Lucifer’s Fury (A Motorcycle Club Romance) (17 page)

BOOK: Lucifer’s Fury (A Motorcycle Club Romance)
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“Tonya something,” Grayson replied. “Crazy bitch, she is. When her foster brother got put down after fighting your girl there...” he pointed a finger at Cherry Pie, who smiled wickedly. “...she lost it and started talking all this crazy nonsense. We booted her with the rest of them. Too much trouble with that bunch.”

“Shit,” Suicide barked out, drawing all of our attention.

“What?” I snapped.

“It’s got to be that sweetbutt that claimed to be Lucifer’s daughter. She packed up and hit the road not long before Scarface was put down by Cherry Pie. I knew there was something off about her and that piece of shit story she pitched our way.”

Dorian chuckled. “That sounds like something she’d pull, too. Her brother had that girl wrapped around his finger. She’d do anything he wanted without question, too. I’d definitely watch your back with her. Crazy doesn’t describe her state of mind after losing her brother. She’s dangerous.”

“So what is it you want? While I appreciate the exchange of information, I know there has to be more.” I knew there had to be another reason for this visit.

“I want a truce between our clubs. No wars. No attacks. Just respect. And the ability to call for assistance if the need arises.”

Lola jumped in before I could speak. “I’m all right with the truce, but the call for assistance is a big leap for me. I understand your changing the direction of your club but there’s no trust between us.”

“I agree,” I said. “That’s a big ask. Maybe we take it slow and see how your club changes. We can reevaluate that request in a month or two.”

“That works for us,” Dorian said. “I know we have a lot to prove. But in time we’ll get there.”

Chapter 19: Blaze


Usually, there were a couple dozen girls from surrounding towns parading through the clubhouse on any given Friday night, but tonight was special and we had closed our doors for a private party. The gate remained open, though, so guests could come and go as they saw fit.

Earlier today, we’d had the final meeting between the Gypsy Riders and Lucifer’s Fury and finalized the merge of our clubs. The dual-officers idea was well accepted by everyone.

And Suicide and I had a little surprise for the girls joining our ranks. They were all still wearing their Gypsy Riders cuts, but not for much longer. Judge and Justice were headed out to pick up their new leather vests. It had taken the better part of a week to figure the sizes needed for each of the girls to get this surprise just right. When they got back, a few of the prospects would have the job of adding the new Lucifer’s Fury patches onto the new vests.

I was sure Lucifer Easton was rolling over in his damn grave right now at the thought of pussy being patched into the MC he created. I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.

Outside, the prospects were setting up for the bonfire in the front lot. The old ladies and a few of the sweetbutts were working away in the kitchen, preparing food. Lola was in our room, taking a nap. She had met with a real estate agent early this morning to look at homes in the area. She hadn’t found anything to her liking. Not yet anyway.

Sometimes, being the President of an MC was a real pain in the ass. All I wanted to do was go check on Lola and show her a little loving. But every single time I made a move to head her way, someone needed something. Judge and Justice finally showed up and I got the prospects started on that little chore. Then I disappeared to our room.

The lights were off and I could hear Lola’s soft inhales and exhales as she slept soundly. There was just enough light from the cracked bathroom door for me to get across the room and shuck off my clothes without disturbing her. I slid into bed and pressed myself against her naked body, pulling her against me. She let out a breathy sigh and wiggled her sweet little ass against my steel-hard shaft. It pulsed in appreciation of the skin-on-skin contact.

I curled my arm around her, capturing a breast and giving it a tentative squeeze. Not too hard, but enough to make her squirm and writhe some more. With a light teasing brush of my fingers over her nipple, it hardened to a stiff peak.

“Oh God. So good,” she whimpered, arching into my hand. I couldn’t stop the groan that vibrated from deep in my chest. My cock pressed against her curvy ass, and damn if I couldn’t help wanting to plunge my cock inside her warmth until she cried out my name.

Lola shifted up onto her knees and straddled me, her pussy glistening with need. Reaching out, I brushed my thumb through her delicate folds and watched as she trembled when my thumb pressed against her clit.

Her small hand fisted my cock, lining it up with her center. She smiled wickedly, a glimmer of mischief twinkling in her blue eyes before she slammed down on my cock. We groaned in agony and pleasure.

“Fuck. Christ, Lola,” I growled as her cunt quivered around my length, my hands grasping hold of her hips, determined to take control… but I couldn’t.

Lola rose up on her thighs, trembling as she hovered above me. She lowered an inch or two and froze in place, the flared head of my cock screaming for more. But she didn’t give it what it wanted. She was teasing me, and I loved it.

Then she lifted up again and slowly lowered, toying with me over and over again. It was a beautiful display of power and control, and it felt fucking amazing.

I took a slow deep breath because I knew what was coming. She licked her lips and sucked in a breath. Without more warning than that slow inhalation of breath, she slammed down on my dick and rolled her hips. “Yes!” she cried out.

And my control snapped like a string drawn too tight.

I white-knuckled her gorgeous hips, burying my fingers into her soft silky flesh, pounding up into her as she screamed out her pleasure. There was an intense buzzing in the base of my spine and my balls tightened painfully. I was lost in her heat as I plunged deeper and deeper, harder and harder, until I too shattered with her. She eased herself to the bed and cuddled up beside me.

This was heaven on Earth right here. There was nothing better than this.


Sometime later, I slipped from the bed, jumped in the shower, and dressed for the celebration. Lola was lounging in the bed, watching me, her hand cupped over her stomach, smiling.

“You’re beautiful, sweetheart,” I whispered softly, leaning down to kiss her lips. “As much as I’d love to stay curled in this bed with you, we’ve got a party to attend.”

She groaned and sat up on the edge of the bed. “Give me an hour to get myself together and I’ll be right out.”

“It’s a big night for all of us.”

“I know. I love you.

“Love you, too.”

Chapter 20: Pandora


Looking back, I still couldn’t believe I had shoved my gun in Jasper’s face the first day I saw him again. And now we were engaged, expecting a child, and uniting our clubs. Never in a million years would I have thought that tangling with the Twisted Bastards would have led to all of this happiness. I was damn lucky! I knew that. Fate had thrown me a bone and I had clamped down on it like a starving dog.

I winded my long black hair into a messy bun on top of my head and stepped into the shower. The room was filled with steam, the heat relaxing my sore muscles from all of our earlier play. It seemed I had been trying to make up for all the years without sex. I couldn’t get enough of Jasper.

I was humming a happy tune, lathering up my body, when I heard a sound coming from the bedroom. A dull thud. I froze, tilting my head, listening for the sound again. I heard nothing and returning to rinsing the soap from my body.


My heart rate rocketed. A chill crept across the nape of my neck, hair standing on end. Turning the shower off, I snatched a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my body before drawing the shower curtain back just enough to see. The room was filled with a haze of steam, making it difficult to see. The view into the bedroom through the mirror was out because it too was coated in a sheen of cloudy moisture.


Stepping out of the shower, I padded towards the door, just barely able to make out harsh breathing.

“Jasper? Is that you?”

No response.

Fear engulfed my system. My eyes darted around the bathroom, looking for a weapon to protect myself with. My hand darted to my belly protectively and the fear inside me grew. I’d call Jasper but I could see my cell phone laying on the nightstand, a little more than five feet away. It would be too risky to make a dash for it, giving I had no clue who was out there.

Christ! This was bad!

So bad.

The sound of glass shattering followed by an angry curse echoed through the room. It was a woman. There was a woman in our room. And she was throwing things around. More glass shattered, followed by grunts and groans as she moved around, spewing angry curses and mumbled rants that made little to no sense to me whatsoever.

I could stay in the bathroom and wait until Jasper noticed I hadn’t come to the party. He’d come check on me. I knew he would. But this woman was obviously crazy. She could hurt him if he thundered into the room, catching her off guard. She could have a weapon. Damn it! What was I going to do?

Taking a deep settling breath, I peeked around the doorframe, scanning the room, looking for the intruder. The woman’s back was to me but I could see a gun in her hand.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I darted into the room as quickly and quietly as I could and made a grab for the phone. The woman spun around and shouted, freezing me in place seconds before the gun went off. The loud boom of the shot echoed and my ears rang. The phone exploded into tiny shards.

And the fear ratcheted up in me as I looked into Tonya’s red swollen eyes.

This was bad. Really bad. My stomach rolled as bile rushed up my throat. I swallowed it down, trying to calm my nerves.

“I’m going to kill you, bitch!” she shouted at me, waving the gun around like a damned psycho.

I didn’t say a word. I didn’t move a single muscle. I could barely draw breath into my lungs as I took in the insanity before me.

Tonya was filthy dirty, her clothing in tatters and coated in dirt and grime, as if she’d been wearing them for weeks. Her blonde hair was wild and matted, her eyes filled with rage and pain, swirling like a hurricane.

I didn’t know what had happened to her since she left the clubhouse, but it wasn’t good. Her hands were shaking like a dope addict going through the worst of their withdrawals, and I had nothing to protect myself and my unborn child.

What the hell was I going to do?

How was I going to survive this?

“Tonya,” I pleaded, “Please put the gun down.”        

I realized my mistake as soon as the words left my mouth. Tonya’s muttering increased and she darted forward, swept up in a full on rage. I stepped backwards, the back of my leg slamming into the corner of the nightstand. Stumbling to the side, I fell against the wall. Wild-eyed and disheveled, Tonya was on me like a disease, gun pressed to my forehead. She cackled loudly, her breath a plume of garbage and lost dreams.

“On your knees!” she screamed, the gun burrowing harshly against my skin. There would no doubt be a bruise there come morning. That’s assuming I survived this psychotic bitch.

Knowing I had little to no options, I did as Tonya demanded. Slowly, I eased down the wall, settling onto my knees.


I lowered my ass to my heels, all this movement causing my towel to fall open. As much as I wanted to make a grab for the towel and cover myself, I figured she’d flip out, so I stayed still, my nudity on display. To be honest, I didn’t think she noticed.

She fluttered about the room, hands going to her head, fisting her hair hard and pulling with all her might. Large clumps of blonde hair fell to the floor in her wake. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but I was starting to panic and my legs were aching from staying in this position on the hard floor. Tonya had been mumbling under her breath and cursing for what seemed like an eternity.

Needing some relief, I stretched forward a bit. The slight movement helped release some of the stiffness, but not enough. As I lowered down again, my head turned towards the bed and I caught sight of a gun hidden under the edge of the bed. Thank you, Jasper. Tears prickled the backs of my eyes. I might just be able to survive this insanity.

With a quick look to see what Tonya was up to, I quickly reached for the gun. It was a Sig Sauer P225 handgun, a real beauty. I released the safety. My eyes moved to my target. Tonya was eyeing me suspiciously from across the room. Thankfully, the bed was blocking my hands.

Gripping the gun, I prepared for the crazy that was coming. There was no time to second-guess my actions or what her motives might be. She’d made herself perfectly clear that she wanted me dead. But I had so much to live for now.

“I don’t want to die,” I said honestly. “There must be something you want, Tonya.”

“You stole him from me.”

What was she talking about? Jasper was never hers. Then the meeting with Dorian and Grayson flooded my mind. Oh. My. God. She was talking about Scarface, her foster brother.

“I’m sorry, Tonya. I didn’t know. I didn’t know he meant so much to you.”

She sobbed, tears streaming unbidden down her dirt-coated cheeks, washing away some of the filth. As much as I hated this girl for what she was doing, I understood her pain. Losing someone you care about hurts something awful. But I couldn’t take it back. I couldn’t change what happened. And I didn’t kill Scarface. His club did.

“He’s dead,” she shouted. “They killed him because of you and your bitches. You ruined everything. Now I have nothing left. You have to pay for that.”

Tonya closed her eyes for the briefest of moments and I knew that was my one chance to end this. Raising the gun, I took aim and fired.


One shot.

One life ended.

Tonya’s small frame slumped to the floor. My arm lowered, the gun falling from my fingers to the floor before me. And I sobbed uncontrollably.

That was how Jasper, Suicide, Judge, and Justice found me, my naked body shivering as I sobbed, clutching my stomach protectively. Jasper fell to his knees, pulling me into his loving embrace and whispering soft loving words into my ear as he rocked me. Through my bleary eyes, I watched Judge and Justice check for Tonya’s pulse. I knew there wouldn’t be one. Closing my eyes, I let the darkness take me under.

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