Love Unexpected (28 page)

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Authors: Anne Leigh

BOOK: Love Unexpected
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“Wayyy hotter.” My hand found his throbbing penis, waiting to be freed from his jeans. With my mouth, hands, and body, I showed him just how hot he was.






Start of another semester loomed right around the corner.

Life was great. The San Francisco Mariners’ record was 7-1. Two more games and we were headed for the College Bowl.
A week ago, I received a letter of nomination for Most Outstanding Player in Collegiate Football. Last time I checked, my GPA was 3.65. My parents were healthy. I had an awesome girlfriend, who was smart, beautiful, and freaky in bed.

Tonight, we were all out celebrating. Sedona was out with the ladies. "Tradition," she
said. We've been together for a while now. I've learned to deal with her hang-ups and she has learned to deal with mine. Well, mostly. She still has yet to accept the logic of not ironing jeans, but shit, I had no complaints. Whenever she wore jeans, I could not wait to take it off of her. Actually, anything she wore gave me the itch to take it off of her.

She called
to tell me that they were at Chasens. I was going to suggest meeting up with them, with a few guys in tow. She interrupted; freakin' interrupted me, and said not to show up there. She said that she would be so distracted by my presence and end up staring at me the whole night and wanting to feel my body up.


Yes, looks were deceiving. Sedona might look like an innocent lady on the outside but the things she did to me in private were far from innocent and the results were heavenly. It was like she had all this pent-up sexual tension for the past 21 years and she unleashed them all on me. I was a lucky SOB!

The guys, Dom, John, Xavier, two of Xavier's high school buddies, and I, ended up at Morell's Billiards. Kieran and Dom met us there. Kieran and I have become closely acquainted. He was Sedona's best friend and he was a cool guy. We had a bunch of things in common. He knew the spotlight put on college athletes because he was one. He protected her as much as I did. Sedona still got upset about that Chatty Pepper site but she was learning to cope with it. I thought that Kiera
n had a lot to do with that.

I was waiting for my break in 8-ball when I heard a female voice on my s
ide, "You're Zander, right?"

She was a pretty, blonde, blue-eyed
woman in a little black dress. 

I didn't want to
be rude, so I said, "Yeah."

Her eyes fluttered and she smiled
, pearly white teeth showed.

"I'm a big fan of yours."

"Thanks." I was uncomfortable. I was used to getting approached by girls. I had no desire to act on that.
That spot was already taken.

"I was wondering if you could join me at the bar." She had initiative. I had to give her that.

Before this went any further, I looked at her and asked, "What's your



"Listen, Deena. Thanks for being a fan."


Her eyes fluttered again. Did sh
e have something in her eye?

I continued, "I can't join you at the bar,” I pointed to Xavier and his buddies on the other side of the billiards table, “I'm sure my friends over there would
be happy to join you later."

Disappointment marred her face, "Oh, I don't want them. I want you. I know you have a girlfriend
; she doesn't have to know."

Everyone probably knew I had a girlfriend because of that Pepper website. This chick was unbelievable. I was tamping down my anger when Kieran approached.
She had her hand on me now.

I removed her hand abruptly from my arm and in cold, furious tones, I said, "Listen, my girlfriend might not know. But I'll know. And I'm not in the habit of cheatin
g on her. So please, leave."

She scooted away in huffs.

Kieran saw the whole thing, he simply said, "You ok, man? The price of being Star QB and shit huh?" He could relate. He was
a star in his chosen sport.

I nodded and ra
cked the balls on the table.

We hopped to Jonesy's Bar after racking up a few games. We were having a good ole' guys time. Tons of girls flirted with my friends. I was more than happy to have the attenti
on deflected away from me. 

It was 1:30 in the morning when my phone vibrated inside my
pocket, Sedona was calling,

"Hey bbbabb
y..." her voice was slurred.

She must have had wayy too ma
ny margaritas and mojitos.

"Hey, wassup? You home?" I asked. If she was, I was definitely coming

"Noo babe," She hiccuped, "That's why I'm ca
lling. Can you pick us up?"

Sure," I said, standing up, fishing for my keys inside my pocket, "Where you at?"

"Pickles," she giggled. Damn, she was wasted.
Pickles was 5 minutes away.

I paid and told the guys I was picking up Sed
ona. Kieran asked, "She ok?"

I said, "She sounds hammered. She'll be needing a couple
of Aspirin in the morning."

Dom barked his laughter, "Man,
drunk girls are great lays."

I smacked his head and left.

The scene that greeted me at Pickles was not pretty. Sedona's head was slumped at the table. Nalee and Tanya were in similar states of drunkenness. I shook Sedona's shoulder
s, "Babe, it’s time to go."

Her violet eyes were unfocused, she
slurred, "Mmm, you're here."

"You called. I
'm here.”

The bouncer helped me bring all the girls to my car. I prayed all the way to their place that they did not puke in my car. They all managed to walk up the stairs
with a lot of help from me.

Sedona was the worst of the lot. I had to carry her from my car. As I laid her on her bed, I slowly helped her get out of her clothes. She was wearing a tight, red dress and killer heels. Her hair was all made up and she wore makeup. Her lips were puckered. She shimmied out of her dress and fell back on t
he bed.

Under her dress, she wore red lace bra and matching panties.

I ran some face towels under the warm water and slowly wiped off her face and her body. She was going to feel like shit tomorrow. No doub
t about it.

"I'm hot, babe." She hiccuped again, her eyes opened up.

Yes, you fucking are.

She tugged on her bra to release her boobs. Pink, hard nipples greeted me.

I could not take adva
ntage of her in this state.

I was now wiping her arms. She caught my hands and whispered,
"Fuck me, baby."

I croaked and managed to s
ay, "No. You need to sleep."

pulled down her panty, kicked them off of her legs, and said, "You going to leave me hangin'?" She was definitely turned on. Her lips glistened with moisture.

I’ve to give my girl what she needed. I
shucked my clothes off and threw them on the side.


She lifted her hips up and I was damned lost.

Her hair was wild. The expression on her was pr
iceless when I entered her.

No condom. We stopped using condoms months ago. She told me she was taking birth control pills for her periods. I handed her a full physical and medical report a few days after that. I knew I was the only guy she slept with. She was the only girl I wanted to sleep with. I wanted to give her peace of mind that I was clean. I knew I was, but she didn't. Ever since then, I didn't carry a condom. With her
, I loved fucking bareback.

Her whole body was afire. She moaned and writhed underneath me. She was so close. Her eyes turned fiery purple and her mouth opened up in a particular way
when she was ready to come.

I sped up m
y rhythm and gave it to her.

Her nails clawed at me. Her legs clamped behind my back. She arched her back and offered her boobs to me. I latched on to them. She was a wild, wild woman. I
savored every minute of it.

I didn't last long. My own release came shortly after hers. She was snoring softly by the time I finished wiping the rest of her body. She had a smil
e on her face as she slept.

She would definitely not be smilin
g tomorrow when she woke up.

I stayed with her until around 8. She still hadn't moved from her spot. I took out the aspirin bottle from her medicine cabinet, brought a glass of water from the kitchen, and laid it on top of a coaster by her bedside table

Her phone pinged. I ignored it. Her phone pinged again. Who would be texting her at 8 o'
clock on a Saturday morning?

She needed to rest, I didn’t want to wake her up. The phone would have kept beeping if I didn't silence it.

I glanced at the screen; it was an incoming text message, "Call me." Probably one of her classmates. I was completely going to ignore but the name of the sender caught my eye. Shock,
denial, and anger flooded through me.


She was talking to him? Since when did this shit happen?
When did it fucking start?

I upped and left the room before I woke her up and unleashed my anger.



I woke up in stages. Headache, took some aspirin, back to
sleep, and finally woke up.

I was way off my bedtime. Drinking margaritas and mojitos were my indulgences. A treat when you're drinking them but the
after-effects were painful.

I showered, ate a piece of toast
, and slumped on the couch.

Last night was Nalee’s send-off to Jerome. She had finally broken up with him. This time, she was determined not to take him back.


I had a pretty good feeling that was the end of it.


The last straw snapped when Nalee found out that Jerome gave her Chlamydia. Thank god, it was treatable with a dose of antibiotics. Nalee received an anonymous call from a clinic notifying her that she was identified as a contact to a person who had Chlamydia. Since Jerome was the only person she slept with, she went to him and confronted him about it. He had the gall to blame it on the girl who gave it to him. For a pre-med student, he was a stupid idiot. Nalee then went to his bathroom, poured some cleaning solution in a cup, and poured it all over Jerome's pants and shrieked, "This is not enough to clean your dirty dick! You are an asshole. I don't know why I stayed with you. We are done. Don't call me. Don't bother me. If you do, I will fucking post your picture all across campus with a warning underneath it
, 'Sleep at your own risk'!"

Jerome let her go. At first, Nalee was angry and furious then she was sobbing her heart and eyes out. Tanya and I listened to her, over glasses and glasses of margaritas. We went from Chasen’s to another bar and finally to Pickles
, where Zander picked us up.

I called him to thank him but he didn't pick up. I left hi
m a message to call me back.

Two hours later, he still hadn't called back. I called and texted him. That was odd. He usually called back and texted me right away. I called Xavier. Zander must not have his
phone on him.

answered on the third ring.


"Is your roommate there?" Loud, heavy, piano music could be heard in the background. Someone was beat
ing on the keys, furiously.

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