Read Love Is Overdue Online

Authors: Natalie Myrie

Tags: #reggae, #literary erotic fiction, #interracial dramatic fiction, #interracial jamaican romance, #interracial bmww, #black and white erotica, #literary erotic romance, #interracial erotic bbw, #bbw contemporary romance, #caribbean erotica

Love Is Overdue (16 page)

BOOK: Love Is Overdue
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I sucked my breath in, his
words sending a surge down between my legs. I bit my lip. “I don’t
know...” I whispered.

He smiled, kissing me
softly, as his hand moved between my legs and he slid a finger deep
inside me, my wetness just flowing out of me like a

always this wet?” He sucked his breath in as he kept moving his
fingers around inside me slowly, and then moving deeper as I pushed
up to meet him.

No,” I said in
all seriousness. “It’s never done this before.”

I kinda meant it, but Ben
laughed softly. “ you know.”

I sure did. I was writhing
under his touch. I reached for him and pulled gently, pleased to
see he was as hard and big as ever. “I just want to see what you
can do,” I admitted, moaning softly.

He eyed me, licking those
sexy thick lips of his. “You sure about that?”

Positive.” I
didn’t hesitate, although my heart was pounding furiously, my
nerves working overtime.

Hmmm...” He
hesitated, but just briefly and then sat up slowly and reached for
the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a condom. He was just so
goddamn prepared, it made me sick with passion. He palmed it and
then turned back to me, devouring my mouth all over again, just
like it was the first time.

All right,
baby...spread those legs for me.”

It drove me crazy with
anticipation, and I did just as he asked.

Ben knelt between my legs
and I waited, watching, as he tore open the wrapper and then rolled
the condom up over his long, hard cock, only making it about half
the way up. I gasped as he leaned forward and started rubbing my
clit with the head of his cock, wetting himself up with my

Shit...” I
breathed hard. “You sure know what you’re doing, don’t

I always know
what I’m doing, baby.” And then he pulled back, pushing my legs
back up over my shoulders and dipping his tongue and face down
inside my pussy, sucking and licking for just a moment, and then
just as smoothly he pulled by legs back again and I felt him, all
of him, pushing up deep inside me, filling me up in a way I never
knew possible.

Oh fuck...” I
groaned so deeply, wincing as I tried desperately to accommodate
him, to move with him.

But he pulled my legs down
and lay down on top of me, going slow so I could get used to his
depth. He held my face and kissed me tenderly. “Slow down, baby,”
he whispered softly, stroking my hair back.

I gasped, my hands sliding
down over his back as wound me like a clock, opening me up so
slowly, as he went right on kissing me, moving with me at such a
slow, steady rhythm and pace that I felt myself sliding into a such
an intense trance, his body warming me all over. He felt so good
and so right that time just seemed to stop, and when he did finally
lift up and reach down to push my thighs back it caught me
completely off-guard and I groaned loudly as I felt him stretch me

You feel so
fucking good.” His words sent pulsing sensations through my whole
body, as he smacked my bottom. “Turn over and lift that ass up for

I caught my breath quickly
and did just as he asked. He ran his hands all over my bottom,
waxing me with the palms of his hands and then I felt his lips as
he leaned over and kissed each cheek, sucking softly before

Ohhh...” I
shuddered, waiting.

His fingers played with my
pussy, rubbing me up so deeply before I felt him slide deep inside
me again. My face fell into his pillow and I gripped the bed sheets
hard, as I felt him working me faster and faster, until he was
pumping and smacking up against me so hard I felt the room spinning
out of control. I was shaking, panting and moaning so hard for him.
I knew he could feel it and I knew he knew what I needed as his
fingers began to rub my clit, my wetness just drenching my thighs,
his fingers, his cock... I came so hard again, like it was the
first time all over.

Good girl...” I
felt him lean over me, kissing and running his tongue up my back,
sending a shiver up my spine. “I love to make you come like that.”
His mouth began trailing soft kisses over the back of my neck and
he nibbled softly on my ear, still moving around inside me, his
cock reaching places that had never been touched before.

baby.” I heard him groan loudly and then lift himself up on his
knees, pulling my ass back up in the air with those strong arms of
his. I moaned in pleasure as he started pumping me harder
again...and faster... I could tell he was close, the way his
breathing and soft moans kept coming with more and more

I want to see
you,” I gasped as he kept fucking me harder and harder. “I want to
watch you come...fuck...Ben!”

And then he flipped me over
onto my back. Suddenly. And I just stared up at him desperately as
he tore the condom off, squeezed his cock, gripping it hard and
staring down at me in a way I hadn’t seen before. And then I
watched as he came so hard all over my belly, squeezing out every
last drop for me to savour. It looked like he hadn’t come in years
– the amount that exploded out of him just took my breath away. I’d
never felt so satisfied in my life.

He stayed still for a long
time, just staring down at me and his wetness, which had my belly
so slick and milky.

Shit.” I let my
breath out slowly, breaking the silence between us finally, as I
felt a new, deeper longing and need for him come over

And then he just licked his
lips in that slow sexy way of his and rolled over onto his side
next to me, stretching his arms out behind his head as he looked
back over at me finally. But he didn’t say anything – just brushed
my hair from my forehead with one of his fingers.

Are you okay?” I
wondered, turning to him, reaching for him, but he held me

Wait. Don’t
move,” he instructed me again and then jumped up out of bed again
and disappeared.

I just lay there in utter
confusion until he reappeared, kneeling down between my legs again
with a warm, wet washcloth in his hands, and I felt him tenderly
slide it up over my pussy before wiping my belly clean with that
smooth touch he had. It made me shiver.

Fuck, you turn
me on,” he said softly, and he dropped the cloth onto the
nightstand and lay back down beside me, his hands roaming all over
my body again.

Really?” My eyes
fell all over his body again too. I could have stayed there like
that with him forever.

Yes, really,” he
said softly. “That don’t happen to me much, believe me.”

What?” I was

Well...” He
looked like he was thinking about what to say. “I been with
beautiful women before just got something else. Something
you don’t find every day.”

I lowered my eyes at him,
cautiously. “And what is that?”

He smiled at my reaction,
squeezing my breast gently. “You don’t know?”

I shook my head. “No. Tell

Well...” His
eyes moved down over my body again. “You are beautiful...but alla
this...” He squeezed my thigh, my pussy, ran his hand back up my
belly... “You really don’t find this every day, baby.”

What?” I laughed
at that. “That’s funny ‘cause I always thought it was the other way
around. You know, like ‘the big girl with the pretty

He sucked his teeth at that
though. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

Oh come you don’t know what most men like.” I didn’t buy

Yeah, I know
what most men like and that’s why it’s so fucking hard to find
women like you nowadays,” he said simply.

I thought about Angela then
suddenly. Granted, that girl was drop-dead gorgeous, but she was
also even bigger than me. Maybe he was telling the

So you’re saying
this town has a thick-girl shortage or something?” I teased him,
grazing his fingers with mine as he kept stroking my

I’m just real picky,” he answered easily. “And a girl like you with
these nice, thick legs and big ass and this tiny little waist and
big titties you got...
...” He got a little
carried away and sucked on my nipple for a moment and I gasped.
“Really, if you ain’t never had a man tell you this before then –
you really must not get out real.” I loved when that
accent crept in on him...

Yeah.” I let my
breath out. “Maybe I don’t.”

But Ben just gave me a look
like he didn’t believe a word I was saying. “Well, now you know. I
couldn’t let you outta my sight if I took you back home,

I smiled. “Yeah, I heard
that before.”

Yeah, y’see?” He
sucked his teeth at me again. “You play all innocent but you know
exactly what am talkin’ about,” he teased me.

Maybe,” I
admitted softly, staring back at him. “But have you always dated
girls like me? I mean…you know…” My voice trailed off, though,
unsure of how I should put it.

Ben just shook his head
slowly, still watching me intensely. “No.”

I held his gaze, waiting for
him to continue.

I guess that depends what you mean by dating,” he said slowly, a
little amused glint in his eye. “I mean, I played the game, you
know, when I was younger – when me and alla my friends was tryin’
to prove ourselves and be the one to score wit the hottest chicks
at the club…be da man or whatever – but eventually I just
it.” He let his breath out, sucking his teeth softly
as he kept staring at me. “Now, if I meet a
skinny chick
with a real cute face I may let her blow me or something but if am
gonna really get down and dirty and busy wit a lady she gotta have
the whole package, know what am sayin’?”

My eyes went wide and I just
stared back at him, slightly horrified.

I’m teasing you,

I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Ha ha.”

Nah, but for real, baby…” His hand was still rubbing me so
tenderly along my tummy and around my waist – just making my skin
tingle. “What I am and what I like – that’s just part of my
biology. When I was about nineteen I met this girl at the
restaurant – when I was still a line-cook at
Buena Comida
was so fuckin’
, girl…” He sucked his
breath in, his eyes falling down over my breasts again. “A body
kinda like yours, you know…I just couldn’t let her get away so I
don’t know how it happened but I gave her my number – practically
beg her to call me – and we start hooking up all the time after
that…it was the first time I ever really connected with someone,
y’know, that I thought I could actually have a real relationship
with but I was so young and stupid – I was too worried about what
my friends would think that I tried to keep the whole thing on the
down low…just fuck her in secret, never took her out or did
anything with her – I just try to convince her I was a loner and I
had no friends…it was pathetic, she see through it all and just
dumped my ass after a couple months…she was better than that and
she knew it – and that was so goddamn sexy too – but I was an
idiot…and so after that I just said fuck the game…I write my own
rules, baby…nobody’s gonna tell me what I’m supposed to think is
sexy or who am supposed to fuck, or date, or love, or marry…come on

He hesitated, still watching
me closely, but I had no words. I just took everything he said in
and tried my best to process it, while his hand kept stroking and
rubbing and teasing me, making me lose all my focus. And eventually
he just bit his lip, his eyes narrowing slightly, his expression
growing more and more serious.

Gabriela...” He let his breath out slowly and within seconds we
were just kissing all over again...



Time really did
seem to stand still with Ben. His stamina, but even more than that
– his unwavering focus on bringing me to heights of ecstasy again
and again, like a man possessed – is what really put me over the
edge. We made love another two times – well, he did anyway – for
me, I had completely lost count. He did things to me that no man
had ever done – and he did it like it was the simplest, most
natural thing in the world. His words from our phone conversation
the week before kept ringing in my subconscious. He really would do
anything to please me. And in turn, I gave him absolutely
everything I had.

My mind was
slipping and my body was fading. I felt him there next to me, his
body, his arms, and his hands pulling me in so close. I felt so
safe – too safe – and I felt myself drifting. Falling. And it was
the most wonderful feeling in the world.



Gabriela...” I heard him calling my name from somewhere far
away. I felt his hand on the side of my face, stroking my hair.
“Baby, wake up...”

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