Love Slave for Two: Family Matters (28 page)

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Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Book/Menage

BOOK: Love Slave for Two: Family Matters
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Thomas cringed. He’d forgotten about Tyler’s first ex wife cheating on him. “Can I have another chance?”

“I don’t know how many I can give you. If it ever happens again—”

Thomas vigorously shook his head. “Never again. I swear.”

Tyler’s eyes crawled over his face for what felt like forever but Thomas knew he had to wait him out. Eventually, Tyler closed his eyes and nodded. “All right, love. We’ll pick up and carry on.”

He opened his eyes again, fixing him with the full, hard force of the earlier chilly glare. His voice turned harsh and cold. “If you
do anything like this again, or if you hurt her again, that’s it. No more. I will not put her through that.”

“Thank you.” Tyler let him pull him closer, hugging him. “I swear, I’ll never do it again. Ever.” He closed his eyes, inhaled Ty’s comforting scent. He loved how Ty smelled, always had. His natural scent, even without shampoo or cologne, always smelled right, like it was where Tom belonged.

Tyler carefully ran his hand through Thomas’ shaggy hair. “You are in dire need of a haircut.”

“Feel free to shave me bald if you want.”

Tyler smiled. “How about you go with us, we run Nevvie back to the office to pick up Adam, and then I’ll take you to get a haircut.”

“I’d like that.” He never paid attention to that. Tyler and Nevvie were always the ones who scheduled it for him. Otherwise it’d be down to his ass before he remembered to get it cut.

They took care of him. They always had.

Jesus, how could I have been so stupid?

“I love you, Ty. I swear I’ll make you proud of me.”

“You’ve always made me proud. I’ve always been proud to be by your side.”

“I told Nevvie I’d sell the business if she wants, so I can stay home.”

Tyler frowned. “I think that’s a little harsh, to keep you…” He stopped, realizing the truth. “Oh. Because of me.”

Thomas nodded.

Tyler sighed. “Our poor, sweet girl. She’s still worried about me, isn’t she?”

“Yeah.” He rested his forehead against Tyler’s. “I agree. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to risk something happening.”

“I won’t be the one setting off metal detectors in airports.”

“She’s got a point.” Thomas thought back to Pete’s words. “Pete told me they almost had to drug her when she found out about me.”

Tyler tensed. “Yes, that’s what Bob said. I didn’t want to worry you. He said she was nearly out of her mind.”

“It’s just billable hours.”


Both men froze, then laughed.

Tyler looked at him. “Never again, Thomas,” he whispered. “I can’t go through this again. I can’t stand seeing her in agony. My own pain is inconsequential. I will not see her suffer like that
again, do you understand?”

Thomas nodded. “Never again.”

Tyler kissed him and Thomas wanted to cry with relief. His guy forgave him.

“I love you, sweet. And I love her. However, as you yourself once said, she might not ever want to choose, but I can and will if forced. My life would be empty without you, but it would be worthless without her. Understand?”

Thomas nodded.

Tyler kissed him again, long and sweet. Thomas closed his eyes, savoring it, almost moaning at the sensation of Tyler’s tongue gently tracing the seam of his lips.

Why had he flirted when he had not only Nevvie, but Tyler, a man who could make him hard just by winking at him?


Brain Damaged Asshole.

Thomas felt his cock stir for the first time since the accident—not even Jennifer’s visits had performed that little magic trick. Thomas pulled his lover tightly to him, trying to rub against him despite his bad leg getting in the way.

Tyler broke their kiss and chuckled. “Now, wasn’t that a lot better than anything you could get elsewhere?”

“Yeah,” he breathlessly agreed, pulling Tyler to him again. Tyler was probably the world’s best kisser, with Nevvie a close second.

Carefully sliding a hand between them, Tyler gently squeezed Thomas’ hard bulge, keeping his hand in place, making Thomas moan.

“I know what you love, sweet. Just remember, if you’re ever even slightly tempted to stray again—” he rubbed Thomas’ cock, drawing another low, deep moan from him, “—you come to me and I’ll fuck your brains out and remind you that you have no reason to stray.”

Thomas dropped his head to Tyler’s shoulder, his eyes closed, trying to work his hips against Tyler’s hand. Now that his libido was back it had returned with a screaming vengeance.

Tyler chuckled and pulled his hand away, making Thomas groan. “Love, if you want more you’re going to have to work for it. I believe you said our girl gave you some assignments.”

Thomas nodded, still trying to wiggle closer to Tyler.

“Then I suggest you get on that. Because if she’s not happy…”

“You’re not happy,” Thomas completed.

Tyler stroked his cheek and kissed him again. “Right.” He rolled away from Thomas and stood, then walked around the bed to help him stand. He handed Thomas his crutches and kissed him one more time, raking his fingers along the front of his lover’s shorts, feeling his hard bulge.

“No release for you yet. Maybe if you’re focused on that it will help keep your mind on business. Then we’ll take Nevvie back to the office and get you looking proper again. We’ll have lunch together. Then—” he squeezed again, making Thomas moan, “—maybe, perhaps I’ll consider giving you what you want. Can you live with that?”

Thomas nodded, beyond speech.

Tyler smiled. “I love you, Thomas. I love you so much, and I wish to spend the rest of my life with you. And her.”

“I love you too, Ty. Christ, I love you.”

“Get dressed. We’ll be waiting.” Tyler found Nevvie in the living room, curled on the couch. She looked up. When he smiled she burst into relieved tears.

He settled on the couch beside her and held her. “It’s going to be all right. He’s getting dressed, he’ll take care of a few things and then we’ll go get Adam. I’ll take him for a haircut and we’ll have lunch, right?”

Her relieved sigh soothed his heart. “It’s going to be okay?
going to be okay?”

“I think so. We all have a lot of healing to do.” He stroked her cheek. “I’m not going to collapse again, love.”

“He told you that?”

“I think you should have told me.”

“Don’t change the subject.”

“I don’t think he needs to give up his job. What can we do to make you feel better? If you wish to stay home, you can. You don’t have to work. I know you enjoy it, but we’re more than happy to keep you in the manner to which you’ve grown accustomed.”

She’d die for his smile. “Let’s have a few months to settle into a routine. The BDA can stay here for the most part. He can’t drive yet anyway. Once he’s driving, I can switch out working from home. Okay?”

“I daresay I do like that nickname.”

“He’s our BDA.”

Tyler nodded. “And I do so love him.”

Thomas emerged from the bedroom twenty minutes later, dressed in loose, khaki slacks and a shirt he hadn’t buttoned yet, his surgical scars still angry pink welts across his torso. Nevvie had noticed some of his fine-motor skills were still a little slow or sloppy, sometimes both, which she suspected was why he hadn’t buttoned the shirt yet.

But if he wanted help, he’d have to ask. She was done trying to guess what he wanted or needed.

He carefully limped into the kitchen on his crutches, then leaned against the counter. He looked through at them. “Nev, where’s the number for the home health care place?”

She’d asked him to do this, but the fact that he was meant he really wanted to try. “It’s in the front of my planner, there on the counter.”

“Thanks, I see it.” He grabbed the phone and leafed through the pages while Tyler gripped her hand. Thomas dialed the number. Nevvie realized she’d been holding her breath.

“Hi, yes, this is Thomas Kinsey. I’m supposed to have an appointment tomorrow with Jennifer…Right…Look, the bottom line is, I need to request a new therapist…No, she didn’t do anything wrong. The fact is I’m an asshole.” Nevvie tried to ignore Tyler’s amused snort next to her.

“I made an ass out of myself…No, she was very professional. I have no complaints about her, seriously. I don’t want to get her in trouble…Honestly? I’d better tell you now, so you know up front. I’m in hot enough water here at home as it is. I’m polyamorous. I have a wife and a husband…That’s right…Well, I neglected to mention that to her up front and she drew a few wrong conclusions that I let her keep assuming…Yes, and she got a little freaked out, but it wasn’t her fault. And now my wife and my husband are pissed at me…Right. It’s not her fault I was a jerk, I’m just a brain damaged asshole right now.”

Thomas laughed at something the person on the other end said. “Exactly. So if you could assign someone else to me, I can understand if they can’t make the Friday appointment and…Okay, great. Thank you. Same time on Monday? Wonderful.”

He hung up and looked at Nevvie and Tyler, who still sat on the couch. “Okay?”

Nevvie looked at Tyler, who nodded. She got up, walked into the kitchen and hugged him. “Very okay. Thank you.”

He looked over her shoulder at Tyler, who agreed. “Very okay, love.”

Thomas patted Nevvie on the back. “Okay, so the new era of glasnost is upon us.” He pointed at his shirt. “Can you please help me? I tried three fucking times to line up the buttons right and it’s not happening this morning. I’m tired of T-shirts. It’s why I’ve been stuck wearing the goddamn things. I’ve been too embarrassed to tell you guys I’ve had trouble.”

She smiled, trying to fight her tears—good ones this time. “Of course I don’t mind.” She buttoned his shirt for him as he stared into her face.

“I mean it, Nev. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it. I swear.”

“Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

Tyler joined them in the kitchen. For the first time in months, they formed their group hug.

“Welcome back, love,” Tyler whispered. “It’s nice to finally have you home.”



* * * *



Nevvie insisted Thomas take the front seat. All the way to the office she rested her hand on his shoulder. There was still a lot of healing ahead for all of them, but Nevvie finally saw a marked change in Tommy’s demeanor from the past weeks. At the office they were swarmed by well-wishers, some who hadn’t seen their boss since his accident.

Nevvie went to Maggie’s office to get Adam. She handed him over with a smile. “Thanks for the dose of reality. Two poopy diapers. Now I remember why I wanted my husband to get snipped after the twins.”

She laughed. “Well, it’s not so bad in the grand scheme of things.”

Maggie closed her office door. “Spill it. What happened?”

Nevvie hesitated. Maggie was a good friend. She’d known Tommy since college and Nevvie didn’t want to say anything to make Maggie hate him—and Maggie
hate him for acting like he did, regardless of his reason.

“Tommy and I had a fight, that’s all. We’ve kissed and made up. He’s going through a lot, and he sort of forgot he’s not in it alone. His new nickname is the Brain Damaged Asshole, if that means anything.”

Maggie grinned. “Hell, I’ve been calling him that for years. Seriously, I’m glad y’all worked it out.”

“Just a lot of stress.”

“I don’t know how you’ve held it together, Nevvie. I really don’t. I’d be a basket case by now.”

“I was.”

Nevvie took Adam back to Tommy’s office and let him hold their son while she checked her messages and email. She took care of a few quick items then returned to Tommy’s office. “Do you two want to take him with you? Boys morning out?”

Thomas smiled. “Can we?” He stared into his son’s eyes, then at Tyler. How could he have been so stupid? Adam was his son as much as he was Tyler’s.

Brain Damaged Asshole.

“Of course.” She transferred the car seat and they made arrangements to meet for lunch. Once the men were in the car with Adam securely fastened, Thomas patted Tyler’s thigh.

“Thank you,” Thomas said.

Tyler laced his fingers through Tom’s as he drove. “We’ve been blessed. Don’t ever forget that, love.” He squeezed Tom’s hand. “We

Tyler had called ahead and made an appointment for Thomas with the stylist before they left the house. By the time they pulled into the restaurant parking lot, Nevvie was waiting for them. She smiled as she ran her hands through Tommy’s hair. The surgical scar on his scalp was barely noticeable. The stylist had done an excellent job of concealing it.

“Much better.” You look like you again.

“I’m starting to feel like me.”

She kissed Tyler and unbuckled the baby. They ate a long, relaxed lunch. Later that afternoon, once they returned home, Thomas went to their bedroom to lie down and Tyler joined him. Nevvie called Eddie with an update.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. But would you mind babysitting tonight?”

“I thought you guys made up?”

“Not Thomas. Adam.”

She could almost hear Eddie’s smile. “Hell yes, we’ll babysit the Ant!”

“I’ll bring him over around seven. Can you keep him until tomorrow evening around the same time? I think the three of us need some alone time.”

“Sure thing.”

She hung up, her plan already half-cemented in her mind. She hadn’t had time or opportunity to discuss it with Tyler, but knew he’d agree.


Chapter Eighteen

As promised, after his nap Thomas started making phone calls. An hour later he had an appointment set up with a counselor, but it wasn’t until the end of the next week. Nevvie didn’t care. Just the fact that he stuck to his word went a long way toward soothing her wounded heart.

With the emotional events of the past twenty-four hours, by the time they ate dinner and cleaned up the kitchen they were too exhausted to do anything but sleep. The next morning, Thomas lay in bed and moped. He hated himself, felt guilty, and the fact that they so readily forgave him in some ways made him feel worse. He felt he deserved to suffer for what he’d put them through.

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