Love Found [Pack Law 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Love Found [Pack Law 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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When she pulled back, Rylan released her, and she continued to fill her cases with her things. Since she didn’t have much, it took her no time at all. She started to pick up her suitcase after closing it but didn’t get the chance.

“Let me take that, honey.” Tarkyn took the case from her hand and then grabbed the other one off the bed.

“The kitchen is spic and span, and I’ve dusted the living room,” Chevy said as he sauntered into Alyson’s room. “Is this it?”

“Yeah. Why don’t you carry Alyson’s bags out to the truck while we do one last check through?” Rylan suggested, and Chevy took the bags from Tarkyn, and then Rylan spoke to his brothers through their mind link.
“The first chance we get, we are taking our mate shopping and buying her a whole new wardrobe.”
Then he went on to explain Alyson had spent her money on the kids who went through the shelter, which was why she had nothing herself.

“We can take her shopping in a couple of days,”
Tarkyn said. “
Let’s get her settled into the den first before we go pushing her too hard. She is going to balk about us spending money on her.”

Rylan turned his head to see Alyson frowning at him. “What’s the matter, Alyson?”

“You were standing there staring into space. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, baby. I was just talking to Tarkyn.” He smiled at Alyson, pleased to know she cared enough about him to be concerned for him. “Werewolves can speak to each other using their minds. We have a common pack link which enables us to communicate with all the other wolves, and each family unit has a private link they can communicate with.”

“You mean like…telepathy?” Alyson asked.

“Yep,” Rylan answered as he guided her from her bedroom toward the front door. “Exactly.”

“That must be pretty remarkable.”

“Yeah, I suppose it is.” He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “If you eventually agree to mate with us, we’ll be able to speak to you the same way.”

Rylan could have cursed when Alyson attempted to pull her hand away, and she tried to wipe all expression from her face. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her, but it seemed he had done just that with his talk about their telepathy. Maybe she thought he would be able to read her mind. He made a note to explain he and his brothers wouldn’t be able to invade her privacy in such a way.

“Please don’t be afraid of us, Aly. We would never force you to do anything you don’t want.”

She stared back at him as if trying to see if he was being sincere while she frowned at him. The creases between her eyebrows finally eased, and she gave him a tentative smile.

“Look, I don’t know you well enough to make any decisions as yet. Just be thankful I’m letting you ride roughshod over me in making me come and live in your spare room.”

Rylan didn’t like what she’d said. “You wouldn’t be coming to our den unless you wanted to, Alyson, so please don’t insult my integrity by lying to yourself and me.”

Alyson pulled her hand from his and looked around her small living quarters before lifting her gaze to his eyes. She drew in a deep, ragged breath and then exhaled slowly. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize I was fooling myself.” Reaching out, she placed her hand on his arm. “Why am I so drawn to you and your brothers?”

Rylan placed his hand over hers, offering comfort. “It’s because we are your mates. The physical attraction is so much more than what a human experiences.”

“Okay, I can understand that, but it’s not enough for me, Rylan. I need more than just attraction.”

Rylan pulled her into his arms and rested his head on top of hers. She felt so damn right in his arms. He hoped she would be comfortable with them soon. Not only was the wolf in him clamoring to claim its mate, but so was the man.

“I know you need more time, baby. Our feelings will develop more deeply as we get to know each other. We are meant to be together. All of us. You can deny it as much as you want to, but you know what I’m saying is true.”

“Are we ready to go?” Chevy asked as he entered the small house after loading the last of Alyson’s stuff into the truck.

“I have to let my landlord know I’m leaving. The elderly couple in the main house are nice people. It would be rude if I just up and left without a word.”

“I’ve already taken care of it, honey,” Tarkyn said as he, too, reentered her temporary home. “The owners didn’t mind voiding the lease after I explained that you’d be moving in with someone else.” Rylan saw the flash of fire in her eyes and knew his brother was about to get it.

Alyson pulled out of his arms and walked toward Tarkyn until her toes were nearly touching his. “You arrogant asshole. You had no right to do that. This place was leased in my name, and it was my responsibility to take care of the necessary arrangements.”

Tarkyn smirked at her and then leaned down until his forehead was touching Alyson’s. “I am one of your mates, and as such, it is my duty to help you and see that you are safe. Don’t get sassy with me, little girl. I was just trying to help you.”

Alyson was panting with ire, but she didn’t answer Tarkyn back. Rylan wondered if she was at a loss for words or if maybe she was starting to accept that she truly wasn’t alone anymore. He hoped it was the latter. She just continued to glare at Tarkyn, and Rylan could see his brother struggling as she unconsciously challenged him. His eyes changed to gold and began to glow. Alyson stepped back quickly with a gasp, but even as she backed up, she never removed her gaze from his brother.

Rylan moved in close until his front was touching her back and placed his hands on her hips to keep her still. “Are you scared, baby?” He inhaled deeply, but still he didn’t scent fear, only nervousness. “You need to learn not to confront a wolf, Alyson. If you continue to provoke a dominant animal, you may bite off more than you can chew.”

Alyson threw up her hands and spun around. “See, I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to come with you. You guys are going to be dictatorial, and I am not a submissive woman. This is never going to work.”

“Oh, it will work, honey,” Tarkyn whispered close to her ear, but Rylan could still hear his brother easily because of his wolf senses. “We don’t want a submissive woman. We like you just the way you are.” Tarkyn licked her neck and then nipped her earlobe, drawing a gasp from Alyson.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Rylan wrapped his arm around Alyson’s waist when Tarkyn backed off, and he turned her toward the door. She picked up her purse and the key, but he took the key from her hand and locked up before sliding the key back under the door.

Chevy was waiting at the door to their truck, ready to help her in, but she just shook her head and dug in her purse. She backed away and then crossed the road to a small car which had definitely seen better days. If Rylan had his way, the vehicle she drove would be sent to the scrap heap, but he would have to wait to gain her trust before he made such a decision.

“Chevy, go with Alyson,” Rylan ordered.

Alyson was in the process of getting in her car. She pulled her seat belt on and then looked over to him through the open window. “I’m quite capable of driving on my own. I can just follow you to your house.”

“You’re not driving by yourself. Chevy is going with you,” he stated firmly.

Alyson muttered again about “arrogant, bossy men,” but he ignored her this time.

Chevy hopped in the passenger seat, and Rylan watched Alyson pull her car out onto the street.

He stood and watched them go.

“What’s up?” Tarkyn asked.

“She has to learn that when we say something, we mean it.”

Tarkyn was wearing a goofy smile. “She likes that we’re arrogant and bossy. She just won’t admit it.”

Rylan hoped that was true, but he wasn’t sure. “And the Alphas? They’re a hell of a lot bossier than we are. If she challenges them, can we protect her?”

“You’re worrying about nothing. The Alphas are lenient when it comes to women. The females of our pack are to be cherished and protected. Especially since Alyson doesn’t know the ropes yet.”

Rylan shook his head. He knew Alyson would fit in fine with the other women of the pack. They, too, were feisty and independent. But it would be just like her to go head to head with Jonah, not realizing what it meant to challenge an Alpha wolf.
She won’t like the taste of Pack Law.

Tarkyn slapped him on the shoulder and drew him from his thoughts. “Let’s catch up. Don’t want them to start the party without us.”

“No, we don’t.” Rylan unlocked their SUV and pulled out toward the pack house.

Let’s see if she is as accepting of the rest of us as we’ve been of her.

Chapter Seven


Alyson listened as the three Friess brothers debated about ways to bring more business to the Aztec Club. She had already learned that Rylan was a bit of a hard ass and Tarkyn could be just as bad. Chevy seemed to be the mediator and thinker even though he was the youngest of the three.

“I think we should bring in live bands,” Rylan said in a firm voice.

“Wasn’t that Cherry’s suggestion?” Tarkyn asked critically. “She just wants a chance to schmooze with musicians.”

“I know she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she’s allowed to have a good idea occasionally. The more people we can get to visit our town, the better our profits will be and the more we can do for the local economy.”

“Rylan, we already have too many humans living here,” Tarkyn responded. “The pack members have to be cautious enough. I think bringing in even more of them will be a mistake. We only have a few women, and we don’t want them to be in danger from strangers.”

“Guys, stop!” Chevy butted in. “You are both right. Bringing in live music will benefit all of us, and, Tarkyn, you know damn well that if any of our women were in trouble, our pack members would step in to protect them. Besides, do you really think that their mates will let them visit the club without them? Get real.”

Alyson was intrigued by how they hashed out their decisions. She wondered if Rylan ever put his foot down, making an idea stick whether the other two agreed or not. She wouldn’t put it past him.

“Are you all right, Alyson? You’ve been quiet ever since we got back home.”

Alyson was fine other than feeling very overwhelmed. The large automatic wrought-iron security gates had only been a prelude to what she was seeing at the house. Of course she had realized that the place would be massive since the men had told her that their family was large and they lived as well as worked together. But at the sight of the house, her breath had caught in her throat, and not until pinpricks of light formed before her eyes did she start to breathe again. The place was as big as a palace. She was just thankful they had taken her up to the second story and straight to their suite of rooms. Alyson wasn’t sure she could have dealt with meeting more werewolves right at that moment.

She was currently sitting on a large leather sofa with Chevy seated next to her while Rylan and Tarkyn sat in armchairs as they continued throwing ideas at each other.

“Yeah.” She cleared her croaky throat. “I’m fine.” Her stomach chose that moment to rumble hungrily. The two bites of pizza she’d consumed hadn’t been anywhere near enough to satisfy her. Given all that had happened tonight, she should have been too shocked to eat, but it seemed her body was going to continue to complain until it was appeased.

Chevy stood up and held his hand out to her. “You’re hungry. Come on and I’ll take you down to get something to eat.”

“I can wait until morning.” Alyson eyed his hand and then realized that Rylan and Tarkyn were no longer speaking. “It’s getting late. I don’t want to be a bother.”

Chevy took her hand in his and helped her up. “You could never be a bother, darlin’. Angie always leaves sandwiches in the fridge in case someone gets hungry.”

Alyson looked around as Chevy led her out of their rooms and down the long corridor. The carpet was expensive and luxurious. She felt like she sank about an inch as she walked over the plush cushioning. The walls were painted a nice neutral beige color and the stairs’ handrails were a deep polished mahogany. She felt a little out of place because she could tell these people had money. Although the quality was the best, the massive house wasn’t ostentatious.

Chevy guided her down the stairs and into the kitchen on the right of the hall. Her sneakers squeaked as she walked over the highly polished tile floor. She heard voices as she entered and the conversation stopped as she walked beside Chevy further into the room. On one side of the massive room was a large gourmet kitchen that would be a chef’s dream, separated by a large granite counter. On the other was the dining area, outfitted with a shiny wood table large enough to seat at least fifty people. Sitting at the head of the table were three very tall, handsome, muscular men and a pretty woman with a toddler on her lap. Alyson froze and lowered her head, feeling like an intruder.

“Alyson, these are the Alphas of our pack, Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock. This is their mate, Michelle, and their son, Stefan. Alphas, this is Alyson Redding, our mate.”

“Hi, Alyson,” Michelle said with a smile toward her. “Welcome to the pack house. If you have any questions or just need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to come find me.”

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