Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go (12 page)

Read Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Western, #Contemporary

BOOK: Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go
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Releasing Bo’s cock, Max shifted and leant down until his lips were almost touching Bo’s. He wanted to look at Bo, look in those eyes that gave away so much more than Bo realised, but Max couldn’t with the lush lips so close to his parting, a tip of a pink tongue darting out to moisten the plump lower one. A thrill of fear speared through him; he didn’t know how to do this, how to kiss a man—or a woman, but that wasn’t ever going to be something he needed to know. He only wanted Bo, this one man.

Bo licked at his bottom lip again, and Max gave in with a groan. He lowered his head, pressing his lips to Bo’s, and groaned again at the heat that sparked and spread down his spine, slamming into his balls. Bo whimpered and buried his hands in Max’s hair. His warm, wet tongue brushed over Max’s lips, encouraging him to let Bo in..

Opening eagerly for Bo, Max shivered as his dick leaked pre-cum. He teased Bo’s

tongue with his own, and the taste of Bo exploded in Max’s mouth, sweet and tangy, like chocolate and oranges, and something Max couldn’t describe but knew he was now addicted to.

Bo sucked on his tongue and Max felt the pull all the way to his balls. He groaned and clutched at Bo’s shoulders as he chased Bo’s tongue, suckling it in return. He wanted to do that to Bo’s cock, suck and lave that fat length, feel it push into his mouth, stretch his jaw wide and cover his tongue with cum…


Bailey Bradford



Max broke the kiss, gasping for breath and trying desperately to keep his fears and insecurities at bay. He’d spent too much of his life being scared already. And Bo had liked it, hadn’t he, when Max had taken over in the barn?

Max sat up and tugged at Bo’s shirt. “Let’s get these off, all of ‘em.”

Bo’s lips looked thoroughly plundered but his eyes blazed with carnal hunger as he sat up and pulled off his shirt. Max zeroed in on the tiny peach coloured nipples with their thick pointy tips. God, he wanted a taste of those, too.

“You sure about these?” Bo rasped. Max dragged his gaze away from the tempting

buds to find Bo’s thumbs sliding under the waistband of his sweats.

“Oh yeah,” Max ground out, his throat tightening with lust. Bo still hesitated, and Max narrowed his eyes. “Take ‘em off.”

Bo did this quivering thing, his entire body shaking bit by bit like a wave rolled over him from head to toe. He lifted his hips and shoved the sweats down his thighs, then kicked and twisted until he got them off completely. Max should have helped, but he couldn’t look away from the heavy, fuzzy balls or the plump red crown smeared with pearly fluid, or the thick veiny stalk that he couldn’t possibly swallow much of. Not yet, anyway.

“Max?” Bo’s cock bobbed when he spoke, a fact Max found utterly fascinating.

“Yeah, Bo?” Max answered, watching a drop of pre-cum slide from the narrow slit and form a thin bridge to Bo’s belly.

“Could you maybe…” Bo’s breath hitched and Max hissed as Bo’s shaft twitched. “Take your clothes off?”

Max’s gaze jumped up to meet Bo’s. “Oh yeah, I can do that.” Bo gave him a hungry smile and Max quickly pulled his boots off and stripped. He didn’t feel any of the embarrassment he thought he would have when standing naked in front of another person, not when Bo was looking at him like that, like he was everything good and perfect in the world. He just wished he knew how to live up to that look.

Bo rolled to his side and patted the bed. “Come here, honey. Tell me what you want.”

Max lay down facing Bo, the affection in those warm eyes the only thing keeping Max from panicking over his fear of disappointing this man. Bo caressed his cheek, each stroke leeching the anxiety from Max until he felt nothing but the aching desire of moments before.

Max wrapped his hand around Bo’s left biceps and, using his weight, rolled them both so he wound up lying on top of Bo, bracing his body on one elbow.


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“This okay? I ain’t hurting you?” The full-body contact was firing all the nerve endings in Max’s body, pulling his mind into a state of erotic bliss, but he needed to know that Bo was okay before giving in to his body’s needs.

Bo thrust up, rubbing his cock against Max’s, causing them both to gasp and groan.

“Fucking perfect, Max. Please, do something, touch me, suck me, fuck me, God, something please!”

Images of each one of those acts spun through Max’s head, maybe not in the clearest detail but it was more than enough to drive out rational thought. Max cupped Bo’s jaw, loving the feel of the rough stubble against his palm, and took Bo’s mouth in a kiss that left his head spinning. Bo whimpered into the kiss, clutching at Max’s shoulders, his back, finally clasping his ass cheeks and grinding up while pulling Max’s hips down. Their cocks were pressed together, slick and hard and aching, and Max couldn’t do anything other than drag his lips down Bo’s jaw. He nipped and licked, sucking hard on the firm column of Bo’s neck as he began thrusting, matching Bo’s tempo. Max buried one hand in Bo’s hair, keeping his weight up on that arm while his other hand slid between their chests, searching out one of the peach nipples. Bo keened when Max’s thumb and forefinger pinched the turgid bud. His fingers dug into the globes of Max’s ass, pulling him down harder, faster.

Max felt his orgasm boiling up from his balls as his dick slid against Bo’s. The head of his cock caught the underside of Bo’s crown, and heat exploded inside Max. He tugged at the nub, pinching more from the spasm of ecstasy that caused his entire body to clench than from any intention. Bo screamed and bucked beneath him, spraying liquid heat between their stomachs. His fingertips brushed over Max’s hole and Max didn’t have time to wonder if it was intentional or not, that fluttering touch threw him right over the edge.

Max felt that first shot of cum spewing out like a punch to the gut. He howled with the intensity of his release, his vision wavering as jets of cum burst from his dick. He thought Bo’s finger’s feathered over his asshole again, but Max wasn’t sure, couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the ecstasy flowing from his shaft as he ground furiously against Bo’s willing body.

When Max finally came out of his orgasmic haze, he was lying on his back with Bo tucked up against his side. Bo’s head rested on Max’s shoulder, and Bo had an arm and a leg slung over him. It felt almost as good as the sex had, or maybe as good but in a different way.

Max glanced at Bo and smiled when he saw the man’s sleep-slackened face. He was just too MILES TO GO

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damned cute—whether that was appropriate for a man over forty or not, Max didn’t give a shit, because it was true.

Besides being the sexiest thing Max had ever seen, Bo was simply adorable, a

description Max vowed never to utter out loud. That was a little more…mushy…than he’d ever want to admit. Max’s lids grew heavy and his last thought as he drifted off was that if this was going to send him to Hell, it was more than worth it.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Nine

The sound of the bedroom door opening startled Bo from the light sleep he’d dropped into. Carefully lifting his head from Max’s shoulder, he cracked open his eyes and found himself blushing under Annabelle’s appraising gaze as it encompassed his and Max’s entwined bodies. The blush progressed from a subtle warmth to a scorching heat as he dimly realised he and his lover were both nude. Annabelle was getting an eyeful. Not just of Bo’s fuzzy ass, either. He’d dozed off with one leg sprawled over Max’s thighs and an arm draped low down on Max’s belly. The result of this position was that Max’s cock and balls were pretty much framed between Bo’s limbs, setting those very fine parts of Max’s body on display like an eye-catchingly framed painting in a museum.

Bo couldn’t figure out how to rectify the situation without waking Max. The poor guy would be mortified to be caught all out by Annabelle. He gave her a pleading look and felt his own embarrassment vanish at the emotions flickering over Annabelle’s face.

Appreciation, curiosity, and desire melded into a thoughtful expression as she finally met his eyes. The pink cheeks were something he’d never imagined to see on Annabelle—she’d always seemed unflappable. Maybe it was just seeing two men together that had turned her on. God knew it would have made Bo whimper and beg to join the party once upon a time.

Annabelle arched a brow at him and tipped her head back. Bo didn’t miss the way her gaze drifted over their naked bodies again as she waited for him to get out of bed. He mouthed at her to go wait in the other room, and she nodded once before quietly backing out, leaving the bedroom door open.

Bo gently lifted his limbs off Max in tiny increments, trying his best not to wake the man. When Max muttered and reached for him, Bo brushed his fingers through Max’s thick hair and murmured soothing words until he settled back into a deep sleep. Once he was certain Max was out good, Bo eased off the bed and grabbed the sweats lying on the floor. He seriously thought about stepping out of the room bare assed. After all, Annabelle had certainly seemed to enjoy gawking at them, but then he remembered that flittering desire in her eyes, the hint of dawning realisation in their dark depths.


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Definitely best to get dressed. Bo pulled the sweats on and grabbed Max’s denim work shirt. The scent of sweat, horses and man encompassed him and Bo’s cock sprung back to life. Bo buttoned up the shirt and breathed a relieved sigh at finding the shirttails hung to the middle of his thighs. He could still make out his erection pressing through the layers of fabric, but at least it wasn’t quite so obvious. Bo closed the door behind him, cringing at the clicking sound as he did so. He waited, listening intently for a minute. When no sound other than a soft snore came from the bedroom, Bo smiled and headed out to find Annabelle.

She was waiting in the kitchen, sitting at the table with a sweating glass of iced tea in one hand. Bo considered getting himself a glass just to stall for time but Annabelle’s gaze drifted down to his dick. After pulling out a chair, he checked the shirttail again then seated himself and scooted as close to the table as possible.

“You do know I’m gay,” Bo pointed out, seeing no need to beat around the bush.

Annabelle snorted and rolled her eyes. “Well, duh. That doesn’t mean the two of you didn’t make a pretty damn fine picture.”

Bo felt a burst of pride at the declaration. What forty-something man wouldn’t? But he didn’t want to appear vain. “Max is a very attractive man.”

Annabelle chuckled as her cheeks tinted. “If by attractive you mean hung like a horse, I’d have to agree.”

“Actually, I meant the entire package, not just his…” Bo fumbled through his

indignation for a suitable word. “Not just his package, you know. I mean, inside and out, he’s perfect even if he has issues and who doesn’t? No one gets through life without some scars.” Bo bit his bottom lip to keep from babbling. If he wasn’t careful, he’d share more than he’d intended, kind of like he just had.

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” Annabelle said, her lips twitching. “Max is a special guy, and so are you. I don’t want to see either of you hurt.”

Bo frowned before he could stop himself. He hated the way it emphasised the fine lines that had begun cropping up almost overnight. “Is that why you wanted me to leave that gorgeous man in bed alone, so you could tell me how special we are?” Women were so confusing. She didn’t need to make him get up and leave Max just to tell him something he already knew.

Annabelle reached out and lightly smacked Bo’s shoulder. “No, I really just wanted to get you out of the room before my big brother gets here. He wondered where Max was since MILES TO GO

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he didn’t finish his work for the day, and I thought I’d be nice and keep the two of you from getting caught going at it like bunnies.”

Did bunnies have gay sex? Bo’s frown deepened as he tried to picture that. He’d

definitely have to Google the subject.

“Bo!” Annabelle snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Get your mind out of the gutter!”

“All right, all right,” Bo sniped. “What did you tell Rory about Max cutting his day short?”

“I told him Max wasn’t feeling so hot, and after whatever happened in the barn

between you two, that wasn’t exactly a lie. He was really shook up.”

Bo detected the not so subtle probing and ignored it. “Okay, well, I guess we’ll go with that. I don’t want Max to get in trouble for messing around on the job.” He hadn’t thought about that. Max loved his work here and would be shattered if he lost his job. “I’ll be more careful from now on, I just didn’t think.”

Annabelle shook her head. “Hey, no, it’s fine for Max to have time off now and then, he’s earned it. I just didn’t think you’d want Rory knowing what was going on between you two.”

“He probably already knows since Chance cornered me about this not long ago. He told me to get Max out of the funk he was in or move out. I don’t want to move out.” Not when he was fairly sure he’d finally fallen in love, at least a little, and it scared the shit out of him.

No one had ever loved him, and he’d never loved anyone, not really, not like he wanted to.

Bo knew he’d find a way to fuck it all up, but he still couldn’t walk away. More info he didn’t want to share with Annabelle.

“And why is that?” Annabelle asked as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Bo considered telling her the truth, but when it came down to it, if he really did love Max, then Max should be the first to know about how Bo felt, not their peeping Tomasina here. He wanted to make a smart ass comment to get her off his back, but whatever it was that was going on between him and Max wasn’t anything he could joke about. Annabelle’s sympathetic gaze made his chest ache. “I just don’t, okay?”

“Yeah, Bo, that’s okay. I think I understand.” Annabelle patted his shoulder. “Why don’t you take Max a glass of tea and maybe give him a little heads up so he can at least get some clothes on? I’m sure Rory’s going to want to see him and make sure he isn’t dying from MILES TO GO

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