Lovers Never Lie (30 page)

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Authors: Gael Morrison

BOOK: Lovers Never Lie
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wife! You've got to take some interest! You can't leave it all up to me."

"It's not my job, mon," Nate replied, intoning the phrase scrawled across the tee shirts in the market.

"Your business is!" Sam said sharply. "Are you willing to let that fall apart from lack of trying?"

"Relax." Nate stabbed a scallop next from the seafood platter and moved it toward her mouth. "Open wide," he instructed, holding his other hand beneath her chin to catch the butter dribbling from the delicacy.

"I don't want—" Too late. The morsel was already past her lips and landing on her tongue in an explosion of taste sensation.

"Good?" he asked, his hand poised to repeat the process.

"Good," she admitted, but covered his hand with hers, determined to stop its upward movement before he could touch her again, before her body could react as it had before, with a spiralling rush of heat and heightened senses.

Perhaps she had simply sat too long in the sun, or drunk too swiftly of the excellent Chardonnay, but Sam suddenly felt relaxed, more relaxed than she'd felt since beginning this voyage, so relaxed, in fact, that it bordered on out of control.

She tried to sit straighter, tried to draw away from Nate's reach, but given her swiftly vanishing resolve and the intimacy of their window alcove, she found the task impossible.

Nate seemed to feel what was passing between them also, for he suddenly raised his hand and motioned for the check. When he turned back to her, his eyes were serious.

"So what's next?" he asked. "Shall we go back to the boat or scour the city for my so-called date?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to forget the whole thing."

"We can't," she said miserably.

"No. But we're not going to miss out on seeing San Juan just because some woman decides to stand me up."

"I'm sure—"

He abruptly stood and pulled out her chair. "Come on," he said, throwing some bills on the table. "There's something I want to show you."



Meet Me at Midnight


Gael Morrison


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Gael's love of travel and adventure has led her all over the world and provided exciting backdrops for her stories. Together with her husband, Gael backpacked through Europe and Turkey, taught high school for two years in the primitive paradise of Papua New Guinea, explored the varied cultures of Asia and India, rode elephants in Sri Lanka and encountered a camel caravan in the Afghanistan desert.

Upon returning home to Canada, Gael and her husband worked at an Outward Bound camp for juvenile delinquents while her husband attended Law School, and began raising the first two of their four sons. Gael taught during this time as a Learning Assistance teacher in a special program for First Nations' students.

Gael and her family lived for a year in Cambridge, England, where they studied, took up squash, and sampled the delights of Europe as a family.

Gael's love of storytelling and adventure led her to writing where she combines romance and suspense in writing finely crafted romantic mysteries and contemporary romances.

Gael loves to hear from readers. Contact her at: [email protected]

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