Love LockDown (22 page)

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Authors: A.T. Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Love LockDown
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“Damn, little miss bisexual.” He laughs at me and pulls me in closer to him.

“Says the man who’s fucked men” I playfully slap his shoulder.

We continue watching the last fifteen minutes of the episode, laughing together and doing our own impressions of Sheldon.

As the episode finishes I turn onto my tummy and look up at my man.

“I missed you today. How was work?” I ask him, closing my eyes and relaxing into him.

He tightens his arms around me and pulls me closer to him, “Meh, usual bollocks to be honest babe.” By usual bollocks he means that Scott was being a clingy bastard, Antonio is still trying to plot some sort of revenge on the arsholes who raped Maria and shot at him and Nate and Thomas sneaking off for kisses. Thomas had opened up to Leighton a few months ago. Nobody else had been told but the two of us so they were still trying to sneak away without anybody’s acknowledgment. They were like two school kids.

“Hmm sounds fun. I think you should stay home with me tomorrow.” I wink at him. I lean up and whisper into his ear, “You could be in me all day baby.” I kiss his neck.

“That’s very tempting Angel, I might just do that.” I inwardly fist pump the air.

I continue to kiss his neck, lightly sucking at his skin, nibbling and then licking my way down to his collarbone. His sharp breath hisses through his teeth as I reach his bare chest and bite his nipple. I begin grazing my teeth along the little brown disc, licking away the sting and then sucking it in my mouth.

I see his erection clearly through the blankets, tenting the material. “I think the monsters out to play.”

I continue my path downwards sucking, licking, and teasing his skin. When I reach his cock I pull the covers away and I’m greeted with the steely length. I lick the crown of his hard muscle then take him fully in my mouth.

“I missed you today, a lot, but I missed him more baby. I’ve missed the taste of him in my mouth. The taste of your hot cum in my throat, I miss him hitting my tonsils and choking me.” I slide my mouth all the way down, feeling him at the back of my throat.

“Jesus, that feels so good. That’s it, take me, take me all the way baby.” He grips my hair in his fist, lifting his hips to meet my every slide down, ramming himself deeper within my mouth.

I grip his large shaft and slide my hand up and down opposite to my mouth, when I suck down my hand comes up to meet my lips, when I suck up my hand slides to the base of his dick.

“Abbi, I’m gonna cum, keep going.” His thrusts become more violent, making me gag on the brutal force of them. I feel his penis pulsate, and then my mouth is flooded with his hot orgasm. The salty goodness hits the back of my tongue and slides down my throat as I swallow hard around him.

“Jesus, you are too good at that.” He pulls me back up to eye level with him and then kisses me hard on the mouth, mingling his tongue with mine, tasting his own release.

“I taste so good on you.” He bites my lower lip as he pulls away from me slowly.

I return to my position next to him on the bed and snuggle into him. I feel a horrible gurgling in my belly, and then I feel the warmth rising again.

“Fuck.” I jump from the comfort of my bed to the cold tiles on the bathroom floor and puke in the toilet for the umpteenth time today. “Ergh, fucking hell, just stop already.” I command my stomach.

“Aww baby. You poor thing.” I feel Leighton sit behind me stroking my back and keeping my wild tendrils from my face, the stupid ones that have decided they don’t want to be in the hair band. Damn them.

Leighton runs me a bubbly bath whilst I finish wiping my face.

“Here, get in.” he pulls my top over my head chucking it in a dirty washing pile, and then proceeds to remove my trousers and knickers. He lifts me around the waist and places me in the ginormous tub.

I sit down and immerse myself in the deep water, coming level with my shoulders. Leighton sits behind me and pulls me to his chest.

“I’m so glad you’ve put weight on baby, you looked so ill when I found you, you look so beautiful and curvy now.” He rubs his hand over my little food baby and kisses my damp hair.

“I still thank God every day for you Leighton. I dread to think where I would be now, if you hadn’t found me eight months ago. I love you so much.” I turn my head to his and kiss his bristly cheek. “Don’t shave tomorrow I like this rugged look, it’s so sexy.”

“I can’t believe you’ve been here eight months. I’ve had a birthday with you here already, speaking of which it’s yours soon. Thirty three days to be exact. I’m going to make it so special for you angel. I can’t wait to spoil you rotten.” He continues stroking my stomach and lying light little butterfly kisses to my head.

“I don’t need anything other than you. You’re all I’ll ever need.” I kiss him once more and then settle into his chest, close my eyes and relax.

I feel myself being put onto a comfy bed. Fluttering my eyes open, I see Leighton pulling the blanket over my body.

“Sleep now angel.” A tender kiss is placed to my forehead and then my body pulled into his, his broad and muscular chest warming my slim back.

“I love you baby.” Leighton delicately kisses my shoulder.

“I love you too.”

Chapter Nineteen


I sleep through till lunch the next day. When I awake next to Leighton I’m hit with another hurricane of sick. Something is clearly wrong.

“I’m going to call the doctor in.” He tells me after assisting me with another of his back rubs.

I nod and slump into the bed again.

Ergh, I hate feeling sick.

Leighton comes back into the room ten minutes later “She’ll be here in about thirty minutes sweetheart.” He tells me and sits next to me on the bed.

“Thank you Leighton. I feel so rough. I can’t remember the last time I was ill.”

“I know baby. It’s horrible to see you like this.” He cuddles me to his firm chest again, kissing me intermittently.

“Leighton, what’s happening with that whole business with Antonio and those guys? You know the ones that hurt Maria.” It has been four months since I heard anything about it, I know Antonio well enough to know how much he cares for his sister, I know killing that one guy wouldn’t be enough to settle the upset and anger inside him.

“Do you want me to be honest Abbi?” shit something serious is obviously happening.

“Of course, I can handle anything you tell me baby.” I nod for him to carry on.

“Right now we have a hit out on every guy associated with the gang. We found Thomas’s brother dead outside the club the other day, the groups brand carved into his chest. They’ve gone too far now it’s time to stop this. And I will not rest until every single one of them is dead. I do not want you at risk by leaving even one bastard alive.” I gulp down the sick feeling in my stomach but it’s no use. Thomas is my best friend and brother, his own brother a fantastic wonderful guy. It breaks my heart to think of how Tom is coping, I just thanked god he had Nate to care for him.

With the mixture between the bug I have and the information Leighton has just told me I  feel ill.

“Shhh it’s okay baby. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise angel.”

“I’m scared Leighton. I don’t want to find out you’ve been killed. In fact I don’t want any of you hurt even Scott. Thomas’s brother, he was such a wonderful guy. My Thomas, god I wish I had known, he would have needed me Leighton. ” I feel a tear slip from my eye.

“I know baby. Nothing is going to happen to me or the boys.” He kisses my head.

“It already has, Samuel was like family to us as well, he may not be involved but he helped Tom run Angelo’s and was a father for heaven’s sake.”

The doorbell sounds through the house. “That’ll be the Doc. I’ll go let her in.” he stands and leaves the bathroom.

I return to the bedroom once again, it seems to be a pattern now, sleep, wake, sick, bed, sleep, wake, sick then bed, a continuous cycle. Hopefully the Doctor can find the cause and give me something to help with it.

“Abigail, this is Dr. Lewis.” Leighton introduces her.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” I outstretch my hand for her to take and she shakes it.

“You too Abbi. So what’s going on?” she asks me.

“I’ll leave you ladies to it as I need to make a few calls. You’ll be okay?” Leighton kisses my forehead quickly before leaving after my nod.

“Well Doc, yesterday morning I was suddenly sick, since then I can’t stop throwing up and I feel so tired. Thinking maybe it’s a bug, but you know, it’s best to find out. I’m never ill. I lived on the street for three years and was never poorly. Bit worried that’s all.” I shrug at her.

“I see. Well let’s take your blood pressure and temperature.” She fastens the blood pressure cuff around my bicep and then switches the machine on.

I feel it tighten around my arm and then hold a few seconds before releasing the pressure. “A tiny bit on the high but nothing to be worried about. Right let’s take your temperature.” she presses an earphone type machine into my ear for a few seconds and then it beeps and she takes it away. “Strange, temperature is absolutely fine.”

I sit dazed wondering what the bloody hell is wrong with me then.

“Abigail, when was your last period?” the doctor asks me.

“Erm, it’s been a while. I’m on the POP so I haven’t had a period since I started that about six months ago.” I nibble my bottom lip relentlessly.

“Well I’d like to take a test just in case. It could explain the vomiting and tiredness. Take this cup and do a sample in it for me then bring it back.” She hands me a cup and then leaves me to it.

I walk from the bedroom into the en-suite. I sit on the toilet placing the cup between my legs.

Finishing I wash my hands and stare into the mirror already knowing what the answer is going to be and feeling myself panic slightly.

“Everything alright in there Abbi?” the doctor knocks on the door.

“Yup, just coming.” I tell her opening the door and walking back into the bedroom.

“Here” I hand her the cup with my urine in.

She dips a stick into the fluid and then lays it on a flat surface for a few minutes before picking it up again.

“Well we have our answer for the sickness now. Congratulations you are pregnant Abigail. You will need to arrange an appointment with the midwife for an ultrasound to date your pregnancy as we can’t estimate conception date.” She hands me the test to look at, I look at the two little lines stating my positive pregnancy. “I’ll prescribe you some anti-sickness tablets to help with the nausea.” She scribbles on a prescription pad and then tears it off for me.

“Thanks Dr. Lewis.” I tell her quietly as she leaves the room. My nerves are running crazy around my brain. My heart is beating at a million beats per nanosecond. If I had normal blood pressure a moment ago it isn’t anymore. I feel as though I might have a heart attack.

A few minutes later I hear Leighton enter the room.

“So what’s the situation, did she say what could be wrong.” I ignore him, still shocked.

“Abbi, what’s wrong baby?” I hear his panicky voice. He turns me around, the test still in my grasp.

I pass him the test and watch his reaction change from scared to a mixture between happy and nervous.

“You’re pregnant?” he asks me nervously.

I nod. “Yes you’re going to be a father Leighton.” I tell him still feeling unsure of my own feelings. I sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing my hands over my face.

I feel the bed dip beside me “Abbi what’s wrong baby. Are you not happy?”

“I don’t know if you want a baby, I’m scared you won’t want me.” I tell him up straight, the fact I’m pregnant making me stupidly paranoid that he wouldn’t want a fat, waddling women when he could have a sexy leggy blonde.

“How could I possibly not want you, you are beautiful.” He brushes my hair from my face so he can see me a little.

“I’ll be fat and waddle like a fucking penguin Leighton.” I snap at him and then burst out crying for no reason what so ever. “I’m going to be a fucking penguin” I carry on sobbing, then persist to feel violently sick and run to my obvious favorite spot at the moment the ceramic tiled floor of the en-suite.

Flushing away the vomit, I rest my head of the bowl. “Baby it’s going to be okay. Everything will be fine. Yes you’ll get fat, and you may waddle but you’ll be fucking sexy, I’ll still want to fuck your brains out. Your big beautiful tummy will have my little Squishy in there, kicking and moving about. I could never not want you. I didn’t think I could love you anymore than I did but I do, I’m complete now.”

I throw myself in his arms still crying like a little girl, “Just promise me Leighton that when I am an elephant you’ll still lie and tell me how lovely I look.”

“I won’t need to lie sweetheart, because you will be fucking gorgeous. I love you princess and I already love our baby, our little Squishy” He pulls me into his embrace squeezing me firmly and tightly to his intoxicating chest.

I hug him back, laughing at his over the top affection. “We’re going to be parents Leighton. Us, me, you, together, Parents. Wow.” I blow out a breath over exaggeratingly. “And I don’t think it’s that small to be honest I already have a bump. Great I’m getting fat already.”

“You’re gorgeous Abigail, so shhh. What’s next? What do we do now?” he asks me with a huge smile painted on his handsome, roguish face.

I rub both of my small petite hands over his stubble and bring his face to mine, placing a delicate little kiss on his full lips then looking up to him, “Now Leighton, I contact the Midwife and get booked for a dating scan.”

“How far along are you, do you know?” all these questions.

“No I do not, the pill stopped my menstrual cycle so I could be anywhere from a few days to four months. The scan will tell us.” He looks confused.

“What’s a menstrual cycle?” his eyebrows pinch together trying to look cool and collected.

“My period dipshit.” I playfully slap his chest.

He grabs my hand and pulls me to him, smashing his mouth onto mine. His tongue seeks entrance quickly, socialising in a heated exchange with my own.

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