Loving Deviant (Cyborg Seduction Book 9) (12 page)

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“You speak of them in the past tense.”

“They could have afforded to just have one of us when they were younger, but they wanted their children to have a sibling. Mom was forty-nine when my sister was born and almost fifty-one when she had me. Dad was ten years older than her. They didn’t spend a lot of credits on medical upgrades for themselves, aside from what Mom needed to get pregnant.”

She got tears in her eyes but continued to smile. “They always said that quality of life was more important than the length of it. All the credits they earned after we were born went toward our education and us having some wonderful memories together as a family. Dad died right after I turned nineteen. He suffered a fatal stroke. My mom was just heartbroken. I’d never seen any other couple as in love as they were. Her health declined within two years and she refused to allow us to take her to a medical facility. One night she went to sleep and just didn’t wake up. It’s like she lost the will to live once he was gone.”

He pulled her into his arms. “I’m so sorry, Venice.”

“They loved us.” She hugged him back. “I’m glad they’re together again in the afterlife.”

Chapter Nine


Venice openly gawked at her surroundings as she sat in the backseat of a vehicle. Mavo drove them through a large gate that automatically opened as they approached the city. It wasn’t a large one but the tall buildings impressed her nonetheless. She couldn’t believe all they’d accomplished since they’d settled on the beautiful planet.

“What do you think?”

She glanced at her seatmate and grinned. “It’s beautiful, Deviant.”

“We take pride in everything we do,” Mavo informed her from the front seat.

“I can tell. I’ve never seen anything like it.” She admired how precise their streets were, and there wasn’t any trash on the ground anywhere.

Mavo parked in front of a building and turned in his seat. “Would you like me to go up with you?”

Deviant opened the passenger door. “No. I’d like to show Venice our home on my own. Thank you, Father.”

“Contact me if you have any problems. Remember we have a meeting with the council tomorrow.”

“Thank them for giving us a day to settle in.”

“I’ll unload your bag and have it sent up to you.”

Venice scooted across the seat and got out with Deviant. He took her arm and linked it with his, leading her toward the front doors of a building. The doors automatically opened and allowed them inside. She spotted some shops on the lower floor, but it was early and they weren’t open. A few cyborgs got off an elevator and openly stared at her. At least one of them smiled, so she did the same. Deviant took her into a lift and they went up alone.

“I’ve never upgraded my home but I could if you don’t like it.”

She shook her head. “I’m sure it will be great. I don’t want you going into debt.”

He chuckled as the elevator stopped and he maneuvered them into a hallway. Only six doors were on the floor. He stopped at the third one on the left, pressed his palm on a sensor, and it opened. He released her and motioned her to enter first.

“It’s not about debt here. I was offered upgraded living many times in the past ten years but the idea of moving didn’t appeal to me.”

She took in the living room area first. It was tastefully furnished and larger than she expected. A full kitchen with a counter divider had been placed in one corner. The view caught her attention the most and she walked closer to the floor-to-ceiling windows. “Wow.”

Deviant came up behind her and hesitantly put his arm around her waist. “I like this view. I’m high enough to see over the city walls to glimpse the ocean in the distance.”

She hugged his arm and leaned back against him. “The water is so blue. And look at all those trees between it and the wall! I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I take it you lived in a populated city area on Earth? My father said they are full of buildings as far as the eye can see.”

“You could say that. We didn’t even have trees or real grass except in a few small park areas. I rarely went. The price of admission can be steep, depending on where you go. They had to put domes over the parks and vent them with oxygen so the pollutants in the air wouldn’t kill the vegetation.”

“I can’t imagine.”

“My city does have one park I visited every year for my birthday. It had flowers. We weren’t allowed to touch them but the smell was heavenly, and they were so beautiful with how colorful they were.”

Deviant held her tighter. “I could get you flowers. Would you like some plants for our balcony? Some cyborgs have them. It’s easy to add a watering filtration system and the oxygen is clean on this planet.”

She looked up at him. “I don’t want you to go to all that trouble.”

“It wouldn’t be. I worked two years of duty in our agriculture gardens, remember? I’ll take you there and you can pick out some plants you enjoy to look at. We can bring them here and give them an environment they’ll thrive in. That way we won’t have to tend them constantly but you can enjoy them whenever we’re on Garden.”

She stared out at the other buildings inside the city wall. “Where is this park?”

“You can’t see it from here. Come. I’ll show you our bedroom. There’s a guest one too but it’s empty. I’ve never had anyone stay with me.”

He loosened his hold and she let him go, following when he walked toward a hallway. He pointed to the first open doorway and she looked in. It was a bare room and she saw that it had its own bathroom, since the door to it had been left open. They moved down the hall and entered a larger room. This one held a king-size bed, a dresser, and two nightstands. Deviant turned to her, looking uncertain.

“It’s very bare. We can buy different furnishings, and I know some enjoy paintings on the walls.” He advanced across the room to a big window that seemed covered by a dark film, and pushed a button. The window cleared, lightening, and revealed another view.

Venice went to stand at his side and stared out. “Oh, it’s beautiful!”

There weren’t any tall buildings next to them within sight, only a large stretch of land. Green and other colors of vegetation had been planted. The sight of a space vessel near the city wall wasn’t something she’d expected, nor cute cottage-style house being built next to it.

“Is that a shuttle parked on the other side?”

He chuckled. “Yes. That’s the
. Coal, a cyborg, married the captain of that shuttle. Her name is Jill. She had a strong attachment to her shuttle and wanted to keep it, rather than allow us to salvage it for building materials. They lived there inside it for a while but recently began to work to create their dream home next door to it. Their androids will remain living on the shuttle once they are able to move into the house.”

“They have personal androids?”

“They belong to Jill, and she’s fond of them in an affectionate way. They aren’t just machines to her. That section of land belongs to them, and her androids grow food there. It gives them a purpose. Some of the agriculture teams are appreciative.”

“Why? Do those androids help them work?”

“Yes. One of the androids, named Rune, was an advanced prototype of a sex bot.”


He surprised her by laughing. “It’s not what you might think. She refused to allow her body to be used for that purpose. She was designed to learn and evolve her own programming. One of the things she decided was that she hates to get dirty…and sex is messy.”

Venice stared up at him. “What?”

He grinned. “A few cyborgs approached her for sex. She threw them on their asses and told them to stay away from her. She’s a source of amusement to us. The teams enjoy watching her work her section of land because she strips naked, since she doesn’t wish to get her clothing soiled. We’ve had a large number of single, young cyborg males volunteer to work agriculture since she arrived on Garden. She won’t allow anyone to touch her but they enjoy seeing her tending to her plants, minus clothes.”

Venice grinned. “That’s funny.”

“It is.”

“Was she there when you worked agriculture?”

“No. I might have enjoyed it more if she had been. It can become boring and tedious.”

A thought struck. “Is it safe for her?”

“You mean will a cyborg attack Rune?”

She nodded.

“No. She’s not technically a sentient being but she’s more than just a droid. She has developed a personality and who knows what she will become in time. She’s continually learning and adapting. There are a few cyborgs who interact with her and study her daily. She’s intriguing.”

“Is she dangerous? What if someone hits on her and she kills them?”

“It won’t happen. She was designed with safety protocols. She grows fruit trees, as an example, but refuses to pick them when they are mature. She sees that as killing the fruit. The other androids do the harvesting. She will defend herself but doesn’t cause harm. After the first few attempts cyborgs made to seduce her, it was banned for them to try.”

“And they will just follow that order?”

“Yes. We respect our laws, and Rune is unique. She’s valued. No one would dare do anything to harm her progression as she develops into her full potential, whatever that may be.”

Venice turned in his arms and hugged him around his waist. “I can see why you didn’t move. You’ve got the best views from your apartment, and the space is nice.”

“Do you really like it?”

“I do.” She glanced around. “It’s like four times the size of where I lived on Earth. My place could have fit into just your living room.”

He surprised her by suddenly lowering his head and kissing her. “It feels more like a home with you here.”

She released his waist and reached up, cupping his face and kissing him back. It was really sweet of him to say and it only reminded her that, once again, she wished he’d been the man she’d agreed to marry. It would have been wonderful if he’d been the real groom waiting for her on that station.

Deviant opened his mouth to her when she ran the tip of her tongue along his bottom lip. He lifted her right off her feet and carried her across the room to the bed, only putting her down when they reached it. He pulled his mouth away. “I want you.”

She began to strip, hoping they wouldn’t be interrupted. She already missed the time they’d had together when no one had been aware of her existence. He tore at his uniform and boots. It made her laugh as they seemed to have a contest going on who could get naked first. Venice won, and stretched out on the bed, lying on her back. She crooked her finger at him to join her and he grinned, climbing on the bed.

“We have plenty of room on this bed.”

“I actually miss your bunk. It made sure we cuddled when we slept.”

He pinned her under him. “I’m still going to hold you while we sleep. I enjoy having you curled up against me.”

She spread her legs, making room for his hips to cradle between her thighs. “No clothes though.”

He chuckled. “No clothing. You love skin-to-skin contact. I’m fond of it myself.”

She slid her fingers into his hair, stroking the silky strands, and stared into the utter blueness of his eyes. “I just love touching you.”

“And I love you touching me.” He lowered his mouth, taking possession of hers.

They took their time, slowly exploring each other’s bodies. She ran her fingernails lightly down his back, along his spine, to the curve of his butt. She opened her hands and gave his cheeks a squeeze. He groaned against her mouth and broke the kiss, trailing his mouth lower down her chin, then to her throat.

She didn’t complain as he slid his body down the bed and his hot mouth and tongue trailed to her breast. He was a fast learner, something she had already discovered, since he quickly had her arching her back and clutching at his shoulders.

“I need you.” She hooked her legs around his, trying to pull him up her body.

He released her breast and ran his mouth even lower. “Not yet. I love how you respond to me.”

“I need you inside me.”


“I have none,” she admitted.

He placed kisses down her belly and scooted lower, using his hands to shove her legs wider apart. Venice moaned his name as he licked the inside of her thigh, inching closer to her pussy.

“I still have a lot to learn,” he teased.

“I think not.”

She forgot how to talk when he focused on her clit, licking and gently sucking on the bundle of nerves. His mouth was hot, his tongue lapping in long, slow strokes. His unhurried pace drove her insane and she panted, moaning as he notched up her level of need to come. She rolled her hips but he used his hold to immobilize them. Deviant was going to kill her with pleasure.


Deviant loved hearing Venice’s broken cries when she climaxed. He felt pride too. He’d heard it could be very difficult to manually stimulate a female’s sex drive, but no one had ever told him how stimulating it could be for the male. His dick ached from how stiff it had become, the desire to be inside her so intense it had become near painful.

He climbed up her body, hooked one of her knees over his arm, and pinned her open as he glanced down, watching as he entered her. She was wet and hot, felt amazing as he drove inside her tight confines. She grabbed at his biceps, digging her fingernails in but not enough to hurt. It felt fantastic. Everything about Venice did.

He lowered his upper body on top of her chest, smashing her breasts in the processes but remembering to brace one arm to keep most of his weight from crushing her. He loved being pressed so tight against her skin, having her under him as he rode her. Venice moaned and opened her eyes, staring into his gaze.

She belonged to him. He almost came from the knowledge that he would be the only one to ever see her beauty in the throes of passion. He loved it when she wrapped her other leg high on his waist and it gave him easier access to drive himself into her pussy. Her eyes closed and she threw her head back, his name on her lips.

He moved faster, riding her harder. Her vaginal muscles clenched around his cock tighter and tighter, until he lost the ability to hold back. Ecstasy struck and he gasped her name as his seed released into her body. He kept moving though, until she came too. Then he finally stilled, their bodies locked together.

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