Love Comes Silently(Senses 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Love Comes Silently(Senses 1)
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When the kiss ended again, Ken’s chest was heaving and his lungs craved oxygen, but still he didn’t want the kiss to end. His life seemed in a constant state of turmoil, but in Patrick’s arms that receded, at least for a while. Patrick moved away from him, and Ken groaned softly until he felt Patrick take his hand, leading him out of the kitchen, turning off the lights as they moved through the house. As they climbed the stairs, the only sound was their footsteps and the slight creak of thesteps. Patrick led him to Hanna’s door, and Ken peered inside at her sleeping form in the bed. She rolled over in her sleep while he watched, and then seemed to settle once more. Ken looked at Patrick, and he guided them toward Ken’s bedroom. The hall light flicked out with a soft click, and Patrick urged him forward in near darkness.

The bedroom door closed, and Ken stood still, waiting for whatever Patrick had in mind. Ken heard Patrick’s soft breathing and felt his heat as he approached. In the darkness,he felt Patrick grip his shirt, lifting it up his body. Ken raised his arms, and Patrick pulled off the shirt. Ken waited once again. As his eyes adjusted, he saw Patrick tug off his own shirt and drop it to the floor. Patrick reached for him, holding him as he moved closer. Their chests touched, and Patrick stroked along his back as he dipped his head to the base of Ken’s neck.

Ken jumped slightly as Patrick licked and kissed along his shoulder, his lips and tongue leaving a trail of damp coolness on hiswarm skin. Arching his neck, he moaned softly as Patrick licked the base of his neck before continuing up along his throat. Each movement seemed so deliberately languid and slow that Ken couldn’t help rolling his head back, letting Patrick have his way with him.

Patrick’s lips found his in the dark, the kiss, like the touch, soft and slow, meant to tease and let the excitement build. Ken lifted his head to meet Patrick’s gaze and began moving toward the bed, but Patrick held him still, kissing hard, telling him that he was in charge.

Excitement zinged through Ken at the thought of giving their pleasure over to Patrick. He had to be strong all the time for Hanna, and Patrick had just signaled that he didn’t have to be strong right now, that Patrick would take care of him—and Ken wanted to be taken care of. Ken groaned loudly when Patrick’s lips tugged on his as they slipped away.

Patrick’s heat slipped away, and Ken stood still… waiting, until Patrick stroked his hands over his chest and slowly down his stomach. Ken held his breath as he felt Patrick pause above his belt. His pants had felt one size too tight for awhile, and he sucked in his breath further, hoping against hope that Patrick would follow the trail. He did. Patrick teased at the waistband of his briefs before sliding further. Ken gasped when Patrick brushed against his straining cock, wishing for more. But Patrick seemed content to take his time, and Ken wanted to scream at the near agonizing pace of Patrick’s seduction. Ken knew that was exactly what Patrick was doing, and he also knew that he could beg until he was blue in the face. Patrick would take care of him in his own time, and Ken would let him.

Ken felt Patrick open his belt, his hand gliding back from inside his briefs. Then his belt was tugged off, and Ken heard it chink on the floor. Ken’s pants were opened next, then pushed past his hips to pool around his ankles. He stepped out of them and stood naked and as excited as possible in front of Patrick, who guided him back onto the bed. Climbing onto the mattress, Ken watched as Patrick removed his own pants, letting them fall to the floor. He was just as aroused as Ken, who watched as Patrick prowled toward the bed, his cock swinging with each step. He moaned softly when Patrick’s weight descended on his body, Patrick’s warm smooth skin sliding along his. This was definitely heaven, and as Patrick rubbed his cock along his, Ken’s head began to swim. He bucked slowly, and Patrick touched his hip lightly to still him, then kissed him once again before sliding down his body.

Patrick kissed a line down his chest as he caressed Ken’s skin, sucking lightly on a nipple before driving him crazy with the circular motion of his tongue. Before he’d met Patrick, Ken would have thought it strange for sex to be nearly completely silent, but Patrick compensated for his lack of vocality with his hands and tongue, letting them speak louder than the mightiest shout. He himself was usually a very vocal lover, but Ken didn’t feel the need to speak either. Instead, he let his hands wander over Patrick’s back and shoulders, using his own hands to express the care and passion he felt for Patrick.

Ken arched his back as Patrick slithered further down his body, licking the skin beneath his belly button. The anticipation was killing him, and Ken fisted the sheets as Patrick stroked Ken’s cock with his chest, sliding his entire torso over his throbbing erection. “Patrick,” Ken cried out, unable to keep it inside.

That seemed to please Patrick, and he did it again before dipping his head and taking Ken’s cock between his lips. Ken could barely breathe as he was taken deeper and deeper into Patrick’s searing hot mouth. He tried not to move his hips, but failed miserably as the desire built from deep inside him. Patrick took him deep and hard, tickling the skin above Ken’s cock with his nose. “Jesus,” Ken swore, clamping his eyes closed as he yanked at the covers on the bed. Patrick bobbed his head, alternately sliding his lips up Ken’s shaft and then sucking him deep once again. Ken released the covers, carding his fingers through Patrick’s soft hair. He didn’t want to overwhelm him, but the need to move was so great he couldn’t control it. Ken slowly thrust his hips, and Patrick sucked harder.

Ken could already feel the tingling starting, signaling that he was getting close. His thrusts became a little ragged, and Patrick lifted his head away. Ken growled deeply at the loss, and he felt Patrick soothingly stroke along his chest. There were times when he wished Patrick could tell him what he had in mind, and this was definitely one of those times. However, Ken found out pretty quickly when Patrick rolled him onto his stomach. Ken felt Patrick’s weight on his legs. The bed shifted, and then Patrick kissed his shoulders and across his back before licking a line down his spine. Ken kept expecting Patrick to stop, but he didn’t. The weight shifted again, and Ken felt Patrick caress his butt, fingers kneading his cheeks, lips kissing and licking the skin. Ken thought he was going to die, but when Patrick parted his cheeks, licking down his cleft, Ken was transported, and he knew he was in heaven.

Patrick parted his cheeks with his thumbs, teasing Ken’s opening with agonizingly wonderful friction. Ken pressed back and gasped when one ofPatrick’s thumbs teased the skin around his entrance. “Oh, God,” Ken moaned softly, though he felt Patrick’s thumb move away, and then, God almighty, if it wasn’t replaced by Patrick’s tongue. Patrick seemed to know exactly what to do to make Ken feel like his head was ready to explode. Fingers, tongue—all of it combined was driving him crazy. He turned his head to see what Patrick was doing even as Patrick caressed his inner thighs, and Ken spread his legs further, opening himself wide for as much of Patrick’s tongue magic as he could get.

How Patrick could play his body like an instrument, Ken had no idea, but Patrick had successfully stopped every thought but those surrounding what he was doing. It felt like Patrick was intent on single-handedly rimming Ken into absolute oblivion, and if he kept this up much longer, Ken expected his brain to totally overload. Maybe that was Patrick’s intention? Reaching to the head of the bed, Ken grabbed a pillow, and after wedging it beneath his head, he grabbed it in his fists and held tight as Patrick took him on what seemed like the ride of his life. All he could do was whimper and moan constantly as Patrick tongue- fucked him within an inch of his life.

“Patrick,” Ken whined softly. “Fuck me before I die.” He quivered from head to toe, rocking back and forth on his knees. His legs felt as though they would give out at any minute, and his cock throbbed and slapped against his belly.

Patrick breached him with a finger, sliding it into his body, and Ken sighed at the welcome intrusion. When Patrick crooked his finger slightly, Ken’s legs collapsed from under him and he ended up flat on the bed, moaning up a storm. He tried to catch his breath, but Patrick continued his relentless erotic conquest of his body. “Condoms are in the nightstand,” Ken gasped breathlessly as Patrick’s finger slipped from his body.

Ken lay on the bed, breathing deeply as he felt Patrick shift around him. He was afraid to open his eyes for fear of seeing double or even triple. He heard the drawer on his nightstand open, and then Patrick rummaging for a few seconds. Then the drawer closed and Patrick moved over him again. Patrick stroked Ken’s butt and then patted his hip, and Ken shifted onto his back. He was so ready for this he could barely catch his breath. His skin was on fire. Patrick got into position, and Ken cracked his eyes open, surprised at how much he could see. Lifting his head, he watched with rapt attention as Patrick rolled the condom down his thick shaft, gasping at the thought that he was going to be filled by Patrick. Ken let his head rest back on the pillow as Patrick moved closer.

Ken felt Patrick press into his body. It had been a while for Ken, and he willed his muscles to relax. Patrick rocked slowly, and soon Ken felt Patrick slip inside him. The stretch was magnificent, and he inhaled between his teeth, hissing softly as Patrick sank partway into him. Ken gasped as his muscles throbbed, and Patrick stopped to lightly rub the spot at the base of his back. Ken caught his breath, and after a few seconds, pressed back against Patrick as a signal he was ready.

With near painful slowness, Patrick sank the rest of the way into Ken’s body. Ken clenched his hands in the bedding as their bodies joined the rest of the way. Breathing as deeply as he could, Ken reveled in the sensation of joining. He felt Patrick’s hips against his butt, and then Patrick loomed over him before taking him in a kiss that almost stopped his heart. Then Patrick began to move.

The breath he’d managed to briefly catch whooshed from Ken’s lungs as Patrick’s cock jumped and throbbed deep inside him, the small movements more erotic and intimate than being fucked through the mattress. Ken was loving the sensation of being joined with Patrick and he didn’t want it to end.

In almost slow motion, Patrick pulled out of his body. Ken felt the loss like an open wound, and he whimpered until Patrick filled him once again. Ken tried to swallow his cries and ended up with the heel of his hand in his mouth as Patrick took him to nirvana over and over again. The man seemed to be some sort of magician, driving Ken to the brink of release, pulling him back, and then driving him upward again. “Patrick, please,” Ken begged breathlessly as Patrick drove him toward the heights again. Patrick held his hips and drove harder than he had before. Ken rolled his head on the pillow as his body reacted with gusto. Patrick stroked along Ken’s length, hand flying, gripping him hard, and Ken’s body kicked into gear. Within seconds, Ken was at the precipice of passion. Patrick drove deep and hard, and Ken tumbled into passionate oblivion.

He rode waves of endorphin-induced happiness as he came hard and then floated on the afterglow, barely registering as Patrick joined him in orgasmic bliss. Ken kept his eyes closed, listening to Patrick’s breathing and feeling his lover’s weight resting on top of him. Ken lifted his arms away from the bedding, surrounding Patrick as he hugged him close, sharing his warmth as they both tried to catch their breaths. Ken loved holding Patrick almost as much as he enjoyed being held.

Eventually Patrick shifted next to Ken on the bed, and reluctantly Ken got to his feet, wandering into the bathroom and then returning with a towel that he used to clean them both. Then he returned to the bed and climbed beneath the covers, tugging Patrick behind him.

Ken curled next to Patrick, reveling in the last of the afterglow as he let his mind wander and tried to keep the worries at bay. Patrick held him, stroking his hair as Ken closed his eyes and let sleep carry him away.

Ken slept like the dead all night long. So much so, that when he woke alone, Ken hadn’t realized that Patrick had gotten out of bed. Looking around, he found a note on the nightstand telling him that Patrick had left at about dawn. “
I’m not sure if you have explained things to Hanna and I don’t want to force the situation
,” Patrick had written, and as Ken was placing the note back on the nightstand, his door opened and Hanna came into the room. While she climbed on the bed, Ken fished around on the floor for a pair of underwear and managed to slip them on as Hanna burrowed under the covers.

“What would you like for breakfast?” Ken asked, and Hanna poked her head up from the pillow.


“Mac-cheese,” Hanna answered.


“We can have that for lunch. How about eggs and toast instead?”

“Okay,” Hanna agreed reluctantly, squirming beneath the blankets. Ken got out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans before lifting Hanna into his arms and carrying his giggle monster to her room. After helping her get dressed, Ken cleaned up and then took Hanna downstairs, where she ran to the front door, peering out the windows. “There are still punkmans on the porch.”

Ken smiled as Hanna hurried through the house. He couldn’t say how happy he was that she was acting normally. Too bad it wouldn’t last.

Chapter Eight


BOOK: Love Comes Silently(Senses 1)
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