Love Bound (26 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

BOOK: Love Bound
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Misty consider only briefly before
answering. “Just that I’ll do anything you say, sir.” She didn’t understand
what he wanted of her.

“Not good enough, but you’ll learn
what is required of a Black Rose.” Brownie released her panties and ran his
hand over her covered pussy. “Feels like ice, slave, but it can get worse.” He
turned to Baldie. “Get the fan.”

Misty didn’t understand what he meant
until she saw Baldie return with a large box fan trailing a long orange
extension cord. He placed it three feet in front of Misty and now she realized
how her soaking wet clothes would now be the tools they would torture her with.

Baldie flipped a switch and the fan
let out a torrent like a wind tunnel. Immediately her breasts, pussy and legs
began to feel the chill more acutely due to her cold wet clothes. Misty tried
to tolerate it for a while, but before long she felt like she was losing
sensation in her crotch and breasts and her legs were so numb.

“Pppplease, sir, stop it, I’ll do
anything.” She begged Brownie, but he was resolute.

“What will you do?”

The numbing cold wasn’t conducive to
her concentration, but Misty tried to think what he wanted.
He doesn’t seem
to care that I’ll do anything he wants so what does he want.
Finally the
light went on for Misty.
Maybe he wants me to offer him sex, like a well
trained slave would.

“I’ll suck both your cocks until you
come in my mouth. sir.”

Baldie looked like a puppy dog with a
new toy, but more important to Misty was Brownie’s smile. This meant she was on
the right track. Again Brownie flashed his hand at Baldie and the fan was
turned off.

“You should be very proud of your
first offer of oral service as a Black Rose. There will be many more. I’ll
consider today’s lesson learned and we’ll show you how a Black Rose is rewarded
when she serves well.” Brownie nodded to Baldie who returned the fan to the
work bench and returned with an eye- opening hunting knife.

As Baldie approached Misty her fear
skyrocketed. She did not trust him like she did Brownie, but her fears were not
realized as Baldie turned out to be a master with the knife. He quickly and
cleanly cut her clothes off her body. Soon all her clothes were on the concrete
floor in a sliced pile of rags.

“Now get her in position, quickly.”
Brownie’s order had Baldie move right to Misty’s neck where he began to loosen
the attachment by which her collar was secured to the pole and then he removed
the spreader bar from her ankles.

“Kneel, bitch.” It was the only thing
Baldie had said to her since she arrived and Misty wondered why he was always
silent yet seemed so angry at her. She hastened to obey and found that with the
pole’s collar attachment loosened and her feet freed she could slide her collar
down the pole and kneel.

Baldie quickly tightened the pole
attachment of her collar and used a shorter spreader bar to secure her knees
apart while cuffing her ankles together behind the pole. Misty’s body was now
as secured and helpless as it had been before, but now she was in the correct
position to offer oral service.

Once Baldie was done, Brownie moved in
and held her face up so she was looking at him. “This is an important lesson
not only in proper service, but in accepting your reward. A Black Rose never
knows when her Master will choose to reward her, but she must always graciously
accept even if she is overwhelmed by her reward.”

Misty didn’t really understand what he
meant about being overwhelmed, but she knew she must apply herself and please
no matter what happened.

For a moment Brownie who disappeared
from her view and he came back with what looked like a giant vibrator. “I think
we shall accept your offer of oral service.” He smiled at Baldie and nodded.

Baldie eagerly dropped his pants
revealing black boxers for a moment before his partially erect manhood popped
into view. He quickly moved it to Misty’s face and grabbed her by the hair.

Misty now understood Baldie was
insecure about getting what he wanted from a woman’s mouth as he had to hold
her head to be in control. This no doubt meant he would orally rape her throat.

Baldie put Misty through her paces,
encouraging deep penetration and gagging, but still Misty gave her best effort.
Suddenly Misty felt Brownie’s presence as fingers found her slit and slipped
inside the moist cleft. Now she was both giving and receiving pleasure and
Misty began to get an inkling of what Brownie had referred to earlier.

As Misty worked slavishly on Baldie’s
erection, Brownie manipulated her pussy and clit until he had her swooning and
fidgeting as she was close to climax.
Could it be a Black Rose is only
rewarded while serving?

When Baldie shot his load deep in her
throat, Misty felt Brownie give her clit one more flicks before abandoning her.
As she struggled to swallow Baldie’s semen she was poised near the razor’s edge
of her orgasm, but she was denied.

Now her trainers reversed roles and
Brownie dropped his pants and briefs so she was soon staring at Brownie’s
growing penis.
Can I take him as deep as I took Baldie?
She doubted it,
but she would try. First she licked the head and then she moved down the
hardening shaft to his balls licking with a passion. A soft moan let her know
he was enjoying and finally she tried to wrap her lips around the massive head
of his cock. As she stretched her lips around the bulbous head, Misty felt
Baldie press something against her pussy and clit.

“Reward her now and don’t stop until I
come.” Brownie spoke the words and Misty heard the buzz of the giant vibrator.
It was loud and the vibration on her clit was incredible spiking her arousal to
pre-orgasmic levels.

Misty sucked, devoting herself to her
oral duties as her pleasure mounted.
This can’t last long. I’m going to come
It was soon apparent she could not fight her climax the vibration was
too powerful so she sucked and accepted what came. Soon Misty’s entire body
convulsed in a giant spasm as she came like she never had before. Although her
orgasm was mind numbing, she realized Brownie hadn’t climaxed and she resisted
the impulse to let the giant cock slip out of her mouth. Another orgasm ripped
through her and then a third, but Misty kept sucking to please Brownie.

Soon Misty’s clitoral sensitivity set
in and the vibrations which had been delightful became torturous. She squirmed
as much as her bonds allowed trying to slip the vibe off her ultra-sensitive
clit, but Baldie kept the pressure on.

What did he say? Don’t stop until he
comes. I have to get him off.
now understood Brownie’s reference to overwhelmed and she knew the vibe would
not stop cycle until she brought forth Brownie’s seed.

Misty became a pleasure machine
forcing Brownie’s hardness deep into her gagging throat until finally,
mercifully, he gave up his spend. She swallowed greedily knowing she had
pleased and Brownie raised his hand to make Baldie remove the vibe from her

Apparently her first day’s training
was done because she was released from the pole and Brownie attached a lead to her
collar. As soon as they left the room, he took a black hood from a peg outside
the door and hooded her. “Get used to being hooded. You’ll be hooded wherever
you go during training.”

Brownie led her to a small cell where
her hood was removed. He opened the barred door and let her in. Misty noted a
small cot and a toilet in the cell, but nothing else. It was a far cry from the
relative comfort of her apartment back in that world of normality she had lived
in forty eight hours ago, but somehow it didn’t seem to matter to her.

He closed the door and turned to leave
her, but she dared speak to him.

“May I have my hands freed, sir?” Her
hands were still cuffed behind her back.

“No, absolutely not. If your hands are
freed you will touch yourself whenever you desire. You must accept we decide
when you are rewarded with an orgasm from now on.” Brownie turned and left
leaving Misty feeling empty after he’d gone. It was a strange feeling like she
had no purpose other than to please.

There were so many other questions she
wanted to ask and things she needed to know, but she understood what was
important now was to obey and learn to be a good slave. Gone was the time to
wonder where the submissive need inside her had come from, or why Stephan had
seen it and she had not. Now her submission was all she had and somehow she
knew it would get her through whatever happened during her training so she
could see what was on the other side. She knew she would be a Black Rose, but
would she like it. There was a moment of silent contemplation before Misty

* * * *

For Misty’s training quickly became a
white hot crucible of pleasure and pain as it seemed she existed solely for
those linked purposes. She learned to derive all the pleasure she could from
taking both Brownie and Baldie’s turgid erections in all her holes multiple
times each day. The oral, vaginal, and anal penetrations continued endless, but
Misty couldn’t deny she came to enjoy them, especially when Brownie penetrated

To Misty her punishments were to her
far less understandable because she always obeyed her trainers perfectly never
really giving them a reason to punish her. Yet it didn’t seem to matter as
Misty experienced tight bondages, whippings with Brownie’s snapping singletail,
and canings administered with far less skill by Baldie who she could tell liked
to see her yelp and whine from the pain. Misty took her punishments stoically
and found that like spankings the bondage, whip, and cane fired her sexually
making her orgasms incredible. Still though, she eventually summoned the
courage to ask Brownie why she was punished and bound so often when she had not

“You will be a Black Rose and our
buyers expect a durable bitch slave who can take punishment. Some of them
rarely have sex with their slaves, they only punish them.” Brownie’s reply made
Misty cringe in fear. What would it be like to be sold to someone who only used
you as a whipping bitch?

As best Misty could figure it was her
seventeenth day of training when things changed dramatically. First of all,
Brownie allowed her to dress in a black jumpsuit before he hooded her. Before
she knew it she was placed in the trunk of a car and when they arrived and her
hood was removed the place looked like a medical clinic. After being stripped
of the jumpsuit, Misty was again injected and when she awoke her body was
strapped to a metal gyno table with her legs spread wide in the locked

“Oh my god, my breasts, what have you
done?” Misty immediately looked down and realized her pert C-cups had been
surgically enhanced to teardrop-shaped DD’s. Her nipples were also pierced with
gold rings and a thin gold chain extended through both nipple rings in a loop.
Startled, she looked up at Brownie who began to explain.

“All of our Black Roses are enhanced
to please our buyers and the chain provides a nice measure of control.” Brownie
took hold of the chain loop and lifted it slightly to illustrate how easily
Misty could now be controlled. “Imagine a leash clipped to the looped chain.”

Misty could easily imagine and the
thought of being led around by her breast excited, but Misty still did not know
the extent of her modifications.

Brownie released her right arm from
its bindings. “Go ahead and feel your cunt, slave.”

Misty hesitatingly wondering what they
had done to her sex, but she slowly moved her fingers down her belly to feel
her labia lips. “Ohhhhh, not there.” Misty’s fingers had discovered her labial
lips had also been pierced near the top of each lip. Like with her nipples, an
even thinner gold chain ran in a loop from one lip to the other. Brownie now
picked up the pussy chain with his fingers and gave it a mild pull.

I can also be leashed and lead about
by my pussy!
was stunned, too stunned to speak.

“Go ahead and feel your clit.”
Brownie’s command sparked pure fear in Misty as she wondered what more there

When Misty’s fingers reached her sex
button, she couldn’t believe what she felt. It was so amazing she had to look
down at her privates to confirm. Her clit was the size of a large marble and it
was thrust out from under her clitoral hood. More than the size was a mere
touch felt like a jolt of arousal to her.

“Go ahead, play with it.” Brownie

Misty licked the fingers of her right
hand to provide lubrication, but she soon realized it was barely needed.
Rubbing her sensitive nub, the way she rubbed it so many times in the past,
showed her it was now ultra sensitive to her touch. In moments she was utterly
aroused to the point she was approaching orgasm.

“The repositioning to bypass the
clitoral hood was done with surgery and the first concentrated injection of our
clitoral stimulator. It’s a localized injection of HGH and you’ll receive three
more injections over the next few days to increase the size and sensitivity to
the point it will look like a tiny cock, perhaps just over an inch long. You’ll
be glad to hear we’ve also added a hormone modifier to the injections which
curtails the bad sensitivity after multiple orgasms. In essence as a Black
Rose, you’ll be able to climax quickly and almost continuously. Let me show
you.” Brownie grabbed Misty’s right hand and secured it again and then moved
his fingers to her helpless, but enhanced clit.

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