Love LockDown (17 page)

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Authors: A.T. Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Love LockDown
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“Of course not, I’m poor, shy Maria. I don’t like men, I don’t have sex and I’m boring. But what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, hey. Do you know how long it has been since I have had sex? Put it this way, I might as well be a virgin again.” I laugh out loud at her brother’s depiction of her.

“You poor thing, we need to get you some.” See that’s why we girls need other girls to talk to. We can’t always tell or show the men in our lives the real us. “Let’s find us both a fuck me dress and shoes.” I say linking my arm with hers like we have been friends all our lives. I can’t stop the erratic smile on my face as I think of the fact I may have finally found a friend. A real, true, girlfriend.




Another three hours later and we’re both loaded with bags from different boutiques and shops; both having bought at least three possible outfits for the night, including underwear and shoes to match.

“I need me some sex.” Maria’s openness just gets more and more throughout the day and I love it.

“Well a party is the perfect place to find that, do you have anyone of interest in mind?” I’m sure she has seen Leighton’s friends, there has to be one she likes as they are all gorgeous.

“Well there are two, but they are both Ants’ friends as well, they are kind of brothers, twins.”

“Brad and Luke?” she nods.

“Well I’d say go for it, their sweet, and so fucking sexy. I’ve also heard they are kind of a pair, so you haven’t got to choose.” I laugh and wink at her when her face lights up in shock and then her tongue pops out to lick her lips. She’s not opposed to that idea obviously.

I can’t stop looking at her and those beautiful brown eyes. They are like endless pits of pure perfection. She has curves in the right places and a huge bust. Yes that’s right the kind of woman we all hate with a vengeance for looking so God damn perfect.

“Well I’m sure I can make room for both of them.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me and bites her lip.

“You dirty bitch. Now let’s head back and get ready. I’m sure Leighton will be fine with you getting ready at ours. We can have a bottle or two while getting ready.”

“Sounds perfect, let’s go.” She says as we get into the BMW and drive the beautiful country route home.




We arrive back at the mansion in record time. By five were walking through the door and up the stairs to my room.

“Wow, this is beautiful.” Maria tells me.

“Yes tell me about it. There’s a shower in there if you want to have one before you get dressed.” I point to the door on the other side of the room.

“Sounds perfect, thanks.” Maria disappears into the room and I hear the shower turn on.

I lay my purchases on the bed choosing the sexiest of the three outfits for tonight.

A short, tight fitted red dress. It comes mid-thigh, along with a red corset and red thong, suspender belt, silk stockings and black platform heels.

Leighton’s going to mess in his pants when he sees me. I laugh at the thought of him embarrassing himself like that.

Maria re-enters the room wrapped in a fluffy towel, her hair pinned up to stop it getting wet.

“All yours.” She states before rummaging through her bags to find what she would like to wear.

I run the shower and wash quickly, avoiding letting my hair get wet. I didn’t want my perfectly styled hair to be tarnished by the water.

Drying off I apply some moisturiser to my skin and then walk back into my room naked. We’re all girls’ right? Nothing she hasn’t seen before, I suspect.

Maria is styling her long tendrils in the mirror when I walk into my room, so I get my clothes on.

“Can you help me a minute?” I ask her, needing her to tighten the corset for me.

“Sure.” She pulls at the ribbon on the back to pull my waist in.

“That looks sexy, Leighton is going to die.” She states, tying the ribbons at the ends.

“I hope not.” I wink at her. “I need him alive. I don’t think men can get it up when there dead.” I laugh.

“True. That would be devastating. Plus I don’t think you’d be into necrophilia.”

She returns to primping herself at the mirror, whilst I clad myself in my sex wear.

I pull my hair down and let it cascade my back. I apply a little makeup, mainly my eyes, smoking them up a little and adding some mascara. A little blush to my cheeks and some lip gloss and I’m good to go, well at least I think I am.

Slipping my shoes on and taking a once over look in the mirror I address Maria.

“Right let’s find the men. I haven’t heard from them all day.” Leighton hasn’t text or rang me at all during the day. I don’t even know if he is home to be honest.

Approaching the kitchen I see Leighton, Antonio and the twins sitting around the island drinking a scotch.

Leighton has his back to me. I see Luke’s eyes widen and a lump form in his throat when he sees Maria, causing Leighton to turn round.

“Fuck.” He stands up quickly and strides towards me. “Excuse me gentlemen.” He says in that aroused British tone, all clipped, deep and husky. He drags me from the room and into the hallway. I’m against the wall within milliseconds and his hard erection is pressing firmly into me from beneath my dress, grazing against me through my lace underwear.

“That is a very dangerous dress to wear Abigail. I hope you’re willing to be fucked in front of every person at that party because I will not be able to stop myself.” I take a sharp breath inwards. The think of him laying me out on a table in front of everyone and devouring my pussy has me soaking the tiny scrap of material between my thighs.

“Maybe I kind of like that idea.” I rub my hand over his erection in between us.

“Be careful what you wish for Abbi.” I grab his hand to press it to my sex. I cringe when I feel the rough broken skin on his knuckles. I lift his hand up and see cuts across the knuckled surface of his right hand.

My mood shifts suddenly, “What the fuck happened here, Leighton?” I don’t like seeing him hurt and worse I don’t want him involved with the psychos he seems to have made a bad relationship with.

“Nothing of concern babe. Just leave it.” he sounds pissed off at me. He snatches his hand away roughly. I shake my head at him as I glare my eyes disappointedly his way.

“Fine.” I turn and walk away, back into the kitchen. “You guys ready, I need a drink.” I address the rest of our group.

The other four nod, and then follow me as I leave the room. I unlock the front door and see a limo sitting in the circular driveway waiting, an older gentleman standing by the back door, holding it open.

I’m the first to get it, grabbing a bottle of Champagne as I pass, uncorking it and drinking straight from the bottle.

The others pile in behind me, taking seats, Maria already sitting between the twins, receiving dirty looks from her older brother.

Leighton takes a seat next to me and takes hold of my hand. He kisses my knuckles and brushes a stray hair from my face. “Talk to me, baby.”

“Just forget it Leighton. Let’s just enjoy our night okay.” I lean in and kiss his cheek.

“Okay babe, just, you’d tell me if something was wrong wouldn’t you?” his job has caused him to have some deranged amount of paranoia and it was rather irritating. I have been with him for all of 24 hours and he is already questioning my attraction and love for him. He needs to realise, and rather soon, that not everybody is out to get him not everybody is going to hurt him.

“Yeah. Sure.” I answer quickly, still feeling pissed off at the thought of his activities today.

Chapter Fourteen


We pull into a beautiful, large cottage, slap bang in the middle of the Surrey countryside.

“Are all of your friends rich, Leighton?” I ask him, shocked.

“Hmm, kind of yeah.” He smiles shyly back at me.

We all exit the limo, thanking the driver as we get out. Leighton takes my hand and leads me to the entrance of the cottage. Ivory sweeps up the front and around the door like some kind of fairytale setting.

Without knocking Leighton opens the door and walks in, the noise level already ear splitting.

“Leighton my man.” I hear him before I see him. Scott.

“Happy birthday mate.” He gives him a man hug and slap on the back. I can see the eye roll Scott gives as he feels my boyfriend surround him; I recognisethe eye roll as hat of pleasure as I often gave it myself.

“Cheers pal, grab yourselves a drink there’s trays going around or there’s some drinks in the kitchen. Help yourselves. Abbi you look beautiful as always.” I nearly puke in my mouth, as he leans forward and kisses my cheek. I can feel his daggers pointing at me the entire time.

“Cheers.” I reply. “Happy birthday.”

“Why thank you.” At that I walk away and leave Leighton talking to him, I need a drink, and a strong one at that if I am to survive being around Scott and his green eyed monster all night.

I grab Maria’s hand and drag her towards what I expect is the kitchen. My alcohol needy brain is spot on with its compass, because I walk into the large open area containing an oven, hob, fridge and other kitchen appliances.

“I need a drink before I say something I’ll regret.” I tell her grabbing the bottle of tequila and taking a shot of it, then cracking a beer open and swallowing the contents of it.

“Why what’s up?” she seems confused at my mood, her eyes searching around for Brad and Luke. Her interest in them is very poorly hidden.

“Scott.” I roll my eyes in a huff.

“I get it, he’s a creep. The amount of times I’ve had to remove myself from his presence, he just doesn’t understand no.” she takes her own shot and beer and then we leave the kitchen with a glass of wine each.

I look to her confused “No, it’s not that, he doesn’t ever make advances. It’s just it’s clear as daylight that he want’s Leigh and now I’m the center of his jealousy, he won’t quit with the evil eyes and hate.” I tell her, already trusting her enough. When I think back to the admittance of Leighton’s bisexual tendencies I begin to wonder whether he and Scott had been together a few times. It is logical and explains a lot.

“He and Leighton have always been close so it does explain some things. They always go everywhere together; Scott is always on his tail like a bloody puppy dog. It’s stupid, but at one point I wanted nothing more than to have that attention from Scott, but after I grew tits and he noticed me, he became the sleaziest slimiest bastard I ever met. Maybe he’s compensating for being gay.” She explains to me, making me feel a little sorry for him. It must be hard to be in his shoes, wanting something but never having it.

We wander the floor until we find a lounge area with a free sofa; we take a pew and begin to chat away like age old friends.

“Fuck me, have you seen Luke and Brad tonight?” she begins fanning herself “They look so sexy, this isn’t good Abbi. I need them too much right now.” She begins to squirm in her seat, and I don’t blame her. Those twins were delectable and so fricking sweet.

“Yeah they are pretty sexy. Don’t tell Leighton I said that.” I whisper the last part.

“I promise.” She holds her pinky out for me to take, and then promises me the only legitimate way we girls know.

I glance around the room looking for Leighton, my heart constricts in my chest as I see him standing talking to some tanned, leggy girl, her tits far too large, her eyelashes batting far too much and her hands against his chest as her head tilts back in a laugh. I wanted to rip her fucking hair out right then and that was before she reached up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.

“What the actual fuck,” I say quite aggressively, “Who the fuck is that Maria?” she looks to me and then the direction my venomous eyes are fixed on.

“Ergh, that’s Kali, Kalina Petrov. She has been hanging around Leighton like a bad fucking smell for well over a year now. Daddy’s some rich Bulgarian MP or something and she shits fucking diamonds. But if I were you I’d put the nasty little whore in her place before she digs her claws into him anymore than she already has.” She nods towards them, Leighton’s hand is resting on her lower back as he stands beside her, leaning in to hear what she’s saying.

“I fucking will. Jesus, and Leighton, what the fuck is he doing letting her be all over him like that?” I ask Maria, knowing a hundred percent men in relationships don’t act that way.

“Hey, Abbi,” she grabs ahold of my arm as I stand to walk over, steam literally blowing from my ears, “don’t be too hard on Leigh, he’s just a guy, and he doesn’t know boundaries. He likes to be friendly to everyone. In his eyes he’s probably doing nothing wrong.” She tells me, having known Leighton most of her life I am willing to listen to her and give him the benefit of the doubt, but her, that tanned slutty bitch, her I can tell to back off

I walk over to him, slipping my arm around his waist and kissing his cheek.

“Do you want a drink baby?” I ask him, accentuating the baby part. He slips his arm across my shoulders, pulling me to him and placing a kiss on my head.

“No I’m good babe, I’ve got a beer. Abbi meet Kalina; she’s a friend of mine. Kalina this is my girlfriend Abigail.” I see and hear her snobby little scoff at me, her head turning away in disgust. I already want to reach out and grab her face, to make it collide with my knee to get her to show someone or something other than her vagina, respect. Even then looking at the way she is behaving I am sure she’d been fucked more than a whore in a brothel.

“Nice to meet you, Kalina.” I say overly enthusiastically, pushing my hand out towards her to shake hers. If she is a friend of Leighton’s, I am probably expected to see her around him again, I should at least make the effort to get to know her. Yes that’s right everyone. I’m being a mature adult.

I feel Leigh squeeze my shoulder a little, obviously happy to see me being adult about this. His support is welcomed. It makes me feel a millions meters tall to know he isn’t flirting with her and is with me.

She ignores my welcoming hand and just turns her eyes up to look at Leighton. I am feeling angry, beyond angry in fact, at her obvious ignorance to me being his girlfriend. I think it a bad idea to use my heel to cave her skull in, so instead I play her at her slutty little game and lean up on my tip toes. I kiss the side of Leighton’s neck, nipping his ear lobe with my teeth before whispering seductively into his ear. “Baby. I need you. To fuck me. Right now” I feel him tense beside me, a loud gulp being forced down. His green eyes are wide and aroused.

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