Loving Her (Keeping Her) (5 page)

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Authors: Kelly Lucille

BOOK: Loving Her (Keeping Her)
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Cassie shook herself
mentally out of her shock and took the picture.  She looked it over carefully. 
“It’s beautiful Roxanne.  Thank you.”

Roxanne smiled big, then
turned and went back to her paper and markers.

“Huh,” was all Ben said,
watching the child settle like everybody else.

Essie cackled.  “Told she
could talk when she had a mind too.”

“The perimeter is secure. 
No movement, and according to my sources, The Bone Crusher Pack is still where
they are supposed to be, at least for now.”

Demon didn’t have to ask if
his sources were reliable.  “Who’s coming and when will they get here?”

“Everyone; Lucas pulled
everyone off their other jobs and called in the whole pack.  They’ll be here
tomorrow, early.”

“Guess we better call it an
early night,” Demon said, and pulled Clytie up beside him.

“What?  Wait, I have to
talk to Cassie.  And Roxanne needs a story and then bedtime.”

“No, really.  I’m fine.” 
Cassie stammered, trying again to get out of Ben's lap.  This time he let her. 
“Just take care of Roxanne.  I’m going to let it stew, then run screaming into
the night.”  Everybody turned to look at her.  “What?  It’s a solid plan.”

Ben snorted out a laugh. 

Demon went to Roxanne and
waited for her to put all the caps on her pens, then lifted her to his
shoulder.  This time, she didn’t even blink at the height.  She didn’t like
leaving her paper and pens behind, so Clytie collected them, then walked beside
them up the stairs.

Mac came to stand beside
Cassie, where she watched them leaving.  “You ready for bed?” he asked, and she
choked.  “I mean you ready to go up to bed and sleep?”

She tilted her head,
studying him closely.  “What animal do you change into?”


That had her blinking in
surprise again before shaking her head, exasperated.  “Well why not?” she said
on a slightly hysterical giggle.  “That makes perfect sense!”

Then she could do nothing
but squeak because Mac had hauled her up and over his shoulder.  “Bed.  You can
worry tomorrow.”

“Like I’m going to sleep
tonight,” she yelled.  Upside down, he carried her from the room.  Ben chuckling
followed close behind.

“Well,” Essie harrumphed to
the empty room.  “Guess I’m on my own.  Rude.”

Chapter 6

Mac dumped Cassie on her
bed and backed up.  Ben had followed him and was leaning on the doorjamb
watching her with a wicked smile on his face. 

Mac and Ben in my
bedroom.  Hmm.  Celebrate or panic?  Tough decision.  Focus damn it. 

"Can I see it?" she
heard herself ask, and then blushed when it came out wrong.

"Come again?"

"Can I see you

"I don't think this is
the time."

"Why?  Do you have to
wait for the moon to be full?"

 Mac looked exasperated. 
"We're not movie werewolves Cassandra; we don't change at the full

"Oh well...didn't mean
to insult you," she said, sitting up and hugging her legs to her chest. 
"So, why can't I see?"

Ben stepped fully into the
room and closed the door.  Cassie chose panic.  "What are you doing?"
she squeaked when he started to strip. 

"You wanted to see it,"
Ben teased.  "That means I get naked."

Cassie might have changed
her mind if he had explained beforehand, but when the clothes came off she was
struck dumb.  The man was cut and golden all over.  Fluid lines, taunt
muscles.  He should not be allowed to wear clothes, it was such a crime for him
to be covered up.  The man was HOT and Cassie was feeling the blaze.

Between one blink and the
next, the hottie was replaced by a big cat.  Golden and spotted with black
rosettes, it was definitely a jaguar but bigger than she expected.  He was
lithe and strong with such grace that it astounded her.  Plus, extremely big

The big cat jumped up on
the bed beside her and rubbed his face, with those teeth, across hers as she

"I'd actually like to
go back to the naked hottie now."

"Relax Cassie, its
still Ben," Mac said, coming up beside her and pushing the cat back. 
"He'd no sooner hurt you than I would."  Cassie turned and looked
into Macs perpetually serious grey eyes.  The cat purring behind her. 

"I think you could
hurt me a great deal," she said finally.  "More than anyone else ever

He froze, his hand on Ben’s
side while they both looked at Cassie.  "Is that really what you

She blew out a breath. 
"I think I should be more worried about it than I am.  I was told about
you two remember?  All the women you go through.  And now...well I should be
more than a little upset about the fact that you turn into wild beasts."

"You keep saying what
you should be feeling," Mac said while Ben rolled over onto his back and lolled
out his tongue.  Even in the middle of all the crazy, it made Cassie laugh.  He
was big stretched across the king bed and crowded against Cassie’s thigh.  She
reached over and rubbed his ears; they looked soft but were more wooly and very
smooth.  He changed beneath her hand and it was naked Ben, and his hair was a
soft gold across her palm.  

Mac’s hand went to her hair
and he pulled her face up to meet his eyes, which were swirling silver instead
of his usual fog.  "You said what you should be feeling," he
repeated.  "What are you actually feeling?"

She studied the intensity
that was so Mac.  Looked from him to Ben, then back again.  She licked suddenly
dry lips.  "Ready."

Both Ben and Mac froze. 
Cassie breathed in and tried to find her courage.  "I feel ready."

For two minutes, the
silence was daunting.

"Be sure about this. 
You've had a lot of shocks in one day."  Macs hand tightened in her hair. 
"Once you come to us, you stay.  No changing your mind tomorrow."

"Right back at you,"
Cassie said, her chin firming.  "You can't decide to play somewhere else
tomorrow either.  You start this thing and you're stuck.  No getting bored and
chasing other tail."  Cassie looked at Ben.  "Especially you."

He bit her thigh. 
"Ouch."  She laughed and rubbed the red mark.  "If I turn into
something else tomorrow, I'm going to be seriously displeased."

Mac lifted her up until she
was standing on the bed and she was looking down into his serious eyes. 
"All joking aside Cassandra, are you sure?  Because the way I feel about
you, I won't let you walk away from us, not after I make you mine."  He
gently pushed the hair away from her cheek.  "If you need more time, it's

She gave him the
consideration he deserved and searched her feelings.  Then she hesitated,
"I should tell you some things about my past before I get you into bed;
trouble I could be bringing your way.  Instead, I'm going to be really selfish
and just tell you that you had me the first time you sucked on my
finger."  She closed her eyes and her cheeks heated pink.  "That
didn't come out as well as I'd hoped."

Ben chuckled, and wonder of
wonders so did Mac, Cassie opened her eyes to watch.  "I like it when you
laugh," she said smiling.

"What about me?"  Ben
asked, sidling up and placing his hand high on her thigh.  It forcibly reminded
Cassie that he was naked, and in the bed.  Kneeling at her feet.  Naked.

"I really like it when
you're naked," she said on a sigh.

He laughed.

Mac pulled her head back
around by the grip he still had on her hair.  His face hardened by the desire
building behind his eyes.  She only got a brief flash of them before his lips
were on hers.  Both hands in her hair, holding her like she would flee. 
Instead, she opened under his assault greedily.  Her hands cupped to his face
as he devoured her with his lips and tongue.  She groaned full into his mouth,
their tongues dueling. 

Ben brought her out of her
Mac haze by sliding his hands under her shirt.  The heat of him against her
back was almost secondary to the feel of his hands through the wispy material
of her bra beneath her button shirt and it had her arching back to increase the
pressure.  Then Mac was undoing each button, his eyes on hers while he slowly
revealed Ben’s hands on her breasts and the sweet pink lace of her bra.  The
shirt disappeared, then the shorts were tugged off and she was standing on the
bed in nothing but matching pink underwear and bra.

“I have to say I heartily
approve of your lingerie,”  Ben said, still kneeling behind her.  He was in the
perfect position to run his lips over her lower back.  “And everything in it,” he
growled when he reached her lace-covered ass.

“I like pretty underwear,” Cassandra
tried to say, but since Mac took that moment to place his hot mouth around a
lace covered nipple and suck, her voice broke on the rest of her sentence. 
“It’s a vice of mine.”

Her hands went into his
hair to tug him closer while Ben sent two warm hands up the back of her panties
and over the rounded globes of her ass.  He squeezed with another growl.  Between
that and Mac using his teeth to nibble on her nipple she lost some feeling in
her legs and went down.  Luckily, Mac kept hold of her and she didn’t puddle to
the bed in overwhelming lust. 

Instead, Ben backed up and
Mac laid her down on her back, his mouth going to her other nipple to give it
the same treatment while Ben took her hands and pulled them straight above her
head, stretching her out like a carnal offering.  Mac took advantage, running
his lips and hands from her breasts and down her body while Ben unhooked the
bra and bared her puckered nipples to the cool night air. 

Then Mac did the same to
her lace panties and she was completely nude and stretched between them, Ben
with her arms held over her head and Mac between her legs looking up her body.

“You’re incredible,” he
said.  His voice rusty and his eyes shooting silver sparks.  “I was going to
play with you for a few hours,” he said, pulling off his shirt while Ben
growled, obviously against the idea of waiting.  “Make you squirm for us.” 

Each piece of skin he
revealed was sinewy with muscle and stark male.  The rest of the clothes
followed and she finally saw Mac in all his glory.  Shorter than Ben and made
with leaner lines.  Whether it was being a shapeshifter or a soldier that gave
them both incredible bodies she didn’t know, but his was prime. 

With the body of an Olympic
swimmer, and a cock that was thick and long, he was simply beautiful. 
Cassandra ached to touch him, but Ben wasn’t letting her hands loose.  She was
looking down her stretched length to Mac, standing above her naked, with Ben
kneeling behind her on the bed in all his naked glory and she couldn’t move. 

It made her feel conquered,
and they were the beautiful marauding warriors that were claiming her.  It was
enough to have her twisting and writhing with want, and they had barely touched
her yet.

“But now I think that will
have to wait,” Mac went on in a growl, his hands on her hips to hold her
still.  “I need inside you.”

“Yes,” she gasped, “please.”

Ben moved to her side,
using one hand to hold hers captive he ran the other down her body, and then he
was leaning over her, his mouth on her breast.  Just as Mac shoved her legs
high against his hips and buried himself to the hilt, filling her up. 

Her back arched off the
bed; she groaned at the pleasure of it.  It was sublime.  He held her there, by
the hips, so that only her shoulders were on the bed.  He shuttled in and out
slowly, so that she could feel all of him in every inch of her.

Ben made a banquet of her
breasts.  All the while Mac, was holding her eyes captive.  Leaving her in no
doubt about who was claiming her.

Eventually, he pushed her
back down to the bed and lay full across her, the feel of his hard body across
her soft one had her giving a full body shudder it was so good.  Then he was
taking her lips and mouth, moving in and out of her body as they shared breath,
until she thought she would die from the intimacy of it. 

Ultimately, it was too much
and she came.  He moved faster and pushed harder until she was on the brink for
the second time.

“Again.  Come again.  With
me,” he growled out, thrusting harder and faster until she wasn’t sure where
she stopped and he started.  He came with a roar and she followed with a scream
of release, the likes of which she had never felt. 

Before she could come down
from the glow, he was gone and Ben had taken his place, flipping her to her
belly and taking her over the side of the bed from behind.  He took her
smoothly, despite his large size.  He pounded her into the bed, his hands on
her breasts and his teeth finding her neck and biting down to hold her in
place.  She came again, screaming her release into the bed, even as he pounded
his last and she felt his heat shoot deep.

She was still lying face
down on the bed and trying to catch her breath when she was pulled up and
cleaned intimately with a warm cloth then rearranged so that she lay sandwiched
between her lovers.  Her head ended up on Ben’s chest, Mac spooning her ass. 
She sighed out, loving the intimacy of it, when she probably should have been
freaking out about the speed of her developing feelings.

Ben kissed the top of her
head and she cuddled closer.

“We’ll try it with foreplay
next time,” Mac said, his growl tickling the back of her neck.

“Not sure that would be a
good idea,” Cassie said with a yawn.  “Not sure I could survive if it got

“Oh, it’ll get better.” 
Ben purred against her temple.  “I’ve decided my new goal in life is to make
you pass out from pleasure.”

Cassie blinked, “That’s
quite a goal.”


  was all Cassie was capable of thinking at present. 
She certainly wasn’t stupid enough to argue with the man.  Everyone should have
a goal.

She fell asleep wedged
between two shape shifters with a happy ache between her legs and a smile on
her face.


“Time to get up,” Mac said
from the foot of the bed.  Both Cassandra and Ben were still huddled together
on the bed, but sometime during the night, they had switched places with Ben at
her back.  She yawned into her pillow and tried to move, but Ben just shifted
his magical expanding dick closer to her ass and held on.  She relaxed and
shifted a bit, making him purr, which brought a smile to her face, even half

Mac pulled her out of the
bed and into his arms.  He was fully dressed, but she was still naked.  She
blinked up into his face, and he kissed her, placing her back on her feet in
front of him.  He nuzzled her face and pushed back the fall of hair.  “Shower
sweetheart,” he said softly, and the little growl in his voice had her
shivering in a good way.  “We have guests.”

“Guests?” she said blankly,
trying to rub her eyes open.

Mac chuckled at her sleepy
confusion and turned her in the direction of the shower.  “Go clean up and
dress.  We’ll meet you downstairs.”  Then he switched to drill sergeant and the

“Ben we have company get
your lazy cat ass out of bed.”

Ben hissed at him, but
finally rolled out of the bed.  Then started to follow Cassie into the shower.

 “Not you Romeo,” grabbing
his arm, Mac pulled him out of the room.  “You can shower in your own room.  No
time for play.”

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