Love & Loss (29 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: Love & Loss
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‘Great thanks,’ she muttered, ‘I have “issues” now?’

‘Well you
Lex. You’ve been faking orgasms and are about to dump a really nice guy, that you get on with amazingly well, because you’re terrified of admitting you could be with him long term.’

‘See it was all easy before this
bloody pact we made. I’m blowing off a nice guy for random meaningless sex with strangers and you’re faking engagements with a guy who’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Jesus,’ she sighed and I burst out laughing. ‘It’s
funny Mia,’ she scowled.

‘It sort of is,’ I replied with a shake of my head. ‘It could only happen to us. Come on, I need to unpack then repack with all my cards and presents and I want to show you the new apartment.’


‘It’s amazing, but I’m going to miss you so much,’ she sighed as we returned to stand in the bare lounge area.

‘I know, me too, but I’m only across the hall Lex and I’m coming for a sleep over Friday night.’

‘He’s letting you sleep over?’ she asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

‘Yes, he’s trying really hard Lex and agreed we’d put off our official moving in night until Saturday so you and I could have our last night together.’ I laughed as she hugged me.

‘I’ll say thank you. Now do you think he’ll notice if I nick that big chandelier for my bedroom?’

‘Yes, I think he would,’ I smiled and my smile widened when I saw Gabe watching us from the door way. ‘You’re back!’

‘I am, so let’s get moving and we can start the celebrations sooner than later. And no touching my chandelier,’ he warned Lex, and looked surprised as she went over and hugged him. ‘What’s that for?’

‘Looking after Mia so well and for letting her have another night with me at ours.’ I smiled as I watched them, then frowned as she whispered something in his ear.

‘You’re the second person to tell me that,’ he laughed with a big smile.

‘Ok what’s that all about?’ I demanded.

‘Never you mind,’ replied Lex. ‘Come on then, let’s get going, I need alcohol.’

‘You haven’t started already?’ Gabe asked, surprised.

‘No, too busy yacking,’ she advised.

We loaded up the car and Gabe drove us to his, it was already dark and I squealed with delight to see fairy lights over the box hedges and a twinkling Christmas wreath on the front door and Gabe and Lexi laughed.

‘O poor Gabe, he’s yet to experience the super hyped up Birthday Christmas Mia.’

‘I’ll take her anyway I can get her Lex,’ he said with a soft look of love over at me, which made me blush. We got out and Robert came to help us unload just as Doug turned up and I looked over at Lex who gave me a sad smile and went to greet him. I watched out of the corner of my eye and grimaced as I saw him hug her tightly and kiss her, he was really serious about her, I could tell and I felt so sorry for him. ‘Ok baby?’

‘What?’ I looked up to see Gabe looking at me puzzled.

‘You ok?’

‘Yes, sorry, bit jet lagged.’

‘Mia, happy birthday,’ announced Doug as he came and hugged me and spun me around.

‘Thanks Doug,’ I laughed. ‘Missed us have you?’

‘Too bloody right.’

‘Hey put my girl down and fondle your own Doug.’

‘Dude,’ Doug grinned as he set me down. ‘Come here my man.’ They hugged and slapped each other on the back. ‘Good time?’

‘Brilliant thanks.’

‘Come on then, let’s get this party started.’

‘Right, I’ve made a fire in Gabriel’s lounge and there’s some mulled wine heating up, why don’t you all head in,’ gestured Robert.

‘We’ll be down with you in a minute guys, I just have something to do with Mia upstairs.’

‘Didn’t you do that enough this weekend dude?’

‘Lowering the tone as ever Doug,’ Gabe laughed. ‘Honestly we’ll only be a few minutes and no comments about my stamina please.’

‘As if, everyone knows you can’t keep it up,’ Doug ribbed with a guffaw.

’ I protested as Robert started laughing too.

‘Come on baby.’ Gabe tugged me upstairs not even letting me have time to get excited over the beautiful huge decorated tree in the hall, but all was forgiven when we got to his bedroom, as he’d done a lovely one in the corner of his room. He led me over to the bed and sat me down on the edge and crouched at my feet as he took my hands. ‘So, what are we doing about this?’ he asked as he ran his thumb over my ring.

‘I’d like to do what we agreed Gabe.’

‘Still?’ he looked up at me disappointed.

’ I pulled my right hand out of his and ran my fingers through his hair. ‘You knew this was coming, why are you looking so surprised?’

‘Because you never took it off, you’re still wearing it.’

‘I mean to take it off last night, but with you being upset I forget I had it on, until Lexi spotted it earlier.’

‘So you haven’t changed your mind?’

‘No, I told you I’m not there yet and I want to be before you put it back on my finger. I promised you that.’

‘I know,’ he nodded. ‘I just hoped that wearing it you’d realise it wasn’t such a big deal.

a big deal Gabe, to you. Don’t diminish the importance of being engaged just to have me wear your ring. Besides, didn’t we agree we’d get another ring for me to wear instead?’

‘We did,’ he sighed as he kissed my hand. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek to see how upset he was looking. I knew if I didn’t take it off he wouldn’t, so I carefully extracted my hand from his, took one last look at it, and slid it off. ‘You look sad,’ he said quietly as he reached up and wiped my cheek with his index finger.

‘I am, because I’m hurting you. Do we have the necklace so I can put it on now?’ I asked and he nodded.

‘What outfit are you wearing tonight?

‘I have some new shorts and a blouse that I’d like to wear, why?’

‘Will you be wearing silver or gold jewellery?’


‘Ok.’ He reached up and grabbed one of four Tiffany’s boxes on my bedside cabinet and took out a yellow gold snakeskin chain and opened it up. I threaded one end through my ring and did up the clasp, making sure it was tightly shut and slipped it over my head. It was a long chain so when I tucked it into my clothes, the ring nestled in my cleavage. ‘See, safe as houses,’ I smiled as I bent down and kissed him.

‘You remember our agreement?’

‘I do Gabe, I’ll give it to you when I’m ready.’

‘Good.’ He grabbed another of the Tiffany’s boxes and I smiled as he slipped a ring on my right ring finger then took in a surprised gasp of air to see he’d put a yellow gold version of the heart and diamond ring we’d seen. ‘I got it in white and yellow gold, so there’d be no excuses,’ he shrugged and I laughed.

‘Are you going to buy me two of every piece of jewellery from now on?’

‘No, just these, the other boxes are your white gold ring and necklace. Come on, we need to go down and join the others and open your cards and presents. It is your birthday.’

‘It is,’ I smiled. ‘Thank you for my special rings, I love all of them.’ We stood up and I kissed him again and again until he laughed and pulled me off him. ‘Stop, I’m desperate to fuck you. What was I thinking inviting everyone round? We should have just spent the night in bed together.’

‘We’ll be doing that every night soon Gabe, maybe we can fit in some shower sex as we get ready for the party later.’

‘Hmmm, now you’re talking,’

Robert brought in a tray of mulled wine and there were Sicilian lemon truffles in a bowl on the coffee table and we happily drank as I opened my cards first, touched to have a “Special Friend” one from Lexi, “Special Girlfriend” from Gabe. Mum and Gerry had even got me a “Special Daughter” one and a beautiful hot pink soft leather iPhone case, a large bottle of Baileys and had sent me a cheque, they always preferred to do that, a small present or two to open and a cheque so I could get whatever I wanted. I had a bottle of my favourite perfume from Lexi and more lemon truffles, a gift voucher from my sister and was really touched when I opened Doug’s present to find a white wood heart photo frame with the photo of Gabe and I back in there.

‘Why is that back here?’ Gabe asked. ‘You’re wrapping up her own stuff and giving it back as presents you cheap skate?’ he laughed. Doug looked at me and pulled a face and I smiled and shook my head.

‘No, it’s a new frame Gabe, because when we’d fallen out I had a tantrum and threw it across the room and it broke. I was really upset, so Doug’s replaced it for me.’

‘You threw it?’ Gabe exclaimed.

‘Yes, sorry,’ I grimaced.

‘Don’t piss her off in the kitchen Gabe or you’re likely to get a plate at your head,’ laughed Lexi. ‘She has a temper on her when she wants.’

‘I know, she has a slap across the face down to a fine art,’ he laughed as he picked up my hand and kissed it.

‘Well sometimes you deserve it,’ I protested.

‘Well said Mia,’ nodded Robert.

‘Ok enough Gabe bashing, I got her this ring, ok? I’m not all bad.’ He held up my hand and everyone admired it.

‘Ok Mia, that leads on nicely to the gift from Sofia.’ Robert handed me another gift. I opened it and looked at him in surprise. It was a stunning pair of what I assumed were diamond rub over earrings, set in yellow gold.

‘Robert these are too much, I barely know her.’

‘Who’s Sofia?’ asked Doug.

‘Dad’s girlfriend.’

Way to go.’ Doug held up his hand in a high five and Robert laughed and slapped it back.

‘Yes it has been a long time coming, but first love stays with you for a long time,’ he said as he looked at Gabe with an apologetic smile. ‘She was very taken with you Mia and loved how nice you were to her on the first night of us all meeting. She has connections in the diamond trade so in future if anyone wants diamonds, you let me know ok?’ He gave Gabe a look. ‘Right, my gift.’

‘I feel so spoilt,’ I whispered, feeling embarrassed as I opened another small box. ‘O my God, Gabe you need to increase the house insurance,’ I uttered as I pulled out a diamond tennis bracelet in white gold. ‘Robert it’s
, thank you.’ I leaned over and kissed him.

‘You’re welcome, you’ve done so much for Gabriel in the short time you’ve been together, it’s the least I could do.’

‘Ok, my gift now,’ declared Gabe as he pulled a medium and large box from under the coffee table.

‘Gabe seriously?’ I’ve had my ring, my holiday and my Jimmy Choo bag,’ I uttered.

‘He got you a Jimmy Choo bag? Man you’re so lucky,’ Lexi groaned.

‘I know I am, but he spends too much on me,’ I sighed and he gave me a look as he held the medium box out. I unwrapped it and Lexi and I groaned as I pulled out the pair of gold metallic textured Jimmy Choo sandals, the ones I’d seen in the shop window in New York and they would go perfectly with my bag. ‘How did you get them?’ I asked as I looked at him.

‘Megan went shopping for me,’ he laughed. ‘She gave them to Dad to put in his luggage for me.’

‘What is it with chicks and this Jimmy Shoe dude?’ asked Doug.

‘Jimmy CHOO not shoe, do you know nothing about women Doug?’ Lexi teased.

‘Obviously not,’ he laughed.

‘Well I’m wearing these tonight,’ I advised and everyone laughed as I kissed them.

‘Ok, open this one and we’d better all go and get ready,’ Gabe advised as he passed over the large box. I opened it and pulled out the dress and Lexi and I groaned again, which made him smile.

‘O my God Gabe, it’s
,’ I whispered. It was a white sweetheart bandeau dress with gold embroidery around the bodice and had a short white feather skirt. ‘Where did you find this?’

‘I can’t reveal my sources as I plan to get more presents from there in future,’ he winked.

‘Well I’m taking us all out for a meal on Boxing night as I return to New York on Friday evening, so it will be perfect for you to wear then Mia.’

‘Thank you so much everyone, I feel so lucky,’ I sighed as I looked at the gifts everywhere.

‘Right let’s all go and get ready. Meet down here in an hour?’ Gabe suggested.

‘I’m ready dude, showered and dressed at home.’

‘I only need half an hour,’ nodded Robert.

‘Same here,’ replied Lexi.

‘Well you can all drink down here while you wait for us as we’re going to need longer, no interruptions please,’ instructed Gabe and I didn’t even bother shaking my head as Doug started whooping in the background and everyone laughed. Lexi helped gather up my gifts and carried them up with us.

‘When did you have time to do all these trees Gabe,’ she asked.

‘Doug helped me while you guys were having movie Tuesday last week. See you in the bathroom baby?’

‘Sure,’ I nodded.

‘Don’t be long,’ he winked as he disappeared.

‘Bathroom sex?’ Lex asked with her eyebrow raised.

‘Shower sex. HOT shower sex. We’ve only done it once today. So you and Doug?’

‘I can’t do it now, he’s so happy. I’ll have to wait until after Christmas.’

‘Thanks for my perfume, I’ll wear it tonight.’

‘Sorry it’s so boring, but I know you love it.’

‘I do and it’s not boring at all. Go on, get out of here, he’s wet and naked waiting in there for me.’

‘You two are never going to leave this bloody new apartment, bet you can’t wait to christen it.’

‘Already have, bent over the pool table earlier,’ I giggled.

‘Gross, I’m never playing there now,’ she laughed, then pulled a face as Gabe yelled my name. ‘Shit I’d better go, happy orgasms.’

‘O trust me, they will be,’ I nodded as I showed her to the door, shut it and quickly stripped and joined him.


 ‘Wow,’ I groaned as I stood pressed chest first against the tiles, with Gabe still flexing inside me.

‘Hmmm wow indeed,’ he murmured as he kissed the side of my neck.

‘Come on, we’d better get ready as I want to try ringing Mum on the ship before we go out.’

‘Are you missing her?’

‘Her and Gerry, it’s my first Christmas without them, but you’re doing an excellent job in making it special for me Gabe. Thank you so much for all my presents, I love each and every one, but you know what my best present was?’

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