Lovers Never Lie (29 page)

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Authors: Gael Morrison

BOOK: Lovers Never Lie
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If she truly loved Alex, she would find the courage to do what was right, would sacrifice her own needs for his, as mothers had been doing since the beginning of time.

As the mother who had appeared before King Solomon had done. When two women both claimed a baby as their own, the King had commanded the baby be divided into two. The true mother hadn't allowed that, had given her baby to the other woman rather than see him hurt.

As Jann would give her baby to Peter. Alex would be better off with his uncle. If she loved her child enough, she must find the courage to let him go.

With a long shuddering sob, she pulled her hand from Alex's face and stared at Peter through tear-blurred eyes.

"He's yours," she whispered, not looking at Alex as she spoke, for if she looked at him, she might not do what she knew was right.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked, his emerald eyes darkening to a velvety blackness.

"You want him," she said, struggling to keep her voice audible. "You can have him." Then she turned away, her eyes awash with tears, loving Peter as thoroughly, as gut-wrenchingly as she loved Alex. By giving one to the other, she'd lose them both.

But they'd also both be safe and that was all that mattered.

Lowering her head, she pressed Alex's hand to her lips. For the space of a kiss, she held it there, then gently dropped it back to the sheet.

Allowing herself one last glance at Peter—any more would be fatal to her resolve—she stood. Her heart shattering, she strangled back a cry and raced for the door.

When it swung shut behind her, she slumped against the wall, tears coursing down her cheeks and her breath coming in hard gasps. Etched into her brain was the sight of Peter's face; his skin white, his eyes black with disbelief.

Peter... She pressed her eyes closed.

A rush of air crossed her face. She felt, rather than saw, the door beside her open. A strong hand gripped her arm.

"You're giving him to me?"

Opening her eyes, she found Peter standing before her, his green gaze burning hers. She nodded, unable to trust her voice.

"Just like that?" he demanded hoarsely.

She nodded again, trembling.

"So when the going gets rough, you bail out." The fury in his eyes was mixed with contempt.

There seemed not enough air to fill her lungs. Jann leaned over, her hands on her knees. One breath. Two. The sick feeling abated and the wild pounding of her heart steadied to a dull roar. She slowly straightened.

"If it helps you to think that then believe it," she whispered. Tiny arrows of pain seemed to pierce her from all directions. After all she and Peter had shared, how could he believe that was why she was giving him her son?

"What else can I think?"

If he had shouted, she could have stood it better. This coldness was worse than anything.

"Tell me," he demanded, his fingers tightening around her wrist.

"You'll make a good father," she said.

He clamped his other hand on her shoulder.

"Let go of me." She shrugged his hand away. She couldn't do this if he touched her.

He drew back as though he had been burned, but she could feel the heat where his fingers had lain. Glancing at her shoulder, she half expected to find the outline of his palm burned into her skin.

"I've seen you with Alex," Peter said, his voice low and furious.

Holding him, loving him. Jann's eyes stung with tears.

"You're a good mother."

She stared up at him, stunned. "Not good enough." Although, the Lord knew she had tried. But in the end, she had failed. Peter wouldn't fail.

"You love him."

"I left him when he was sick."

"You didn't know."

"I should have known."

"This isn't just about Alex." Peter reached for her again. "It's about you and me, too."

"No," she said fiercely, the pain in her chest threatening to obliterate the pain in her head.

If he didn't love her, how could this be about the two of them? And he'd never said he did love her. Not yesterday. Not now.

Jann closed her eyes, shutting out the light and shutting out Peter.

Let him go.

If she loved him, she had to let him go.



A Woman's Heart


Gael Morrison


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Meet Me at Midnight




Gael Morrison







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"Gael Morrison writes with style and wit. In Meet Me at Midnight, there's love, passion and family all mixed into one delightful romance cocktail. Read and enjoy. I certainly did."

~EC Sheedy, author of Man for the Morning





"This isn't necessary," Sam muttered.

"We have to eat," Nate replied. He speared a prawn with his fork and dipped it into a bowl of spicy red sauce.

"I thought you'd be upset."

"I never liked blind dates."

"She might show up yet."

"Then we'll pull up an extra chair."

"If you didn't want a date," Sam asked tersely, "why ask me to get you one?"

"God knows," Nate said cheerfully. He popped the prawn into his mouth. "Do you want me to be upset?"

"I want you to care. Time's running out."

"I've stopped looking at the calendar." Nate glanced at the sunshine glittering off the turquoise surf and splashing in the picture window at them. "It must be the weather."

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