Love LockDown (25 page)

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Authors: A.T. Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Love LockDown
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“I definitely am now.” I tell him, rubbing my wantonness against his crotch.

“We’ll do that later baby, I want you to open some of your presents now angel.” He pulls me through the kitchen into the ballroom.

We have, had several parties in the room since I moved here, and every time the room astounded me, I still can’t believe I have my own ballroom; I was Belle, and Leighton my Prince Charming.

“Now close your eyes.” His hands appear over my eyes, blinding me. I feel him pushing me slowly forward, I hear the big doors opening and then I feel the cool air from within the room hit me full force in the face.

The smell of polished wood and varnish hits my nostrils and fills me with happiness and joy.

When Leighton stops he removes his hands from my eyes, wrapping his arms around my stomach and spreading them over my tummy. “Open your eyes angel.”

 I do as commanded and open my eyes, spending a few seconds blinking to clear the smudgy foggy feeling in them.

I take in the grand space, having now been transformed into the identical of beauty and the beast, from the huge golden draping curtains hanging from each and every floor to ceiling window, other than the massive double doors leading to the balcony. The huge chandelier gleams rainbow colors around the room, a beautiful black grand piano in the corner, the lid up, sconces are placed in between every window, beautiful ivory candles placed in the triple holds. Glancing up to ceiling, I see the beautiful paintings of the heavens, mimicking the ones in the castle in the film, including the beautiful little cherubs, pointing their arrows of love to the dance floor.

Circular dining tables are placed around the room, silk table cloths on every one, ten chairs around each table, covered in the same golden silk as the curtains, big ivory bows on the backs of each one.

I feel my eyes well up for the hundredth time since I have known this incredible man.

“Leighton, I don’t know what to say.” The tears spill from my eyes, landing on the tops of my breasts and then continue south to my rounding bump.

“Say you like it?” his chin rests on my shoulder, his hands splay against our baby, his warm breath in my ear.

I turn around in his arms, lacing my fingers through his thick brown hair, kissing his perfect full lips. “Leighton, I, I love it. It’s perfect. Thank you so much. Thank you baby.”

“Angel, I’d give you the world, the moon and the stars. You are my everything. I love you so much. Now follow me.” he takes my hand again and leads me through the ballroom to the double doors on the furthest side of the room, leading out to the balcony.

Opening the glass doors, he steps outside pulling me through into the morning freshness.

The huge floor level balcony is covered in flowers. The archway leading to the stairs and out onto the massive grounds is smothered in small fairy lights and beautiful roses, bright red roses the same as beauty and the beast.

The little ponds on either side of the area hold beautiful delicate fountains, the water a beautiful ice blue, clearly from under water lights. The stone benches are covered in trailing flowers.

The whole area is another fairy tale dream.

A small gasp escapes my throat at everything I’ve seen in the past hour.

“Do you like it angel? I tried to stick as close to the story as possible.” His thought and consideration into my fairytale dream makes my insides quake, my lips tremble and my eyes leak salty tears. “Don’t cry baby.” He lifts his finger to my eyes and swipes away the trails of tears.

“It’s happy tears. This,” I wave my arms at the decoration of the balcony and ballroom, “Our baby,” I take his hands and hold them to our now kicking child, “My life, just everything is so damn perfect. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch on this planet. I love you Leighton.” I kiss him firmly on his mouth and then snuggle into his waiting arms.

“It’s not a problem angel, you deserve everything and more. Happy twenty first
twenty second birthday, baby. Now let me show you some more presents.”

He guides me through the ballroom, the house and then into the underground garage.

“Happy birthday Abigail.” He leads me to a beautiful white Aston Martin DB9 convertible. Handing me the keys and kissing me, he gestures to the ride.

“This, is for me?” I ask in total and utter shock. I physically feel my jaw hit the fucking cement.

“As I said baby, you deserve the world.”

“Wow, thank you
so much
, Leighton, just wow, I can’t believe it.” I jump onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist, placing a wet kiss onto his cheek as I hold onto him hard.

“It’s okay, you’re more than welcome. You really do deserve it. We can test drive this beauty later, time now for some more presents though.” I look at him in utter shock, more presents. What the actual fuck?

“No Leighton nothing more, I already have far too much.” I tell him climbing from his tall frame back to the cement floor of the underground garage.

“Nonsense Abigail, now follow me please.” I shut my mouth and follow his orders, taking a quick glance back at my new car. “You like her?” he asks me, referring to my car.

“She’s beautiful; her name is going to be beauty. Everything today seems to be following that theme so you know. You’ve got your beasts,” I gesture to his Ferrari parked next to my white Goddess, “And I’ve got my beauty. She’s perfect. I can’t wait to drive her.”

“That’s a lovely name sweetheart. Now next present, come on babe.” He pulls me away from my car, with a lot of resistance from me for not wanting to part from her.

Climbing the grand stair case by the front up to the first floor, walking the hallway towards our bedroom he takes me to the door next to the master bedroom and stops.

“Close those eyes again baby.” His hand claps across my vision, and then I hear the door unlock. The smell of fresh paint hits me. I inhale heavily and then sigh.

Pulling me into the room he removes his hand “Open,” he instructs me and then moves out of the way for me to see what he has done for me.

My old room, the one I stayed in for the two months before we finally got together, has been transformed into a baby nursery, an absolutely perfect baby nursery.

“I painted it cream, you know because we don’t know the sex. I did everything I thought you would like. Antonio helped me.”

I glance at the beautiful handcrafted rocking chair, cot, changing table and drawers in the room, all a beautiful light wood. Soft toys are placed on shelves, the walls and on the bay window seat. A mobile containing different shapes, hovers above the cot beautifully.

Soft cream bedding and cot bumpers, sit perfectly inside the wood casing. Beautifully embroidered into the blanket are the words
‘Baby Lock’.
I walk over and run my fingers over the writing. “It’s amazing.” I sigh as more tears spill over my cheeks.

I glance to the wall, a beautiful framed photo of Leighton and I at our first party together is fastened there. He was cuddling me from behind, huge smiles on our face, staring into each other’s eyes.

I turn around and walk over to Leighton, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face into his chest. Sobs erupt from my body.

“Hey, angel, none of that today.” His soft hushes soothe my hysteria. The happiness I feel in this moment is like an atomic bomb, it is about to explode into a million sparkling rainbow colours.

“I can’t help it, stupid pregnancy hormones, and you, you silly man, stop being so perfect. This room is just so gorgeous, this baby is going to be so loved, I am so happy it has you as a father, for you protect him or her and love it with everything you are. Thank you.” I kiss him through the saltiness of my escaped tears.

“No need for all the thanks'. I did this all because I love you with everything I am Abigail, you bring me the greatest pleasure every day by just being here and sticking by me, this is my way of thanking you. I love you Abigail Adams.” His kiss is soft and heartwarming as it’s placed against my quivering lips. I feel my heart swell beneath my ribcage and press against my sternum.

“So what do we do now Mr. Lock? What’s on the agenda today?”

“Well that would be a secret, I can’t tell you, and you’ll just have to trust me. But first we finish the present giving.”

I couldn’t possibly take anymore presents, my heart is too big it is about to explode and I think my tear ducts are about to seize working.

“Come sweetheart lets continue our day?” he crooks his arms for me to take.




By four o’clock I have cried a total of eight times, eight presents worth of tears. After the three I have already seen, he follows by giving me a diamond necklace and bracelet, a photo album full of photos of us, our friends and surrogate family. Then he proceeds to give me an entire new maternity wardrobe, that will only be worn for three months and then lastly shows me the beautiful tattoo he has, had done with my name between angel wings. I stroke my fingers over the ink marked skin, kissing every inch of the new piece, before climbing upon him and making love to him.

At four o’clock on the dot, the doorbell rings and Leighton leads a team of very jolly and overly happy people in, followed by a bouncing Maria.

“Sweetheart, this is a team of beauticians and hairdressers. They are going to do anything you want them to do, make yourself beautiful for tonight, not that you need it. I need to sort out a few bits for later. Enjoy.” He kisses my forehead and then leaves me with my overly happy best friend and the team of workers.

“So, birthday girl, have you had a good day?” she asks me giving me cuddle and kiss on the cheek.

“It’s been amazing Maria, he has done far too much for me. And now there’s this over the top party tonight. I’m the luckiest girl alive.” I tell her sitting down and catching up while the crews get there bits ready.

“No Abigail, it isn’t over the top. You are clearly his everything, and he has an obscene amount of unneeded money. To him it’s nothing, just putting a smile on your face, that’s worth every penny there is in the world.”

I shrug, “I suppose, it’s just I’m not used to it. I’ve never had such an amazing birthday. I keep wondering what I must have done in my previous life to deserve such an incredible man and a have a beautiful baby on the way. I must have pleased some pretty high people.”

“You deserve it because you’re a beautiful person Abbi, now enough of this wishy washy crap let’s get us sexed up.” she tells me sternly.

“Okay let’s do this. I will only turn twenty two once.” I take a deep calming breath and then approach the team of beauticians and hair dressers.

“Happy birthday Miss Adams. What would you like us to do for you today?” the obvious leader of the party asks me.

“Make me sexy.” That is the only instruction I give them.




Three hours later when the clock strikes seven pm, they finish with me.

My hair has been trimmed, colored a little, and curled into beautifully long lose curls. Half of it pinned up in an elegant style, held up by a diamante grip.

My body is buffed and bronzed, waxed and moisturised to within an inch of its life.

My make-up has been expertly applied, natural tones, soft golden eye shadow, bronzed cheeks, soft peach lipstick.

“I look beautiful, thank you.” I tell the man finishing with the last tendril of my hair.

“You do sweetheart, like a princess.” I sigh inwardly; the theme seems to be continuing today.

“So what am I supposed to wear to this shindig then? Is there a theme?” I ask Maria, who by every definition looks fucking stunning.

“Well the dress is the bathroom hanging up; shall we go and take a look?” I nod excitedly, not wanting to wait a second longer to see the clothing of choice for tonight; maybe it might give me a clue as to what is to come.

Maria opens the bathroom door, pulling me inside and locking it.

“Leighton chose this dress out specifically for you, he said you deserved to be treated like a princess, so let’s get this on you sweetheart.”

I take a look at the enormous dress bag hanging from the hook on the white door. Taking the zipper I pull it down to the bottom of the bag and draw it open to reveal the garment.


That is all there is to say. The dress is exquisite. Absolutely stunning, and almost an exact replica to the dress Belle wears. The yellow/gold layered lace shimmers in the halogen lights of the bathroom beckoning me to touch.

The dress is a ball gown, floor length, off the shoulder sleeves, a tight bodice encrusted with tiny diamonds and long flowing intricate layers of lace. The dress itself isn’t as poufy as the one Belle wears, it’s a bit more straight cut but by God it is stunning.

“Wow.” I exclaim to Maria.

“I thought my dress was over the top but this, this is just, Wow.”

“Could you help me put it on please, I think it’d take a while on my own.” I blush at the thought of the mess I’d make trying to put the thing on by myself.

“Sure Hun, strip off and let’s get this beauty on.” She reaches up taking the dress from the bag as my stomach was getting in the way too much for me to reach high enough.

I strip my dressing gown off and my underwear. Getting naked in front of Maria did not bother me in slightest, it is just something we do, what every group of girlfriends probably does.

“Wow your tummy, it’s getting big. I can’t believe in three months this little bubba will be here.” I instinctively rub my hand over my protruding belly and giggle.

“I know it’s getting big, my stomach seems to be growing every day; I just hope the dress fits okay.”

“I’m sure it will, so let’s get it on.” She unties the ribbon on the back of the bodice and lowers the zip at the side for me to step into it.

She holds the dress open as wide as possible whilst I safely climb into the pooling lace. Maria pulls the garment up my body, over my bump and I slide my arms into the sleeves.

She pulls the zip up slowly, easing it firmly around my stomach. To my surprise the dress fits perfectly, like a dream. Maria laces up the back, careful not to pull to tightly on the ribbons, and then ties a bow in the ends.

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