Love Bound (41 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

BOOK: Love Bound
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Much to Henry's surprise, Claudia
smiled rather than frowned. "Thank you, Doctor. I'll wear less makeup for
the next session. I don't see how it will help, but I don't expect it can hurt

"And make an appointment with the
receptionist, please."

Claudia smiled. "I know the
routine. And do lose the please, will you? It's so trite."

* * * *

The next couple of sessions were
routine, as the good doctor continued to try and understand how someone
apparently comfortable and happy with herself could so enjoy being mistreated. The
more he heard, the more he began to wonder Miss Burns's case was beyond his
capabilities. Henry had encountered such situations in the past, but this was
different. Before he had been worried about professional image and his perfect
record. This time he was concerned about his patient. Then, with some
reluctance, he began to accept his feelings went beyond concern.

And he began to wonder if he too, was

By the end of the first month, Claudia
had reached a similar conclusion, at least regarding their progress. "It
still doesn't seem like we're really getting anywhere," she declared as
their fifth session began.

"You may be right," Dr.
Stuart admitted. "Rather than focusing on what may have triggered your
desire to be dominated, perhaps we should simply explore the desire

Claudia smiled through pressed lips
and nodded. "Ok."

"Why don't you tell me about your
most exciting moment," Dr. Stuart suggested. "Maybe if we can
understand what it is you truly enjoy, then maybe we will learn why."

Claudia's smile broadened. She leaned
forward in her chair, rubbing her palms against one another. "My most
exciting moment ever was just a few months ago. "I met this guy at a
singles bar. We talked a while and I had maybe a little more to drink than I
should and I told him what I liked.

"He was interested immediately.
And so was I; he was very handsome. He offered to take me home and fulfill my
every fantasy, and I gladly accepted.

"As soon as we got to his place,
he began to call me all sorts of nasty names, you know:
Bitch, Whore, Slut.
It was like I was in heaven. Then he ripped my clothes off, not seeming to care
that he ruined them. This thrilled me so much; I almost wet myself on the spot!
He threw me to the ground by my hair and told me how worthless I was, but that
he was going to teach me to be useful in spite of myself.

"He made me suck his cock until
it was good and hard and wet! Then he plowed it into my ass. I had been
sodomized before, of course, but never like that. I mean, I always enjoyed it,
but everyone else always went so slow, and they were always so careful. This
time, I felt like I had truly been skewered. I thought he had really injured
me. I cried out and he didn't even seem to care. It was so wonderful!

"Then he pulled out suddenly. He
grabbed me by the hair and yanked me around, to where I was on my knees in
front of him, bringing my face to his cock. Then he said, 'Look what a mess
you've made of my cock! Lick it clean, you worthless whore!'

"I looked at his dick, and it
really didn't look messy—but I knew where it had been—and he was about to make
me suck it! It was so nasty, so vile, so debasing, so, so
know it sounds really gross now, even to me, but at the time I was very

Dr. Stuart gulped and put his
clipboard in its customary position. "And what was so exciting?"

"Being forced."

"I don't exactly see how he was
forcing you to do anything?"

"When a man gives me
direction," Claudia explained, "and I know he means it, well, I not
only want to obey, I
to obey."

"Really? And how do you know a
man means it."

"I have to give him a test, of

"Like what?"


"And how does a man pass this

"By making me do whatever he
said, and by punishing me for not doing it."

"And this man, he did these

"Oh, yes!" Claudia said.
"That's why I just knew I'd finally found the right man for me."

"Ok. What happened next?"

"Well," began Claudia,
"I moved my mouth to follow his instructions and I wondered if he would taste
ever so nasty. I almost wet myself again." The young woman squirmed in her
chair before she continued.

"Then," Claudia paused to
release a mighty sigh. "My body betrayed me. I'm not sure if it was the
idea or all the alcohol or maybe just the excitement, but I wretched. I puked,
first on his cock and then his floor.

"At first I was distressed; but
as soon as my heaves stopped I realized what a blessing in disguise this might
be. Surely he would punish me for my misdeed! It was the ultimate test! I was more
excited than ever!"

Henry's brow shrouded his eyes.
"And this was your most exciting moment ever?"

"Yes." Claudia shifted again
in her chair. "But, then, do you know what he said?"

"Hmmm," Henry mused.
"How about 'You worthless excuse for a whore! How dare you insult me like
that?' I think that would have been appropriate—given the situation, of

Claudia's brows bounced upward and her
eyes brightened. "Oh! That would have been good!" Then her shoulders
slumped. "But he said. 'I'm sorry.' That's all; just a pathetic
apology." She sighed and shook her head. "And that completely ruined
it all, don't you see? He had taken me to such heights and then, on the brink
of what I always wanted, he let me come crashing down.

"Anyway, that's when I decided I needed
your help," Claudia concluded. "I'm tired of wanting something I
can't have. I'd rather just not want it any more—even if it means being

"Do you really want to be

"Shouldn't I?"

"That really is your

"Everybody seems to think I
should," Claudia noted.

"It's still your decision, not
theirs. And everybody is occasionally wrong. You don't seem terribly unhappy
with who you are."

"I'm not."

"Then why change at all?"
Henry asked. "Have you ever considered simply accepting who you are?"

"Yes!" Claudia exclaimed.
"I can accept it—but no one else seems willing to!"

The doctor sat upright on the sofa,
his eyes to the floor. For several heartbeats he stared at the carpet before
shifting his gaze upward to his patient. "Would you consider completing
this session on Sunday?"

"Why Sunday?"

"I have an idea," Henry
announced. "But I need to do a bit of research."

Claudia shrugged. "I suppose I
can make it."

"Good," Dr. Stuart whispered
with a nod. "Noon?"

"Sure," Claudia replied as
she stood. "Not like I go to church." She picked up her purse and
headed for the door.

Henry smiled. "Me neither."
He quickly gathered the paperwork associated with Miss Burns's case and filed
them, then picked up the phone and pressed the button for his receptionist.

"Yes, Doctor."

"I'm ready for Mr. Hayes."

"Very good, sir," Jenny
replied. "He's not here yet. Shall I send him in right away when he

"Yes," replied Henry.
"Please do. By the way, do you have any additional appointments scheduled
for Miss Burns?"

"No, sir," Jenny responded.
"She didn't ask for one when she left. Shall I make one?"

"No," said Dr. Stuart.
"I think we've resolved her case."

"Very good, sir." Jenny

I hope so,
Henry thought as he placed the
receiver back on the phone. He cast a glance to the chair where Claudia had
recently been. He tilted his head as he noticed a dark spot upon the seat.

Dr. Stuart walked to the chair and
examined the circular stain. He put his fingers to the fabric and brought them
quickly to his nose. At once, his eyes flew wide. He drew the finger away from
his face and examined it as if it was a loaded gun. Closing his eyes, he
brought the digit back to his nose. With deep deliberate breaths, he relished
the musky aroma of feminine arousal.

* *
* *

"Hello?" Claudia called as
she entered the dimly lit reception area at midday on Sunday.

"In here," Dr. Stuart
responded from the office beyond. He appeared over the threshold a few seconds
after his words.

"I thought for a minute no one
was here," Claudia said.

Henry walked to the exterior door and
turned the key. The deadbolt lever swung into place with a substantial click.
"No one else is," he announced as he turned to his patient.
"Let's get started, shall we."

Dr. Stuart walked into his office and
waited for Claudia to move for the chair. "No," he said as she
started to sit. "You'll not be using the chair today."


"That's right," Henry
declared in the calmest of tones. "Today you'll be on the carpet where you


"Remove your blouse."

Claudia tilted her head.

"Remove your blouse. And bra. I
want to see your tits."

Her eyes widened for a moment before
her lips formed a smile. Her chin shifted upward. "No."

The doctor's hands found hers and she
felt him force her fingers to the edge of her blouse. There he wrapped both her
hands and his about an edge of the garment before yanking each the opposite

She gasped as buttons flew across the

With an abrupt motion Henry released
her hand brought an open palm to her face, snapping her head sideways.
"You will obey my commands the first time. Now get on your knees where you

Claudia blinked her eyes in rapid
succession as the tingling pain warmed her cheeks. "Yes, Doctor." She
allowed gravity to take her to a kneeling position while her fingers peeled her
blouse from her form.

From above, Henry continued to ogle as
she disrobed, slowly revealing every inch of her succulent bosom. "That's
a good Slut," he said. "Do you like your new name, Slut?"

"I love my new name,
Doctor," Claudia avowed as she placed her bra on the floor beside her.
Then she simply sat awaiting further instruction. But none came. She maintained
her upward gaze as the doctor leered down upon her. After several seconds, the
awkward silence got the better of her. "What do..."

At once, Henry brought his hand again
to her cheek, a bit harder than the first time. "Stupid Slut! Who said you
could speak?"

Claudia sighed with satisfaction as
she once again felt the sting in her cheek. "No one, Doctor," she
replied in a detached whisper.

"That's right," Henry said.
"Your mouth isn't for talking, is it?"

"No, Doctor."

"What is it for then?"

"Pleasing you, Doctor?"

"Right again," Henry said.
"So get my cock out and start pleasing it."

"Yes, Doctor," Claudia
replied, her hands already reaching for his zipper. She opened the trousers as
if she was unwrapping a gift. Pulling the loosened flaps aside, she pulled down
his boxers and freed his already rampant member.

Claudia released a long, satisfied
sigh as she beheld his glistening rod. She smiled even more when she saw him
already leaking, oozing just for her. She nuzzled the length of the shaft once
with her nose before retracing the same path with her tongue.

"Suck on my balls a bit
first," Henry ordered.

"Yes, Doctor."

"Quit replying," Henry said.
"Unless I ask you a question, you don't need to say anything. When I issue
a command, you just do it."

Claudia moved her mouth down and
accepted one of his testes between her lips. She rolled the precious orb within
her mouth, nurturing, caressing, and releasing whimpers as she beheld his
warmth upon her tongue.


She released his flesh from her lips,
leaned back and turned her eyes upward.

"In my professional
opinion," Henry began, "there's nothing wrong with you. Now that
you're exactly where you long to be, do you think there's anything wrong with

Claudia beamed. "No,

 Now that you've tasted my balls on
the outside, are you ready to taste what's inside?"

"Oh, yes, Doctor," Claudia
begged in a haughty whisper. "May I please?"

"Not that it matters what you
want," Henry said. "Start sucking."

Claudia grasped him and brought her
tongue up along the underside of the shaft, then slipped her lips over the
crown. Henry grunted as her mouth enveloped him. She then began to nurture his
head, cradling it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

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