Love Bear Nun (5 page)

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Authors: Ava Hunt

BOOK: Love Bear Nun
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Chapter Six


              “Hello?” Jacinda asked out loud, opening the door and realizing that it had been kicked in nearly off its hinges, “Henson, are you in here?”


              “Go away!” Henson yelled before Jacinda heard a low growl, “Get!”


              “No, you missed your appointment and I got worried.” Jacinda replied, “I knew you wouldn’t just miss it. Even your records show that. Where are you?”


              “Go… away!” Henson retorted angrily as Jacinda started making her way through the cabin trying to find him. “Go Jacinda!!”


              “Nope.” She replied stubbornly, “You don’t need to be alone right now.”


              “Get away from me…” Henson said as Jacinda walked into the bedroom where he was, standing in the corner shrouded by a blanket, “I do need to be alone right now, too.”


              “You just think you do.” Jacinda said, walking up to Henson as he tried hiding unsuccessfully in the corner like a child trying their last ditch effort to hide under the bed, but left their feet out. She started to talk again but Henson accidentally backhanded her across her porcelain skinned face.


              “Get the Hell out of here!!” He yelled, barely exposing his body as he lashed out at her but Jacinda had seen that he was  covered in blood, “Leave me be… I’ll be alright… in a few days.”


              “No.” Jacinda replied, grabbing the side of her face he had hit her on as Henson threw his blanket off and shifted in front of her; he roared and snarled right in her face but she didn’t budge, not one bit, “So you are a shifter. I suspected that you were, but I’m a woman of science and don’t draw conclusions without evidence.”


              “You’re…” Henson said, his voice much deeper in tone than normal but Jacinda interrupted him.


              “What? Not scared? No, my parents are shifters I just didn’t get the gene. I grew up with shifters so you don’t scare me. I’m just glad you decided not to hit me in that form; what are you, a bear? My father was a wolf.” Jacinda revealed in hopes of calming Henson down but it only enraged him; Henson roared and jumped passed Jacinda, clawing a dresser in two with ease but left the same claw marks that she had seen on the naked dead men. “Henson!”


              “Errgh…” Henson roared lowly as he scratched his claws down the wall before he clawed through it and formed a fist. “Wolves?”


              “What about that just set you off?” Jacinda asked, noticing that he hadn’t hurt her but destroyed the dresser instead.


              “I… I fought some wolf shifters… I don’t know what they’re up to, but I took four of the five of them out.” Henson said in his deep tone of voice before he started shape shifting back into his human form.


              “Are those the bodies I found in the woods? They were shifters?” Jacinda asked, remembering just how large of claw mark had been on the men. “Why was the claw marks so big then?”


              “I clawed them when they were smaller, in their wolf forms, but after death they shift back to their human state so the wounds actually widen out and appear larger.” Henson said in his normal voice as he pulled the blanket around his waist and winced from some pain but Jacinda couldn’t see any wound. “The shitty part is that every time I shift I rip all my clothes… I just hope there are some spare clothes in that dresser I just smashed.”


              “I saw a lot of blood on you before, where did it go?” Jacinda asked as she walked over to Henson and began checking him all over for wounds. Henson flinched and stepped back, hitting his back on the corner of the room. “You don’t have a single scratch on you… was that all from them?”


              “No…” Henson said as Jacinda looked up at him but kept her hands on his chest, slowly dragging just her fingertips down his belly, “I was hurt, but I heal fast. Not too fast but faster than a normal human.”


              “It heals you physically, but how are you doing mentally Henson? That fight must have triggered flashbacks.” Jacinda said, watching as Henson started to shake and looked away from her. “What’s the matter, what’s bothering you?”


              “It doesn’t… it doesn’t heal me, not emotional pain… it’s the only pain it won’t heal…” Henson said as he continued to twitch and shake; he grimaced and hugged Jacinda instinctively. “It doesn’t heal the pain… I didn’t sign up for this shit…”


              As they held each other they both looked at each other and embraced their emotions. Overcome with their closeness, Jacinda's lips found his. Henson pulled Jacinda into him but felt his internal physical wounds in his gut still shoot spikes of pain up his spine. He continued to kiss her as Jacinda kissed him back, running her hands up and down his back. She looked at Henson seductively. However, his sides hurt too bad for him to perform well sexually and he sighed. Jacinda kissed him, helping him feel better but her kisses left his mouth and began kissing down his neck. As soon as she started kissing down to his chest, Henson knew what was going to happen. He felt blood rush to his cock and bulge it a little, but he held back, not wanting to come across as overzealous. He was already naked so he couldn’t hide the fact that his cock was thickening, but it wasn’t a full-blown erection, yet.


              Henson breathed in deeply, completely unable to believe he was about to get head from Jacinda and then she did it. She stuck his cock in her mouth and began swirling her tongue around it as she put more and more in her mouth at once. Henson moaned as his abs tensed up and winced in pain, but it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as it had before. His mind was much more focused on Jacinda and what she was doing with his dick. He couldn’t help but cum quickly but Jacinda didn’t mind, since it had been her goal. She swallowed Henson’s load and wiped her mouth off as she stood back up with a smile on her face.


              “Feel better?” Jacinda asked with a cute smile as she walked up and hugged Henson. “Are you Phillips to get back to town yet?”


              Henson was dumbstruck. Jacinda had traipsed through the woods to find him, making sure he was not in peril, and then had given him a mind-blowing oral feast. Perhaps he hadn't misread her; perhaps she had wanted him every bit as much as he had wanted her.


              “Yeah, if there are clothes in that dresser.” Henson said, relieved more than ever as he stood there in disbelief of what had just happened; as he walked over and checked the dresser he broke he realized that the little signs that he was picking up on during their sessions just might have been accurate. “So, were you wearing more seductive clothes on purpose or was that just the way you dress?”


              “When?” Jacinda asked all innocent-like.


              “During our second session; I noticed you had a bit more cleavage showing and you even lean up a bit. Is that on purpose? Because it’s working.” Henson said with a chuckle, thinking more about her as he got dressed and realized that he hadn’t had a flashback in a couple of minutes at least but then, as he thought about it, he realized he hadn’t had any flashbacks since he had shifted in front of Jacinda.


              “Nope.” Jacinda replied with a smile and Henson grinned back, feeling like she was actually agreeing without saying it, “But I’m glad it’s working. Let’s get back to town and inform the guards about the bodies.”


              “They’re not just bodies Jacinda, they’re dead shifters. We’ve gotta warn them about the shifters. One of them got away.” Henson replied, seeing flashbacks again but of his fight just the day before so it was more like memories, yet they were vivid and nearly hallucinations, “Ah… There should be four bodies… What do I do?”


              “We have to tell the guards about it so they can take care of the bodies. You were attacked weren’t you?” Jacinda asked as she looked out the front windows of the cabin. “We should be getting back soon too so the guards have enough sunlight to properly check out the scene.”


              Henson started to fear that he might go to prison for killing the wolf shifters but hoped that the guards would understand just why he went after them. He didn’t answer Jacinda, knowing that he had sought the wolves out and felt like it would somewhat counter out being attacked; he had went into their area. He wondered if perhaps the wolf shifters were just being protective and clutched his fists together as he and Jacinda headed out of the cabin.


              “What’s wrong?” Jacinda asked as they headed out. She had noticed him wince and wasn’t going to let it pass by. “You’re squeezing your hands together now. What are you thinking about?”


              “Just worried that the wolves attacked me out of fear… I did walk into the woods, but they attacked me. They can’t be just attacking anybody who goes in these woods. They were vicious. It makes me wonder where the fifth one went, the survivor; it headed north through the woods.” Henson answered, trying to keep his mind there in the now with speaking and was glad that Jacinda was there, someone he could confide in. “We’ve got to warn the guards that one other wolf shifter that got away.”


              “Although that’s not unheard of, it’s unlikely. Look at the other animals in the woods they could have chosen for food but they decided to attack you. You’re technically a person and they’ve shown that they’re willing to hurt people. We have to tell the guards.” Jacinda said as they got closer to town. “Let me do the talking.”


I'm a shifter too. Just because bear shifters get military training and are part of a special covert operation doesn't make me above wolf shifters. I'm just trained to attack them
, he thought.


              “No problem; I’m not big on talking anyway.” Henson said lowly as they approached the town gates guarded by two guards on each side.


              “Excuse me but we have an issue.” Jacinda said once they walked into the guard post inside the city; the guard behind the desk was the same guard that she had spoken to in her office. “Remember this guy? Yeah, you said you seen him wondering around outside of town last night and didn’t do anything, even when you heard noises but just put it off as animals fighting. He was being attacked by wolf shifters! You’re lucky he survived or you’d be facing involuntary manslaughter charges.”


              “Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down.” The guard said, somewhat panicked by Jacinda’s angry tone. “Tell me about this attack? How do you know they were wolf shifters?”


              “Because they fuckin’ attacked me. I saw them closer than we are now.” Henson blurted out angrily, glaring at the guard. “Five attacked, four are laying dead in the woods, one left…”


              “And he almost died!” Jacinda said angrily, glaring at Henson briefly.


              “So these bodies out there, you’re saying that he’s responsible for them?” The guard said, trying to reverse the blame but Jacinda wasn’t having any of it.


              “Yeah, bodies he had to defend himself from because none of you guards checked out a suspicious sound.” Jacinda said, making the guard feel like it was his fault again.


              “If he got attacked by wolf shifters then where’s his wounds?” The guards asked, looking over at Henson and checking him up and own. “He’s got no wounds whatsoever. You expect me to believe he made it out of that fight without a scratch?”


              “Not without a scratch.” Henson said, catching another glare from Jacinda. “I got hurt, I just heal fast.”


              “Fast?” The guard asked with a tilt of his head, “You a… shifter? Only shifters heal faster than normal; it’s a Hell of a trait to have.”


              “That it is.” Henson said, agreeing that he was, in fact, a shifter, “You got a problem with me being a shifter? If I wasn’t one I’d be dead and you’d have five hungry wolf shifters on your ass in town instead of just one.”


              “One got away, eh? Ya don’t think they’ll come back do ya?” The guard replied, looking out his window towards the town gate.


              “I don’t know. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.” Henson said before he turned and started to leave. Jacinda followed after him but didn’t say anything as they headed down the street. “So, do you think I could get those release forms? Give me something to do during the day besides try to track down possible threats; it’s just what I do and what I want to change about myself.”

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