Love, Always, Promise [Wolf Creek Pack 5] (16 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Wolk Creek Pack

BOOK: Love, Always, Promise [Wolf Creek Pack 5]
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“I suppose.”

Jace wasn’t convinced. It was a huge relief to him to know he didn’t actually injured Ethan. The guilt ate away at him. Knowing his brother had been in the apartment the same time he rejected Ethan, waiting to kill him, didn’t make Jace feel any better.

In fact, it made him feel worse. If he didn’t have his head up his ass and just accepted Ethan, his mate might not have to use crutches for the rest of his life. That guilt, Jace would never get rid of.

“Come on, Jace, drop the frown,” Joe said, slapping him playfully on the arm. “It’s your wedding day. You should be happy.”

“I am.”

“The stop frowning or your fiancé is going to think you don’t want to marry him,” Nate said from the doorway.

Jace twirled around and grinned at him. His heart beat a little faster. “He’s here?”

Nate nodded. “He’s waiting for you right down the hallway.”

Jace’s hands started to tremble. He held them out at arm’s length and shook them. He wondered if he would make it down the aisle without hyperventilating. He felt so nervous he thought butterflies might be doing loops in his stomach.

“You ready, Jace?”

Jace shook his head rapidly back and forth. “Yes?”

Joe chuckled. “You’ll be fine.”

Jace followed Joe down the stairs to the main floor and out the front door. The wedding ceremony would take place in the front yard. All the guests sat in chairs lining the walkway.

Jace walked down the makeshift aisle to where a flower arch sat. The plan was for Jace to wait there for Ethan to walk out of the house and down the aisle. Jace wanted to walk down the aisle so Ethan wouldn’t have to. Ethan wasn’t having any of it. He wanted to walk down the aisle to Jace.

If that’s what Ethan wanted, that’s what Ethan would get it. Jace was determined to give Ethan everything he wanted. The man deserved it. Jace was still stunned Ethan shifted and attacked someone to save him.

It showed how much Ethan loved him, which just might be a fraction of how much Jace loved Ethan. Jace glanced up when the music started. His heart thundered in his chest as he waited for the front door to open and show his mate. This was it.

Time seemed to slow to almost a crawl as the door opened. Then suddenly, there Ethan stood. Jace gasped. He was dressed in a tux that matched Jace’s, black with a crisp white shirt and a black bow tie. Ethan’s hair had been carefully combed and shined in the afternoon light.

But the smile on his beautiful face was the most spectacular thing about him. It lit up his entire face and made him glow. Jace wasn’t sure he ever looked so good. He just couldn’t believe he had been lucky enough to be blessed with a mate like Ethan.

Jace started down the aisle, determined to help Ethan walk down the stairs when Ethan held up his hand to stop him. Jace stopped, puzzled until Ethan stepped forward. Instead of a heavy metal crutch on each arm, Ethan gripped a simple black cane in his hand.

Jace’s mouth dropped open in surprise as Ethan walked down the steps using only the cane for assistance. His steps weren’t stilted or slow. They were confident as if Ethan walked with a cane for years.


Ethan grinned. “Surprise!” He said. He held up the cane in his hand. “I graduated.”


Ethan nodded. “Doc says I don’t have to use the crutches anymore unless I really need them, just the cane.”

“Is he sure?” Jace asked, concerned that Ethan just wanted to please him and make him feel less worried.

Ethan pointed back down the aisle to where an older man sat. “Ask him,” Ethan said. “He’s sitting right there.” The man waved and nodded.

Jace grabbed Ethan around the waist and swung him up in the air, twirling him around as pure happiness surged through him. Finally, he let Ethan’s feet slide to the ground, his arms still around the man.

“Ready to get married, sweetness?” he whispered.

Ethan grinned. “Love, always, promise.”




Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two, or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul mates, true love, and happy endings.

Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her gorgeous husband and soul mate, six very active teenagers, two boxer/collie puppies, two old biddy cats, and three fish.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand and a

puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website at

Also by Stormy Glenn

Wolf Creek Pack 1:
Full Moon Mating

Wolf Creek Pack 2:
Just A Taste Of Me

Wolf Creek Pack 3:
Tasty Treats: Volume 3, Man to Man

Wolf Creek Pack 4:
Blood Prince

Tri-Omega Mates 1:
Secret Desires

Tri-Omega Mates 2:
Forbidden Desires

Tri-Omega Mates 3:
Hidden Desires

Tri-Omega Mates 4:
Stolen Desires

Lover's of Alpha Squad 1:
Mari’s Men

Lover's of Alpha Squad 2:
The Doctor’s Patience

Lover's of Alpha Squad 3:
Julia’s Knight

Lover's of Alpha Squad 4:
Three of a Kind

Love’s Legacy 1:
Cowboy Legacy

Sweet Treats

Mr. Wonderful

The Katzman’s Mate

Sequel to
The Katzman's Mate: Dream Mate

My Lupine Lover

The Master’s Pet

Wolf Queen

His Gentle Touch

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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