Love On The Brazos (7 page)

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Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton

BOOK: Love On The Brazos
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“Son, you’ve got your hands full with this one.  I think you may have met your match this time.”


“Dinner is served, guys,” Mrs. Simms said.


Dinner was in the large beautifully decorated formal dining room.  There were framed paintings on the walls, a breakfront against one wall.  The table was set with elegant china and silverware.  It appeared to have had a leaf removed to make for a more intimate seating.  Mr. Simms was sitting at the head of the table.  Michael was seated next to Jordy and his mother at the end.  It was quite beautiful, and Jordy told Mrs. Simms so.  “We don’t use the dining room much anymore, but I like to use it for special occasions.”


“Why thank you, Mrs. Simms.  I’m flattered and appreciative.”


There was quiet small talk as the dinner progressed.  Jordy asked about Michael’s childhood, his likes and dislikes, his escapades and his friends.


“Michael was a good boy.  He always made good grades and never got into any trouble.  He just never could be persuaded to go into the family business though.  Oil had no interest for him.”


“I’ve always been interested in working with Dad since I was about six.  I went to the job sites I guess I scared him a lot of times climbing around on the ladders and framework.  He was about his father’s business the way Michael is about oil.  Papaw was in oil until he retired, but Dad wanted no part of it.  I guess the insecurity of wild catting held no appeal.  Papaw would talk about bringing a well in while Dad wanted to talk about completing a big project.  Different strokes, I guess.”


“Jordy, what about you, do you want to have a family,” Mrs. Simms asked? 


Michael choked as if he had swallowed a fish bone.  “Mom!”


“It’s a simple question, Michael,” she said.


“Yes I do, Mrs. Simms.  I’d like to settle down and have children, but more than one, I’d like at least two.  There are some things I want to do first.  Grandmama keeps reminding me my clock is ticking, and she wants grandbabies.  My dad was an only child too.”


His mother cast Michael a meaningful glance as if to say, “It’s your ball, Michael.  Take it and run with it.”


After dinner, they went into the family room and talked for the next hour.  Michael stood and said, “I’d better get Jordy home.  She’s a working girl.  She’ll be in her office by 7:00 o’clock.”


Everyone stood.  Jordan thanked Mrs. Simms effusively, and was going to shake his Dad’s hand but hugged him instead.  “I’m going to remember what you told me about Michael,” she said.  “Thanks for the warnings.  I’ll put them to good use.  Thank you both for a lovely evening.  I enjoyed it.”


Michael walked her to his car and held the door for her.  She said, “I’ll just step aside, Jordy.  I understand, Jordy.  I’ll just let Dad run the committee, Jordy.”  She was not mad; Michael could tell by the smile playing about her tempting peach colored lips.  He leaned over and gently touched the lips with his and then pulled back and closed the door.


"I did have a wonderful evening, Michael.  I hate for it to end.”


“Would you like to see my townhouse, Jordy,” he asked?


“It’s early, I would,” she replied. 

Chapter 8
  A Love Story and a Blow Up

Michael lived in a patio home in the
upscale Riverstone Complex.  It was a large unit, three bedrooms, three baths all tastefully decorated.  As she walked into the foyer, Jordy looked around and found a family area to the left and a dining area.  She presumed the bedrooms were in the back.  “Let me show you around,” Michael said.  “As you can see, this is the family area, where I mostly watch TV.  Behind you is the unused dining area and I have a breakfast area, where I do most of my eating except for when I eat while I watch TV.  I eat out a lot, including all breakfasts, and lunches.  The kitchen is completely equipped, but I don’t do much cooking.  He moved on to the sleeping areas.  Each bedroom has its own bath.  I’ve turned this bedroom into an office.”  He showed her a room that was paneled with a cherry wood paneling on the walls with tasteful prints on the walls.  There was a PC with a wide screen monitor.

Next up, he said, “This
is the master bedroom”.  The master bedroom was furnished with a king sized bed with nightstands on either side.  There was a large dresser with a beveled glass mirror.  As in the other parts of the house the walls were tastefully decorated.  He also showed the master bath.  It contained two walk-in closets, marble countertops on the vanities.  In the closets were built in shelves and drawers.

“Michael, it is beautiful.  Who did the decorating?”

“That would be my ex-girlfriend before she decided she couldn’t live in this uncivilized world.”

“Well, she had excellent taste if you ask me.”

“Would you like a glass of wine,” he asked?

“Why yes, a glass of white zin would go well, thank you.”

He took two glasses of white Zinfandel and two coasters in, and gave one of each to Jordy.  “This is good, Michael,” she said as he sat beside her on the sofa.

“Would you like the TV on or music

“Music would be nice.”

Michael had a remote and clicked, and some the rich sounds of classical music filled the room.  He adjusted the volume and said, “How is that.”

Nice,” she said and scooted over closer to him.  He set his glass on the coffee table, took her glass and did the same.  He took her in his arms, his large soft hands on both cheeks, softly caressing them.  The touch sent shivers of excitement racing through her body.  She locked herself in his embrace.  His kiss was soft and gentle and began raising levels of desire she hadn’t felt in over two years.  His tongue explored her lips, now parted, permitting him entry.  When his tongue touched hers, she moaned softly.  He removed one hand and slid it past the neckline of the dress and onto the soft warm skin of her breast.  She trembled as it touched the firm nipple and began to massage it.

He began to kiss her more forcefully now
, his tongue explored the inner contours of her mouth and tongue.  He withdrew, and kissed her chin and the tender parts of her neck.  She was throbbing with desire.  She could tell he was aroused as she felt his swollen tool against her thigh.  She moved her hand down and began to stroke it.  Michael began to moan, he said, “You had better stop that.”

She laughed and continued to massage. “Michael?”


“Make love to me

He stood, effortlessly picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.  She asked, “May I use the bathroom?”

“Certainly,” his voice vibrant with passion.

She went into the bathroom, removed her clothes and placed them neatly in a stack on the counter. 
She returned to the bedroom in all of her naked splendor.

Michael was on the bed in his boxers and tee shirt.
  “Wait,” he said.  I want to drink in this vision.  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

She stood in front of him, her per
ky breasts jutting out, the nipples fully erect.  She turned slowly in front of him.  She said, “Now you stand.  She slowly lowered his shorts to below the knees and down to the floor.  Her forearm intentionally brushed his member.  It swung back and forth until he took her into his arms, her breasts crushed against his chest.  An electrical shock coursed through her body causing her to arch her back.

He gently laid her on the bed and lay beside her on his elbow.  Leaning over
, he kissed her throat and chest.  He kissed her breast, sending more electrical sparks through her body, straight to the essence of her being.  She felt herself becoming more excited.  He took her nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue around the pebbly edges of it.  Slowly down her stomach, tracing the outline of her innie navel.  He moved on down until he reached the entrance to her tunnel of joy.  She arched her back even more and cried out in ecstasy.  His tongue found her swollen clitoris and circled it.  “Come for me Jordy.  Come for me.”  He took it into his mouth and began to pull on it while his thumb massaged in back.  Her groaning began, slowly, mounting in volume and intensity as he continued.  “Come for me Jordy,” he murmured. Her moaning grew louder and more frequent.  She arched her back more, touching the bed with only her head and heels.  She began thrusting, groaning, thrusting, continuing until she was spent.  Breathlessly, “That was unlike anything I have ever experienced.  It was indescribable.”

She pulled him to her.  They were touching the full length of her body. 
Her hips began to undulate beneath him.  She felt him turn and heard the zip of latex against flesh.  He mounted her, and teased her by rubbing his member back and forth, up and down against her clitoris.  He moved it to the entrance, penetrated a small amount, withdrew and penetrated again.  This time she was waiting.  With a strong upward thrust of her hips, she felt full penetration.  Michael was moving up and down inside her.  She found the rhythm and began meeting his thrusts with her own upward thrusts.  She felt the tension and waves of passion; she began moaning.  "Wait for me," he said. 

“You had better hurry,” She gasped.
  She began moving faster as did he.  Suddenly he was going faster and faster.  She felt him pumping his juice into the condom.  Suddenly, she reached the edge and tumbled over.  She began thrusting upward as he continued to pump.  She climaxed with a tremendous shudder. 

!  Oh wow!  That was tremendous.”  She squeezed him.  “That felt so good.”  Then mischievously, she said, “Can we do it again?”

“We may have to wait a minute
then I think I’ll be up to it.”  Sure enough, after a few minutes of touching and grinding her hips over his member his soldier stood at attention.  He was ready again.  They went slower this time and longer as well.  Each met the rhythm of the other as they climaxed together.

After lying in his arms, for a few minutes, she asked,
“Michael, I need to shower before I go home, do you mind?”

“Of course.  Will you need any help?”

“I might, come on in.”  The shower was large enough to hold four people.  With some delay and a few detours, they managed the cleansing effort quite well.  Jordy got dressed while Michael made coffee.  When he had it started, he came back to watch her dry her hair.  Since it was cut short, it didn’t take long. 

Michael said, “You know, not many women could manage to look sexy while drying their hair, but you manage to pull it off.”

They were sitting in the breakfast area with their coffee.  “Why didn’t you tell me your father was head of the investment department?”

“Would this be a bad time to tell you he’s also the president of the bank?”

“I wonder else are you holding back?”

“Nothing I’m aware of,” he said.  Dad owned the Bank of
Sugar Land, First City made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. That’s how this came about.  He certainly seemed to like you.”

“That’s nice.  I like both of your parents, but I’m wondering how I can maintain my dream if I do business with your bank.”

“You can rest easy there.  Dad is all business when it comes to business.  I can promise you that.”

Michael drove Jordy home.  When he pulled up in the circular driveway and stopped in front of the door, he shut the engine off and walked around to hold the door for her.  They went onto the porch and Michael wrapped Jordy in a tight embrace.  “Thank you for coming to meet my folks.  I know how intimidating that can be, but it was important to me and I appreciate it.”  They kissed, a longing, tender and satisfying kiss.

“Thank you for asking me.  It was a lovely evening.  I enjoyed it.  All of it.”  She blushed prettily
.  “Good night, Michael.”

“Good night, Jordy.  I’ll call tomorrow.”

“You had better.”

She turned and went inside.
  Her mother was in the family room.  “How was your evening, dear?” 

It was wonderful Mom.  Mr. Simms is very nice and so is his wife.  They were very friendly and easy to talk with.  Michael told me his family owned the Bank of Sugar Land before First City acquired them.”

“Then I’m sure I’ve met him.  We used to do all of our business with them.  So did my father.”

“I think Michael might be the one, Mom.”

“Do you really?”

“Yes, I do.  By the way, Dad’s going to watch the store while Michael and I go to Belize.  He really surprised me by agreeing so quickly.”

“You are your Daddy’s girl
, and he loves you very much.”

“Speaking of, have you talked
to his doctors?  Is he doing okay?  Do they say anything about the possibility of another stroke or heart attack?  I couldn’t bear it if something happened to him.”

“They have him on an aspirin regimen, and he has to watch his diet to keep the cholesterol down.  Everyone is one clot away from a stroke so the risk is there.  I
just wish he would exercise more.  I cannot get him to do that.”

“I’ll work on it.  Maybe I can use my girlish charm and accomplish a miracle.”

“If anyone can, you can.  I’m going to bed.  Goodnight honey.”

“Goodnight, Mom.  I love you.”

She went into the bedroom.  As she undressed to get into some lounging pajamas, she glanced into the mirror.  “You look like a satisfied woman, Jordy Carlyle,” she said to the image reflected back to her.

* * *

“First City on line 2 for you Jordy”, the voice of Jordy’s secretary came over the intercom. 

She picked up the phone and said “Jordy Carlyle, how may I help you?”

“This is Paul Merriam, Ms. Carlyle.  I am preparing the package of your proposal to present to the executive committee, and I need some financial information from you.” 

“Just what is it you need, Mr. Merriam?”

“We need some financial information from your father and grandfather before proceeding.”

“And why is it you need this information?  They have nothing to do with this proposal, other than the land belonging to my grandfather.”

“It is routine in a matter this extensive, Ms. Carlyle.”

Mr. Merriam, that is a deal breaker.  I won’t be going forth on this with First City.”

“If I may say so, Ms. Carlyle, I think you are being a bit unreasonable.  If you would have your father or grandfather call me, I’m sure we can get this straightened out in short order.”

“Mr. Merriam, would you have your accounting department
gather all information regarding my personal account with First City, including investments together.  I will be transferring it to another bank at the opening of business tomorrow morning.  Goodbye, Mr. Merriam.”

Thirty minutes later, her direct line rang.  It was Michael.  “Jordy, what in the world happened with Merriam
earlier?  He came into my office as white as a sheet.  I thought he was going to pass out.”

“Did he tell you what happened?”

“He just said he called to get some information, and you told him it was a deal breaker and would not be going forth with First City on this project.”

“Well, he got that part correct anyway,” Jordy said, still fuming. 
“He asked for financial information on my father and grandfather for the past two years.  I told him they had nothing to do with it other than grandpa’s land.  It’s my project.  Then he said I should have Dad or Grandpa call him, and it would be straightened out quickly.  That’s when I told him to prepare all of the information on my personal account together; I will be moving it with the opening of business tomorrow.”

“No wonder you scared him.  Do you have any idea what you have with us?”

She knew her dad had transferred some of her trust funds into her account but not how much.  “Somewhere between twenty and thirty million, why, what does that have to do with it?  Michael, I am not the little lady that’s going to sit around the house popping babies.  I am a business woman.  I know what I’m doing, and I will be respected.  I told Merriam when he visited the property that we were fully prepared to underwrite this project ourselves, and we are.” 

“What can I do to make this right, Jordy?”

“Michael, I’m sure he has tried this with other women.  I’m not sure I want to business with an organization that condones that behavior.”

“Would you agree to a meeting with Dad, me and Merriam?”

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