Read Love Under Two Navy Seals Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

Love Under Two Navy Seals (30 page)

BOOK: Love Under Two Navy Seals
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The realization that she’d fallen in love, so fast and so completely with two alpha males had scared the crap out of her.

She’d spent her life being bossed around by a bevy of brothers and older cousins, and had always been certain the
thing she would ever want was to spend the rest of her life being bossed around by a couple of husbands.

Now she could say, without a shadow of a doubt, that Dev and Drew were far more “alpha” than every male member of her family combined. She could also attest that there was no resemblance whatsoever between how her brothers had treated her and how her men exercised their authority.

Since both men were looking at her expectantly, she said, “You’re right. After that first night we spent together, I did have some issues about commitment. I didn’t so much come back home as I ran away from New York—and you.”

“I like the sound of the past tense, there, kitten.”

It didn’t surprise her that neither man jumped on her confession. They weren’t petty, not in the least.

Dev reached forward and turned on the shower. Water rained down from four separate showerheads, and steam began to swirl in the air.

“Let’s get you naked and wet and under our hands, honey.”

Julia felt her nipples tighten and her pussy become damp just from his words alone. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

They stripped her in barely a minute, themselves in less time than that, and then Dev picked her up and carried her into the shower.

Unable to resist, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

Julia felt herself falling into the kiss, into that special place only these men had ever taken her. She knew she would never tire of the taste of them, of the heart-pounding thrill of having lips on lips and tongues dancing and gliding together.

Dev’s hands cupped her thighs as the water fell upon them. Drew stepped in close behind her, and then she felt his soap-slicked hands on her back. He caressed up and down, bringing his fingers to curve down and around the crack of her ass and rub seductively over her anus.

Julia shivered as arousal swirled within her.

Dev released her legs, and then reached for her arms. “Let us take care of you, baby doll.”

“No. It’s my turn to take care of the two of you.”

They’d done nothing
cherish her since she’d come pounding on their door. Now, she wanted to show them, needed to show them, that she cherished them, too. Did they know how lucky she felt, and how loved?

Using her hands, she made lather from the soap and then lavished it upon them. Gliding over buff pecs and abs, she laved and loved, caressed and cared for them with every bit of tenderness she could muster.

More compelling than the finest silk, the feel of their skin beneath her palms pleasured her in a way she’d never known before them.

They stood still for her, allowing her the freedom of their bodies, and so she gathered more foam, taking her exploration lower, through coarse hair, down to the heat of their balls, then around and up until she fisted their cocks.

The men closed their eyes and thrust into her hands. Both sighed and trembled, drawing in breath that shivered with their arousal.

Water continued to rain down, rinsing soap, heating muscles, and soaking flesh.

Julia released their cocks, and went back to petting their chests. “Even when I was the most terrified, bound and stuffed in that trunk, I knew you’d come for me.”

“Of course you did,” Dev said. He reached out and stroked one finger under her chin, using it to tilt her head up. He reached down for her hand and brought it to his lips. “You know that we love you, don’t you?”

Julia grinned. “Yes. But I love hearing you say it.”

“I love you, Julia Benedict.” He cupped her face with both hands and bent down, kissing her with infinite gentleness. “I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you, and I’m going to love you for all of the rest of my life.”

“Dev. I love you, too. You’re mine. Now. Forever.” She stretched up and kissed him again, then turned her gaze on Drew when that man caressed her hair.

“I love you, Julia Benedict. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved, and I’m going to spend every day, from this day forward, showing you just how much.”

“Drew. You’re a part of me, and I’m sorry I was afraid when I realized it, sorry I ran. I love you, from this day forward, for always.”

He bent down and kissed her, using his tongue to seduce her, to claim her.

Julia eased back because she knew her men, and knew they’d turn all their focus on pleasuring her here and now if she let them.

“My turn to show you both just how much I love you.” She craved the taste of them, the sheer bounty of their savory saltiness and rugged manliness.

She wanted their cocks in her mouth.

Easing to her knees between them, she leaned forward and set her lips on Dev’s cock, then slowly and strongly sucked him in. Hot and hard, the shaft of his penis filled her mouth while the flavor of him filled her soul.

Dragging in a breath, Dev combed the fingers of one hand through her hair and thrust his cock, fucking her mouth.

She slid her lips off him, then turned her head toward Drew. His cock stood at eye level, beautiful and bold, and she licked her lips.

Her men proved again that they knew her, for they moved closer to each other, making it easier for her to service them both without having to change her position.

Julia smiled and sucked Drew’s cock deep. The taste of him fed her and filled her. She needed the flavor and the essence of both of these wonderful men to make her feel whole.

She sucked them both in turn, one and then the other, over and over, using her tongue to lap their shafts, her mouth to draw, and her hands to caress and cup. She found a rhythm uniquely theirs, rejoicing within as both her lovers neared climax.

Fingers twisted in her hair, breathing hitched, and heat roared from their bodies, giving testimony to the state of their libidos.

Julia wanted desperately to drink them, but when their hands stilled her, she knew that particular satisfaction would be hers another day.

“Enough. We’re both too close. Now it’s our turn to cherish you.” Dev’s voice shook.

“You do. You are. Every minute of every day since I pounded on your door.”

Dev chuckled. “Do you know in pleasuring you, we pleasure ourselves? Nothing has turned either of us on so much as making you come.”

Oh yes, she knew that sentiment very well. “I feel the same way,” she said. Drew lifted her to her feet, and she surrendered to their pleasure—and hers.

Head tilted back to rest on Drew’s shoulder, she moaned at the silky slide of lather-covered hands that cupped her breasts and stroked her sensitive nipples. Drew petted her stomach, curving his hands around her hips, and then back down just to the tops of her thighs.

Together they washed her hair, protecting her face from the soap and the spray, rinsing it clean, and even applying conditioner.

Julia sighed with the luxury of being pampered. Then her men turned her so she once more faced Dev, with her head again cradled on Drew. They soaped their hands for a second time, and Julia knew from the twinkle in Dev’s eyes, that this time they intended to play.

Together they had her hot and needy in no time. Dev plucked and pulled at her nipples, and she couldn’t prevent her reaction, a deep seductive roll of her hips.

She felt drenched, inside and out. Heated, inside and out. And she wanted them, oh, she wanted them both with a passion so huge it nearly overwhelmed her.


Dev chuckled, and then bent to suckle her. Drew brushed his fingers back and forth across her slit, lightly, and teased her.

Then Dev reached down and plunged two fingers into her, fast and deep.

Up and over in a heartbeat, Julia cried out as she came, as their pleasure, and hers, washed over and through her on wave after wave of bliss.

“I love watching you come,” Dev whispered. “You surrender so completely, to us and to the pleasure. Rapture looks good on you, baby doll.”

look good on me.” Julia arched her hips, trying to reach the tempting male cock in front of her. Dev just grinned. So she moved her hips back, sighing when she felt Drew’s penis nestle briefly between the cheeks of her ass.

“You in a hurry, there, kitten?” Laughter cradled Drew’s words.

“Yes. God,
. I want you both inside me. It feels like forever since I had you that way.” Julia knew she could beg, and her men would never use her neediness against her. “I need you now. Please. Oh,

She thought only to let them know how much she craved them, yet with her own words echoing in her ears, desperation ignited inside her.

“Easy, love. You’ll have us. You can have us anytime, anywhere, any
you want us.” Dev’s words sounded like a vow. He sealed them against her lips with a kiss, and then moved from under the spray so that they could rinse her.

“I want you both every way, and I want you now.” She could be vulnerable, or desperate, and it didn’t matter. The freedom to just
humbled her, as much as these men thrilled her.

They’d become everything, and all.

Then Drew proved they were of the same mind. “You’re everything, kitten. The center of our lives, and of our world. Let us show you how much we love you. Let us show you.”

They dried her, their movements quick but so very gentle as they used the big, fluffy towels to blot the water from her body.

“We want to pamper you.” Drew kissed her, a very sweet kiss lightly brushed against her lips that felt reverent.

“You do. You are. It totally blows me away, how well you care for me, and take care of me.”

“You’re our heart,” Dev said.

Her rough-and-tumble Navy SEALs took the time to pour moisturizer onto their hands, and massage it seductively into her skin. The scent of lily of the valley, sweet and subtle, filled the air, and the silkiness of the lotion acted like a balm that soothed even as it turned her arousal up higher.

“You’ll smell like flowers,” she teased.

“No.” Drew kissed her shoulder. “We’ll smell like you. And soon, very soon, you’ll smell like us.”

“Come here, baby doll.” Dev picked her up and carried her to the bed. He didn’t lay her upon it. Instead, he set her on her feet beside it and cupped her face and kissed her. She closed her eyes and opened to him, to the addictive flavor she knew she could never, ever live without. When she felt him end the kiss and ease back, she opened her eyes.

Dev stood in front of her, with Drew close beside her on her right. Both men’s gazes locked on her.

“Will you commit to us now, Julia?” Dev asked. “We know you were leery of it, and us, and we know why. We’ll never push or boss you around. We
cherish you and take care of you. Will you marry us, and stay with us? Will you have our babies, and build a life with us?”

“Please marry us, kitten. You’re the one, and the only. Please say yes.”

She felt her eyes tear as her smile spread impossibly wide. This was what she’d always wanted, two men who would love her, cherish her and yes, if she was to be perfectly honest with herself, two men who would take charge of her when she needed them to.

“Yes. Oh, yes, please. I love you both so much!”

“Then come and lie with us.” Dev kissed her, and then looked over at his best friend. She saw Drew nod, and in response, Dev swallowed and caressed her arms.

“We want to start our family soon, baby doll,” he said. “Will you say yes to that, too? We know you’re on the pill. Will you go off of it, and let us give you our seed?”

Julia shivered, Dev’s words touching those places inside her that would one day, maybe even soon, nurture their children. The passion these men had for her—not just as their lover but as their life’s mate—filled her heart to overflowing, and aroused her beyond her wildest dreams.

Only these men had stirred her like this, and only these men had satisfied every facet of her inner woman.

BOOK: Love Under Two Navy Seals
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