Love Found [Pack Law 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Love Found [Pack Law 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“They’re being well taken care of, sweetie.”

Alyson jumped at the deep voice close behind her. She half turned and had to crane her neck to look up into Chevy’s green eyes. He was a big man and had to stand around six foot six. The sun was shining brightly and highlighted the lighter streaks in his brown hair. As he joined his brothers in unloading cases of beer from the truck, his biceps bulged as did his massive pectoral muscles. Cream dripped from her pussy, dampening her panties, and it wasn’t until Chevy smirked at her that she realized she was staring.

“Why don’t you come on into the bar and have a drink, Alyson?” Chevy didn’t wait for her reply. He just gripped her arm gently and began to lead her down the ramp into the cellar.

“Uh, I don’t…”

“Don’t tell me you don’t have time. I know we’re your last delivery for the day.”

His words made her wonder if he and his brothers had arranged for them to be the last delivery on her list.
Nah, you’re imagining things, Alyson. Why would they care what time their order is delivered? But why did they change to daily deliveries rather than having one large one every week?

“What are you thinking so hard about, sweetie?” Chevy asked as he led her across the concrete floor to the internal stairs.

“Nothing much.” She shrugged.

Chevy sat on the barstool next to her and nodded to the young man behind the bar. The bartender bowed his head to Chevy and then did the same to Rylan and Tarkyn as they walked behind the mahogany counter.
What’s with that?
She watched as he moved down to the other end and began serving a group of very large men.
What do they put in the water here? Growth hormones?

“What can I get you, baby?” Rylan asked.

“I’ll just have a sparkling water, thanks. And my name is Alyson.”

“Oh, I know your name.”

A high-pitched, saccharine voice asked, “How about my name, Rylan?”

Alyson turned and saw a redheaded woman leaning on the end of the bar. She gave Rylan a simpering smile.

It shouldn’t have surprised Alyson that men as good looking as the Friess brothers would attract female attention, but annoyance surged through her.
Who does that redheaded chick think she is?

“Hi, Cherry,” Rylan said distractedly. Tarkyn had just shouted a drink order at him, and he filled it busily.

That didn’t stop Cherry, who sidled down the bar and put herself too close to Rylan and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Need a hand?” she purred.

“What?” Rylan looked at her like she’d appeared out of nowhere. “No. Thanks, Cherry. Don’t you have tables?”

That’s right. Keep away from them.
Alyson stopped herself, surprised.
Girl, they’re not yours any more than they’re hers.

That didn’t stop her from feeling satisfied as Cherry slunk away, pouting.

Tarkyn came around the bar and took the other seat beside her. Just like yesterday, she thought, mystified. Why did they keep putting themselves so close to her? If women like Cherry were throwing themselves at the Friess brothers, they’d surely have no interest in Alyson.

Rylan helped the other guy serve more customers, but she caught him watching her as he prepared the drinks. When he was done, he walked down the bar and positioned himself right in front of her. He leaned on his elbows and looked her straight in the eye.

Alyson shifted in her seat nervously. Feeling a little intimidated at being surrounded by such large men, she began to wring her fingers together. She could feel the heat emanating from Tarkyn and Chevy on either side of her. Their colognes drifted to her nose. They smelled so good it took all her effort not to groan out loud.

Think about something else.

Swiveling on her stool, Alyson studied the building and the patrons. There were only a couple of exceptions, but most of the men were all muscular, handsome, and tall. When a couple of men smiled and winked at her, she glared back. Low, rumbling growls sounded from beside and behind her. Startled, she eyed Rylan, Tarkyn, and Chevy. They were all frowning at her.

“Did you all just growl at me?” she asked, scowling at each of them.

“Uh, you don’t want to encourage any of the men in here, baby,” Rylan stated. “They can be a little aggressive.”

Alyson just raised her eyebrow and gave him the look that usually froze men in their tracks as she took a sip of her drink. Rylan stared back at her until she finally looked away. It pissed her off that she hadn’t been able to hold his gaze, but for some reason she’d let him stare her down. Although she didn’t know him, she could tell he was full of arrogance. He stood leaning against the bar with his arms crossed over his chest, but he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. Her body was reacting to the three men close by, and that just pissed her off more. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen and her pussy leaked continuously.

Movement to her side drew her attention, and she surreptitiously watched Tarkyn from beneath her lowered eyelashes. He leaned in toward her slightly and inhaled deeply. A groan rumbled up from his chest and he closed his eyes.

Did he just sniff me?

“You smell good, honey.”

Alyson gasped. “What did you say?”

Tarkyn slowly spun around on his seat and leaned in toward her until his nose was against her neck. Alyson froze. “I said you smell good.”

Okay, this place is weird.
The men were all gigantic, that bartender had bowed to the Friess brothers, and now Tarkyn was sniffing her neck. She refused to acknowledge the shiver of arousal that moved through her at his words and the low growl of his voice. She needed to be wary of these men, not turned on by them.

“I don’t need this shit.” She put her glass down on the bar and slid from her stool. Instead of walking toward the internal stairs, which would have brought her too close to Tarkyn, she headed for the front doors. Just as she pushed the doors open, a large arm wrapped around her waist.
How did he get to me so quickly?

Alyson debated whether to cause a scene or to let Rylan pull her back into the club. She decided on the latter. But Rylan didn’t just seat her back on the barstool. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to another door near the bar. He walked down a long hallway and then into a large office without breaking a sweat. She had known by his bulging muscles he was strong, but she was astounded that he had no trouble carrying her. Although the show of strength turned her on, she felt vulnerable.

Rylan sat down on a sofa, taking her with him, and secured her on his lap with his arms wrapped around her waist. He withdrew one arm and then shifted her so she was sitting sideways across his thighs until she could see his face as well as Tarkyn’s and Chevy’s. They had followed Rylan down the hallway and into the office, too. Chevy walked over to one of the desks and leaned against it, while Tarkyn walked toward her.

Tarkyn squatted down in front of them, gently clasped her chin, and scowled at her. “What is wrong with you? Why did you get in a huff because I complimented you? Did you think I was lying?”

Alyson didn’t want to admit that she wasn’t used to so much male attention. She had thought he was just complimenting her as an effort to get into her panties. But now that he was looking at her so intently, she could see he was feeling a little hurt and a lot pissed off.

“I don’t know you.” She pushed his hand away from her chin and tried to get off Rylan’s lap, but he only tightened his arm around her midsection.

“Tell me you don’t feel a connection to us, Alyson,” Rylan said, and even though she didn’t want to look at him she found herself gazing into his eyes.

“Will you please let me up?” Alyson asked and shoved against his shoulder. She wasn’t used to being touched and most of the time didn’t like it.
So why do I like it when Rylan, Tarkyn, and Chevy are close? Why do I want them to touch me more?

Tarkyn stood up and moved back a few paces, and Rylan released her. Alyson gained her feet and stepped away from them, giving herself some room to breathe. It felt like all the air in the room was being sucked up by the three men watching her. She walked around the edge of the room and sat down behind one of the large desks, which put her behind Chevy, so he moved away and slouched against the wall. Having the big piece of wood furniture between her and the Friess brothers slightly eased her tension and that vulnerable feeling.

She eyed the door, but Chevy was leaning against the wall just inside the doorway and she didn’t want to take the chance of getting too close to him. He was eyeing her as if she was his next meal.

A quick glance at Rylan and Tarkyn, who was now sitting on the sofa next to his brother, only made her feel more like some large predator’s prey, except that, although she was wary and nervous, she wasn’t scared. In fact the way they were eying her just seemed to push her long-dead but newly awakened libido higher.

Alyson crossed her legs and squeezed, trying to circumvent the ache in her clit, but that only seemed to make it worse. Her pussy clenched and released a gush of cream onto her already-damp panties. She heard sniffing, and when she looked up it was to see the three men staring at her hungrily.

Can they smell my arousal? No. They’re too far away. Get a grip, Alyson.

“You haven’t answered any of our questions, Alyson. Are you scared of us?” Tarkyn asked as he pinned her with a stare. She could see the determination in his eyes and didn’t know if he or his arrogant ass of a brother, Rylan, would let her get away with avoiding their questions. No one had ever given a damn about her. Why did these men care how she felt?

“No.” She finally found her voice and rose to her feet. “I have things to do. I need to get home.”

As she made her way to the door, Chevy stepped in front of it and crossed his arms over his massive chest. She halted and stared at him, willing him to move so she could leave. Alyson jumped when large hands clasped her hips. She tried to step out of his grip, but Rylan wouldn’t let her.

“You aren’t going anywhere until you answer some questions. If and when I am satisfied by your answers, then you may go.”

Alyson spun around and knocked his hands off her body. Her breathing was fast and ragged, but not just from anger. These three men got to her in a way she had never experienced before, and she wasn’t sure she liked it. She hurried back to the safety of the desk chair, sat down, and glared up at Rylan where he stood in the middle of the room.

“Who the hell do you think you are? You are nothing to me.”

Rylan moved forward stealthily. Two steps were all he needed to reach her. He bent and placed his large hands in the middle of the desk, leaning forward.

“Now that’s where you’re wrong, baby. We are more to you than you could ever know.”

What the hell is he talking about?

She watched warily as he leaned over a little further and closed his eyes as he inhaled. When his eyelids moved up again she cringed back in the chair as she stared into his eyes. Instead of their normal blue, they were a deep, glowing gold color. Alyson used her legs to push her chair back until it hit the wall. The jolt that ran through her was enough to pull her from her semi-trance.

“What are you?” she whispered and wrapped her arms around her waist in an unconsciously defensive move.

Rylan blinked and pushed up until he was once more standing upright. He paced a few times and then turned toward her once more. “I will answer your questions once you have answered mine. Now, why did Tarkyn complimenting you make you angry?”

“I never get compliments, and I don’t like men,” she snapped.

“What?” Chevy asked in a loud voice. “You’re gay?”

“What? No!” Alyson yelled, and then she saw humor in the fact that he had thought she was a lesbian. She started laughing, and once she started, she couldn’t seem to stop. It wasn’t that she had a problem with how other people lived their life or their sexual orientation. She laughed because he had thought she liked women while she sat there feeling more turned on by him and his brothers than she ever had in her life.

Leaning over, she clutched her aching belly as she laughed almost hysterically. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she was gasping in air in between her uncontrollable humor.

A warm hand ran up and down her back and another rubbed her arm. She finally realized they must think she was crazy. Her hilarity slowed until only an occasional chuckle escaped, and she slowly sat up from her bent-over posture and wiped the moisture from her cheeks.

Rylan and Tarkyn, standing beside her, looked worried. Chevy was standing in front of the desk with a concerned expression on his face.

“What was that all about?” Tarkyn asked.

“I’m not gay.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured.”

“How did you make your eyes glow?” Alyson looked at Rylan.

“We’ll get to that in a minute.” Rylan took her hand and helped her from the seat. She didn’t protest because she had no idea what he wanted until he sat down in the chair and pulled her onto his lap.

“Why are you afraid of men? Or is it just us in particular you’re scared of?” Chevy asked.

“I’m not scared of you.”

“Good.” Rylan tilted her face up so he could see her eyes. “Why did Tarkyn complimenting you make you angry?”

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