroom about trying things and keeping it interesting. I don’t know if we’ll need to see him again or not. For right now, things are perfect, but I suppose if things start to go back to the way they were or we decide we want to try something totally drastic than we could make an appointment with John again.” I smiled thinking about how different my life was from the last lunch date I’d had with Tara to the way it had become. All it had take
n was a few hot summer nights with John.



To Be Continued… Get to know John in Professional Love… Coming Late 2014

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