Loving Her (Keeping Her)

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Authors: Kelly Lucille

BOOK: Loving Her (Keeping Her)
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Loving Her (Keeping Her)
Lucille, Kelly

Text Copyright© 2013
Kelly Lucille

All Rights Reserved



For Michelle.

Who bought me my first laptop,

and always encouraged me to

follow my dream.

Chapter 1

“So, everyone agrees to be
on their best behavior, right?”

The room was overly quiet
so Clytie stopped her pacing and placed her fists on her nicely rounded hips,
glaring at all three of the men slumped about the huge family room. 
“Everyone will be on their best behavior right?”  She asked louder and the
men hurried to assure her.


“No problem.”

“You won't even know we're
here.”  Since this statement came from a man who resembled a six foot one
Greek god, the doubtful eyes spearing his way were understandable.

“Ben,” she said exasperated. 
“My cousin is neither gay nor dead; she's going to know you're around.” 
She ignored the growl coming from her lover who at over seven feet managed to
dwarf even the oversized leather sectional he sat in.  “All I'm asking is
that you tone down the pheromones and refrain from trying to make her the
middle of a Ben and Mac hunk sandwich.”

“Hands off.  No
problem.”  His tone was a little more cavalier than she would have
liked.  “Though,” he said, a twinkle in his rarely serious eyes. 
“What happens if she jumps me?”

Clytie blinked a few times,
then wrinkled her nose.  “Not likely.  However, if my cousin has
somehow suffered a personality reversal and lost the sense she was born
with...”  She paused.  “Nope, not gonna happen, but nice try.” 
There was a beep from the security system and Mac stood up to check it

“That's probably her. 
Now I want your word, Ben.  Mac, you too.  No one is to put any
moves on my cousin.”

Mac raised a brow on his
way to the monitor room.  “Not really my style, Clytie.”

“And you know I only have
eyes for you,” Ben said, suddenly there and lifting her up off her feet to
lay a big smacking kiss on her lips.  Clytie gasped, and pounded a fist on
his shoulder even as she couldn't help but laugh.


“Oops.  Here he comes,” he
said with a laugh.  She didn’t have to look behind her to know who was closing
fast.  Before she could warn them not to start anything with her cousin
coming, she was airborne and landed with a screech right into Demons
arms.  He looked her over, his eyes a blaze of heat that turned cold when
he looked at Ben.  He went to set her down gently, his eyes still on Ben
promising mayhem.  Instead, she clung to his neck like a barnacle.

“Demon.  No!” 
She said still a little breathless from the flight.  “My cousin is here.”

“I'm just going to pound on
him a little baby, I'll be fast.  I promise.”

She laughed, holding on
tighter.  “No.  You know he just does it to get a reaction out of you.”

“I'll give him a
reaction.”  His voice was low and mean and Clytie stopped laughing.  He
was seriously pissed.

She pulled his face around
to meet her eyes.  “I love you, Demon,” she said a little desperately,
then she kissed him.  As a diversion, it certainly worked, but she got a
lot more than she bargained for.  With another growl, Demon took control
of the kiss, delving deep between her soft lips and staking claim.  As
usual, when Demon turned her on Clytie forgot everything but him.

When Mac stepped back into
the room to tell Clytie her cousin was coming up the drive, his eyes went from
the clinging couple to Ben who had a deeply satisfied puckish look on his
face.  He was back in his chair watching the show.

“What did you do?” he
asked on a growl.

Ben snorted.  “Like it
takes much to get them started.”

The doorbell rang. 
Demon was busy adjusting Clytie in his arms so that her legs wrapped around him
with his hands finding the swell of her ass to clutch her closer.

Ben jumped up with a lethal
grace natural to him and sauntered for the front door.  Mac followed
behind him, not even bothering to try to talk to Demon when he was in his happy

“If you mess with Clytie’s
cousin, she's going to be pissed, and then Demon will be pissed.  We do
not want Demon pissed.” 

“Why does everyone think I
can't keep my dick in my pants?  Frankly it's insulting.”

Mac gave him a look.

“Christ.  Fine.  She's
off limits.  It's not like I can't find the same thing at any bar in

“And if she's like
Clytie?”  Mac said.  His voice low, his hand on the doorknob.

Ben looked at him and his
smile faded.  “There is no one else like Clytie.  She's one in a

“I agree.”  Came a humor
filled voice through the door.  “I assume that you are Ben and Mac and
since it seems settled that Ben will refrain from tackling me down on the front
porch and having his way with me; do you think I can come in now?  It's
kinda warm out here.”

Mac pulled open the door
with a curse ready to apologize and lost his breath.  Ben summed it up
nicely for him though with one word.


Maybe two inches taller
than Clytie and all of it leg as far as Ben could see.  She lacked the
generous curves that Clytie possessed, but what she had was in all the right
places and shapes. 

In the hot California sun,
she was wearing cut off denim shorts and an over-sized man’s shirt tied at the
waist.  Her sandals were natural leather and strappy with a short heel. 
Silky sun kissed brown hair was up in a messy bun with little wisps drawing the
eye to a delicate neck.  She wore nothing that could be considered
provocative, she wasn't even wearing make-up as far as he could tell and still
he was seriously reconsidering the no jumping Clytie’s cousin rule that was
currently in effect.

“Fuck,” he said again
with feeling.

She blinked.  The twinkle
in her hazel eyes as obvious as the color rising in her cheeks.  She lacked the
freckles of her cousin, and instead had lickable skin of warm cream that wore a
blush well.  She smiled, then laughed, and his dick tried to fight its way out
of his pants.

“Wow.  Here I thought
Clytie was exaggerating.  I should have known better.  When she said
she lived in a house with sex on a stick around every corner I should have
believed her.” 

Cassie cleared her throat
when her attempt at humor failed to break the ice.  They continued to
devour her with their eyes and she could feel it all the way to her toes. 
There was a robotic voice in her head saying: ‘Danger.  Cassie Evans, danger.’

“Is she here by the
way?  My cousin Clytie?”  That got their attention.  However, if
the one that looked like a fallen angel said fuck one more time she was going
to take it personally.  He had to be Ben.

“Sorry, come in. 
Clytie’s  ...” Ben cleared his throat.  “She's a little tied
up.  I'll take you to her.”

Cassie smiled, “Tied
up?  Literally or in a boring way?  Cause I would hate to interrupt
something fun.”  Her joke fell flat, again.  Both Ben and who she
assumed was Mac, though he had yet to say a word, froze.  Eyes going a little
glazed, making her wonder if she had hit the nail on the proverbial head. 
She cleared her throat. 
Okay, no more sex jokes. 
“Let me
just get my bags off the porch, shall I?”

She picked up her overnight
bag and purse stepping forward through the door.  Mac finally came alive and
stepped toward her, intent on taking said bags at the same time and she found
herself bumping nose to chest with him.  He smelled really good.  She
breathed him in before she thought better of it and only then realized he was
also sporting a very impressive erection, which was pressed into her belly, and
she had just blatantly sniffed him. 

Not the best idea,
especially when her nipples beaded against her shirt, and from the way he
tensed, she knew he could feel it.  She stepped back so fast she tripped
over her own feet.  While falling, managed to catch Mac hard enough in the
knees with her flying bag to take him with her.

She ended up on her back,
face to face, chest to chest with his noticeable erection snug between her
thighs.  When she could draw a breath, she was ready to do some cursing of
her own.

“I am so sorry,” she
said.  Her cheeks felt neon pink and she wiggled about trying to get out from
under him.  It was clearly a mistake because he groaned.  She froze. 
“Are you hurt?” 

She raised her head trying
to see over his shoulder for what was ailing him and only managed to rub her
cheek along his, making him groan again.  She dropped her head back to the
porch with a thump.  There was a notable increase in pressure between her

Oh, right.  I'll
just shut up now, and hope the porch swallows me whole.

When she finally got the
courage to meet his eyes they had lost none of their heat.  She swallowed
with difficulty, then licked her suddenly dry lips.  Before she could apologize
again for attacking the poor man, he cursed.  Then he kissed her. 

Swallowing her words of
embarrassed apology against his lips, he delved in with his warm tongue and
attempted to devour her whole.  Lord the man could kiss.  He coaxed
her with tongue and teeth until, with a groan, she closed her eyes and was
kissing him back. 

Her hands were wrapped in
her bags, or she would have had them in his hair.  His were not so
restricted.  She felt them move up each side of her body as if he was
memorizing her.  They came to rest just under her arm, close enough to her
breasts that she couldn't hold back a groan of her own.  Her legs, on each
side of his hard thighs, bent at the knees without any prior authorization from
her brain, until her feet were flat on the floor and her hips were canted so
she could feel him exactly where she needed him. 

He stopped kissing her
briefly to meet her eyes and she took the respite to breath in and out which
she hadn't done since his lips had taken hers.

He met her eyes with silver
fire.  “I’m Mac.”

“Hi Mac,” she said, then
had to clear her throat and blink her brain back into gear.  “Nice to meet
you.”  Good lord, she sounded like a twit.  “At the risk of seeming
inconsistent, do you think you could get off me now?”

“I’d rather not.”  He
shifted a bit, which caused his cock to rub just the right place through the
seam of her jeans.  Cassie arched her back and hissed before she could
stop herself.

“All-righty then,” she said
breathlessly, before his lips found hers again.  They were softer than a
man’s should be and hot.  He seemed to know just how to nibble and suck to
make a woman mindless.  When he started to grind his hips against her, she was
on the brink of orgasm before she could explain to herself that she did not
know the man presently making her feel so good.  Then, as fast as it had
started, he was gone. 

The man that grabbed him
was huge, at least seven feet tall with a scar on his face and a wolf tattoo on
his neck.  He was the scariest man she had ever seen.  He threw Mac
through the door and down the hall as if he was a doll instead of a fully-grown
man made entirely of muscle, for which she could attest to personally. 
Mac hit the wall, making pictures fall all down the hall and immediately
stalked back with death in his eyes.

Cassandra tried to get up
and was wrapped up in her bags until Ben, who had been noticeably silent the
whole kiss, pulled her up and into his chest.  She pushed away from him
and jumped between a furious Mac and scary tattoo guy.  She felt Mac and
braced herself to stop his forward momentum, even as she put up her hands to
stop the other angry titan.

“You must be Demon,” she
said a little frantically.  “Clytie has told me so much about you.” 
They both stopped Mac plastered against her back and Demon almost on top of her
with her hands against his chest to hold him in place.  Jeez, they were
big.  She had to crane her neck back as far as it would go to meet Demon's

“Do you think you could get
my cousin for me?”  Her voice was a high squeak but she was desperate,
clearly, in more ways than one, if she was jumping complete strangers on their
doorsteps now.

Demon seemed to shake
himself.  He looked down at her serious eyes, and then with one final
warning glare at Mac, stomped down the hall grumbling loud enough to make
Cassandra wince. 

Cassandra had just let out
a relieved sigh, her head falling back against Mac's chest when she saw Ben bearing
down on them.  He did not look happy.  He moved like a cat on the
hunt.  Sex on a stick indeed. 

“My turn.”  He growled
out pulling her up and into his arms.  Her frantic “What?” was stymied by
a hard kiss that made no pretense about being anything but a branding.

  His hands wrapped up
into her hair, dislodging her bun that was already precarious and spilling her
hair all over both of them.  He rolled it in his hand, using it to adjust
her head just so for deeper penetration and then proceeded to take possession.

 When she didn’t
respond fast enough, he nipped her bottom lip in warning, making her gasp and
sending more blood to her aching nipples.  Then she felt another hard body
behind her, rubbing against her ass and pulling her hair to the side so he
could get to her neck.  Between the two of them, she was going to soak through
her shorts.  She didn't feel him move her loose neckline off one shoulder, but
she sure felt the bite he placed there. 

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