Love Bound (36 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

BOOK: Love Bound
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* * * *

 With anticipation, she walked into
the living room and stood waiting for instructions. Her breasts rose and fell
as she eyed the bench. A slow throb began in the flesh between her thighs.

“Position,” Max said with firmness.

Eryn walked over and straddled the
bench, laying forward. Biting down on her tongue when her shoulder protested,
she forced it to relax, thankful she didn’t have the full force of gravity at
the forty-five degree angle.

He approached and cuffed her wrists
and ankles to the legs. “Status?”

“Rosy, sir.” Swallowing, she hoped he
hadn’t picked up on the slight hint of pain she’d heard in her voice. The
shoulder needed time to adjust, not babied. She certainly hadn’t babied it when
she went fishing, or cleaned and filleted the slimy critter.

He lifted the hem of her shirt over
her ass and ran a finger through the achy slit. No play, no insertion to tease
her further. She waited when he left her. Half the fun was waiting, not knowing
what he might do next. The possibilities were endless. He knew she’d lay there
wondering if he’d insert a vibrator and strap it down, tease with feathers or
flogger if her hips so much as twitched with excitement.

The mere thought of it had her thigh
muscles twitching. Her clit throbbed.

She jumped when cold metal met her
heated pussy. Ben-wa balls were pushed into her tunnel; her heartbeat
accelerated. She felt her brow furrow from holding in the sounds of pleasure.
Inner muscles gripped on their own, causing the steel balls to click and
vibrate. Clenching her teeth, her breath came out in a hiss.


Eryn swallowed. “Rosy, sir.”

She let her eyes close and
concentrated on not moving, not groaning, but the wetness building beneath her
groin coupled with the intense need to thrust had her fingers tightening around
the straps. It put pressure on the sore muscles, but she bit her tongue and
turned her mind inward. A trick she learned many years ago before she felt the
freedom of open self-gratification. Mentally, she pushed her thighs together
and tightened the flesh around her clit. Releasing and tightening, she felt
need crawl down her legs. She jerked. It lay just beneath the surface.

The whir and crack penetrated about
the time the whip tail met her ass.


“Oh,” she moaned, giving herself
another squeeze. The whip came again and air whooshed from her lungs. She
pressed her hips into the leather, trying to grind her nub against it. She was
too close to stop. The whip came down again and she rose up, then down. “Give
it to me,” she begged.

Nothing. A moment later, she heard the
latch release and her arm moved. She watched him kneel on the side she faced.
His expression smoldered with darkness, but remained unreadable. He moved her
down so her hips hung off the end of the bench and straps came around her
thighs, holding spread apart. Latching her arm straps in their new place, he
was not gentle in the pull on her arms to tighten them.

With her hearing, she followed his
footsteps from the room, yet it did no good for her to be alone. She was
incapable of helping herself off in this position.

Max returned and she assumed from
where he stopped, he was coiling the whip to strike again.

“Count!” he ordered.

The whip cracked and snapped across
her ass. “One,” she counted and relaxed her cheek into the bench.

By the time she hit twenty counts, she
wasn’t sure if the fluid coming from her was an abundance of cum or she emptied
her bladder. What she did know was that if he didn’t help satisfy her soon, she
was going to combust.

“Status, love?”

“Rosy,” she moaned.

He came to her and undid the straps.
“On your back!”

She shook her arms out, wincing.
Carefully, she turned onto her back and placed her arms over her head for
strapping from the end of the bench. He secured her and strapped her ankles to
the base, thighs still spread. It was a bit uncomfortable, but experience
assured her when her back relaxed, she’d become oblivious to it.

Sudden vibrations rolled across her
g-spot. She bit her lip and tried to hide the orgasm, but her body didn’t
cooperate. Shudders swept through her body followed by convulsions and
uncontrollable moans.

Tears welled up in her eyes. She
closed them so he wouldn’t see. Her damn shoulder wasn’t going to disrupt what
he had in store for her. Darkness covered her eyes. She was thankful for

A cold metal substance ran over her


Chapter 5

 What was it? What was he up to?
Tentatively, Eryn stuck the tip of her tongue out and it was taken away. Her
mind couldn’t think with the balls teasing her and the pain in her shoulder
threatening her fun. A tugging on her shirt followed by the sounds of blades
meeting said he used scissors. She smiled. Max was trying new things and the
anticipation relaxed her. He moved the fabric and a breeze blew over the
moisture covering her skin.

The tips of her breast were
pinched…ah…nipple clamps. Seems Max did more than buy her the ankle bracelet.


“Rosy.” Despite the ache in her
shoulder, the clamps held the nerve endings which had a direct line to her
pussy. Blood pumped through her and she throbbed.

Aside from her heavy breathing all she
heard was the pelting of the rain. She imagined the drops falling on her clit
in succession before rolling down her hot slit. She squirmed.

It seemed hours passed while her body
racked from torturous internal orgasms. Eryn could only breathe through them.
She sensed he watched from a distance, knew the moment she uttered her
pleasure, punishment came. Not allowing it was a different punishment. One she
hoped got to him every bit as much. The thought of his cock spewing of its own
accord caused her to choke on her laughter.


The voice came from across the room.
It was thick with arousal. She bit down on her lip until she could speak.

She wondered who would give in first.
Her shoulder had gone numb, so only hunger for his cock plunging into her
commandeered her focus. Inhaling and exhaling, she shook when the vibrations
connected with her sweet spot once again.

Something cold, hard was moved up and
down her slit before the tip was inserted. Max flipped a switch, because it
began to vibrate against her. He held it there while she struggled to get to
more of it inside her. Her lungs burned with every panting breath.

He took the vibrator away.

“Oh, fuck yeah!” spewed from her when
he set the vibrating toy on her clit. Her breath caught on uncontrollable
moans. In seconds, she was ready to come from the inside of her nub out.

He took it away.

“Oh, god, no.” She turned her head
from side to side. It hurt, the release just under the surface.


She blew out, panting. His hands came
down along her breasts as she felt the tip of his cock jerk against her pussy
and enter her. He bottomed out, stilled and ran his tongue over her lips. Her mouth
opened, but he didn’t appease her need. “Please,” she whimpered.

He moved and her body screamed as she
did. “Yes! Fuck me!”

Riding her hard, his motions moved her
body up and down the bench as much as the restraints allowed. Pain seared
through her shoulder and up her arm. She grabbed onto the strap over her hands
and clenched her teeth. No way was she going to. use the safe word. No, no, no.
She can handle the pain as long as he gave her pussy relief.

Max pulled out and lifted from her. He
moved the blindfold. “Damn it!” He wiped at the tears she didn’t know fell.
“Damn it, Eryn! What’s the point of a safe word, if you don’t use it?”

“No, don’t,” she protested, but he was
too quick.

Anger replaced hot fiery need as he
had her unstrapped in seconds then lowered the bench. She buried her hand in
her pussy, furiously alternating thrusts and rubbing her clit. He massaged her
arm before bringing it down to her side. Max yanked her hand from her groin.

“No. Please. I need this.” Ignoring
her, he pulled her into a sitting position, retrieved keys from his pants and
removed her slave jewelry. Tossing them in the nearby waste can, he stormed
from the room.

“Max! I need fucked from here to next
Sunday. I need you to take me down and rush me…” It was pointless to talk to
someone who wasn’t listening.

She sat there rubbing her shoulder.
Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her thighs flexed when the balls shifted and
Oh, god, I need it so bad. Come back!
Blowing out, she looked
down at herself, wanting to get some relief, but if he returned and saw her
masturbating, she’d risk angering him further.

Eryn let her gaze wander the room in
hopes of bringing herself down below the threshold before she said to hell with
it. When minutes went by and he hadn’t come back, she wasn’t sure what to do.
Instinct led her to go find him, but part of her said he needed to blow off
steam before he dealt with the situation? Wiping tears from her cheeks, she
admitted to herself he was right. She had broken the rules.

With another exhale, she tried to
rotate the shoulder. The stiffness had made it tight and it hurt. She sniffled
and scooted to the edge of the bench and pushed the ben-wa balls from there
nestled place when they sent another set of vibrations through her. With them in
her hand, she padded to the bathroom and washed them up and left them to air
dry on a hand towel while she showered.

After letting the hot shower loosen up
her shoulder, she dressed before searching out Max. He wasn’t inside and when
she opened the door to see if he was on the porch, the jeep was gone.


Chapter 6

Her heart leapt. Standing there, she
stared down the lane while fresh tears filled her eyes. How could she have been
so selfish? Grabbing a granny squared afghan from the couch, she pulled it around
her shoulders and sat on the porch glider. The rain still came down in a gentle
shower, and the smell of clean wet dirt reached her. Any other time, she’d bask
in it, enjoying the smells of the wet woods.

She stretched her legs out across the
seat and rested against the back, settling in to wait.

* * * *

“Oh, ow!” Eryn said, jerking awake at
the sound of her name. Max kneeled before the swing.

He swung her legs around, forcing her
to sit facing him. Pulling something from a bag at his side, he moved the
blanket aside. “You’re going to wear this sling and let your shoulder heal,” he
said as he put it on her. His voice was rough with anger. The trip into town
did nothing to dissipate it.

Watching him make adjustments, she
wanted to tell him she was sorry, but the words sounded lame in her head. Sorry
wasn’t going to fix what she messed up. Trust was a major part of what they do
and she’d lost his. Or at the very least, damaged it.

Finished, he stood with the bag in
hand and went inside without a word.

Hurt and regretful, Eryn untangled the
blanket from her legs to follow him inside. When she entered the cabin, Max
stood at the fireplace, his hands shoved in his pockets.

“I can’t believe you did this,” he
said, facing her. “I’ve been beating myself up for letting you get hurt in the
first place. It kills me to see you in pain. It kills me to see you stand there
wearing a sling because I hurt you!”

“I’m sorry,” she said. The words
weren’t enough, she knew that. Her reasons for enduring weren’t enough. She
laid the afghan over the couch. “It was selfish.”

“Selfish, yes, but that’s only part of

He turned back to the fire. There was
nothing more she could say. Her heart weighed down her chest and she closed her
eyes so as not to stare at the back of the man she’d betrayed.

“I called Doctor Swanson and he
ordered a prescription of Naproxin and wants to see you Monday. It’s on the

“Thank you.” She went to take the
medication then gathered the cleaning products and returned to wash and
disinfect the bench since they were through with it for the weekend. When she
finished, she looked at him, wondering if she should pack up. She didn’t ask.

After putting the cleaning supplies
away, she went to their room and laid down. Only then did she allow fresh tears
to spill. Turning to her side, she pulled the pillow closer and inhaled his
scent. All it did was fan the flames that never died. She buried her nose into
it taking in more of him and let her hand slip up the leg of her shorts to rub
her pussy. It responded with a release of juices she spread around before
slipping into her slit. The tease wasn’t enough. Pushing the shorts down, she
kicked them off and reached into the drawer for a dildo. She slipped it into
her pussy and thrust with her own actions. It wasn’t enough. She needed more;
she needed her husband. Eryn let the toy go and tapped her clit to bring it out
from the hood. It didn’t take much and she was rubbing little circles around
the nub.

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