Loving Deviant (Cyborg Seduction Book 9) (15 page)

BOOK: Loving Deviant (Cyborg Seduction Book 9)
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“They called you into chambers over your Earther already?” She reached up and touched her throat. “Why wasn’t I notified? I was told it wouldn’t happen until later today.”

“Why would
be told? They wished to talk to
about Venice. That’s her name. You need to start using it.”

“Are you being disciplined in any way?”


She dropped her hand to her desk, fisting it. “I don’t understand. You brought an Earther to Garden! You broke the rules by taking her off that Earther station and didn’t even get permission to do it—from the council
Stag. That’s his personal vessel!”

“The council isn’t as narrow-minded as you about those from Earth. They realized why my actions were necessary. They were actually very understanding.”

Her com chimed and she unclenched her fist, touching it, scanning the screen. A long minute passed then she glared up at him. “She has important medical implants?”

“That didn’t take long. Your spy isn’t totally accurate.”

She stood quickly. “What kind of medical implants were so valuable that the council allowed you to bend the rules and let you off without any disciplinary actions?”

The door chimed and opened a second later. Deviant didn’t need to turn to know his father had arrived. That was also too fast—and he suspected his father had his own spies in Bazelle’s ranks. The lack of surprise in his tone confirmed it.

“You brought our son in for a meeting. Why?”

Deviant took a few steps back. “Mother and I just had a disagreement but I’ve made my position very clear to her.”

Bazelle looked to Deviant’s left. “Look what you’ve done, Mavo! Your son brought that Earther to Garden, and now he’s refusing to be rid of her or interview with a family unit prospect. He’s also sharing vulgar Earth language that he’s obviously picked up from being around
. Talk to him.”

“Is the vulgar use of language true, son?”

Deviant faced his father. “Yes.”

Mavo glanced at Bazelle, his expression clearing of all emotion. “He is probably frustrated.” He met Deviant’s gaze again. “You knew Bazelle wished you to interview with some of her friends. Did you make it clear you no longer held an interest in doing so?”

He nodded.

His father’s features softened and he addressed his wife. “He no longer wishes to join in a family unit with a cyborg female. It will only frustrate him if you’re not listening to his wishes.”

“There is no excuse for his disrespect.”

“I see.”

Deviant glanced between his parents, noticing the rising tension between them. He didn’t want them to argue on his behalf. “Venice is mine, and the council agreed. You have no authority over me, Bazelle. I’ve made my decision. I choose to keep Venice. I never have to share her with other males, and she makes me happy. It’s nice to finally be viewed as unflawed by a female.”

Mavo blinked rapidly. “I’m so sorry, Deviant.”

never made me feel less than perfect.” He knew his father loved him and had done his best to make up for his mother’s lack of caring. “You are an excellent parent.”

“Mavo,” Bazelle prompted, her voice stern. “Handle this.”

Mavo regarded her. “Our son is happy. He wants to keep the woman from Earth instead of joining into a family unit with a cyborg female. I don’t see a problem.”

“What?” Bazelle gasped.

“You haven’t met her. Venice is pleasant, and I viewed real emotion from her. She’s fond of our son as well. They appear happy together.” Mavo stepped closer to Deviant. “Our son’s wellbeing is the ultimate goal we must achieve as parents, and this seems to be what he wants. I see no reason to disagree with him on the matter.”

“I require your support!” Bazelle demanded. “You will talk sense into him!”

Mavo tensed further.

“Did you hear me, Mavo?” Bazelle approached and stopped directly in front of him. “That’s a direct order issued to you.”

Deviant watched his parents glare at each other. He cleared his throat, attempting to draw their attention. “Bazelle, don’t bring him into this. He couldn’t change my mind. My father has to follow your commands as a male in your family unit, but your disagreement isn’t with him.
the one defying you.”

Bazelle spun, shooting him a furious look. “Your father assigns your duties. You will be refused permission to take your Earther on missions. I have changed my mind. I want you off-world for long periods of time. I will not allow your perverse relationship with her to continue!”

Rage filled Deviant. “I’ll refuse to leave Garden if that’s the case. I’ll resign my position.”

Her mouth dropped open and shock paled her features. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“He won’t have to.” Mavo spoke low. “I would never do that to you, Deviant. Venice is important to you, and I’ll make certain you can keep her as your constant companion, regardless of your next assignment. I’ll be sure to request family quarters on whatever ship you are sent to.”

Bazelle hissed as she faced Mavo.
“You will not.”

He held her gaze. “Our son’s happiness is my first priority.”

“I’ll terminate our contract!” she threatened.

“I knew you would.” Mavo bowed his head slightly. “Do as you will.”

“No other female will accept you,” she snapped. “I’ll make certain of it! Comply or face the consequences.”

The conversation horrified Deviant. “Father, don’t.”

Mavo ignored him. “Do your worst, Bazelle. I would expect nothing less from you. Tarnish my reputation as an acceptable family male, but I will not sacrifice our son’s contentment to please you. He has someone he values too much.”

“Dad,” Deviant whispered. “Don’t do this. It’s not necessary. I can find another position that would suit me here on Garden. I’ll resign from my current duties so you’re no longer involved. Don’t sacrifice what you have with Bazelle for me.”

Mavo reached out and clasped his shoulder. “You enjoy traveling and working with the males you’ve become friends with. You shouldn’t have to choose between the woman you want and the life you know.” He glanced at Bazelle when he released Deviant. “There isn’t anything to lose. Trust me. It’s a relief to be rid of her.”

“How dare you!” Bazelle shoved Mavo.

“Don’t touch me. You just stated you’re ending our contract. I might hit you back for once.”

She retreated and stared at Mavo in horror.

Mavo forced a smile, but the expression didn’t reach his eyes. “You’re an exceptionally unpleasant female. Did you think I’d forgotten the abuse you unleashed upon me over the years, blaming me for your difficulty in conceiving? The problem wasn’t mine alone. You purposely chose not to get pregnant, and had to be forced to after you gave away the rights to my first son.”

He glanced at Deviant. “I should have stripped her of any custody and raised you without her influence. You’d have had a better upbringing.”

“You couldn’t have taken him from me,” Bazelle spat.

“It would have been easy to prove you unfit to be his mother to the council. Most females live with their children full time, but that’s not what you did with our son,” Mavo countered. “You only saw him when it was my turn to host you in my home, and you were too stern with Deviant. I’ve grown to dislike you a great deal. End the contract—or I will, Bazelle. I’d prefer to be alone than ever suffer your presence again. Remove yourself from Deviant’s life as well. I’ll fight you at every opportunity if you attempt to interfere with his future from this day forward.”

“Get out!” She glanced between them. “Both of you!”

“With pleasure,” Mavo muttered. “I’ll pack your belongings from my residence and have them delivered to your current home. Who are you with this month? I stopped keeping track.”

“I’ll send Cluster to get my things.”

“Ah. He’s your favorite. I’m not surprised. Tell him to give me ten minutes. It’s not as if you stay with me often or kept many possessions in my home.” Mavo jerked his head toward the door. “Let’s go, son.”

Deviant followed, stunned by the turn of events. They didn’t speak until they were enclosed inside the lift. No one shared it with them.

“Dad, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Mavo looked sincere. “It wasn’t an ideal match. I should have ended the contract a long time ago but I stuck it out for you.”

“No other female will consider adding you into their family unit once she spreads the word that you defied her.”

“Sometimes it’s better to be alone than with someone unworthy. I hope that’s a lesson you never learn. Treat Venice well and hopefully she’ll treat you in kind. I envy the bond you seem to have established with her. I never had that with your mother.”

“What can I do?” Deviant still felt guilt. His father had stood up for him and it had cost him, regardless of what he stated.

“Be happy. Don’t allow Bazelle to retaliate in any way. You have my full support to stand up to her.” He paused. “And watch your back. She’s vengeful. Venice is your weakness. I wouldn’t put it past Bazelle to target her.”

“She threatened to send security to pick up Venice.”

“Exactly. Make certain that doesn’t happen. Officially notify security of Venice’s statues as belonging to you, as the council agreed to. You might even want to upgrade her status in your life.”

“You believe I should form a family unit with her?”

The lift stopped and the doors opened. “I would.”

Deviant smiled. “I had considered it already.”

They walked outside and stopped on the sidewalk. “You should have a child with her, if it’s possible.” Mavo smiled back. “You are the best thing I ever produced, Deviant.”

“My genetic defect has a high probability of being passed on to my offspring.”

His father grabbed his hand and raised it, studying his skin. He looked up and met Deviant’s gaze. “This isn’t a defect, in my opinion. It makes you special and unique. Be proud—as I am proud of you.” He released him. “I need to go pack your mother’s things before Cluster arrives. I’m sure she sent him that order before we were out of her office. We’ll talk later. I’d like to get to know Venice better. I view her as family now.”

“You aren’t disappointed with me for choosing her above a cyborg?”

“No. You won’t have to share her with anyone else or suffer loneliness. I never believed cyborgs were superior in all ways over Earthers. We’re just genetically enhanced to be more physically durable. Their best qualities are their emotions and their ability to express them. I always found that attractive. Appreciate the differences and enjoy them to the fullest. You never would have received such emotions from a cyborg.”

“I understand.”

“I knew you would. You’re my son. Go home. Venice is waiting for you.”

Chapter Twelve


Deviant entered his building, his thoughts distracted by everything that happened. All he wanted was to see Venice. The lift carried him up to the right floor and he entered his home. She walked out of the hallway from the bedroom and smiled. His mood brightened at the sight of her in nothing more than one of his t-shirts. She approached, obviously happy to greet him.

“Hi! How did it go? Is everything okay? Are they going to allow me to stay with you?”


“Thank goodness!”

He tensed for just a second when she lunged right at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. The hug was unexpected but nice. He put his arms around her too and held her in his embrace. Her chin lifted and her smile faded.

“There’s a but, isn’t there? What is it?”

He didn’t understand her question. Something on his face must have conveyed that.

“What’s wrong?”

He masked his expression. “Nothing.”

She studied him. “I don’t think that’s true. Is the council mad at you? Are they going to punish you somehow?”

Venice could either read him too well or she had good intuition. “The meeting went exceptionally well. I’m in no trouble and no one will ever take you from me. But I visited my mother right afterward. That’s never pleasant,” he admitted.

She released his waist and backed away. He let her go with regret but she latched onto his hand and tugged. “Come sit down. Talking sometimes helps.”

He followed her to the couch and sat. He was in for another pleasant surprise when she straddled his lap, sitting on his thighs. Her fingers stroked his upper arms before she rested them on his shoulders. Her look became pensive as she held his gaze.

“You look sad. What’s wrong? Please talk to me.”

He wanted to. That was one of the many things he appreciated about Venice. She easily shared her emotions and encouraged him to do the same. “I informed her that I didn’t want to meet her friends. She didn’t take my decision well.”

“Is she throwing a party or something?”

“She wanted me to test my compatibility with them,” he reminded her.


He regretted sharing that information when her gaze lowered to his chest and he swore he saw a flash of pain cross her features. “Venice?”

She looked up. “That family-unit thing?”


She looked away from him again and tried to shift off his lap.

He gripped her hips and jerked her back into her original position. She gasped but didn’t struggle. He waited until he had her full attention. “I’m no longer interested in Cyborg females.”

She seemed to search his gaze for something.

a female. You.”

Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back.

He hated that he’d somehow managed to upset her. “Do you want your freedom, Venice?” He wasn’t sure what he’d do if she said yes. She technically belonged to him, here on Garden, but he didn’t want to force her to remain in his home if she wished to leave.


That one-word answer allowed him to breathe regularly again. “Good. I don’t want to give you up.”

“You wanted to start a family. You said so. Are you willing to put that off for a while?”

He slid his hands around her to keep her in his arms. “I do want a family. You can have children, can’t you?”

Her grasp on his shoulders tightened. “You want them with

“My flaws will probably be passed to our offspring. Cyborgs are very aware of any variations in other cyborgs. Will that trouble you?”

More tears filled her eyes. “Our kids would be perfect if they looked just like you.”

She always made him feel good. The tightening sensation he felt inside his chest wasn’t pain, but joy. “Thank you.”

“You’re not flawed. You’re wonderful.” She leaned in closer, until her breasts pressed against his uniform. “I’d stay with you forever if you’d let me.”

“I’d encourage it.”

Her smile returned and he completely relaxed. His mother was wrong about Venice. She hadn’t even met her. No cyborg female could ever make him feel the way this Earther did. Of course, emotions weren’t something his mother approved of.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He jerked away from his thoughts. “About what?”

“Your mom. I take it she wasn’t happy that you didn’t want to meet her friends?”

“She has expectations of me that I refuse to fulfill.”

“She wants grandkids? Did you tell her I can have babies? I can. Maybe that will make her happy.”

He didn’t want to spoil her mood but he couldn’t lie to her either. She was an honest individual who deserved honesty in return. “She wanted pure cyborg offspring produced by myself and a female.”


“It’s not personal. You’re from Earth.”

“I guess I can’t blame her, considering the history with Earth Government. They did try to wipe out your entire race. I could meet her and she’d see I’m not anything like them.”

“No!” He regretted the outburst when she startled. The hurt look came next. He massaged her hips. “It’s not you, Venice. My mother isn’t pleasant at
time, to anyone. She would be cruel, and I never want to subject you to that.”

“I understand.”

“Even I don’t enjoy spending time with her,” he admitted. “She has a special talent for being insulting. I never want you to suffer her, Venice. It would anger me. I’ve had a lifetime to adjust to her behavior but you haven’t.”

Her expression cleared of pain. “That must have been rough growing up.”

“I want to protect you from her.”

“That bad, huh?”

“Worse. My father ended his contract with her today. They are no longer joined into a family unit.”

She blinked a few times, appearing surprised. “Why?”

“He stood up for my right to be with you. She demanded he take her side but he refused. He wants what is best for me. That is you.”

“And that caused them to file for divorce?”

“Their contract is already broken. They are no longer a family unit. My mother would have had it recorded by the time my father got home. She ordered him to take her side. He refused. It’s a breach of their contract for him to refuse her demands, and so she ended it with him.”

“Oh, Deviant. I’m so sorry.” Tears filled her eyes. “It sounds as if he did himself a favor though, if she’s that mean. Every woman should want her children to be happy.”

“My father implied the same.”

“He’s a wise man.” She closed her eyes and tucked her head against his neck. He liked the feel of her nestled there, and the way her warm breath tickled his skin. “I wish I could make all this better for you.”

She was with him, in his arms. “You do, Venice.” He smiled. “Just stay right where you are.”

“I can do that.”

He ran his hands over her lower back and massaged her ass. “I enjoy having you this close. You make me feel alive.”

“I’ll stay here as long as you allow it.”

“Forever then.”

She chuckled. “Perfect.”

He hesitated. “Venice?”

She lifted her head and peered at him. “What?”

“I’d like to join a family unit with you. It would be the equivalent of marriage. Would you agree?” He held his breath when she hesitated.

“On one condition.”

“Name it.”

“Promise you’ll never let me go, or ask me to end our contract. I don’t ever want to lose you.”

It was an easy request. He never wanted to be without Venice. “I give you my word of honor. I want the same promise from you.”

She released his shoulder and used a finger to make a cross over her chest. “I cross my heart.”

“What does that mean?”

She grinned. “It’s a promise.”

“I’ll make the arrangements for tomorrow. There’s one more thing we must discuss.”


“My mother is vindictive. Never answer my door. I’ve upgraded my security measures to only allow myself and my father entry. My computer will send me a signal if I’m not home and someone tries to visit. On the off chance that security arrives and breaches the doors before I return, state clearly that you belong to me, Venice. Refuse to go with them until I am present. It’s the law, and they must follow it if you state that.” He hated to instill fear in her.

Her eyes widened a little but then she nodded. “Got it. She’s a real bitch, huh?”

“Yes. She’s powerful but she can’t violate the law. You’ll be safer once we’re joined into a family unit.”

“Is that why you want to marry me? Just to keep me safe?”

“No.” He smiled. “I wanted to do that before Bazelle made her threats. It just made me ask you sooner than I’d planned. I thought you might need more time to make that decision, but I’m so glad that you have agreed.”

“I wanted to stay with you from the first day we spent together.” Tears flooded her eyes. “I was terrified you’d want a cyborg instead of me.”

“You’re a thousand times better, and you make me feel so many wonderful things, Venice.”

“I love you.”

He pulled her close, probably holding her too tightly. “That is the best gift I’ve ever received, and I will cherish you. I feel the same.”


Venice knew Deviant loved her. He didn’t say the words yet but she hoped one day he would. The most important part was that he wanted to marry her. She snuggled tighter against him. He’d even brought up having children.

All the dreams and hopes she’d had since leaving Earth, of having a family, would come true. This time, though, it would be with the right man, one she had fallen in love with, and not some scam artist intent on luring her into sexual slavery.

The only down side seemed to be Deviant’s mother. It really bothered her that she was the cause of strife between them. Would he end up regretting marrying her one day?

She lifted her head, peering into his eyes. They were so blue, so beautiful, and he meant everything to her. She’d make sure he had no regrets. It was that simple. No matter how bad his mother was, regardless of what kind of trouble the woman might cause, Venice and Deviant would weather it together.

She kissed his neck. “It’s going to be fine.” She said it for herself, as much as for him. “Do you know what will make us both feel better?”

He massaged her ass. “Sex?”

“Always.” She pulled away, climbed off his lap, and backed up. She grinned. “You’ve had a stressful morning. Let’s forget about everything but each other for a while.”

He rose up and followed, smiling. “I enjoy how you think.”

She turned, going into the bedroom and removing her clothes, and then climbed on the bed. Deviant stripped fast and she took in every beautiful inch of him. Cyborg women didn’t know what they were missing out on—and she’d never been so grateful. He was all hers.

He climbed onto the end of the bed and crawled to her. She lay back, opening her arms and spreading her thighs. She’d been secretly terrified his council would try to tear them apart, or he’d be in serious trouble for saving her life. He’d refused to allow her to go with him. She knew he wanted to protect her from facing off against a group of possibly angry cyborgs.

All that worry suddenly came out as he lay down on top of her and she latched onto his mouth. Venice kissed him, putting all the fear she’d felt while he’d been gone into it. She frantically clutched at him, pulling him even closer. He tried to slide down her body but she wrapped her arms around his neck. She wasn’t in the mood for foreplay. She just wanted Deviant inside her. There was a desperation to her actions but she didn’t care. She could have lost him, and wasn’t about to forget it anytime soon.

Venice spread her legs wider and wrapped them around his waist, rolling her hips.

He tore his mouth away and lifted his head, staring into her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I just want you now.”

He cupped her cheek. “You were frightened. No one is ever going to separate us, Venice. I won’t allow it to happen.”

“Good. I’m counting on that. I’d be devastated. I’ve been in love with you since the first day we spent together. Make love to me now. Please? I need you inside me.”

He reached between them, using his fingers to play with her clit. Venice moaned, rubbing her pussy against his hand. She was so wet, and he almost brought her to climax before withdrawing his hand and shifted his body above hers, nudging her with his cock. She wrapped her legs tighter around him as he eased inside, filling her, connecting their bodies.


“I love you, Venice,” he rasped.

She held his gaze as he began to slowly move, fucking her. It felt so good she fought to keep her eyes open. She clung to his shoulders, rocking her hips to match his thrusts. He was incredibly hard, thick, and it felt too good to hold off for long.

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