Love Me Like No Other (15 page)

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Authors: A. C. Arthur

BOOK: Love Me Like No Other
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He made it sound so simple, she thought. Like standing beside him wasn’t going to be hard enough. She had to smile and be cordial, too, as if her body weren’t raging with desire, and then she had the thought of what would happen once they got home. Home, she thought wistfully. But it wasn’t her home.
she yelled to that pesky inner voice. Tonight it would be.

“That sounds like a plan,” she said.

Her smile was dazzling, her body soft and pliant in his arms. Man, he wanted her so badly he could already taste her essence on his tongue. His groin tensed at the thought and she looked at him questioningly. “It’s your fault. You’re a minx and you’ve got me under your spell.”

Jade continued to smile. If he were under her spell then she might as well take complete advantage of him. “That’s right, so I don’t expect you to go wandering off with any other female. Tonight—” she stood on tiptoe and nipped his bottom lip “—you belong to me.”


About an hour into the evening, after Jade had been introduced to the fifty or so people she hadn’t already met, they had dinner. A delicious meal that she knew she most likely would not be having again in the near future. She’d sat at the head table with the family, Linc on one side of her and Adam on the other.

The music started shortly after dessert was served and with Linc’s strained approval she danced with Adam and Trent again. His cousins had women fawning over them and didn’t pay her a bit of attention, which she was sure Linc didn’t mind. What was funny was the look on his face each time she passed him on the dance floor. Of
course, since she’d been dancing with someone else a female was bound to come by and scoop him up. He looked as if he’d died and gone straight to hell!

She and Adam had a ball laughing over that. Finally, she’d gone to rescue him, tapping a very attractive young woman on the shoulder and asking to interrupt. Of course the woman looked at her as if she had two heads but Jade didn’t care—Linc was already releasing her and pulling Jade securely in his arms.

“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you to rescue me for more than fifteen minutes.”

He was so handsome and so oblivious to the fact that he was selling himself short by not allowing himself to fall in love. “I could have saved you eight years ago,” she said without another thought.

“We weren’t the same people eight years ago,” he said after staring at her a few seconds.

“This is true,” she conceded not wanting the mistakes of their past to intrude on this perfect moment of the present.

“So what will you do with yourself now that Noelle isn’t going to need you so much?” he asked as they continued to glide with the music.

Tilting her head to the side she gave him a quick smile. “How do you know she’s not going to need me?”

“Because she has a full-time job now.”


“Since she loves to be in the casinos I figured I’d give her a job in mine. That way I can keep an eye on her.”

Jade thought for a moment. “Why would you do that?”

“Because it’s about time somebody else did it besides you. Not that I think she’ll need it. Noelle’s a lot smarter than I think you give her credit for.”

“I never doubted she was smart. She just doesn’t make smart decisions.”

“Well, I think that’ll be changing in the future. So you’ll have more time to concentrate on other things.”

“I guess you’re right.” She let her head rest on his shoulder and for a second simply enjoyed him. He’d done a lot of nice things for her this week, things she could let convince her that he had feelings for her. Luckily she knew better. “What will you do with yourself when I’m gone? Lock yourself back in your office?”

He stared down at her with an expression she couldn’t identify then without another word he pulled her out to the pool area.

“About tomorrow,” he began when they were standing alone away from the noise of the ballroom. “I have another proposition for you,”

She raised a brow. “A proposition?”

“Yes, I—”

“He needs to be excused for just a second,” Trent said, grabbing hold of Linc’s arm.

Both Linc and Jade looked at him wondering where he’d come from.

“What are you doing? I’m trying to talk to Jade.
” Linc reiterated.

“I know but you need to come with us first.” Trent looked to Adam for support.

“He’s right, Linc, you should come with us.”

To Jade Adam’s voice sounded a little stony but he continued to stare at his brother and not at her.

“Its fine,” she said because she felt an urgency from both the Donovans and she had a feeling that she wasn’t going to like Linc’s proposition. “I need to go to the ladies’ room, so you guys can talk while I’m gone.”

She turned to walk away and Linc grabbed her arm. “Hurry back,” he said softly.

She nodded. “I will.”

“You’d better have a damned good reason for interrupting,” Linc exploded the minute Jade was out of earshot.

Trent ignored the remark. “Did you know she was engaged?”

Linc didn’t answer.

“Six months ago, Linc. She was engaged to a
man named Charles Benson and then the wedding mysteriously never took place.”

“I knew that,” Linc said tightly then turned his back to his brothers. “Is this what you rushed out here to tell me?”

“No, we came to tell you that she needs money and she needs it like yesterday. Apparently her sister has a knack for getting into trouble,” Adam added. “Linc, are you listening? She’s trying to get to you so you can pay off her debts.”

“Which one of you went behind my back and had her checked out?” he asked solemnly.

“I did,” Trent admitted. “And it was a good thing. She’s already stolen your credit card and run up a sizable amount.”

Linc shook his head. He’d read the report late this afternoon. Everything they were telling him he already knew. “I told you I would handle it, Trent.”

“How? By falling in love with her? I saw this coming and that’s why I had her investigated. She’s just like the rest of them, Linc. She’s the reason we’ve all decided never to marry.”

“She’s not like that,” Linc insisted even though his brother’s words pricked dangerously close to the surface.

“I didn’t think she was, either,” Adam began. “But let’s be realistic. Why else would she agree
to come here and spend the week with you? You said yourself you haven’t seen her in eight years. And I’m sure that was your choice.”

Linc couldn’t stand it anymore. His mind was whirling with thoughts and opinions and his usually cool, in-charge demeanor was starting to crumble. “I paid her all right!” he yelled, turning away from his brothers again.

For a few minutes there was silence, nothing but the breeze whispering over the lighted pool water.

Then they were by his side, each with questions in his eyes.

“You paid her?” Trent asked.

“Are you crazy? Because I know you’re not desperate,” Adam said incredulously.

Running a hand down his face, Linc took a deep breath. “No. I’m not crazy or desperate.” He looked at his brothers, the two closest people to him, the two he trusted more than anyone in this world and decided it was time to come clean. “You were right about her sister. She lost some money in my casino and Jade came to work out terms to pay the money back but she didn’t have the cash. I proposed she spend the week with me instead.” In truth he’d offered her the way out because he wanted another night with her. Eight years ago she’d pierced his heart and he’d never
admitted it to anyone, not even himself. But the moment he saw her he knew he had to have her again.

It only took him a week to realize that he wanted more than that.

“So not only is she stealing money from you, but she owes you money, too? Linc, what are you doing?” Trent argued.

“I know what I’m doing.”

“Do you?” Adam asked. “I mean, you’re the big brother. You’re the one always in control, always with the answers. But I’ve got to tell you, right now I’m not sure you’re headed in the right direction. This woman is out to trap you.”

“She can’t trap me as long as she owes me,” Linc said quietly.

“What does that mean?”

“It means that I was going to offer her another job, not offer to marry her.”

Two pair of eyes stared at him in question and the plan that he’d only thought about all day long was about to be revealed. Only it was supposed to be revealed to Jade first. “I’m getting an apartment for both of us and as long as she stays she doesn’t have to be responsible for anything financially.”

“What?” the younger Donovan brothers asked simultaneously.


Jade hadn’t really gone to the ladies’ room but she had crossed the length of the room twice hoping that gave the brothers enough time to talk. She’d asked Linc about his plans once she was gone and he’d been about to tell her. Why he needed privacy for that she wasn’t sure. The only reason one wanted privacy was to say something important. No, she shook her head vehemently, Linc definitely did not want privacy for that. He hadn’t even come close to telling her he loved her let alone proposing to her.

It had to be something else. But what? His brothers had interrupted and once again she’d felt as if she were the odd man out, or woman as it were. They talked around her as if she weren’t there. Which was weird in and of itself because they’d all just shared dinner together and had talked amiably. In fact, she and Adam had formed a pretty cool relationship in her book. So why all the secrecy now? And why the stilted looks?

She’d had enough of wondering. She was going back to find out what the hell was going on. And if they didn’t tell her, that was fine, but at least leave her and Linc alone to finish their business. She’d decided that she was going to tell him about the money tonight, before they left the party. If she were going to spend one last night in
his arms, she wanted it to be with total honesty between them. No more secrets.

She approached the pool house and slipped through the slight opening in the door that she’d left previously. They were standing closer to the pool now, the younger Donovans surrounding Linc. They could pass for triplets, she thought whimsically. Each of them, tall, dark and extremely handsome. Each of them successful in their own rights. Each of them scared to death of committing to a woman. What a shame, she thought shaking her head and moving forward.

“She can’t trap me as long as she owes me,” Linc said quietly.

“What does that mean?” Adam asked.

“It means that I was going to offer her another job, not offer to marry her. I’m getting an apartment for both of us and as long as she stays she doesn’t have to be responsible for anything financially.”

“What?” Before she’d given it any thought her mouth had opened and she’d spoken. Now all three of them turned to her. Slowly, she walked toward them.

“Jade—” Linc began moving toward her.

She held up a hand to keep him at bay. “As long as I owe you? What are you saying? Is this what you brought me out here to talk about?”

“Let me explain the arrangement before you storm away,” he said, ignoring her hand and stepping into her private space.

She shook her head vehemently. “No! I don’t need an explanation. You paid for me once so you think you can do it again, permanently! You are out of your egotistical mind.” Peering around him she glared at his counterparts. “All of you are out of your minds!”

“Jade,” Linc said in a voice more stern than she’d ever heard it before. “We’ll talk about this alone.”

“No, we won’t. You can stay right out here and continue to talk to your brothers. Three peas in a pod, three total idiots who are too wrapped up in what they have and who they are to let themselves ever trust anybody else. All three of you are sad and pathetic, thinking every woman is out to trap you. What a bunch of bull! If a woman is fool enough to want any one of you for a lifetime she’s got to be just as crazy and demented as you are.”


“I don’t want to hear your pitiful explanations,” she yelled. “You can save them. And you two can rest assured that I am not trapping your beloved brother. My employment with him expires at midnight tonight, which is—” she looked down at
her watch “—in about five minutes. Then I’ll be completely out of your lives.”

Tears burned at the back of her throat and she turned to leave before she made even more a fool out of herself. How could Linc have come up with such a territorial, egotistical, boneheaded idea like this? Was he really that shallow? That callous? She didn’t know and she didn’t care. She simply needed to get away from him as quickly as possible.

She left them standing there, her feet moving quickly over the ballroom floor as the clock was striking midnight. She really did feel like Cinderella now. In the distance she heard Beverly and Henry calling out to her but she didn’t stop until she ran smack into Mario’s huge frame.

“Ms. Jade, are you okay?”

She was shaking all over, the tears she didn’t want to shed in front of Linc brimming at her eyes. “Yes,” she said in a tiny voice that sounded nothing like her own. “Take me back to the house to get my things please, Mario.”

Mario nodded then opened the door and helped her inside.

The ride back to the Donovan estate was the longest ride of her life. How had she been so stupid? Fantasizing that Lincoln Donovan could ever love her. He’d had no intention of there being
any real commitment between them, but then he’d told her that already. He’d been completely honest about what he wanted from a woman. She was the one who’d changed. It was her fault. All of this was her fault. Another mistake in her long line of them.

For the billionth time in six months she cursed Charles. If he hadn’t skipped out with her money she would have had no reason to be at the Gramercy and no reason to walk into Linc’s life again. She would have never come to this gorgeous house and met these nice people…well, mostly nice people. She didn’t know what to say about Adam and Trent. Maybe they were simply victims of the same stupidity as Linc but could she really blame them for trying to protect their brother?

She hiccupped a chuckle. Protect Linc from her? What a joke. She was the one who needed protection from him and his soft touches and smooth words. Slamming a fist against the seat she berated herself again for being twice a fool.

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