Love In Strange Places (7 page)

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“No, he did not just walk out on me.” Sherry crossed her hands over her chest.

“What did you expect? You hurt his feelings,” Shannon said.

“He doesn’t have any feelings.”

“My brother has more feelings than you think.” Matt sounded upset. He stalked off to his room, leaving the sisters alone.

Sherry went to her suitcase looking for clothes to put on.

“You’re not going to follow him?” Shannon asked.

“No! If he wants to leave, let him.” She began getting dressed. “I’m going down to the chapel and see what I can do, and if that doesn’t work, when I get home I’m going to file for an annulment.” Sherry grabbed her purse.

Shannon stopped at the door. “Stop being so damn selfish and hear what he has to say.”

“You’re calling me selfish because I don’t want to be married to a man that doesn’t even like me?” Sherry glared at her.

“The noises I heard coming from this room last night didn’t sound like a man that doesn’t like you.”

Sherry took long strides and was in front of her sister with her finger pointing at her. “Is this why you invited me?”

Shannon didn’t deny or accepted it
, but the look of guilt on her face told her she was right.

“I can’t believe I fell for your shit.”

Shannon slapped her sister’s finger from in front of her face. “Why can’t you just admit it? You like Andrew.”

She turned into her room and Shannon observed her as she started packing her suitcase. “You’re the one that asked him to marry you. I had nothing to do with that.”

Sherry closed her bags, grabbed her purse, and headed to the door.

Shannon smiled. “He might surprise you.”

“You know what, Shannon?” She took a few more steps and turned. “Bye.”

“He might be exactly what you need.”

At her sister’s final words, she slammed the hotel room door and walked to the elevator, whispering to herself. “He might just be….”


Chapter Seven


The next day, Andrew sat at home watching
Finding Nemo
with his niece and nephew. Matthew was six years old, sweet, kind, and quiet, but Makayla, on the other hand, at three, was full of energy, always bouncing around.

Makayla stood and rubbed her nose against his. “Nose, nose Uncle Andrew!”

He wiggled his nose. She giggled and kissed his cheek. Makayla resembled Shannon, her skin the color of light cinnamon, with long eyelashes, and big green eyes, the Johnston stamp.

Matthew looked up at Andrew. “I’m trying to watch the movie, Makayla.” He put his index finger to his mouth, “Shih.” Matthew was the spitting image of his father, with curly hair and his skin color was a little darker.

Makayla tried to smack Matthew in the head. “No.”

“Makayla, no, that’s not nice.” Andrew scolded her, she jumped off his lap and sat on the couch with her hands crossed over her little chest, pouting.

Someone knocked on the door. Andrew stood, marched to the door, and pulled it opened.

“We need to talk,”
Sherry said, staring up at him.

Andrew ste
pped out on his porch and left the door ajar behind him. “About?”

“Andrew, why are you doing this? You don’t want to be married to me
?” She went to the railing, turning her back to him.

He strolled up behind her and put his hands on the railing on each side of her, enclosing her within his arms.

“Don’t touch me,” she said softly.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Tell me you didn’t feel the connection between us. This could work.” He kissed her neck, making her gasp.

She turned in his arms. “Are you crazy?”

“Yes, I’m crazy.” He touched the side of her face. “I’m missing something in my life, and I think I’ve found it.”

“You think it’s me.”

“I know it’s you. We’re compatible. Yes, you drive me crazy at times, but I also trust you.”

She gave him half a smile. “I thought I had a big mouth.”

He chuckled. “You do, but I can handle that.”

She smacked him on his arm. “I don’t.”

He gave her a
sweet kiss. “You told me your one regret is never having a family of your own. We can have that.”

“We’re seeing other people.” She tried to step around him.

“They couldn’t be that important if we slept together.”

“Where is this all coming from?”

“Sherry, we’re not getting any younger. In a few years we’ll be forty. I want what your parents, my brother, and your sister have.”

“But they love each other. We don’t.”

“Love is not everything.”

“If you’re looking for what they have, then yes, love is everything.”

Andrew just gazed at her and began kissing her luscious lips, teasing her with his tongue to open up.

“Ewww. You’re kissing Aunty
Sherry,” Matthew said, holding the door open.

hurried away from Andrew to Matthew, bent down, and hugged him. “Hi, baby.”

“Hi Aunty
.” He took her hand and pulled her inside. “Come on, we’re watching a movie.”

Makayla jumped from the couch and ran to
Sherry, grabbing her legs. “Aunty Sher—”

She giggled and picked the little girl up, and Makayla gave her wet kisses. “My Makayla.”

“Are you going to join us?” Andrew asked, sitting down with his nephew.

She smiled and sat with her niece in her lap.

They tried to watch the movie in peace, but Makayla just kept bouncing around, annoying her brother until she fell asleep.

“Matthew, it’s time for bed,” Andrew said as he picked up Makayla’s toys.

.” His nephew scampered out of the living room.

cleaned up the mess her niece had made with her toys. “That was fun, but that girl has too much energy.”

“Too much. She reminds me of you.” He laughed, and handed her some papers. “Read this while I tuck him in.” He went to the guest bedroom.

Matthew was waiting for him, ready to pepper his uncle with questions. “Do you love Aunty Sherry like daddy loves mommy?”


“You kissed her like daddy kisses mommy.”

Andrew ran his hands through his hair. He didn’t know what to say. “Grown-ups are complicated.”

“Yeah, I know.” Matthew giggled. “In kindergarten, the girls just ask me if I like them or not.”

He chuckled. “I wish it was that simple, little man. Let’s say your prayer.”

Matthew put his little hands together and said the words his father had taught him.

“Good night,
. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He kissed the boy’s forehead and stood.




leaned against the doorframe, listening to her nephew and Andrew. He was so good with him. She moved to the living room and read the papers he’d given her. “Is he crazy?” She asked herself out loud as she continued reading.

“No, I’m not crazy,”
Andrew, said with his hands in his pockets. “When I see something I want, I go after it.”

“And what might that be?” she asked, still looking over the documents.

“You.” He strolled closer to her.

“Whatever, Andrew. We’ve known each other since our siblings were friends and you never showed any interest in me, so why all of a sudden?” She dropped the papers on the table.

“The attraction was always there, Sherry, but you always seem to get under my skin, drive me crazy, get on my nerves.”

“Okay, okay I get the point.” She sighed. “Look, I’m not your type and you’re not mine, this will never work.”

“What’s my type?” he asked, sitting down next to her.

“Well, the obvious.” She pointed and rubbed her skin, “I’m not a blonde or a size-zero model-type. I love to eat.”

He stared at her and shook his head. “You think I’m that shallow? I like all types of women and it’s not only the physical aspect, it’s the whole package.”

“Andrew, you’re asking me to stay married to you, and not only that, you want me to move in here with you. We’ll kill each other.”

“All I’m asking for is one year, and after that if it doesn’t work out, I’ll give you a divorce.”

“Why me? Why not Leann? She seems like a nice lady. She could give you what you want.”

He held her hand. “Yes, she’s nice, but the chemistry between you and me is powerful. It won’t hurt to try.”

“I wont deny we are amazing in bed.” She blushed. “But out of the bedroom, it’s another story.”

“You don’t know that. Tell me you never imagine you and me. It has nothing to do with the color of our skin, or who we’re related to. What matters is us. When we needed someone to talk to we found each other.” He lifted her chin. “Am I wrong?”

She gazed at him. “No, you’re not wrong, but I know it will never work. What will we tell our family?”

“The people I care about already know, and gave me their blessing.” He rubbed her cheek.


“My brother, his wife, and my dad.”

“You told your dad.”

“Yes, I called him and let him know he has a new daughter-in-law. He was happy, even if he didn’t see this coming, but then again we Johnston’s do things that way.” He remembered how they’d all found out about Matthew. Shannon and Matt had shared a one-night stand, and she got pregnant. Matt and the family found out he was the father when he was born with the Johnston stamp, his green eyes.

“My parents aren’t that understanding.”

“Remember, you’re a grown-ass woman, and I know your mom will get over it.”

“But my dad won’t. You’re not what he envisioned for my husband. You’re everything he warned me about, starting with the color of your skin. He still hates Matt.”

“Do you have an issue with my ethnicity?”

She hurriedly cupped his face. “No—”

“I married you, not your dad. Just like my brother, I can handle anything he throws at me. What’s with the excuses? You already told me you don’t need their approval.”

“You thought about everything, huh?”

“What’s it going to be? One year married to me, or months in court fighting, wasting your money on lawyer fees.”

“You wouldn’t.” She released his face.

He began laughing. “I’m kidding, I would never do that to you, but if you finish reading the document you will see, if you agree to the terms of the contract at the end of the year, I will donate one hundred thousand dollars to Pretty-In-Pink Foundation.”

Her mouth form
ed an O. “You would really do that?”


“When you put it that way, I guess I don’t have a choice, they need the money.”

He leaned forward. “You need to stop seeing Dean. I can’t believe that after he broke your heart, you went back to him.”

“Huh? He never had my heart to break. He just hurt my pride.”

“We’re going to treat this like a real marriage.”

“What about Leann?”

“I’m an honest man. I’ll end it.”

“Why would you do that to her?”

“I’ve never given any woman any reason to think that our relationship would go to another level. Leann’s and my relationship was different. She needed someone to help her forget her ex-husband and I was willing.”

“Dean is a good guy. He’s just not ready to settle down.”

Andrew’s jaw clenched. “I remember. Fuck him. If you want a baby, I’ll give it to you.”

Her eyes got big with surprise. “What?”

“We both want a family, so why not?”

“Because we don’t love each other.”

“Did you love Dean?”


“But you were willing to get married to him and have kids. What’s the difference?”

“I guess when you put it like that….”

“What does love have to do with us? We’ll make great parents together and if we don’t work out, we at least get something beautiful out of it. Remember you said your biological clock is ticking.” He smirked.

She chuckled. “No, I said it stopped ticking.”

He got serious. “You’re already menopausal?”

She smacked him on the arm. “Hell no! I’m only thirty four.”

He laughed. “We’re still young.”

“You’re serious?” She stood and started pacing.

He got up and stopped her pacing by grabbing her waist. “Yes, I am. Will you be the mother of my child?”

She stared at him. “How did we get from these”—she lifted the legal documents—“to having a baby?”

“It’s called marriage. Yes or no?” He bent his head to kiss her neck.

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