Love On The Brazos (11 page)

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Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton

BOOK: Love On The Brazos
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Michael stood by the bed, looking at the unconscious Jordy.  “God, I love you Jordan
Carlyle.”  He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer asking for protection for Jordy.  He turned away from the bed to see if he could help with her mother.  “Here, Jim, let me help.  Marian, do you want to visit anymore before we go back?”

“Yes, please, would you help me?”  The three of them returned to the bedside and stood there.  Marian was sobbing silently.  Jim had
a look on his face of a man accustomed to hiding his feelings.  Michael could see tears forming, but he would not cry.  Grown men don't cry.

Outside the unit,
in private, Michael asked the nurse, “What is her condition.  The doctor said you would tell us if we asked.”

“She is heavily sedated and is in no pain.  Her arm and shoulder are fixed and stationary.  The vital signs are good
; blood pressure is a bit low, but that is due to the sedation.  We have a concern about cranial bleeding.  She was bounced from side to side violently, probably after the airbags deflated.  The side to side motion caused the concussion.  She will be very closely monitored for the next 24 to 48 hours for any symptoms, but until she is allowed to awaken, we can’t really tell about any damage.  We just have to wait and see on that.  You understand; she is in a medically induced coma.  It should help to reduce the possibility of swelling in the brain.  That is really all I can tell you now.”

“Thank you.  He returned to Jim and Marian and said, “I’ll push her back to the waiting room, Jim.”

* * *

The third day of the coma, Michael asked the nurse his usual question. 

“She is better.  We are decreasing the medication that has kept her in the coma.  She should awaken gradually.  Her vital signs are stronger.  Her ribs should be starting to heal as should the other fractures.  She’s not out of the woods; we still have to keep a close watch for symptoms of swelling in the cranial cavity.”

Michael had been going in to his office until mid-afternoon and he decided to forego that
the next day.  He was there at 9:00AM for the first visitation.  Her mother was there also.  Jim was under the weather a bit and stayed home.  They found the breathing tube had been removed from her throat.  Michael hung back while her mother stood over the bed, rubbing the part of her face that was visible.  She stepped back and allowed Michael to come to the bed. 

“Michael took the uninjured hand in his, rubbing the back of it with his thumb
, when he heard a voice so faint, he thought he imagined it saying, “Michael”.  It was not his imagination.  He heard it again.  He turned and motioned to Marian.

“Welcome back to the world honey.  I love you.”

Very faintly, “Love you too.”  Tears streamed down his cheeks.  He stepped back and went to get the nurse. 

“She’s awake,” he told the nurse.  The nurse came in and checked her over.  Both Marian and Michael’s cheeks had tears streaming down.  Michael closed his eyes and said
softly, “Thank you, Lord.”

said the muffled voice and she drifted off again.  She would be in and out of it all day.

Michael quietly left the room and drove to the Carlyle home.  He rang the bell. 
Jim Carlyle answered the door and could tell by Michael’s face that he was not the bearer of sad tidings.  “Jim she’s awake.  I’ve come to take you there if you feel up to it.”

“Oh God, yes.  Let me shave and get some decent
clothes and I’ll be good to go.”

When Michael
walked into the waiting room with Jim, Marian’s face lit up.  She hurried to him and said, “She’s awake, Jim.  Well, Part of the time anyway.”

At the next visitor’s scheduled time, Marian said, “Michael, you go in with Jim.”

“No, you’re her parents.  You go in.  I’ll be here until they chase me out tonight.”

She caught Michael’s eye and silently mouthed “Thank you.”  Michael nodded and sat down, more relieved than he had been since before the accident.

Chapter 13  Wide Awake

When Michael returned to the hospital the next morning, he found an awake, not totally alert but badly bruised Jordy.  He moved to her bedside and took her uninjured hand.  Good morning you beautiful girl.  I have missed you.  I have wanted to tell you just how much I have come to love you.  When I thought we might lose you, my world fell apart.  When I told you I loved you
, and you said ‘Love you too’, it was as if a giant elephant had been lifted from my chest.”  He covered her small hand with both of his and said “Jordan Carlyle; I love you.”

“I heard you when I was asleep.  I heard you say that.  I don’t remember saying I love you too, and if I did it was in my vegetative state and you can’t hold a girl responsible for what she says when she’s unconscious.”  This was said with just the hint of a twinkle in her eye, the first sign the old Jordy was lurking somewhere in the battered body before him.”

“Well you said it and I have an irrefutable witness.”

“Mom didn’t hear me.”

“No, but God did.  He and I have gotten close while I was praying for your recovery.”

“Did you really?
  Pray for me, I mean?”

“I did indeed
, and it was answered.”

“I was going to tell you yesterday
, but the accident happened.”

“Honey, the accident was four days ago.  You’ve been out that long.”

“Michael what happened?”

He described the accident and her injuries.  As he did, his tears flowed once more.  “No wonder you guys were worried.  How am I now?”

“You have to be watched for symptoms of a concussion.  Your arm and ribs are beginning to heal.  Your ribs are going to be sore for some time to come.  They will probably remove the body cast today or tomorrow.  When they are sure you’re totally stable, you will move to a regular room.  Here’s the nurse, time’s up.”

“Michael, kiss me please?”

He did, and it was the softest, most gentle kiss ever.  “See you soon.  Love you.”

He turned.  “Love you too,” she said in a voice hoarse from the breathing tube.

* * *

When Michael’s phone rang he picked it up before his secretary could answer.  “Michael Simms, good morning.”

“Michael, This is Marian…”

Before she could say anything else, Michael interrupted, “Is Jordy okay?  Did something happen?”

“No, no, this is good news.  She’s been moved out of intensive care and into a private room.  Her room number is 1032.  They’ve removed the big cast and have her ribs taped.  Of course
, she still  has the cast on her arm.”

“That’s great.  I’m going over as soon as I get a couple of things wrapped up.  Thanks for calling, Marian.  I appreciate it.”

* * *

Michael walked into Room 1032 carrying two dozen long stemmed roses in a crystal vase.  The
y had multiple colors, and they brightened the room.  Jordy displayed her brightest smile for Michael.  It made the room brighter still. In a voice still raspy, she said, “I’m so glad to see you. Put the flowers down and give me a kiss.”  He obliged her and said, “You must be feeling better, already giving me orders.”

Some of the bruises were turning yellow and green, and the small cuts on her face were healing well also.  Michael leaned over the bed and kissed each wound gently.  “That will help the healing process.  Can you get up?”

“They’ve had me sit on the side of the bed.  It was really painful, but they gave me something for it.  They don’t want me getting up without someone assisting for now.”

“Well, that makes sense.  You probably will be wobbly for a day or so
, and they are afraid of a fall.  I’ll ask the nurse if I can help you in a wheel chair.  Do you have any other cuts and bruises?”

“Pull the covers back and look.  I couldn’t tell before because of the cast.”

He pulled the sheet and blanket back.  She was wearing one of those hospital gowns that do not allow for modesty.  Michael looked at her legs. There were a few bruises fading from blue to a green.  He placed a hand on a leg and softly rubbed it.

“That feels good.  Keep going.”

He rubbed the thigh and heard her moan softly.  Quickly removing his hand, “Did I hurt you?”

“No, it just felt good
, now check the upper part.”

“I did as far as I could see.”

“Then you’ll just have to use the Braille method for the rest.”

At first, he didn’t get it but then he caught on and said, No, someone might come in.”


“How would you feel if your mother and dad walked in and found me with my hand under your gown?”

“I would just tell them I had a sore spot, and you were massaging it.  Have I told you that I love you today?  In case I haven’t, I do.  Love you, that is.  That was awfully sweet of you to get my dad when I woke up.”

“I know how much you mean to him and
knew he would want to see you as soon as possible.”

“Well, it was very thoughtful of you.”

“Can you be serious while we have some privacy?”

“Ohhhh, this sounds ominous. Yes
, I can be serious.  What is it?”

“We talked about us before
, and you weren’t sure it was possible.  Right now, there is an ‘us’.  Where do you want to go with it?  You know I love you, and I’d like to have some idea of your thoughts about the future.  Our future.”

“That is a serious subject.  Michael, I told you before I wasn’t ready.  The accident has changed all of that.  I want my future to be with you.  If we can keep our business relationships separate
, we can make it work.  I want you in my life, and I want to be a part of yours.  If I’m not getting too far ahead, I want a family, with kids.  The whole ball of wax.  There you have it and me if you want me.”

“That is a lot more than I expected you to say. 
I want and would love to be your future.  I was raised to believe in the family as a unit, and that’s what I want.  We can make it work.  I respect you and your dreams.  I would like to help you realize them.  Wait, your project is your project.  I’m here for you, but you have to ask.  I’ll gladly sign up for the whole ball of wax.  Jordan Carlyle, would you do me the great honor of being my wife?”

“Well, that is a surprise so soon, but yes, I want to be your wife.  You just made me the happiest girl in Hermann Hospital.

Michael moved so he was just over her head.  He leaned down, slid one hand under her head and cupped her chin with the other.  He brought his lips to touch hers.  She felt sparks where they touched
, tingles shot through her body.  Her lips were soft but cracked.  He moistened them with his tongue, then probed the entrance with his tongue.  She parted her lips, and his tongue touched her.  The sparks turned into electricity, and she felt the shock in her stomach and in the part of her that was the essence of her being.  She tried to move, but it was painful, so she left the heavy lifting to Michael.  He explored the contours of her mouth and gums.  Slowly, he pulled out and kissed her chin lightly and then kissed her forehead.

If I were standing, “I would need support.  I think you changed me to a quivering hulk full of need and desire.”

“Well, I won’t do that again until the medicos clear you.  Now, I have another proposal.  I want to wait to get a ring until you can pick it out.  I want you to wear it for the rest of your life and mine, and it should be something you like.”

“Whatever you say, Michael.”

The nurse, an attractive young woman in her mid-twenties came in.  “I saw a spike in your readings.  Are you having pain?”

“No, I’m fine.  Michael just kissed me is all,” then she giggled.

“The nurse looked at Michael, and said with a smile, “I can see why.  Buzz if you need anything.  Either of you.”  She was laughing as she left the room.

“Michael, you stay away from her, you hear me.
  I’ll bang you over the head with my cast.”

“Jordy, you are the only girl in the world
and you can bang me anytime you want,” he said with a wicked grin.

Jordy laughed and grimaced.  “Don’t make me laugh.  It hurts.”

Chapter 14  Telling The Parents

Marian and Jim Carlyle walked into Jordy’s new room.  Michael had pulled a chair over close
r to the bed and was holding Jordy’s uninjured hand.  He was being careful not to disturb the IV line on her arm.  Marian hugged Jordy and said, “You look better.”

“Thanks, Mom.  Michael kissed all my cuts to make them all better,” she said with a big smile.

Marian said, “Thank you for helping our little girl out.”  She moved aside to allow Jim closer to the bed.  She went around to the other side of the bed.  Michael stood and hugged her too. 

“Are you in any pain, honey?” Jim said.

“Only when I laugh, Dad, then it hurts like hell.”

Michael had stood but was still holding Jordy’s hand.  “You or me, Jordy?”

“Mom, Dad, Michael asked me to marry him, and I said yes.  We’ve gone no further than that yet.”

Marian said, “Ooohhh, I’m so glad.  You couldn’t have made a better choice.  Michael give your mother-in-law
-to-be a big hug.  This is such good news.  I think Michael will make a great husband and father,” she said pointedly.  She went around the bed and gave Jordy as big a hug as she could under the circumstances.

Jim stood and shook Michael’s hand.  “Promise me you’ll take good care of my girl.  She’s something special.”

“I know she is, and I promise I’ll take as good a care as she’ll let me.”

“I know what you mean.  She can be pretty stubborn at times.”

Later that day…

Michael went into his
dad's office at the bank; “Dad, I asked Jordy to marry me and she accepted.  We haven’t made any plans yet since it just happened today.”

“Well, son, I’m pleased.  I like Jordy and I think she’ll make an excellent wife.  Has she told her parents yet?”

“Yes sir.  They came into the room right after, and Jordy told them.  They were both pleased, especially her mom.”

“Why don’t you come to dinner tonight and you can tell your mother.”

“Are you going to tell her you invited me or shall I?”

His dad laughed and said, “I’ll call her and tell her you’re coming.”

That Night
… Simms home

“Mom, Jordy and I are going to get married.”

“Well, I wondered how long it was going to take you two to figure it out.  I’m happy for you, son as she planted a kiss on his forehead.  How is she by the way?”

“They moved her to a regular room and took the big cast off.  Her bruises are turning a hideous shade of green
, and her ribs are sore, but she’s better.  She’ll start therapy now too.  It’ll be really nice to see her up and around.”

* * *

Jordy and Michael were discussing preliminary plans for their wedding.  Michael said he had no preference in time, Jordy said, “Everyone gets married in June, that wouldn’t give our parents time for the planning.  What about September?”

“September’s a long time to wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“The wedding, silly,” he said.

“Who says we have to wait?”

“I like the way you think, girl.”

“Okay.  Sometime in September.  We’ll leave the date up to Mom.”

“Jordy, when you are discharged, why don’t you stay at my place?”

“Michael, I’d love to, but it might hurt Mom’s feelings.  If you don’t mind too much, let’s wait for the wedding.”

“Okay.  What about our honeymoon?  Where would like to go?  BTW, we can go to Belize before the wedding.  Sort of a practice run.”

“Hah!  Like you need practice.”

Seriously, would you like to go to Belize before?”

“I think I would rather go while the weather here is cold.  Also, it’d be past the hurricane season down there.  You’ve been all over Europe.  I’d like for you to show me your favorite places.”

“That would be Paris, hands down.  Besides, it’s the city of love.  There is an awful lot to see in Paris.”

“I think I’d love it.  Let’s do
it, that is if it’s okay with you.”

“I think I’d like it too.  You could go nuts shopping
. It’s a whole new experience.”

* * *

Marian and Jim Carlyle Get the Details   Jordy’s hospital room

“Mom, Dad, Michael and I have decided we would like our wedding to be in September.  You can pick the specific date.  Does that give you enough time for planning?  Also, Michael is going to show me Paris for our honeymoon.  He spent a couple of summers there during his college years.”

“Have you given any thought to your maid of honor, bridesmaids, flower girl?  What about invitations, and your wedding gown.”

“No, I haven’t.  I had forgotten all of those things that go into it.  Michae
l, why don’t we just elope?  Sure would save everyone a lot of trouble.”

“Don’t you want a big wedding?  It could give great memories to show your kids. 
You do want kids don’t you?  I don’t think I’ve heard you say.”

Jordy said, “
I don’t need a big wedding personally.  Most of my friends are scattered all over.  If I were just out of college or high school it might be important.  As long as you are happy with it, I would like a small intimate ceremony.  I don’t have anything to prove.  What about you, Michael?  What do you want?”


“What a
romantic thing to say.  Mom don’t start anything yet.  Let’s think about it.  Now, about kids, we haven’t talked much about it, but I’d like to have two, a girl and a boy.  I’d love to have a little Michael.”

“And I’d like a little Jordy.”

“I guess it’s time to put my two cents worth in.  I’m not sure the world is ready for two of either one of you.”

Everyone laughed at that.  Jordy said, “Daddy, don’t make me laugh.  It hurts.”

“Truth hurts,” Jim said.

“Mom, would you get him out of here or make him be quiet
?  His humor is painful in more ways than one.”

“Michael,” Jim said, let’s get a cup of coffee.  I can always tell when I’m not wanted.”

In the cafeteria, located on a basement floor, an array of food is offered.  They have pizza, hot sandwiches, cold sandwiches, meals, desserts, and salads, you name it they have it.  It is an extremely busy place.  Michael looked at the bountiful display of food and decided on a slice of pie and coffee.  Jim settled for the coffee, remembering his promise to Marian about watching his diet.

“Jim, are you sure you’re comfortable watching the business while we’re o
ff lollygagging all over Europe?”

“I’m fine.  We’ve got
great foremen, and now that we have Connie, things are in capable hands, and they are probably better off without us.  Take as long as you want.”

“I’d like to take a minimum of two weeks, three would be better.  I want this to be a
truly unique time for Jordy and three would give us a lot of time together.”

“Go for it, son, take a month if you want.  Things will be
okay here.  The first few months are critical to a marriage while you get used to each other’s ways.”

“Thanks, Jim.  I appreciate it and I know Jordy will.”

* * *

The parents were gone.  Jordy had been to therapy and was back in her room with Michael.
  About an hour was left of visiting hours.

“What did you and Daddy talk about?”

“You.  He told me how to keep you in line.”

“As if.  I can twist him around my little finger and always could.”

“We talked about our honeymoon.  I told him I wanted to show you Europe and would like at least two weeks.  He told me to take a month.  With Connie and your foremen, things will be fine.”

“Really?  He said a whole month.  Michael
, a month would be fantastic.  Just the two of us.  Oh wow, I would never have dreamed of it.  If we’re going to do it that way, let’s just have a small wedding and get on with the honeymoon.  Michael don’t let me railroad you into something you would rather not do.  Sometimes I do that.  You’re going to have to rein me in.  I won’t stay mad long and making up is a lot of much fun,”

“You won’t make me do something I
honestly don’t want to do.  Small is agreeable with me if the Moms will agree.  A daughter’s wedding is quite special for a mother.’

“With a month’s time, we can see France, Italy, maybe a part of Germany.  I always wanted to
take a cruise on the Rhine.  He took her hand and said, Jordan Carlyle, I am so looking forward to being married to you.”

With tears welling in her eyes, she said, “If you don’t
kiss me now, I’ll be furious.”  It was a long, tender and a satisfying kiss that left both wanting more, but the nurse walked in just then.

“I guess I better go.  “I’ll see you tomorrow evening.  You be good.  Good night, honey.”

“Night, Michael, love you.”

“Love you too.”

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