Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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“It’s almost noon. I’m hungry myself. Are you fixing me a plate also?”

She swung around quickly
and stumbled. He moved to catch her but she righted herself, evading his touch.

“Are you okay?”

She shut her eyes briefly and murmured under her breath. In
the hospital she’d given the silent treatment and he’d let it go, but not


She rolled her eyes upward, which was becoming a signature gesture, and moved her lips but no sound was released. Was she praying or trying to irritate him? She turned around, opened the cabinet above her head and reached for one plate.”

“I guess I have my

She finished making her
sandwich and carried it to the table. He walked to the counter pulled out more
bread from the box and prepared his own. He poured lemonade into a glass and
took a sip. He frowned. His housekeeper made the stuff for Nicole; he could do
with something a lot stronger. Sitting opposite her, he bit into the sandwich, but
kept his eyes glued on her. Damn, she was stubborn. She didn’t acknowledge him
at the table—not once, but ate the sandwich as if it was one of the best meals

“Are you going to
continue the silent treatment?”

She continued to chew
still not looking his way.

“Nicole, this is

Finally she lifted her
gaze and glared at him. “I’m going back to my house today.”

“The hell you are. We’re
married. My wife and child live with me.”

“I don’t want to be
married to you any longer. I want a divorce.”

Shocked. Ashton just
stared at her while something cold settled in his chest. “Dammit, Nicole,” he
hissed through his teeth. “There’ll be no divorce.”

“Don’t pretend you
didn’t know it was coming,” she told him wryly. Nicole abruptly stood and took
her plate to the sink rinsing it and then putting it in the dishwater. He stood
and did the same.

His voice was low,
deliberately controlled. “There’ll be no discussion about you leaving.”

Fiery daggers were aimed
at him. Although she offered no further comment, he knew his wife’s mind was
recalculating her next move, which only made him more on guard.

“You’re going to force
me to stay with you?” It was said with such disgust that it annoyed the hell
out of him. Didn’t she understand that he couldn’t let her go? He wouldn’t
survive without her. He hated the fact she held his heart in the palm of hand
squeezing the blood out of it, trying to stop it from pumping. She stood before
him in her all her beauty. She was very angry but it only made her more
beautiful. He raked his gaze slowly down her body noticing the luscious curves
that had filled out in all the right places due to her pregnancy. Eyes were
glued to her waist and they moved lower, she gasped at his inventory, shifting
her feet.

“I would never force you
to do anything, Nicole. But I know you want me as much as I want you.”

“There’s more to a
marriage than sex. That won’t be used as a fix-all. Not this time. You
disrespected me and that’s something I won’t tolerate.”

“It was unforgiveable.” He swallowed, trying to find the right words. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“You did more than that,
Ashton. You castrated me.”

“No…No. I would rather cut off my own hand. I know it’s no excuse but I was angry. My words cut you deep. The anger ruled me and I couldn’t seem to stop the blood flow once it started. Please forgive me.”

“What about Brent? You
owe him an apology,” Nicole said, not letting up on it at all. “That will be
the first step to correcting the wrong that you inflicted.”

Ashton scowled and stiffened at the mention of his brother. Fear grabbed the base of his throat and he didn’t like the taste of it. With her, everything damn thing always came back to Brent.

“What do you want from me, Nicole? Am I to forgive him from trying to steal my wife?” He smirked at
her. “Or maybe you wanted to be stolen.”

“You are a jackass.”

He stared at her,
disbelieving what came out of her mouth. “What?”

“You heard me,” Nicole
said and walked toward him, her eyes glinting dangerously. “Brent loves you. He
confused right now but he would never maliciously try and hurt you. And for the
record, I do love him.”

The blow to his heart knocked the wind out of him. He couldn’t breathe. He wanted to grab her and beg her to love him but he didn’t. He was going to lose her. And this time there would be no bringing her back. He had to leave before he did or said something, making it harder for him to watch her walk away.

“I love Brent as a friend…a brother not as a lover. But
you’ve been too pig-headed to see what was in front of your damn nose. It’s not
Brent I want, it’s you.”

“Does this mean you’ve changed your mind about leaving me?”

“I thought you said I wasn’t leaving.”

“I wouldn’t forcibly keep you with me.”

“I’m getting damn tired of you playing Mr. Macho with no

“Are you threatening me?”

“Take it for what it’s worth.” She left the kitchen and
moved toward the stairs. He followed, stood at the bottom and watched her mount
the stairs, slowly.

Nicole’s words slapped him and forced him to realize something he would’ve rather not acknowledged. He was fallible.




Asleep, she lay on her
side facing him but not touching. He watched the rise and fall of her chest as
she breathed.

He’d eaten dinner alone, hoping she would appear. When she didn’t he hadn’t pushed the issue. After hours of paperwork in his home office, he’d entered the master bedroom not expecting to find her there asleep and sprawled on the bed still in her clothes. Gently he’d removed them and slipped on a spaghetti strap nightgown without her waking.

Rubbing the small mound where his child lay had tempted him
to gather her close for the rest of the night but it would be hell to pay if
she woke up in his arms. He would take what he could get. He was thankful for
whatever crumbs she threw his way.

Nicole wasn’t a vicious
person but she was stubborn. He’d tried to keep distance between them. God, he
needed her more than ever. But his own heart was working against him. She’d
destroy the shield he kept around him, reaching he part that had been closed
off for years. Hell, he welcomed it. He stared at her for a long time. Finally,
he closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep.

Hours later, he woke with a start at the chime of the grandfather clock in the hallway. He glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand on his side of the bed. It was early morning. He blinked and wiped the sleep from his eyes. Nicole was curled up beside him with an arm thrown across his waist.

Forgetting the anger and frustration that had transpired between them, he pulled her closer, and tried to ignore an instant erection against her belly. He squeezed his eyes tight and breathed deeply. He rubbed her arm, which caused the thin strap on the gown to slip off her shoulder. Ashton was becoming too conscious of her petite, lithe body and its sweet, womanly warmth and scent. As always, when he was this close to her, his skin flamed, and his body tensed. He swallowed and tried to keep his breathing even so she wouldn’t wake and realize the state he was in.

Unknowingly, she threw a leg over his bare thighs. He closed his eyes and forced himself to count, willing himself back to sleep but it didn’t help. He reached to move her leg and her eyes popped open. Going rigid, she lifted off him.

“What are you doing in
this bed?”

“I sleep here.”

“You know what I mean.
Why didn’t you sleep in another bedroom?”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I thought you would be a
gentleman and let me have the bigger bed?’

“Nice try. All the beds
in this house are the same.”

Silence settled over
them both for a long minute. Glaring at him, she scooted to her side of the bed
and pulled her hair behind her ear. “What time is it?”

He glanced at the clock again. “Almost 7:00 a.m. too early to get out of bed.”

“I can’t believe I slept
through dinner and into the next morning.”

“You were more tired
that you thought. How are you feeling?”

Her lovely hazel eyes
were waiflike in the dim light coming from the opened window.

“I’m fine.” She got up and went into the bathroom. Ashton
straightened and leaned against the headboard waiting for her return. It wasn’t
long before the door opened and she came out. She shot him a weary, short
glance before she crawled beneath the covers, turned her back to him and moved
to the edge of her side. Silence hung thick over them. He needed to make
things right with her…and then his brother. But most of all, right now, he wanted
to hold her in his arms close to his heart. He needed her warmth. Ashton circled
an arm over her waist and gently pulled her up against his front. He sighed
with relief when she didn’t push him away.

“Will you please forgive me?”

“I’ll think about.”

right now, it was good enough for him. “I’m so sorry for everything,
sweetheart. I’ll apologize to Brent.”

She rolled over and faced him. “I don’t want you to do if you don’t mean it.” A tear rolled down her cheek. Sickened at her distress, he wiped it away with a finger.

“I’m an

“Yes, you are.”

He smiled at
that. “You’re the life to my blood. Without you I’m lost.”

traveled across her face at his admission, bringing a heat to his face. To cover
the awkwardness, he placed her head to his chest not wanting her to see his
vulnerability and fear. He swallowed the lump in his throat. She nestled
against him, her mouth brushing his shoulder blades as she shaped herself
against his body. He normally slept in the nude but last night he’d slipped on
pajamas bottoms.

nerve in his body was attuned to her. She placed her hand on the waistband of
his pajamas bottoms, moving inside with slow precision. He gasped at the sweet
torture. His body was now hot, hard and fully aroused, which was a problem,
because she was just came home from the hospital. With that thought in mind, he
released her gently and retreated to his side of the bed.

An arm
thrown across his eyes, he breathed slowly to bring his body back under


He groaned at
the sound of her voice but didn’t move from his position. “Go back to sleep,
Nicole,” he whispered, his eyes remained hidden.

“I’m not
sleepy,” she replied. Her low voice sent an unwanted shiver through him.

“Don’t do this.
You just got out the hospital yesterday.”

“The doctor
gave me a clean bill of health. I’m fine and he said it was okay to resume
activities—all of them.”

He looked at her. “I don’t want you hating me even more.”

“I know we have
problems but I don’t hate you Ashton. I could never hate—”

On a guttural
groan, he wrapped his arms around her. Their gazes locked. No more words were
uttered but the hot and torrid fire raging in her eyes equaled his.

He moved the short nightgown with jerky movement, then his pajamas bottoms and threw them on the floor. Now only in her pink lace briefs, he placed his mouth against the fabric and inhaled her scent, which made him dizzy with fierce need. The panties were ripped from her body. He knelt between her legs and found what he was looking for. He was hungry for her. His tongue found the folds of her clit and clamped the lips, sucking the sweet nectar. An orgasm hit her full force and every drop flowed into his mouth. He swallowed and continued to lick until there was nothing left.

The woman spread before him held his heart. She pushed him and then straddled him.

“My turn,” she
said in that sexy voice that he’d come to love.

She grabbed his penis and he sighed at her touch. She moved the flesh it up and down between her small hands. He watched her closely, enjoying the look of pure enjoyment on her face. Keeping her eyes on him, she replaced her hands with her mouth, taking him inch by inch to a place he only dreamed with her. Not wanting to discourage her or stem her enthusiasm, he lay still and let her take control. But it didn’t stop the groan that came from his throat. She was driving him crazy. He didn’t know how much longer he could withstand the torture. He gripped the sheet, trying to remain in control but it didn’t help. He was dangerously close to exploding. Abruptly, he moved her off him and placed her onto her back.

Bewilderment showed
in her eyes. “I wasn’t finished.”

“Yes, you were. If you didn’t stop it would’ve been over for me too soon.”

“I wouldn’t care.”

“I would.”

With his heart racing, he moved between her thighs. “Wrap your legs around me,” he whispered and then drove inside her. She gasped and then moaned. He held himself erect. She was tight, wet and satiny warm. It was pure pleasure. He craved every fiber of her being, wanted her skin to mesh with his and make her remember all that they had together.

Feeling her
heartbeat pound against his, he moved with powerful thrusts. Her body clenched
him and fire shot through him, creating a realm of ecstasy he’d never
experienced. He continued his thrusts but careful of their child that was
cradled in her womb; he slowed down and eased out a little.

She pushed at
his chest. “Don’t you dare.”

He lifted his
head, looked at her with a frown on his face. “We have to careful.”

“I’m pregnant,
Ashton not breakable. I want you to make love like you know how.”

At the moment
no problems separated them. He pushed all the way up into her and started the
journey once again. She clung, voicing muffled heated words that he couldn’t
understand against his ear. No matter what had transpired between them— the
hurt, pain and—

distrust he never wanted to let
her go.

“You’re mine,
Nicole.” He closed his eyes and strained against the release, trying to wait
for her but it was too much. He couldn’t hold back and shot his cum deep into
her womb. She stiffened and tightened her arms around him, milking the essence
from his body as her orgasm claimed her.

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