Love Slave for Two: Family Matters (34 page)

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Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Book/Menage

BOOK: Love Slave for Two: Family Matters
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She reached around Tom’s hips and spread his ass cheeks for Tyler. Then Thomas groaned when Tyler lubed him. He rubbed his stiff cock against Nevvie’s leg.

“You ready to get royally fucked?” Nevvie asked him.

“Oh, hell yes!”

She nudged Thomas on top of her, sighing as he slid inside her. He dropped his head to her shoulder as Tyler knelt behind him.

He gently swatted Tom’s ass. “Get ready, love.”

Tom wiggled his hips, which drew a moan from Nevvie. She reached down and spread his cheeks for Tyler, giving him unfettered access. Thomas fell still, his lips pressed against Nevvie’s neck as Tyler breeched his rim.

Before the accident, Tyler or Nevvie usually ended up in the middle. Not because Thomas didn’t enjoy it, but because it just naturally seemed to happen that way.

Thomas wiggled his hips again, encouraging Tyler. Nevvie stroked his back. “You’re going to be a good boy and come hard for us, aren’t you?”

“Uh huh!”

“Uh huh what?”

He snorted with laughter and lifted his head. “Uh huh, Mistress.”

“That’s better.”

He lowered his head again, working his hips in time with Tyler’s thrusts. Nevvie was afraid to move too much for fear of hurting him. Thomas sensed it.

“It’s okay, Nev. Have fun,” he hoarsely whispered against her neck.

She gently rolled her hips, drawing another moan from him. She felt Tyler find a long, slow rhythm that would keep both men on the edge for a while.

Thomas closed his eyes and touched his forehead to Nevvie’s. “Jesus, that’s good,” he softly said.

“Look at me, Tommy.”

He did. Nevvie lost herself in his sweet, brown gaze. She tangled her fingers in his hair. “We love you, baby,” she said. “You’re never going to want anyone but us, are you?”


“You know we can keep you well fucked, don’t you.”

“Yes.” He struggled to keep his eyes open and focused on her. She could tell Tyler had him close to the edge from the way Tommy was fucking her.

Nevvie pulled him down so his face was nestled against her neck, her lips by his ear. She knew from the look on Tyler’s face that he was close. With her fingers cupping the back of Tommy’s head, she whispered into his ear, “I want you to fuck me hard when you come, baby. I want you to let Master Tyler feel how you’re coming for us.”

That’s all it took. With a loud cry he thrust hard into her before going limp in her arms.

Tyler grabbed his hips and thrust deep, his own release quickly following. He caught himself before falling on top of them, not wanting to hurt Thomas or squish Nevvie. “Are you all right, loves?”

Nevvie stroked Tommy’s back, cradling him to her. “Fine and dandy, sweetie.”

Tommy mumbled something affirmative.

Tyler chuckled and carefully withdrew, went to the bathroom to clean up. He returned with a warm, damp washcloth for Thomas and took care of him, then slid into bed beside them.

“Well, he can’t be too bad off,” Tyler snarked, “because he’s smiling.”

Thomas laughed and lifted his head. He kissed Nevvie, then Tyler. “I told you, I like this slave boy gig. It’s fun.”

“Well, you don’t get dinner until you finish what we started,” Nevvie teased. “Master Tyler’s tortured me all day long.”

“Oh, he has, has he?” Thomas propped himself up on his elbows. “Did he keep my poor baby girl horny all day?”

Nevvie loved the fluid way they could change the game around. She nodded, throwing in a little pouty lip for good measure.

Thomas roared with laughter. “Oh, stop. You’re too much.” He rolled off her and onto his back. “Come here and let me take care of you.”

She eagerly scrambled onto her hands and knees and turned around, settling over his face. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down, laving her throbbing clit with his tongue.

“Ooooh! Yeah!” She rested her cheek against his abs and closed her eyes. She felt the bed move, then Tyler cuddled close next to her and gently teased her nipples.

“Use our boy well, love,” he murmured.

She moaned. Thomas knew how to tease and taunt her just as well as Tyler did. He brought her close to the edge several times, backing off before she could come, until she finally begged him to do it.

He slowly fucked her with his tongue, taking his time. Finally, he focused on her clit again, alternated between flicking it and long, slow swipes from his tongue. Then he brought her over and she loudly moaned, her entire body trembling from the force. Tyler wrapped his arms around her and helped her roll off Thomas, cradled her to his chest as she caught her breath and recovered.

Thomas stretched and laced his hands together behind his head. “You okay, sugar?”

Tyler laughed. “I think she’s just fine. I think she’s a very happy girl, aren’t you?”

“Mmm hmm.”

Thomas sat up. “Anything else Master and Mistress want me to do?” He waggled his eyebrows at Nevvie, cracking her up.

“You did just fine, sweetie. Just fine.”


* * * *




Tyler and Nevvie made their little slave boy stay naked—or nekkid, as Thomas said it—for the rest of the evening. After dinner they stretched out in bed and Thomas massaged her feet and legs, making her moan in a different kind of way than before.

She drifted to sleep in their arms. Thomas snuggled close to her, one hand resting on the gentle swell of her belly. The week before, the three of them had sat in the doctor’s office while Nevvie received her ultrasound. They were having a son.

His son.


He looked over at Tyler and caught his knowing smile.

“What?” Thomas softly asked, not wanting to wake Nevvie.

Tyler shifted position and laced his fingers through Thomas’. “You know what.”

Thomas finally smiled. “Yeah.” He gently brushed his thumb across Tyler’s fingers.

“I hope he has your eyes,” Tyler said. “Your beautiful brown eyes.”

Tom’s heart swelled, the intensity nearly painful. “You sweet talkin’ thing you.”

“You’ve always had me under your spell. You know that. From the moment I first saw you.”

Thomas gently squeezed his hand. “We’re freaking lucky, aren’t we?”

“Truly blessed. Life is perfect.”


Chapter Twenty-One

Adam called out, announcing he was awake and waiting for someone to come get him. Thomas sat up. “I’ll take care of him, sugar. It’ll take you an hour just to roll over to get out of bed.”

“Fuck you, Tommy,” Nevvie groused. She felt as big as a cow and only a fraction as agile.

He kissed her. “You did, darlin’. That’s why you look the way you do.”

Tyler snickered. “That was good, sweet.”

“You’re ganging up on me.”

The men looked at each other and laughed. “And again she opens the door, right?” Tyler said, winking at Thomas.

“Who’s team are you on?” she snarked. As her belly and ankles swelled, her mood deteriorated. Less than a month until her due date and she was more than ready to have her body back.

“You know we love you, sweetheart.”

Thomas pulled on a pair of boxers and left the bedroom. Limping, but she noticed he didn’t take his cane.

Must be a good day.

Tyler climbed out of bed and offered Nevvie a hand. “Here, love. Let me help.”

With his assistance, Nevvie was able to sit up on the edge of the bed. She rubbed her back and looked at him. “Did I say I wanted another one after this?”

“You said you’d think about it. I take it you’re rethinking it?”

“Yeah. I’m thinking not so much at this point. Maybe two is plenty.”

Tyler leaned over and kissed her belly, gently caressed her. “It’s always up to you. You know we’re wrapped around your finger.” He paused, feeling. “My, our little one is quite active this morning.”

“And that’s before I’ve even had coffee.” She grunted as she lumbered to her feet with Tyler’s help. “Feels like gymnastics.”

She made it to the bathroom then stood under the shower, letting the warm spray hit her aching back. That’s when she felt a gush of water between her legs.

“Tyler!” she gasped. Either he wasn’t in the bedroom any longer, or he didn’t hear her. She took a deep breath. “Tyler!” she screamed.

He bolted into the bathroom. “What? What’s wrong?” He stuck his head in the shower.

The first contraction hit, not hard but strong enough. “My water just broke.”

“But you’re not due for three weeks!”

“Tell him that!”

“Oh, Christ! Right. Rinse off, love, let’s get you to hospital—”

“THE hospital.”

“Christ. Thomas!” He disappeared and she quickly finished, fear taking over. Adam had come two days before her delivery date. Was three weeks okay?



* * * *



Tyler sat in the bed behind her, supporting her, rubbing her back and coaching her through her breathing while Thomas held her hand and tried to help her focus. Over twenty hours and she hadn’t progressed. Both men were worried. Another three hours later, the doctor walked in, looking concerned.

“We need to talk about doing a C-section. The baby is starting to get weak, and so is she.”

Nevvie closed her eyes and cried while both men grabbed her hands.

“Love,” Tyler soothed, “if it’s what has to happen, let’s do it and get it over with.”

“I don’t want a C-section.”

“Nev,” Thomas said, “we’ll be right there.”

She looked at the doctor. “They can both be there,” he assured her.

“Okay,” she said.

The men had to step out while they prepped her. They were given gowns to wear and had to scrub in. They rejoined her in the delivery room and each man took a side and focused on her face.

“You’re okay, love,” Tyler said. “We’re here.”

Thomas squeezed her hand. “Sweetie, we’re right here, you’ll be okay.”

Ten minutes later, all three cried at the sound of their son crying.

“Who wants to cut the cord?” the doctor asked.

Tyler looked at Thomas. “You do the honors, love.”

Thomas blinked away tears as he did.

A shrill alarm startled the men. The tone of medical staff’s voices changed immediately.

“What’s wrong?” Tyler asked.

He watched the doctor glance at his nurse and shake his head. She stepped toward the men. “Why don’t you two come with your son while we take care of him and get him cleaned up?”

Nevvie looked at Tyler, then her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness.

In a blur of activity the men were hustled out the door as the doctor barked orders.

“What’s going on?” Thomas asked.

The nurse herded them along. “She’s hemorrhaging, going into shock. He needs to stop the bleeding.”

Stunned, the men followed the nurse and watched as the staff checked their son. They brought a chair for Thomas, and the men cried when a nurse placed the baby in Thomas’ arms. Tyler rested his head on Tom’s shoulder, tried to stay calm. Thomas nuzzled his head against Tyler’s.

“She’ll be okay, sugar,” Thomas reassured him. “Look how tough she is. She’ll be fine.” He stroked the baby’s cheek. When their son opened his eyes, Thomas sobbed when he saw the baby did indeed have his brown eyes to match the shock of dark brown hair on his head.

Tyler’s arm tightened around his shoulder. He pressed his lips to Tom’s cheek. “He’s beautiful. Just like you.”

An hour later, Nevvie was still in surgery and the men barely spoke. United in their worry and grief, they cradled their son and drew strength and support from each other. When the doctor walked in two hours later, they froze.

He smiled. “She’ll be okay. I’ll admit she scared me there for a few minutes. One of her old scars opened up from her prior surgery. We’ll need to keep her in the hospital longer, but I think she’ll be fine. She shouldn’t try having a vaginal birth again if you have more kids. Plan on a C-section. There’s no reason to risk her ripping open another old scar putting her through labor.”

The men hugged each other, crying. “When can we see her?” Tyler asked.

“They’ll come get you shortly.”



* * * *



Nevvie looked groggy from the anesthesia, her skin pale. Still, she smiled when the men appeared in the doorway with their son.

Tyler carefully stayed beside Thomas in case he needed extra support, nervously hovering until he’d gently placed the baby on her chest.

“He’s beautiful,” she said, stroking his hand.

“Our handsome little brown eyed boy,” Tyler said.

A tired smile teased her lips. “Yeah?”

Thomas stroked her forehead. “Yeah. I’m sorry they made us leave.”

“Shh.” She cradled the baby to her. “It’s okay.” Nevvie stared into the baby’s face. “Did you name him?”

Tyler looked shocked. “Of course not! Not without you.”

“I thought we discussed this already.”

“Love, we waited.”

Nevvie was quiet for a few minutes. “Michael.” When she next spoke, her voice sounded choked with emotion. “For my dad.” He was her adopted father, but he died before she knew that fact. He would always be her daddy in her mind and heart.

Thomas reached over and stroked the baby’s hand. “I was thinking Michael Tyler.” He looked at his lover.

Nevvie blinked. “What?”

Tyler looked as surprised as Nevvie. “What?”

Thomas shrugged. “I think Michael Tyler would be a good name.”

Nevvie let out an amused snort. “Great, they’ll be calling him ‘Mi-Ty’ in school.”

Thomas laughed. “I didn’t think of that.” He fell quiet for a moment, staring at their son. “I’d still like to name him that,” he softly said. “I mean, Adam’s name is Adam Ryan. Ryan’s my middle name. It’s only right.”

Nevvie looked at Tyler, who now had tears in his eyes. He nodded.

She stroked the baby’s cheek. “Welcome to the world, Michael Tyler Kinsey-Paulson.”



* * * *



Tyler left to pick up Adam from Eddie and Pete’s, to bring him to the hospital to visit. Thomas stayed with Nevvie. Remembering her agony with Adam, she elected to go straight to bottle feeding. Thomas took the first round as her pain meds kicked in and she drifted. She watched him take care of their son, feeling content and satisfied.

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