Love Bound (33 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

BOOK: Love Bound
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“Aside from your wife,” I replied
acridly, chewing the plastic tag from my new leather garment. There was silence
for a moment—a welcome change. Lawrence could be such a child at times.

“I love you, Audrey,” he bleated like
a pathetic little lamb.


As I zipped up the bustier, I suddenly
realized why it had been marked down to ten dollars from two hundred and
Shit de merde
, I couldn’t breathe! Why hadn’t I tried it on
before buying? I zipped it down halfway. Still a little constrictive, but

“You have no idea how disappointed I
feel,” Lawrence whined. “You have no idea how much I wanted to stay here with
you tonight.”

had no idea? How many years had I looked forward to any
opportunity to spend a night together? Yes, the raw animal sex was incredible,
but without being able to spend an entire night basking in the afterglow, there
was something missing. Lawrence and I weren’t like other couples, and I was
okay with that at first.
But now?
God, what I wouldn’t give to have a
normal life with him. This was supposed to be our one weekend of living like a
regular couple, and he had to go and destroy it! Just like last time. How did Lawrence always manage to ruin everything?

“Shut up!” I nearly sobbed, grabbing
assorted sex toys and paraphernalia from the night table and returning to the
living room. Why could I never come up with anything really cruel to say when I
was angry? It tried to come up with some insult…

“I’m sorry,” he replied, eyes downcast
as I strode by the sofa.

drove me crazy with his incessant
apologies. It was impossible to pick a fight with that man! Sometimes all I
wanted was a good row, but he would never engage. My anger rolled off him like
water from a duck’s back.

“I can’t stand you sometimes,” I said
in a voice so deep and cold I couldn’t believe it was my own. “You’re like a toilet:
I shit all over you and you just take it.”

sides of Lawrence’s lips turned upward. Okay, I probably could have phrased
that better. It was, at best, a failed attempt at cruelty. The naked man on my
couch was obviously trying to contain his mirth, but I was not in the mood to
be chortled at. “Look at my face, Lawrence. Do I look like I’m laughing? Because
I’m not.”

His gaze rose from my parquet
flooring, but didn’t make it to my face. It lingered over my fishnet-clad legs,
then my black lace thong, but what really caught his attention was the leather
bustier. Sure, I couldn’t breathe, but my boobs were bustin’ out all over! I’d
always wanted to be a dominatrix, and Lawrence was in dire need of punishment.

“I said, look at my
!” I
growled, on principle. I actually liked that he was staring at my tits. They
were on the small side, so it didn’t happen all that often.

Guilty as a kid with his hand in the
cookie jar, Lawrence gazed up and looked into my eyes. Had there been any hair
on his beautiful bald head, I would have latched onto it and pulled. Instead, I
walked around the sofa and soaked in the view. Lawrence still had a great ass
left over from his marathon-running days. It was peachy, muscular, and tight,
but with just enough give that, when my palm made contact with it, the flesh
rippled for a moment.

turned his head around as best he
could, tied up as he was. “You hit me,” he whimpered, shocked at my violence.

you. There’s a
difference,” I said flatly. Inside I was bouncing off the walls, but my face
was stone. I wouldn’t crack. When my palm fell once again against Lawrence’s ass, I kept an eye on his undecided cock. It jerked forward.

“Looks to me like you’re enjoying
this,” I accused, warming his cheeks in circles with my hands. Standing
directly behind Lawrence, I smacked both cheeks at once and his whole body
jerked forward.

“Maybe. I don’t know,” he murmured.
was that for an uncommitted response?
My hands travelled down his smooth
ass-cheeks and through the tunnel of his spread thighs to find his cock rigid
and ready. I squeezed it. Hard. The muscles in his thighs stiffened.

“You’re going to get your filthy
pre-come all over my couch,
putain de chien
.” I said with a cruel grin. From
the laundry basket on my floor, I plucked a bath towel and spread it out
beneath his cumbersome form.

“You don’t need to call me names,” Lawrence objected.

“Don’t I, liar?” I asked, smacking his
ass harder than before.

. I’ve never lied to you!”

“But you lie to your w…” I trailed off.

when the clothes pegs next to my laundry hamper spoke to me. Pinching his flesh
first between my fingers, I clamped a springy wooden peg onto each of his

Lawrence shrieked. “What
are you doing to me?” His initial impulse was to rub the pegs together, but
that only made them pull tighter on his skin.
Silly rabbit

pegs, cheater!” I scowled.

“Oh,” he reacted, as though I’d come
up with the idea all on my own and not seen it online. He didn’t tell me to
take them off, so I clamped on two more pegs and watched the villain’s asshole
. I’ll get to you, my pretty…

I’d never bitten Lawrence before. His
flesh was too taut to really chomp down on, but I got my point across by
sinking my teeth into his ass. He pulled away, but didn’t get far. Then,
without thinking, I kissed the hurt I’d created. I obviously wasn’t getting the
hang of the whole dominatrix thing.

Audrey, honey, I’ve never
cheated on you…”

I spanked him again. Hard.

“And I never would.”


Why should I believe that?
My muscles trembled until I let loose
on Lawrence’s sweet ass. Five, six, seven times? I lost count. When I saw how
red his bottom was, I stopped. Maybe I was hurting him more than I intended,
and more than I ought.

Reaching up to his head, I petted just
above his neck as something of a peace offering. Lawrence was like a puppy—he
liked to be scratched behind the ears. Digging into his skin a touch, I dragged
my nails down his back, leaving thin red lines all the way down to his tender
ass. I leaned low, writhing against him so the smooth leather of my black
bustier could salve his burning flesh. Reaching under, I grabbed Lawrence’s squishy balls and he inhaled sharply. He thought I was playing nice, that all
was forgiven.
Not bloody likely.
I sank my teeth into his ass with full
force, leaving two red semi-circles in my wake. Lawrence shrieked and jerked
forward. But, hey, he had it coming.

“What are you doing to me?” he cried.

“Giving you what you deserve,” I said,
tugging the belt from his Dockers. He didn’t say to stop. Folding the brown
leather in two, I pulled the belt taut and it released a resounding crack. I
could have whipped him right away, but I knew it would be more fun to generate
suspense. Besides, all the domination had my pussy crying out for attention.

Making my way behind the sofa in the
middle of my living room, I raised a leg up and over Lawrence’s shoulder,
holding the wretched villain in place. His mouth was perfectly aligned with my
cunt, and I laced my makeshift whip around the back of his head. “Eat me,
I commanded.

licked my sensitive pussy lips
through the lace of my thong. The wetness of his mouth mingled with my juices,
making the area into a sopping mess. I could tell my clit was engorged, because
I could feel Lawrence’s warm tongue against it even through my underwear. I
couldn’t bear the resistance anymore. I instructed Lawrence to shift my thong
out of the way.

“But my hands are tied,” he whined.

“So use your nose,

I laughed inwardly as my partner of
four years nudged my thong out of the way. He licked my pussy lips like a
frightened animal.

“Not good enough!” I scolded,
unfolding the leather belt. Raising it into the air, I held it up before
finally working up the nerve to strike. When I cast it down against Lawrence’s back, the
whip didn’t even make contact. It just flipped to the
side. I tried again. Same thing.
Really annoying!
I was trying to
maintain a certain mystique and that belt was not co-operating. But third time’s
a charm, and when I whipped him once again, the leather landed soundly against
his back. He flinched, exhaling warm air against my hot cunt. It must have hurt
him, but not very much. Not
, I should say.

Next time, I didn’t lift the belt so
high into the air. I flipped it up and back down in one quick motion. The whip
cracked with a heart-palpitating swish against my slave’s back. That got him
moving. The little licks he’d issued against my pussy lips turned into hard,
lingering laps of my juice.

“How does that taste?” I asked.

“Mmm…” he mumbled.

I struck Lawrence’s back with the
That’ll learn him

“Delicious,” he corrected himself.

“That’s right. Now kiss my cunt.”

gave my clit a peck.
That’s not
what I meant.
I whipped him again. His back was getting red now.

“Kiss it with your tongue,
de chien

I whipped him once more and that did
the trick. He infiltrated my achingly eager cunt with his tongue and I thought
my knees were going to give out. His kisses were hot, his tongue solid and
hard, flailing against the periphery of my pussy. Just to hear that
sound again, I belted Lawrence’s bare back. He stopped kissing and looked up at
me, his chin gleaming with sticky nectar. He awaited instruction.

“Suck my clit,” I said. “Suck it

God, did he ever!
I dropped the belt to hold his head
in my hands. I didn’t want to lose the scary dominatrix demeanour, but I
couldn’t help myself. I whimpered as Lawrence vacuumed my clit into his mouth. My
hips began to move, to gyrate. I couldn’t help it. It was like he was sucking
my body out through my clit. It was wonderful. I could hardly breathe.
my bustier was too tight
. If I didn’t take it off, I was going to collapse!
As the leather top fell to the floor, I forced my cunt against Lawrence’s face, writhing against his mouth. Grabbing hold of his shoulder, I dug my nails
deep into his flesh. Couldn’t help it.

, Lawrence!” I cried,
teetering on the brink of insanity. “You are fucking incredible!”

I fell away from his glistening mouth,
my head spinning from too much pleasure, and Lawrence propped himself up to
lick my cold breasts. The wetness and warmth of his tongue against my erect
nipples made my body quiver. My knees were weak, but there was one more thing I
wished to do to my prisoner before letting him escape.

Unclipping the clothes pegs from his
thighs, I watched Lawrence’s reddened flesh bounce back into place. From the
basket of paraphernalia from my night table, I plucked some lube and an
oddly-shaped contraption I’d bought online…
This popular item has the perfect
contours to stimulate a man’s prostate
. It was smooth with bulbous little
offshoots, and the end had curved handles to make it easy to grip while you’re
ramming your partner with it. We’d never used this thing before. Lawrence didn’t even know I had it.

“How hard are you?” I asked my slave,
standing behind him.

“I would say
,” he

“Well, you have two choices. I can
whip you or I can fuck you.”

“Oh, fuck me, please!” he said like a
kid in a candy store.

I laughed. “No, I don’t think you

When I held the strange dildo in front
of his face, Lawrence looked dubiously back at me. “What is that?”

“Do you want to find out?”

His smile was hesitant. “I think I’d
rather be whipped.”

I smiled with saccharine insincerity. “Suit
yourself.” Picking up his belt up off the couch, I laid it down across his
Wha-chuk! Wha-chuk! Wha-chuk!
I struck him as hard as I could
manage, every blow falling on the same tender strip of skin.

“Stop!” Lawrence cried. “Okay, okay.
Try the other thing.”

Well, that was one way to settle a
dispute. Slathering the toy in lube, I massaged the excess into his twitching
asshole. Lawrence released a low moan. “Are you going to… you know…?”

“I want to hear you beg for it,” I


“Please what? I can’t read your mind,”
I teased. Of course I could.

“Audrey, could you
stroke my cock?”

“Well, since you asked so nicely…”

That settled it: I was an absolute
failure as a dominatrix.
Oh well
. Reaching around his lovely ass, I took
firm hold of his rigid rod and Lawrence was putty in my hands. He moaned and
whispered my name, thrusting his hips so his cock ran smoothly through my fist.
I set the end of my new toy against his convulsive asshole and jiggled it
about. He sighed at the slight pressure I exerted.

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