Love LockDown (19 page)

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Authors: A.T. Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Love LockDown
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“Do you love him Nate?” I ask him, crouching down by his feet, looking up at him.

“Yes I do. I have for a very long time Abigail. If there is anything in this world worth questioning it is not how I feel about this man.” Ok, so I wasn’t expecting that much of an answer, but the words, they are so god damn gorgeous I want to kiss the bloke myself.

“And Tom, you’re a butt head by the way for not telling me, do you love Nate?” I giggle as I see for the first time ever; my best friend turn a shade of red I’m not even sure is known on the color spectrum.

“Maybe” he says quietly, embarrassment taking over him.

“Tom.” I warn him with just the single word.

“Yes, fine, Abigail, you are a hundred percent correct, the man means the world to me. I’ve loved the fucker forever and a day and have been seeing him for the past three years. And to answer your next question, Miss nosey pants, No, nobody else knows.” He releases a big breath after his confession.

“God, you two are so stupid. If you think for a second, those guys in there are going to care that you two are in love with each other, then you’re blind. Firstly Leighton and Scott have both been with a man before so they are not going to care that either one of you are gay. And secondly they are your family and I know a hundred percent that they will support you in anything you do.” I tell them, taking a hand of each of them, bringing them together and then bringing them to my lips to kiss.

“Now, pull your heads out of your arses and be proud of who you are, what you’ve accomplished and what you have, because guys, I couldn’t be more proud to call you my family.” I put their hands together and then stand from my crouched position, a burn thrumming through my legs as the blood re-circulates my veins.

I turn around and walk away. As I reached the doorway to re-enter the house, Tom’s hand turns me to face him. He wraps me in his arms, pulling me close to his chest. “Thank you Abigail. So much. I’ve been trying for years to get that fuck to open up to everyone else, to be proud of what we’ve got and I think you may have gotten through his stubborn shell a little. Enjoy your evening sweetheart, and I’ll see you tomorrow some time.” He kisses my cheek and returns to his now faintly smiling boyfriend seated on the bench.

“Goodnight Tom.” I wave sweetly to Nate, Thomas turning his body sideways to look at his partner with pride and utter love on his face. A return wave from Nate is thrown my way and a soft smile showing that perfect set of white teeth he has.

Chapter Fifteen


I feel
happy as I walk through the house. My best friend, the guy that has changed my life from day one, is in love, and has been for years. The sneaky fucker hadn’t even told me, I had no clue the guy was even gay.

“Abbi, sweetheart. I think you need to let Kali know
he’s here with.” The American voice pierces my ears and just pisses me off as it shakes me from the epitome of my happiness.

“Scott, what do you want?” I ask him bluntly.

“Hi to you too darling.” He is being smug, and it doesn’t suit him. He still has those daggers directed at me.

“Please, just tell me.” I ask him, getting frustrated at his irritating traits.

“Well, for the past, let’s say twenty minutes, my wonderful friend Kalina, who might I add, is meant to be here with me, has been eye fucking and hanging on your
arm.” He smiles arrogantly making me want to punch the smirk off of his face. The way he says boyfriend all whiny and petulantly, showing that green eyed venomous monster again, has me clenching my fists, gritting my teeth and scrunching my lips up.

“Well, how about we go claim our dates back instead of pussy footing around like a bunch of girls. And Scott, in future, don’t be a spineless shit stirrer, just sort the problem out before it gets this far. You’ll keep a lot more friends that way okay.” I tell him, patting his shoulder sarcastically.

“Yeah sure.” He replies, throwing a fake smile at me. I can see those dials and cogs in his head turning, concocting some kind of plan. It is clear he wants me out of this picture, that he wants Leighton back.

I walk through the house proud and tall. I’m not scared of a scrawny, thick, dim witted whore like Kali, and she will soon see as much. Two months ago, I would have ran away, given up the fight, but now, having fought to be the strong person I am, there is no way on this god forsaken earth that I’m letting her have her own way, especially if the bitch was supposed to be here with Scott.

I bite my tongue as I walk into the lounge, where most of the guests are now congregated standing, sitting and perching on surfaces, talking and laughing away in loud voices. Standing on the other side of the room, in a compact group of people, all pushed tightly together (how convenient) is my boyfriend looking as sexy as ever, his hair still tousled from our closet activities, his shirt still perfect, holding his customary glass of scotch, but as I look to his side, it’s there, like a bad fucking smell that just won’t budge. No matter how many times I have to show her that he is mine she just doesn’t get it.

I walk closer, pushing through the clusters of people to reach the other side of the huddle. I can see her polished nails glittering in the light as her hand lies wrapped around his arm. There is no room to move, no room for him to get rid of her. No matter where he goes or how many time I watch (from the side of the group) him removing her hand from his arm, she still manages to weasel it back into the little cubby hole of his elbow.

“Kali, seriously, stop touching me. God, do you not understand? I. DO. NOT. WANT. YOU.” He pronounces each individual word to make it clear.

“But Leigh Leigh, we’re good together baby. You know we are. No-one else, including that little slut, can give you what you need. I can baby, you know I can handle you.” I don’t even want to know what she is referring to, because the images in my head of them two together are not conducive of a healthy relationship between us. I banish any thought of her, near my man, from my brain and prepare myself to get rid of the bitch for good.

I take three deep breaths in and out, willing to fight this if need be.

“NO YOU CAN’T. YOU’RE SO FUCKING DISOBEDIANT YOU MIGHT ASWELL BE AN INFANT WITH ADHD.” He shouts at her, unknown to my presence still.

“I can change. Please baby. You can teach me, I know you can. We can be so good; I’ll be the best one you’ve ever had. I’ll be like Delilah, I’ll get her to teach me too, I’ll be amazing Leigh.” I can see the frustration in Leighton’s face and it pleases me to know he doesn’t want her, that she is pissing him off.

“Kali, one more time, okay. I’m going to say this loud and clear, and if every fucker here hears so be it. Okay? Here goes, open those ears up
, I, LEIGHTON LOCK, DO NOT WANT YOU, KALINA PETROV. YOU CAN NOT IMPROVE BECAUSE YOU ARE HOPELESS. YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS DELILAH. YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS ABIGAIL. AND YOU KALINA WILL NEVER EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN. GOT IT.” he spits at her, and I cower a little at the bitter tone to his voice. I thought the thick bitch would understand that, it isn’t like she actually speaks Bulgarian, or has a Bulgarian accent; she is clearly just half Bulgarian, but the girl still persists to get his attention, her English perfectly clear.

“Leighton, please. Don’t do this. Please. I’ll do anything.” She is hanging off of his arm like leach. I take this as my cue to remove the waste myself.

I walk through the bustle, still not being acknowledged by my boyfriend or the rat. I clasp both her wrists as they claw desperately at  Leighton’s now bare arms, his shirt sleeves rolled up to reveal the beautiful tattoos and strong forearms. My grip is nasty and spiteful but there doesn’t seem to be any other way to get her attention. I yank her body away; sure that Leighton will have nail indents in his skin, out of the group and into an open space. She wants to do public, I can do fucking public.

“You.” I point in her face with one hand, “Listen to me now, and listen fucking good. Leighton, MY BOYFRIEND BY THE WAY IF YOU HADN’T NOTICED, does not want you. I’m sure he never did to be honest with you Kalina; you were just a mindless, easy bit of cunt to satisfy him until a real woman came along. As for being as good as Delilah, I haven’t a clue who she is either, but I can assure you she is probably a thousand times better than your whore bitch little self, because one, she has self-respect and isn’t begging a taken man in front of an audience, two, she’s probably STI free which I am sure you are riddled with, as I can smell the chlamydia on you, and THREE,” I jab her chest with my finger, “SHE UNDERSTANDS WHEN A MAN IS TAKEN, YOU DO NOT GO THERE. Especially when, said man, has pushed you away time and time again. Now take your rich bitch skinny arse back to Daddy, let him buy your desperate cunt a Porché and STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY MAN. FUCKING GOT IT?” I stare at her, still gripping one of her wrists in my hands.

She ignores me, clenching her fists like she is preparing for something. “I SAID, GOT IT? This is the part where you nod and say ‘Yes Abigail, I understand I’m a desperate whore slag, and that Leighton doesn’t want my STI cunt. I will never contact or come near him again because I don’t want to give his girlfriend a reason to beat my arse to the curb’” she nods once; I slap her cheek lightly and mockingly.

Stupid bitch.

I drop my grip on her, budging past her shock still body, and head towards the crowd where my man stands watching me with a smile. I wink at him, biting my lip. I am proud of myself, I took control. There will never be a time in my life where a man or woman will control me. Ever again.


I feel my hair being pulled from behind me, my anger escalates so fucking fast I see stars.

Sneaky fucking bitch.

I bring my hand behind me, gripping the hand in my head, digging my nails in until the grip loosens. When her fingers unwind from my hair, I turn around at lightning speed, getting into her face again. “Stupid, fucking, move, Kali. I’m going to walk away now because I can assure you I will fucking kill you. You walk away too, this second, or I will smash that perfect fucking face into the ground. And sweetheart I know one or two people who will be able to dispose of your filthy body without any fucker finding you. So take my advice rich bitch, and run the FUCK along.” I drop her arm again, giving her around five seconds before I will do something I know would work effectively.

I’m quick when I see her hand slashing through the air towards my face; I am able to take it in my hand, grabbing her cheeks in my other hand, squeezing tightly. “BAD MOVE AGAIN. OOPS FOR YOU HEY?” I tell her as I lift my fist and bring it to her face, my knuckles crunching against that perfectly aligned nose of hers.

Blood spirits out over that tight perfect white dress of hers. She falls to her knees, her hand covering her nose to stop the bleed. I still feel angry, I want to kick her and punch at her, to fucking kill her, because he is mine.

“MINE!” I shout at her as I kick her pathetic body while kneels on the floor. It isn’t a nasty kick, just a pitiful, tap to her thigh, a last reminder I am queen and she shouldn’t try and fuck with me again.

I feel arms surrounding me, warm large hands on my belly as they attentively pull me away and through the throngs of people to the fresh air of the outside.

My adrenaline is dropping; my conscience is kicking in and my morality and humanity returning. “Oh fuck,” I say quietly, trying to stop myself from crying. I have been so strong, so dominant and in control. I don’t want to be weak now, to show people I’m not as tough as I make out, that I’m actually surprised I managed to do any of that in there.

“Shhh, baby, it’s okay. Shhh.” I hear Leighton’s calming voice as he huddles me on his knee, seated on the bench in Scott’s back garden. He rocks me sweetly, kissing my hair, drying the tears as they rapidly fall.

“What have I done?” I ask, not to anyone in particular. Maybe I’m asking god, asking for his forgiveness for my animalistic behaviours. David is sure to be looking down in utter shock.

“You have been strong sweetheart. So, so strong. I’m so proud of you.” The voice this time belongs to Thomas, my best friend, my brother. “Abbi, she deserves everything she gets angel.” He reassures me as I keep my head in Leighton’s chest ashamed of myself.

“I should have walked away; I should have just fucking walked away.” I say, shaking my head in disgust. I’m not any better than her. I shouldn’t have hit her like that.

“What and let her have her filthy hands all over me. Princess, if roles were reversed and some seedy bastard had his hands anywhere near your body, MY body, then he wouldn’t be alive. So believe me when I say, firstly Thank you, I wish I could have smacked her myself but I’m not that kind of guy, and secondly I am so fucking proud of you, of how strong you are, how far you have come since I found you in that Alley. You are a new Abigail, a stronger Abigail, and an Abigail who’s not afraid to fight for what she loves. I am proud to have you as mine angel, and that is where you will stay. MINE.” He tilts my head up and kisses my nose sweetly making me giggle through my tears.

“There’s the girl we love.” Tom says as I lift my head, his eyes looking to me.

“You know Thomas, you should take some of Leigh’s advice.” I nod towards Leighton and I know Tom knows exactly what I’m referring to. He needs to at least tell his best friend, other than me of course, that he is in love, that he and Nate are together and they are happy and have been for years.

“One day Abbi, one day.” He says calmly, standing to kiss my cheek and stroke it before walking off. “Get her home Leigh; she needs to just be with you right now. I’ll see you tomorrow baby girl.” I wave goodbye, pathetically smiling to him.

“Night man,” Leighton says to Tom before he disappears.

“Want to go home, princess?” Leighton asks me sweetly, his soft voice so comforting and warming.

I nod into him, breathing in his smell.

“Come on little lady, let’s get you home.” he lifts me from his lap, placing my feet on the ground. He wipes away my tears to make me presentable.

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