Love & Loss (23 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: Love & Loss
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‘Wow, you look lovely Mia,’ he smiled as he looked me up and down.

‘Really, you like it? I wasn’t sure,’ I asked as I ran my hand over the buds at the front.

‘You look sexy without looking like you’re trying too. It’s really elegant and your hair looks gorgeous,’ he sighed as he stepped forwards and ran his fingers through it and kissed my lips.

‘Thank you. I like this five o’clock shadow on you, it’s very sexy without you trying too,’ I said as I reached out to touch it.

‘I heard it drove women crazy seeing a man with a bit of stubble.’

‘It drives me crazy, that’s all you should worry about. Don’t you be lusting after those cheerleaders in their tiny outfits tonight.’

‘I’ll be lusting thinking of you looking like this, all bare underneath, but I wouldn’t mind you getting a cheerleader outfit to do a routine on the pole when we get home.’

‘Deal, so what do we do with this then?’ I asked as I held out my hand with it balanced on my palm.

‘Well first we’ll wash it to make sure it’s clean and I think I’d like it cold before I put it in you.’

‘Gabe.’ I shivered at the thought of it, making him grin. He took it off me and led me to the sink by the hand and turned on the warm tap.

‘Here baby, I want to see you caress it and wash it first,’ he said as he stood behind me at the sink. I shook my head and took it off him and gently washed it under the warm tap and he reached over and switched to cold, freezing cold and made me hold it underneath for a minute.

‘Gabe my hands are getting cold, let alone this,’ I moaned.

‘Ok,’ he replied and turning off the tap. ‘Shake it dry, carefully.’ I did as I was told and he led me over to the dining table. ‘Bend over the table and put your elbows on it,’ he ordered. I felt a flurry of excitement as I bent over and felt his hands on my hips. He slowly lifted my dress, exposing me and told me to spread my legs. ‘Are you horny yet baby?’

‘Hmmm,’ I nodded as I looked over my shoulder, biting my lip.

‘Hmmm me too. I’m going to check you’re ready for it first though,’ he winked. I whimpered as he thrust his index finger into me and stroked my g-spot making me moan. ‘O yes, still nice and wet,’ he smiled as he pulled out and stuck his finger in my mouth for me to check and I sucked as he carefully took the egg of me, then stepped back and crouched down. I gripped the edge of the table as I felt the cold glass against me, gently pushing and entering into me.

‘Gabe,’ I cried as he pushed it in and I felt myself give way to accept it.

‘Hmmm,’ he sighed and kissed my bottom and readjusted my dress. ‘How does it feel?’

‘I can feel it in there and it’s cold … and …
,’ I sighed.

‘Good, stand up.’

‘What if it falls out?’

‘Mia it won’t fall out, you’re too tight, but if you feel like it will then just clench if it makes you feel better.’

‘Ok.’ I gingerly stood up and gasped as I felt it rock inside of me, damn it felt heavy. I felt it slide down and quickly tightened all my muscles in a panic and Gabe burst out laughing.

‘You’ll have to be a bit more subtle than that if you’re going to clench baby. You only need to do your PC muscles not your stomach, bum and face too. Come on relax, I promise it won’t fall out, you could hold a pencil in there without having to clench. I know your body better than you, trust me,’ he said in a reassuring voice as he rubbed my back. I looked at his face, I had to admit he did know that area of me pretty well, so I took a deep breath and let go and was surprised that nothing happened. ‘See told you. Try walking with it in now, see how it feels. Walk over to the elevator at your normal speed.’

I scowled at him, he was enjoying this way too much. I took a few steps and felt my eyes widen as I reached out to grab the back of the sofa. The egg was caressing my insides as I walked, it felt like Gabe was inside me. I heard him chuckle again and spun around to fix him with a glare. ‘You’re so mean, how would you like it if I made you go out with … with a
butt plug
up your arse?’ I hissed.

‘You’re telling me it doesn’t feel good?’ he asked all innocently.

‘So not the point. Sofia’s going to know. Everyone’s going to know.’

‘No they won’t, they’ll just think you’re a bit flushed,’ he chuckled. I jumped as the telephone rang and Gabe strode over to get it. ‘Hi Dad … yes we’re ready, I’ll just grab my jacket and we’ll be down … ok.’ He hung up and winked at me as he grabbed his leather bomber off the back of a chair.

‘Come on then sexy annoyed girl. Time to go and no taking it out, I’ll be checking it’s there later.’

‘Gabe I wouldn’t have the first clue how to get the bloody thing out. What if I want to pee? Will it drop out?’

‘I know how to get it out, but I’m not going to tell you or you may slap me again,’ he chortled as he ushered me into the elevator. ‘As to peeing, I assume you just do it like normal.’

? Great, just bloody great,’ I sighed as my shoulders slumped and what did he mean I’d slap him? ‘O God my ring, have you spoken to your Dad?’

‘Shit no, I forgot.’

‘I’d better take it off then,’ I said as I tucked my bag under my arm.

‘No you bloody don’t,’ he scowled. ‘You agreed to wear it until we were on the plane Mia. Don’t you
take it off. He probably won’t even notice.’

‘It’s like a bloody brick on my hand Gabe, trust me
will notice. What do I say if Sofia asks me about it?’

‘The truth, you’re wearing it to please me, to show you’re mine, but you’re not ready to fix a date.’

‘Gabe,’ I sighed. ‘That’s not how we agreed this. I didn’t agree to wear it to show I’m yours. You make it sound like …’ I was cut off by the elevator door opening and Robert standing waiting for us and I automatically crossed my hands in front of me, putting my clutch bag over my left hand.

‘Mia you look fabulous,’ he said warmly as he kissed both cheeks.

‘Thank you and you look … very dressed down. I’ve never seen you so casual and hip,’ I exclaimed. He was in a pair of black utility jeans, black army boots, a white t-shirt and charcoal wool coat.

‘You sound surprised,’ he laughed. ‘I’m only forty two Mia, not eighty two.’

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. You’ve always been in suits when I’ve seen you, or your swimming trunks.’ I blushed at the memory, Gabe had been annoyed when I’d looked to see his Dad had a really good body.

‘Right, Sofia’s waiting for you outside. We’ll ring when we’re ready to come and meet you. It may not be until midnight so I hope you’ve eaten something to see you through the night?’

‘We had a big lunch,’ I smiled as we stepped outside. ‘Have fun both, don’t eat too many hotdogs.’ I went to step to the car as Antonio was holding the back door open for me.

‘Hey baby, don’t I get a goodbye kiss?’ Gabe grumbled. I turned around embarrassed, I wasn’t used to kissing him in front of his Dad, it was bad enough getting used to doing it in front of my Mum last weekend. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and went to move but he grabbed me by the waist, clasped the back of my head and moved in and kissed me properly, not stopping until I kissed him back the same.

‘Bloody hell son, put her down. You’re only going to be apart for a couple of hours,’ laughed Robert and I felt my cheeks flame as Gabe stepped back and steadied me, smiling at me happily.

‘Bye,’ I whispered, still a bit dazed.

‘Bye baby. Behave,’ he said with a wink as he strode off next to Robert. I climbed into the car carefully, mindful of the egg and my knickerless state and smiled as Antonio shut the door.

‘Hi Mia, you look lovely,’ purred Sofia, in her delicious foreign accent.

‘Thank you, so do you,’ I exclaimed kissing her on both cheeks and taking in her outfit. She was in a knee length black lace bandeau dress with an ivory ribbon around the waist and a dazzling diamond pendant and matching earrings. I saw her eyes flash down to my left hand and it was too late to cover up the ring.

‘You said
,’ she clapped excitedly as the car started up.

‘O God,’ I sighed and covered my face with my hands. ‘Not quite.’

‘I’m confused, he asked you? Yes?’

‘Yes,’ I nodded and she pulled my hands away from my face.

‘You said yes though, you’re wearing it,’ she said looking puzzled. I sighed and filled her in and felt my tears pool in my eyes.

‘O Mia I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, Robert had told me Gabriel was going to ask you and when I saw you wearing it … I just assumed … Don’t be upset, if it doesn’t feel right then you can’t rush it. Only you’ll know when you’re ready,’ she advised as she stroked my hair.

‘You really think I will? Because I want to, I really want to make him happy by saying yes one day, but I’m not there yet.’

‘If there’s any element of worry over it you’re not ready Mia. It doesn’t mean you’re not in love, you’re just aware that it’s a big commitment. There should be no going back, a marriage should be for life.’

‘But you … you’re divorced,’ I whispered.

‘Yes and I accepted his proposal even though it didn’t feel right. I was madly in love with him, but something was off, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I was scared he’d leave me if I said no, so I got engaged and married quickly against my better judgement. Anyway he turned out to be a cheating bastard, so I got my own back and took him for every penny I could.’ She looked at me and giggled and I laughed with her. ‘Mia, you’re brave to have said how you really feel, I’m sure Gabriel will respect that when he’s had time to come to terms with it.’

‘I don’t know,’ I sighed as I played with it. ‘I shouldn’t be wearing it now, but it meant so much to him and I knew I’d upset him by saying no, so I agreed to wear it for a few days. I’m worried how he’ll handle it when I take it off when we get home.’

‘You’ll handle him,’ she smiled. ‘He’s besotted with you and I think you know that you could get away with anything. Some men like to think that they are the dominant ones, always in charge, but really we’re the ones in control, we just let them to think they are.’

‘Sofia,’ I giggled and she smiled and squeezed my hand. I liked her I could tell we were going to have a fun night. Antonio dropped us off at 230 Fifth Avenue first.

‘I thought we’d start in the more touristy bars,’ Sofia told me as we got in the elevator. ‘To let you enjoy the views as it’s your first time.’

I went to get my purse out as we ordered some champagne bellini’s.

‘Put it away Mia, or you’ll get us in trouble. Anyway as far as Robert’s concerned the night’s on him,’ she said as she showed me his Amex card and then put it back in her purse and pulled out her own. ‘But I’m not one of those girlfriends who likes to abuse her partners cards so the night’s on me.’

‘But Sofia, cocktails in this city are really expensive,’ I protested, thinking how much more I liked her knowing that she had morals.

‘Mia, with the money I got as a settlement I could buy Robert’s company if I wanted and still have spare change. A few cocktails on a night out with my new friend won’t even cause a breeze. And that’s our little secret,’ she winked as she handed over her card. ‘Accept the evening out graciously as my thank you for trying to make my first meeting with Gabriel more comfortable.’

‘Thank you, that’s really sweet of you and my lips are sealed,’ I nodded, miming a zip with my fingers in front of my lips. More money than Robert? Holy cow, how did these people do it? I gasped in amazement as we stepped out onto the roof top terrace to see the Empire State Building from a different angle. ‘Wow.’

‘I forget how good the city looks, you do when you live here,’ she smiled.

We enjoyed a second cocktail before I started to shiver and she called Antonio and he whisked us to the next cocktail bar with a view in the warmth and I carefully perched on a bar stool holding a delicious milk chocolate martini. It wasn’t look before we spotted a couple of handsome chaps in their thirties advancing on us and I saw Sofia raise an amused eyebrow at me, so I held up my left hand to indicate for them to stop, then turned it and flashed my ring and they moved on.

‘Well it seems it does seem to have its benefits, more polite than my usual scowl or a slap back home when men approach me,’ I smiled.

‘May I see it?’ she asked. I held my hand out shyly as she took it and studied it and nodded her head in approval. ‘Look after this sweetie, that’s at least a two carat diamond.’

‘What?’ I exclaimed as I pulled my hand back to look at it.

‘I know my diamonds,’ she smiled. I sighed, just how much had Gabe spent? He was crazy. I moved onto traditional cosmopolitans after I drained the sickly chocolate one. I was buzzing and the two of us were in stitches comparing how similar Robert and Gabe were in trying to control us. ‘Is he dominant in the bedroom as well?’ she asked with a girlish giggle that reminded me of me.

‘Yes,’ I blushed. ‘Sometimes very much, but I like it.’

‘Hmmm Robert too.’

‘No, stop,’ I screeched with laughter covering my ears. ‘Too much information about my potential future father in law.’

‘As long as it’s good, it goes a long way to helping a relationship.’

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