Love Lies Bleeding (19 page)

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Authors: Remmy Duchene

Tags: #gay action erotic romance suspense

BOOK: Love Lies Bleeding
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"A while. I was so scared. I thought I lost you. The doctors kept saying you were going to be okay but you weren't waking up."

Leo smiled and touched his face. "I'm sorry I worried you."

"That's okay. I'm just glad you're awake."

The nurse entered then with a doctor and Leo allowed Anderson to help him into a sitting position so he could sip a little of the water. The wetness flowed down his parched throat and he moaned in pleasure.

"How are you feeling?" the doctor questioned.

Leo turned his head to see Anderson standing close by and took a breath. "Like I was shot."

The doctor chuckled then scribbled against his clipboard. "Your sense of humor isn't gone, I see. I'm going to take a look in your eyes, check your pulse, and look at your wound."

"Andy, you want to take a walk?" Leo asked.

Anderson shook his head. "I'm staying right here."

"This is just routine, Anderson," the doctor explained. "I just want to give him the once-over."

There was reluctance in Anderson's eyes and at that moment, Leo fell further for this man. Smiling, he blew Anderson a kiss.

"I'll be right outside," Anderson stressed by pointing.

When he was gone, Leo turned serious eyes at the doctor. "Did it go near my spine?" he asked.

"Pretty close. Luckily there was no damage. You are one lucky man, Mr Kim. You are very lucky in a number of ways."

"Aside from the fact I'm alive?"

"Yes. And the fact that man hasn't left your side since you got here. You had a few visitors—cops mostly, an elderly couple, and though all of them went home, he stayed right here."

The doctor rolled Leo over, poked around against his back then pulled him over again. He wrote on his clipboard before checking Leo's eyes and pulse like he'd promised. When he was writing again, the doctor spoke. "Well, everything seems to be going well. No infection, so that's good."

"He hasn't left at all?"

The doctor shook his head. "Nope. He had you moved into this private room. He just used the bathroom over there. His friends kept bringing food and changes of clothes. He loves you. Never thought I'd say that about two men."


"I used to be. I never thought two men could actually love each other in the real ways that count. Then my brother told me he's gay—he's a paramedic. Threw me for a loop. Took some getting used to."

"Look, we don't ask that you are okay with it right off the bat. Sometimes that's not possible. What we do ask is that you at least try to understand. That's the very least."

The doctor nodded. "Yeah. I learned I couldn't love my brother without accepting him. He isn't a bad person, so the fact he'd rather be with a man than a woman shouldn't affect me in the least."

"I wish more people were like you."

The doctor chuckled. "Too bad it took me almost losing him to learn that lesson."

"But you did." Leo smiled. "You did."

"Thanks. I'm going to keep you here for a few more days just to watch the healing a little bit more and if things keep progressing the way it has been, then you can go home. I'm going to ask them to send you some food and send Anderson back in."

Leo nodded with a smile. "Thank you."

With a smile and a small wave, the doctor left and soon Anderson was leaning against the door frame, watching him intently. Leo shifted his head and pushed up slightly so he could sit up. Anderson walked in then and sat on the side of the bed facing him. Leo put his hand on Anderson's thigh.

"Shouldn't you be at school?"

"I'm on sabbatical."

"Andy, you look tired. When was the last time you slept?"

"I love you."

Leo blinked. There was no way he heard what he thought he did. Squeezing Anderson's thigh, he held his breath. "I'm sorry. Wha-what?"

"I said, I love you. I thought I had more time to actually pussyfoot my way into this but almost losing you was a wake-up call. And I'm not saying I love you because you almost died but I just don't want that regret. Selfish, huh?"

"You love me?"

"Leo? Hasn't a man ever told you he loved you before?"

Leo shook his head. "Only your father, Coach, and Mildred. And that was a different kind of love—that was father-to-his-son love, not a lover-love kind."

Anderson laughed and kissed him. "You sound flustered."

"Well, yeah. You love me! That's a big deal to me."

"Leo, listen to me. It's just love. I feel alive when you look at me and even now, when you touch me—as simple and as innocent as that touch his, I feel so damn good. You don't have to feel the same way because these things take time. So, I had a plan. While you were sleeping, I did some planning. My father has a vacation house in Grenada on the beach. We can go there for as long as you want. Just you and me and we can take this slow and build."



"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?"

Anderson eyed him but Leo simply laughed and pulled him down to him. "I love you too," Leo whispered just before he took what he'd wanted the moment he woke up and saw Anderson by his side. He kissed him, shoving his tongue into Anderson's mouth, and feeling that familiar pang of heat wash over him. "I've missed you," Leo admitted, feeling his cock grow. Anderson must have read his mind for his hand drifted across his thigh to the bulge and massaged. Leo groaned, arching slightly. He grunted in pain then.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"Leo—I can see you're in pain. Maybe we should hold off on fooling around until you're a little better."

"I tell you, you suck," Leo pouted.

"You're awake!" Isha's voice dragged both their attention to the door.

Leo laughed as she darted into the room and hugged him. Following close behind was the coach, Mildred, and Byung.



Dinner was over and Leo was sitting in the living room of the beach house, staring at the computer screen. He'd been away from New York for a month but kept in touch with everyone via Skype. There were so many things to wrap up with the case. Leo even dug into his savings to pay for Mary's funeral. Her parents had disowned her after she chose to marry Daniel against their will. By the time he pulled his head from the clouds, Isha was arching a brow at him.

"What?" Leo asked.

"Have you been laid recently? You get cranky when no one's been hitting that ass."

"Isha! Why you gotta put it like that?"

"I'm right and you know it."

Leo frowned. "Not since I left the hospital. Anderson is afraid I might aggravate my back but I keep trying to show him I'm good enough. Do you know how much I want that man?"

Isha laughed. "I know. But maybe it's time you just hold him down and take it? You know, against the wall, against a bed, against the table and just…"

"Oh for crying out loud!"

"I'm right again and you know it!"

Leo wasn't going to admit anything. He was too tight up and was sure blue balls could cause death or blindness. "How's Byung?"

"He's in Korea right now for some release party. He wanted me to go, but I couldn't let him pay for all that."

"Do you like this guy?"

Isha took a breath and shrugged. "Look. I have to go."

"Bad question?"

"No. I just have to go. Give Anderson a hug for me. I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"Yeah, yeah," Leo muttered before closing the laptop. He pulled his feet from the coffee table and placed the computer on the sofa. Picking up his cup of iced tea, he walked to the window and stared out at the dying sun. There were so many blessings to being in St George's but he just felt alone and untouched. It was so strange to him. He couldn't stay in a relationship with no sex. He loved Anderson. He adored the man more than he could even understand but his body needed more. He sipped from the glass but he suddenly wasn't in the mood to be drinking anything. Leo turned from the window and made his way into the kitchen. Anderson had been holed up in the office. Leo knew he had to talk to him but he opted to dump his iced tea into the sink, wash his glass, and lock himself away in the upstairs bathroom.

He ran himself a bath, lit a few candles, and slipped his body beneath the foam. He wet his hands and ran them through his hair. His cock lifted from the water on its own, shook, then fell forward. He sighed, tracing a hand down his chest to the brush his palm over the head. The sensation it sent through him made him whimper. Leo wanted so bad to simply touch himself, to bring himself to the brink and jump over, but it wouldn't help. He'd just be craving still. Nothing did his body as good as Anderson's.

Frowning, he stood and released the water. He turned on the cold tap. When the water hit his back, Leo gritted his teeth, bowed his head, and groaned. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore but his damn penis was still there, mocking him. He climbed from the shower, wrapped a towel around his hips, and walked into bedroom. He stopped long enough to peer at a picture of Anderson before climbing into bed and lying on his stomach.


He didn't move. "Hmm?"

"You asleep?"

"I was trying to…" Leo rolled over. He pushed up to his shoulder. Anderson was placing a stereo on the dresser. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not sure."

"Okay." Leo flopped to his back. "I'm going to sleep."

"You can't sleep now."

"What else am I going to do, huh, Anderson?"

"What does that mean?"

Leo took a breath, lifted his head, and bunched up the pillow before settling back against it. "I don't want to fight, Anderson. Let it go."

"I haven't been neglecting you," Anderson spoke.

Leo bit his tongue.

"I didn't mean for it to seem that way. I just wanted you to heal."

Leo rose from the bed and slowly walked toward Anderson. When they were inches away from each other he turned his back to Anderson. "What do you see?"

"Your back."

"Anderson, don't be a moron. What do you see?"

Everything went silent but the waves crashing against the rocks outside. The window blew silently and trees just north of them creaked slightly. Still, Leo waited for an answer. He reached back and pulled his hair out of the way. Instead of words, Anderson trailed a finger over his flesh. A hiss escaped his lips and he arched away from his lover's touch.

"Don't do that," Leo whispered.

"Sit on the bed, Leo."


"Trust me."

Leo turned slightly to look at him. His hair had fallen into his face then and he pushed it back with a frustrated look. Still he took a breath and walked to the bed. Sitting on the edge, he folded his arms over his chest and eyed Anderson, wondering why he felt so weak when those brown eyes turned sad and dimmed. Anderson turned to the stereo before facing him again. A familiar beat began playing and Leo arched a brow. He'd heard that song before—a long time ago. It was "Baby-Baby-Baby"
by TLC. Confusion set in and he tilted his head.

Anderson swayed slowly to the beat. His eyes were closed, head tossed back as he toyed with the buttons of his shirt. He turned his back to Leo, stuck his jean-covered ass out and spun his hips. Leo licked his lips, as his body leaned forward. He couldn't stop himself. His arousal came back as he watched the sexy, chocolate man before him slowly peel his shirt off and toss it aside. Anderson moved closer then turned. He undid the button to his jeans then slid the zipper down. Every inch sent Leo's heart raging. His blood flowed through him—hot and stormy. As though his hands were thinking for themselves, they lifted out to touch. Anderson pushed his hand away. He reached out again and this time managed to trail a finger down Anderson's chest before he was once again rebuffed.

"Just sit back, Leo," Anderson whispered, moving his body so Leo could get a very good view of his hardened arousal.

Leo groaned and pressed his hands behind his back. Weeks of pent-up frustration peaked within him. By the time the song finished, Anderson was fully naked and climbing over him. He allowed his lover to ease him back into the bed and kneel astride him. His cock lodged itself against Anderson's ass crack and he pushed his hips upward.

"We're going to make up for lost time," Anderson spoke huskily.

His mouth closed over Leo's nipple, causing him to cry out. He grabbed the sheets by his side, tightened his fist, and lifted his chest. Biting his lower lip, he pressed his eyes closed, trying desperately to hold onto the little control he had left. This was sheer, sweet torture. Every inch of his body shivered beneath Anderson's tongue.

They rolled against the bed, Leo trying to hold Anderson down and take what he wanted. Anderson smirked and pushed against Leo's chest. He landed on his back and laughed softly before lurching upward to bite Anderson's left nipple.

"Damn, baby!" Anderson called.

His moment of weakness gave Leo the upper hand he needed to pin Anderson to the bed on his stomach. "Lube?"

Anderson pointed and Leo got to work.

When he was finally slick and buried deeply in Anderson's ass, he had to stop and hold his breath for a moment or he'd come. Anderson was so tight it felt as though his dick was caught in a vise. He caressed a hand up Anderson's back to his shoulder, braced himself then rolled his hips slowly.

Anderson groaned.

"Push it back on me," Leo spoke vulgarly. "Give me that ass."

To his pleasure, Anderson slid his knees up sending his ass in the air. He smiled, pushed to his tip toes and sank deep. "Oh, that's it."

Leo was still not satisfied. Though he was balls deep in the only ass he'd ever wanted to possess, he just couldn't soothe the insatiable ache within him. Bowing forward, he kissed Anderson's back. "Fuck me."


"Are you saying no?" Leo slowed his hips, withdrew until only the tip was still in Anderson then drove his hips forward with full force.


"What was that, Andy baby?" He gyrated his hips, grinding slow. "Was that a no?"

"No! I'm going to come! Drill me!"

Bracing his palms against Anderson's back, pressing him into the bed, Leo drove into his lover. Over and over he felt his thighs connecting with Anderson. When Anderson went stiff, he pulled back slightly and groaned as Anderson's ass clamped down tighter on him. His eyes rolled into his head. His knees trembled and he slumped forward as his body gave out to the perfection that was Anderson.

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