Love Bound (28 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

BOOK: Love Bound
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"I understand Sir. Thank

He smiled, "You are very welcome,
Victoria. I've missed you and it's great to have you home. I love you more
than I can ever show you."

She leaned her head back against the
seat's headrest and closed her eyes. "Sometimes, the only way I can get
through these work retreats is with the knowledge that when it's over I can let
go and be in charge of nothing. Everyone I work with thinks I'm so capable of
handling anything that comes up. And I guess they're right. I enjoy being that
person, the person who can fix whatever problems present themselves... but it's
so nice to let you be in control when I get home."

"I know, Pet. Stay put. I'll come
around and get you out. Don't forget your formal speech, I don't want to have
to punish you when you're so tired, but I will if you push me."

She did as instructed, waiting for him
to open her door and then reaching for the hand he offered so he could help her
out of the car. As she stood before him she loved that she had to look up so
far to see him. At six foot seven inches tall, he was six inches taller than

"Clothes off, Pet. Put them in
the front seat. I'll come get them, and your bags, while you take your bath.
Start at the top and work your way down, please."

did as instructed, taking her suit
jacket off, pulling her lightweight shirt over her head, and then turning for
him to undo her bra. When she turned back around he unbuttoned and unzipped her
pants, stepping back for her to finish. She let her bra fall forward and then
placed it on the seat. She gave her suit pants a nudge that made them fall to
the floor, then ran her fingers under the waistband of her underwear and did
the same. She took a step to the side to step out of them, then reached down to
pick them up and place them on the seat of the car. She was already barefoot,
having taken her shoes off in the car.

Turning to face Gordon, she placed the
backs of both hands in the small of her back, letting her shoulders fall back
as her shoulder blades relaxed and dropped down.

"I'm all yours, Master."

"I know Pet. And for that I'll
forever be grateful. Let's get you upstairs and into a bath."

"Yes, Sir."

Twenty five minutes later Victoria was leaning back in the tub against the bath pillow, with her fully conditioned
hair piled up on her head. Gordon had washed and rinsed her hair and then put
conditioner on it before piling it on her head and using a large clip to hold
it there. He'd put lavender oil into the water along with something else that
made the water so soft and so soothing. He'd gone downstairs to get her things
out of the car and bring them up, and she knew that when he came back he would
let her soak a little longer, then drain the water and situate her so he could
spend some time shaving her to his specifications, using the handheld unit to
rinse her off once he was done. All she had to do was let him make the
decisions, and do as he told her to do. Simple. Well, simple for now, while he
was pampering her and requiring that she get sleep. Once he was assured she was
all rested up it wouldn't be so simple to do as she was told. Tomorrow there
would be pain, but for now she just needed to lay here and relax.

* * * *

When Victoria awakened the next
morning it took her a minute to remember where she was, again. She was in the
bed that she and Gordon shared, but her left wrist had a cuff on it, and she
knew it was attached to a hook in the floor under the bed. She had plenty of
rope, enough so she could easily sleep on either her right or left side... but
not enough to walk to the bathroom. She looked for the clock and didn't see it.
Right, he'd decide how long she needed to sleep, and she wouldn't know. It was
daylight outside, but whether that meant it was nine in the morning or one in
the afternoon, she couldn't tell through the blinds and curtains. She debated
about whether to close her eyes and go back to sleep, or roll over and see if
Gordon was in bed or in the seating area, but then realized she had to pee too
bad to go back so sleep, so she rolled over.

Gordon had his netbook out, and it
looked like he was reading an e-book. He looked over at her and then glanced
back at his netbook, probably looking at the time.

"It's not time for you to be
awake yet, Pet."

"I understand, Sir. I need to use
the bathroom, please."

He closed his netbook and set it on
the nightstand, then stood and reached for a leash. He walked to her side of
the bed and hooked the leash to the small collar he'd placed on her neck the
night before. She knew he'd replace it with a more substantial collar later,
once he deemed she'd had enough sleep.

"You don't have your knee pads on
yet, so I'll permit you to walk upright", he unclipped the rope from her
wrist cuff and held her hand to help her up, "and since this is early
morning and you may need to do more than pee, I'll permit the use of the
toilet. Also, I don't want to wake you fully."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Hands to your back, Pet. I don't
want to have to restrain you yet, but if they don't stay on your back then I

She obediently placed the backs of her
hands into the small of her back and continued following him into the master
bathroom. Part of her hated the leash, part of her appreciated it. She didn't
have to think about where to walk, she just had to follow.

Gordon stopped by the toilet and she
sat and did her business. He knew her well, knew her body would need to eject
more than just urine this morning. She wasn't even bothered by doing her
business in front of him anymore, though once upon a time she was mortified by
it. She kept her hands at her back, and when she was through he wiped her,
front and back, until she was clean. When he was through wiping he washed his
hands and then reached for both of her shoulders, helping her stand and then
walking with her back to bed. Victoria stood still as he attached her wrist
cuff back to the rope and then removed the leash from her collar. He sat her on
the edge of the bed and handed her some water. When he was satisfied she'd had
all the water she wanted he said, "On your stomach, I'll rub your back
until you go back to sleep, Pet."

"Thank you, Sir. I love

"I know you do, Pet. And I love
you. Now do as you're told, you need more sleep."

"Yes, Sir."

* * * *

The next time Victoria awakened she
realized she was starving. She opened her eyes and looked around for Gordon,
sitting up when she saw him sitting on the loveseat in the sitting area with
the wireless headphones on so he could watch TV without disturbing her sleep.
She swung her feet over the side of the bed, but didn't move to stand. For one
thing, she didn't have permission to get out of bed. For another, the rope
wouldn't let her get far anyway."


He looked over at her and smiled, then
reached for the remote and turned the TV off before removing his headphones.

"You're awake. Excellent.

She gave a shy smile.

"I fried some potatoes almost all
the way earlier, I just need to put them back in the skillet for about five
minutes and they'll be good. I've got the ingredients for omelets all ready to
go, so I can make those while the potatoes finish cooking. Do you need to
relieve yourself?"

"Yes Sir, I do."

He nodded and stood, walking towards
her as he said, "I'll put you out while I cook, then."

He kneeled at her feet and reached
under the bed, pulling out her knee pads. He put one on each knee and then
reached under the bed again and stood with her mitts. He removed the cuff on
her wrist and then put both mitts on, cinching the wrists down so there was no
way they would come off unless someone else removed them. He put a finger in
both of them to double check that they weren't too tight and then removed the
collar she had on, replacing it with a wider and heavier bondage collar. He
hooked the leash to her collar and said, "Come on, then. Hands and

She dropped to her hands and knees and
followed after him, crawling. The master suite was on the first floor, so
thankfully there were no stairs to navigate on the way to the kitchen. However,
once they were on the deck she had to go down four steps, and she always hated
doing that. He stood below her as she turned sideways and put her left knee on
the first step, then rotated a little more to put her right knee beside it.
From there it was a matter of backing the rest of the way down them, until she
was on the ground and could turn around to crawl forward again. Their backyard
was huge, and their entire yard was fenced in by a tall brick fence. There was
no danger of anyone seeing her naked in the backyard, relieving herself like an
animal, but it was still disconcerting. He connected her leash to a wire strung
between trees and bent to kiss her on top of the head before making his way
back to the kitchen. She crawled near a bush and leaned backwards onto her feet,
keeping her bondage mitts on the ground in front of her. She'd learned to pick
a spot with a slight incline, so the urine would move backwards away from her.
And the bush at her side helped keep her from feeling quite so vulnerable. It
took a few minutes for her to convince her bladder to let go, but she finally
managed to go. When she was through she stayed in place for several moments,
hoping she would drip dry, but knowing that without being wiped it was just
going to feel gross. She knew Gordon could see her through the kitchen window,
that he wouldn't leave her restrained without being watched, but she also knew
he wasn't likely to come get her until he was through cooking, so she just
stayed put until she saw him coming back out the back door, and then she went
back to her knees and crawled the few steps away from the bush. He'd brought a
few baby wipes with him, and he wiped her down well before retrieving the leash
and walking her back into the house.

Gordon pulled a chair out for her to
sit in, gave the order to
and then
, and then pushed her
chair close to the table before taking his seat. With her large bondage mitts
on she couldn't do much of anything for herself... the ends of her arms looked
like clubs but the padding and support inside of the leather made it possible
to crawl without hurting her hands or her wrists, so she actually liked them in
spite of them meaning she didn't have the use of her hands or fingers. Besides,
this was about her not having to do anything, it was about her letting go.

Gordon cut a bite of her omelet and
fed it to her with the fork. She moaned as she chewed, he knew exactly how she
liked her omelets. Next came fried potatoes, which just happened to be Victoria's favorite comfort food. When her plate was empty Gordon said, "I'm going to
put you in your cage while I clean the kitchen up. I think you should wear your
butterfly while you wait. You are not allowed to orgasm, Pet."

"I understand, Sir."

He moved the dishes to the sink and
helped her stand before lifting her so she was sitting on the table. He put the
strap around her back and she laid back without being told, pulling her feet up
to give him the access she knew he wanted. He put the butterfly over her clit
and secured the straps so it wouldn't come loose and then turned it all the way
up. She gave a little yelp and had to fight to keep from closing her legs
around it. He gave her to about a count of ten and then backed it off to a
lower speed. Thank goodness.

After helping her stand he said,
"Okay Pet. Crawl to your cage and then turn around and back into it for

obediently dropped to all fours and
crawled from the kitchen area into the living area. Gordon would be able to see
her in one of the mirrors while he worked on the dishes. Her cage was a
collapsible dog crate, only brought out when they were doing one of her
"welcome home" weekends. Victoria crawled to it as instructed, still
on the leash. When she reached it she turned around and backed into it,
stopping just before her head went in so Gordon could release the leash. He
reached into a pocket and put a blindfold on her before releasing the leash,
kissing her cheek before telling her to, "Get in the cage now, Pet."

* * * *

wasn't sure how much time had
elapsed. Gordon had finished with the dishes a long time ago, and the butterfly
on her clit had gone from erotic to drive-me-fucking-crazy to almost painful.
She'd called out for Gordon at one point, and heard his voice telling her that
this was for quiet time, and if she kept talking she would earn punishments.
She knew he was in the room, or somewhere he could see her, because she knew he
wouldn't leave her like this. But he had music playing that kept her from
hearing any small noises he might make when he moved, or perhaps turned the
pages of a book, or clicked the keys of his netbook. He hadn't told her to keep
any particular position, so she'd moved around as much as possible — starting
out on her knees and leaning forward with her stomach on her thighs. It was the
largest collapsible crate, but she was a tall woman. Currently she was laying
on her back with her feet above her, flat on the roof of the cage, and her
knees pressed to her chest.

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