Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go (19 page)

Read Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Western, #Contemporary

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Now, however, he had one very special man to spend that holiday with, and Bo was scared he’d screw it all up. After all, what did he really know about Valentine’s Day? Not a damn thing except for what he saw on TV and in the stores. Flowers, chocolates, and a card, those seemed to be the standard gifts, so Bo had got those after looking online for ideas had only netted him a boner and some rather surprisingly naughty gift suggestions. As much as he’d like to see Max bent over with a fat red plug topped with a heart handle poking out his ass, Bo didn’t think his partner would be quite as turned on. Max was a wild man in bed—or wherever they decided to make love—but he was still a bit skittish when it came to using toys. Bo had only got him to use a dildo on him in the past month. Although, the man
liked watching that thing stretching and filling Bo’s hole.

Bo liked it, too, and he’d like to use it on Max one day soon. He figured that was a possibility, what with the way Max seemed so…enthusiastic about using the dildo on him.

The first time Max had turned beet red, but once Bo had moaned that flush had turned into one of arousal and Max had forgotten all about being embarrassed.

Jesus, it was making Bo hard just thinking about it! The phone rang and startled Bo enough that his erection withered. He got up off the couch and found the handset on the kitchen table. He didn’t recognise the number, but the San Antonio area code made his heart slam into his ribs. No one from San Antonio called him. The last time had been the hospital trying to clear up a billing issue Bo had disputed. And before that it’d been the detective.


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Bo answered the phone, fear and hope tangling into a ball in his belly. He greeted the caller then sat at the kitchen table when his knees threatened to give out. After grunting through most of the call, he managed some semblance of a polite goodbye then hung up and cradled his head in his hands and tried not to fall apart.



Max walked into the kitchen and stopped when he so Bo sitting with his head in his hands and his bottom lip quivering. Fear shot through Max and had him thundering across the small space to reach Bo. He’d known something was off when Bo hadn’t been on the porch to greet him like he usually did, but he’d almost convinced himself he was being paranoid and that Bo was just in the bathroom or something.

Well, he’d damn sure listen to his instincts next time, if there was a next time.
better not be a next time.
He was beside Bo in two heartbeats, and his lover stood and plastered himself to Max, his arms locking around him tightly as Max held Bo in return.

“What happened, honey?” He could feel Bo shuddering, hear his breath hitching as he swallowed noisily. “Bo? Honey can you tell me what’s wrong?”

Bo made an agonised sound that twisted Max’s guts into a fiery knot. “Detective

Sanchez called and said…” Max brought a hand up to cup the back of Bo’s head. He rubbed gently, letting the silky strands slide between his fingers as he tried not to push Bo.

“They arrested him,” Bo finally whispered, then repeated it when Max only grunted.

The truth was, he couldn’t speak just yet, he was too angry and relieved and so many other things he couldn’t keep track. Instead Max kept caressing Bo, and trailing soft kisses over his brow. Bo shuddered again then sighed shakily before tipping his head up to look at Max.

Max stared into those hazel eyes he knew so well, looking for pain or guilt. He saw a little of both, but he mainly saw relief.

“He tried to hurt another man, but he fucked up and picked a guy who taught martial arts of some kind. The guy beat the hell out of the man who assaulted me—Louis

Christopher is his name.” Bo’s grin was a bit watery as he continued. “I’ll need to testify, and so will the man who put the smackdown to Christopher, plus there might be other victims who come forward, but—”


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This time when Bo smiled, it did that thing Max loved, the one that lit the man up from the inside out. “They got him. They got him, Max, and I don’t care what his lawyers try to say about me, I’m going to make sure that asshole goes to jail as long as possible.”

“He will.” Max was worried about what Bo would have to go through on the stand, but there was always the chance Christopher would plead guilty and get a lighter sentence. The idea of that made Max’s blood boil, but if it saved Bo from going through something that might be almost as bad as the assault, then Max was all for it. And he firmly believed Christopher would get what he had coming, either in prison or elsewhere. To think anything else was unbearable.

But, if the case did go to trial, then Max would be right there in the court room, as close to Bo as he could get. He’d support his partner all the way, and try not to lose it and do anything stupid like attempt to rip off that asshole’s head. Chance and Rory would probably be there too, and likely some other people Max and Bo had got to know and become friends with. It might not just be Max who had to try to keep from going after Christopher, come to think of it.

“We should celebrate.”

Bo’s whispered words snapped Max out of his daze. He smiled and lowered a hand to Bo’s ass. He’d have asked if Bo was sure, but the man was rubbing his groin against Max’s thigh eagerly, and soft pants were slipping from his lips. Max’s concern for what would happen should there be a trial or if Christopher pled out didn’t vanish, but he did push it down.

Bo wanted to celebrate, and that was something Max was happy to do with his man.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Eighteen

If Bo had thought he was nervous the day before, it was nothing compared to when he woke up on Valentine’s Day. Max had made love to him almost all night long, making sure Bo knew just how precious he was to Max, how loved he was. Those doubts that used to plague Bo still cropped up sometimes, but usually all he had to do was close his eyes and think about the way Max touched him, kissed him, and so many little things the man did for him. Of course Max did big things too, but Bo had found it was the sweet little moments in day to day life with each other that really melted his heart.

However, he suspected today would be one of the ‘big thing’ days, and was worried his rather boring gifts to Max would not be adequate to show his love. Oh, Max would be happy with anything, and he’d never say a cruel word about Bo’s gifts, but…Bo wanted to make Max as happy, make him feel as loved as Max made him feel.

And I thought I could do that by getting him the same damn gifts desperate, unimaginative men
everywhere give their women? Idiot!
Shit, now was a fine time to come to that realisation. He couldn’t slip off without making it obvious he hadn’t got Max something, even though he had. It just wasn’t anything special.
Damn it!

Bo eased out of the bed, careful not to wake Max. As he quietly left the room, a plan niggled at Bo’s brain. It wasn’t the best one in the world, but it was his only one, and it wasn’t a horrible idea either. Feeling somewhat more secure about his gifts, Bo set about getting started.



Max groaned and stretched as he woke up, one hand automatically patting the bed as he felt around for Bo. When his fingers encountered cool sheets where his lover usually lay, Max cracked open his eyes and propped himself up on one elbow. He blinked away the blurries and stared stupidly at the empty spot on the bed. Obviously Bo wasn’t there.
nitwit. I need some coffee.
Max flopped back on the bed and slapped an arm over his eyes. Then the scent hit him. And his mental calendar squawked.


Bailey Bradford



Valentine’s Day.
Shit. Shit! What if Bo hates what I got him?
Max would likely die from humiliation. It wasn’t that Bo would laugh at him, or be a jerk about it, but he just might not want what Max was going to give him. The thought of that made Max’s stomach burn. The smell of something delicious wafting through the partially opened bedroom door made his stomach growl.

Despite being so nervous his hands shook, Max got up and found a pair of underwear to put on. Just because he and Bo were the only ones in the bunkhouse now didn’t mean they’d be the only ones here period. Max added a pair of sweats with that thought bouncing around his head, then he padded to the bathroom and took care of business before heading to the kitchen.

Max sucked in a sharp breath when he stepped into the room. Bo jumped but grinned at him over a bare shoulder. Max tried to reciprocate but damn, all his muscles seemed to have locked in place and his cock was trying to poke a hole through his shorts and sweats as he gawped at Bo.

Bo’s grin widened and he winked at Max. “I thought I’d try to start your Valentine’s off right since I think I bumbled the whole gift thing.” Bo shook his completely bare ass, framed by the strings of a bright yellow apron, as he gestured with one hand to the table.

“If this is the only gift I get, I’m the luckiest damn man in the world,” Max muttered as he dragged his gaze up to Bo’s happy face and back down to his tempting plump ass. Max’s mouth watered as he ogled those firm, fuzzy globes. He’d been thinking about, wanting to try…

Not yet, Jesus not yet!
As much as Max wanted to spread those cheeks and explore every bit of warm skin there, he couldn’t. Well, he
, but he really wanted to wait until he’d given Bo his other gift first. Max settled for pressing his front to Bo’s back and grinding his aching cock against that delectable ass as he nibbled on Bo’s neck.

Bo moaned softly, then a little louder when Max suckled the sweet spot where Bo’s shoulder and neck met. “B-bacon,” Bo stuttered out. “Burning—”

Max debated letting it burn for a second before remembering all Bo had protecting his bits was a thin apron. He left off sucking on Bo’s neck but slid his hands under the apron and cupped Bo’s balls and cock as best he could. “Maxie!” Bo squeaked. “Not helping!”

“Just trying to keep you from getting hurt,” Max said in what he hoped was a sexy purr. Bo had that purring thing down pat, and it never failed to set Max’s heart—and other MILES TO GO

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parts—to fluttering. Judging by the way Bo shivered, he must have pulled the purring thing off pretty well, too.

“Bacon’s done, if you’ll just have a seat.” Bo sounded a little breathless, and Max was wearing a smug grin when he released him and turned to walk to the table. Max stumbled when he saw his place setting and the flowers and heart-shaped box of chocolates there. The card laid on his plate had his name written—well, Maxie, his pet name from Bo—in fancy script. The envelope was decorated with one single, hand drawn heart on the upper left corner, and for some reason that sent a wave of warmth through Max.

“Is it okay?” Bo asked from behind him. Max heard the worry in his lover’s voice and turned, intending to take Bo in his arms and make love to him right then and there, never mind the plans he had for later. He was thwarted by the platter of bacon Bo held in one hand and the stacked platter of waffles he had in the other.

“It’s more than okay,” Max said after swallowing around a lump of emotion in his throat. “Nobody ever gave me flowers and hearts before. The only cards I ever got were this past Christmas from Rory and Chance and the rest of our friends. Thank you, Bo.” Max leaned in carefully and kissed Bo’s soft lips. When he leant back Bo’s eyes were shining happily and his smile was that bright one that Max loved to see.

“I know they aren’t the most original gifts, but since you never got them before, I’m really glad to be the first person to give them to you.”

Max didn’t know how it was possible considering everything in his world revolved around the man already, but he fell even more in love with Bo right then and there. He took the platters from Bo and gave him another kiss, this one longer, a little messy, but it made them both hum with happiness before he turned and walked to the table.

After setting the food down, he took his seat and carefully opened the card. The message was brief, but it hit Max square in the heart. His eyes blurred as he closed the card and tucked it back in the envelope. Then he started to push his chair back but Bo was right there, draping himself over Max’s back and craning his neck to bring his lips to Max’s.

By the time the kiss ended, Max’s cock was so hard he couldn’t sit comfortably. Taking Bo back to bed seemed like the best idea ever, then he noticed the meal Bo had prepared.

Homemade waffles, fresh strawberries and some blueberry compote that Max nearly drooled over, ice cream in a beautiful ceramic bowl Max hadn’t a clue they’d had, and what he thought was whipped cream. Max arched a brow and pointed towards the thick white stuff.


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“Is that whipped cream?”

Bo nodded. “Homemade, too. It doesn’t take long and it tastes so much better than the store bought stuff.” He beamed at Max and pushed the bowl towards him. “I suggest waffles, ice cream, whipped cream, then the blueberries and strawberries. And bacon on the side, of course. Can’t have you missing out on your meat.” Bo leered and winked at that last bit.

Max chuckled and stacked the food according to Bo’s suggestion. The first bite made Max moan as his eyes closed. He hadn’t had anything this good in…ever.

“I used to make this every now and then years ago, when I wanted something decadent for breakfast.”

Max opened his eyes and Bo blushed as he glanced down at the feast. “I never made it for anyone else,” he said softly, and Max thought he was possibly glowing like Bo did, just lighting up from the inside out.

“Thank you, honey. You don’t know how much all of this means to me.” Max wasn’t

sure he could tell Bo, either, but he hoped to show him later.

They took their time eating breakfast, enjoying one another’s company and sharing heated glances. The buildup of anticipation was almost as delicious as the meal, and Max savoured every second of it. Afterwards he insisted on Bo relaxing while he cleaned up the table and the dishes, then Max had to go check the horses.

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