Love & Loss (22 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: Love & Loss
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‘You do, really?’

‘Uh huh.’ I leaned back and slid one hand down into my jeans and under my knickers and touched myself, my jaw dropping as I did and he clutched at my back to hold me up, his pupils expanding. I ran my finger along my length and pulled it out and offered it to him. ‘
, see how wet I got for you,’ I whispered. His dark eyes stayed on mine as he moved his head forwards and I stuck my finger in his mouth and groaned as he sucked it hard and his eyes went wide and I felt him swelling between my legs. ‘Have I
given you any reason to doubt that you turn me on?’ I asked as his tongue swirled around my finger, making my innards clench with excitement. He shook his head and released my finger. ‘So, now you know how ready I am for you and I can feel how ready you are for me, how about you subdue me now? Punish me for teasing you.’

He made a sexy growling noise and came at my mouth hard, plunging his tongue into the depths of my mouth and I fisted my hands in his hair as I felt him carry me to the bedroom, before he ripped me off him and threw me onto the bed. ‘Strip,’ he ordered. ‘Naked. Now.’ I kicked off my trainers as he disappeared to the dressing area and by the time he got back, wearing just his combats, I was naked and desperate for him. That was even before I saw that he was holding the handcuffs, paddle, eye mask and his undone bowtie.

‘You don’t want this do you Mia?’ he asked with a horny twinkle in his eye. He wanted to play, now he knew it was a game.

‘No,’ I panted and scrambled up to the top of the bed out of his reach.

‘Get over here, now,’ he barked tossing the items at the foot of the bed.

‘Make me,’ I ordered, my eyes daring him and screamed as he dove onto the bed and grabbed my feet and yanked me down, stretching me out on my back as I kicked and screamed. O God this was
hot. I carried on trying to kick with my legs and clutched at the duvet beneath me as he dragged me, effortlessly, down to the bottom of the bed. He grabbed me by the waist and flipped me onto my stomach laying a smarting smack on my bare bottom. I screamed and tried to crawl up the bed quickly, but he grabbed my ankles again and dragged me back down, grasped my hands as I squirmed below him and pulled them behind my back securing them with the leather cuffs. I squealed and kicked my legs and he yanked my ankles apart and stood between them pulling me down until my stomach rested on the edge of the bed. With him between my thighs it didn’t matter how much I kicked, I was going nowhere.

‘Stop trying to fight me,’ he hissed as he slid the eye mask onto me. I knew he didn’t mean it, I could hear how much it was turning him on. I felt the paddle make contact with my skin, twice on each cheek and screamed before gasping as I felt something silky in my mouth and suddenly it was being secured behind my head. Had he seriously just gagged me with his bowtie? I tried to protest, but it came out as a garbled grumble as I felt him lean down and nose through my hair, his warm breath on my ear. ‘Now no one can hear you scream,’ he whispered.

I groaned, I don’t think I’d ever wanted him so badly. I arched up off the bed as he paddled me another four times, my nostrils flaring as I sucked in the air through them and lay on the bed, my head turned with one cheek on the duvet, my knees on the carpeted floor, trembling with excitement as I listened to him pad away. I made a throaty noise as I heard him come back in and stand behind me. What was he going to do? I juddered as he pushed a hand between my legs and rubbed up and down, feeling how wet I was.

‘Dirty girl,’ he groaned. ‘How would your boyfriend feel if he found you like this, on your knees desperate to be fucked?’

I squeaked ‘Touch me again,
’ into his gag but didn’t hear those words come out, just a load of mumbling.

‘So many ways I can get you off and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. I wonder which way will make you want it more,’ he sighed. I lifted my head back moaning as his hands slid under me and grasped my heavy swollen breasts. ‘Like this,’ he hissed as his fingers pulled hard at my nipples and he bit the back of my neck and sucked. ‘Or maybe like this,’ he sighed as one hand snaked down and slipped around my pulsating clit. ‘Or would you prefer this?’ he asked, his voice shaking as he shoved two fingers roughly into me making me buck against them. The more turned on he sounded the more I got.

I groaned, but it came out more like “urb” than his name.

‘Hmmm,’ he sighed as he rotated them. He abruptly pulled them out and let go of my breast and used his hand to caress my stinging backside. ‘I think with this soft, ripe peachy backside you like to come when he plays with this.’

We both groaned at the same time as he inserted one finger, slick from my arousal and I squealed as he added a second and gently started to thrust as he lay down on my back and bit and kissed my shoulder.

‘You pinch my stomach if it gets too much,’ he whispered in my ear, giving away for the first time that he really didn’t want to hurt me. I nodded vigorously as I groaned, his fingers rubbing against all my sensitive nerve endings and he checked me with his other hand. ‘You’re a very wet horny girl aren’t you?’

I tried to scream as my whole body convulsed and I saw zigzags of lights flash in front of my covered eyes, my orgasm hitting me hard and fast.

‘You need something bigger in these holes, something to really grip hard, I’m so going to enjoy making you come with this,’ he sighed as he rubbed his erection up and down me, his fingers still probing my backside. I felt his tip nudge my clit each time he pushed forwards and suddenly remembered I wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this so much.

‘Noooo,’ I cried as I started squirming on the bed and banging my feet on the floor and he gripped the back of my neck, anchoring my head down.

‘Behave or I’ll punish you even harder,’ he barked as he plunged himself into me. After a few expert thrusts along with his moving fingers, I came again, even harder, tears of pleasure soaking into the mask and escaping down my cheeks. ‘O God you’re so tight, clench down on me baby, that’s it, let me feel how much you’re loving this,’ he groaned as his fingers slipped out and returned with a cold substance.

I carried on rippling my muscles around him as he continued to fuck me and lubricate my backside. I was barely able to breath I was panting so hard, my mind was going through all the possibilities of what toy he may have to put in me and I came again making him groan and pull out of me. I so desperately wanted to roll onto my back, to see him, touch him and pull him back into me, clench on that perfect bottom and drag him deep inside me, tell him how much I wanted him, but I couldn’t. I was totally at his mercy and had to accept that I was still loving this, loving it as much as he was. I suddenly felt the silk in my mouth loosen and gasping some air into my lungs.

‘You know the words to say,’ he murmured in my ear. I heaved in a shaky breath as I felt him nudge against my backside, he wasn’t using a toy. He wanted to take me there again, we’d only done it the once and I’d begged him to do it again but he hadn’t. I groaned, beyond horny as I felt him slowly ease himself into me, greased up like a car mechanic.  

‘Stop,’ I cried, still playing along. He started to move inside me slowly as I whimpered and bit the duvet and I could hear him panting with excitement.

‘I bet your kind caring boyfriend doesn’t fuck you like this does he?’ he asked.

‘No, no he doesn’t, he’s too nice to do that, please stop.’

‘Too nice to fuck this delicious arse?’

‘Yes,’ I cried out as my body clench around him.

‘How about to do this too?’ came his voice, low and hoarse. I heard a buzzing and screamed as he slipped a vibrator up inside me and heard him groan as I felt the powerful buzzing radiate throughout me.

‘O God, it’s too much … too much … stop please stop.’

‘How much do you want me to come in you, up this tight little backside?’

‘I don’t,’ I cried out loud, inside I was screaming YES.

‘Does he make you feel this good, scream this loud?’

‘No, you’re so good, so much better,’ I sobbed as I started to come again. How did he do this to me? He was insanely good at sex.

‘O baby, you’re so amazing at role play,’ he groaned as I felt him flood me. ‘I love you,’ he sighed as he collapsed on me and shut off the vibrator and pulled it out. We lay there like that for a while, me in darkness, the mask still firmly in place, feeling him thick and hard still inside me, my thighs trembling. I was exhausted, totally exhausted and spent. I squealed as he suddenly pulled out of me with no warning.


‘Sorry I thought it would be easier if I didn’t warn you.’

‘No,’ I sighed. He fiddled with the cuffs and put my hands up on the bed either side of my head as he pulled off the blindfold.

‘I loved that baby, you struggling, cuffed and gagged was so hot.’


‘Come on we need to move, it’s six. We only have an hour to get ready,’ he advised as he kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes and yawned, I didn’t want to move. ‘Mia baby, come on. Shower.’


‘But you’re going out with Sofia.’

‘Just let me have a little sleep,’ I groaned.

‘No, come on baby, up you get.’ I felt him tugging at my hand, but my body had gone as heavy as concrete. I’d have been quite happy to stay kneeling at the side of the bed and slept like this. I moaned as I felt him tip me backwards and lift me up into his arms and I flopped against his chest, enjoying the smell of Gabe and sex oozing from his masculine body. My happiness was shattered by a sudden blast of freezing cold water and I screamed and opened my eyes wide with shock as I thrashed in his arms. ‘I thought that would do it,’ he chuckled as he set me on the shower floor and I quickly huddled up in the corner out of reach of the spray.

,’ I hissed, furious.

‘What?’ he asked all innocently as I watched him tear off his condom and soap up his hands and run them over his body.

‘You could’ve given me a heart attack,’ I grumbled, wondering why I was suddenly so awake and still turned on to see him lathering up.

‘It’s good for the body to have a cold shower or plunge pool every now and then, why do you think we have an ice room back at the sports hall?’

‘You could’ve warned me.’

‘You were about to pass out on me, you needed waking up and fast. I’ll bring you a coffee when I’m out. Come on stop sulking, you’re awake now and the water’s warm.’

‘You’re not teasing me?’ I asked as I stretched out my hand to test it. He grabbed my hand and yanked me over to him.

‘No teasing this time, it’s hot, just like my amazing girl. Did you enjoy that earlier?’

‘Yes,’ I sighed as I stretched in the heat. ‘But next time we play you need to be rougher, smack me harder, tie my feet and pull my hair too.’

‘Have I told you how much I love you?’

‘Ermmm yes,’ I smiled holding up my left hand. He grinned and kissed me and let me wash and rinse his hair for him before stepping out.

‘Why did you wear a condom?’ I asked. ‘I didn’t think you liked wearing them.’

‘I don’t but it’s safer when you’re having anal baby. I don’t want to transfer any bacteria to you, you could get a really nasty water infection if I did.’

‘O right.’ I started to wash my hair and put out of my mind why else he might wear one, or how knowledgeable he was. I still felt so damn inexperienced with him.

‘I don’t want you wearing any knickers tonight and I’ll leave the egg out for you. Call me when you’re ready for me to put it in.’

‘What?’ I spun around and looked at him and spat some shampoo suds out of my mouth.

‘You’re primed and receptive after that session baby, it will slide in nicely.’

‘But I’m going out for cocktails and dancing.’

‘Mia, like it will slip out of you, you’re the tightest girl I’ve ever been with. I want you to wear it all night and I’ll be checking it’s still in place when I meet you later.’

‘But Gabe …’ I started to object, but he cut me off.

‘Mia, do as you’re told. I want this.’

‘My dress isn’t very long Gabe, to go knickerless … out with your Dad and Sofia … I just …’

‘Then you’ll have to be careful how you stand and sit won’t you baby,’ he winked and disappeared. I threw a bottle of shampoo after him and it bounced ineffectively off the door frame and I tensed up when he stalked back in brandishing it in his hand. ‘Did you seriously just throw this at me?’ he exclaimed.

‘Maybe,’ I shrugged.

‘For that I’m going to paddle your bottom
when we get in, with that egg still inside. Keep testing me baby,’ he challenged with a smug look on his face. I glared at him and pulled out my tongue and turned my back on him as I started to rinse. Who did he think he was bossing me about like that? I jumped as he slipped his arms around me and kissed my neck. ‘I love you so much Mia,’ he murmured before disappearing again.

I sighed, he could piss me off one minute and make me fall in love with him all over again the next. I’d decided I’d do it to please him, remind him I could be every bit as good and sexually adventurous as anyone he’d been with before, better in fact.

I emerged from the bedroom half an hour later, dressed in a mid-thigh length ivory cocktail dress, covered in protruding ivory rosebuds with a slash neck top and sleeves down to the elbow, surprisingly demure for me. I’d left off my underwear as instructed and had dried my hair into big loose waves, put on some dark eye shadow and liner and cheekbone highlighter and lip gloss. With my silver bangle and lava ring on my right hand, “non-engagement ring” and silver watch on my left, my lace heels and clutch I was sorted. I dreaded these shoes falling apart, they were my favourite and went with everything. I was carrying the damn egg, that he’d left out for me.

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