Lucky Break (17 page)

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Authors: Liliana Rhodes

BOOK: Lucky Break
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He wanted to chase after her, explain everything to her, but he knew from experience that after such a crazy day she needed some time to herself. Plus he had no choice but to deal with Donna.

"Oh Jude, that's so cute," Donna said. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about her, I'm sure you'll tap that ass soon enough. You always do."

Jude gritted his teeth wishing he wasn't stuck in an elevator alone with her. Every part of him despised Donna. They rode the elevator in an uncomfortable silence until it reached the lobby.

"What are you doing here?" He seethed with anger as he turned back towards Donna.

"I already said, I was worried about Kat."

"I know you Donna. This has nothing to do with Kat." Jude stared at Donna menacingly. "And how dare you call yourself my wife."

"Why? That's what I am."

"Only because you refuse to sign the papers. We never even lived together."

"Doesn't matter. I won't sign until I get what I deserve."

"You don't deserve anything. You got enough from me when I agreed to sign that shitty contract you drew up."

"Is that why you're on the baby's tour? Did Richard offer to break your contract? He's becoming shrewder with age I see."

"Did I hear my name?" Richard joined them wearing his usual grey suit. He looked at Donna with annoyance. "Really Donna? Why are you here?"

"I'm worried my client–"

"Shut the fuck up. We all know why you're really here," Richard said. "Now if you don't mind, I have a tour I need to get back on track. Where's Lucky?"

"Donna told her–" Jude began.

"I got it," Richard put his hand up. "You know Donna, this girl is the real deal. She's talented and much too sweet and innocent to have to deal with the likes of you. I did you a favor by putting Kat on the tour. Yes, I wanted eye candy but I could've gotten that anywhere. Plus, I was wrong about Lucky's look. At least based on what's going on with that photo."

"You know someone so young needs someone to help her navigate–"

"Donna, let me put this in the simplest way I can for you. Kat is off the tour. Black Dog will never work with you ever again. If you show up anywhere around Lucky, there will be hell to pay."

"But Richard, how can you? We're family!"

"I could care less that we're related, you've taken advantage of that for far too long and it ends now. You don't care about the artists, you just want their money."


"Now leave. And take that poor excuse for a keyboardist with you."

Donna looked defeated. Jude never saw her look so lost and vulnerable before. He wanted so bad to feel sorry for her, but he couldn't. He had no compassion for her. She had done nothing but ruin his life since he first met her. Looking at Donna's face, her expertly applied make up, and perfect outfit, he wondered what he ever saw in her. She was proof that he fell in love too easily.

He thought about Lucky and his feelings for her. But were they true? Maybe he blindly loved her just as he did Donna. Regardless, he had too much baggage. Lucky deserved much better than him. Just as Donna deserved whatever she got from Richard.

Richard waited for Donna to walk away before turning to Jude and patting his back.

"You're a good man, Jude. Thanks for taking care of Lucky for me. I knew she couldn't handle the paparazzi just yet. Especially when they smell fresh blood."

"Yeah well it wasn't that long ago I had my first run in with them. They can be brutal when they don't get what they want."

Richard led Jude towards the island themed bar where they sat on two wicker stools. Tapping the glossy wood of the bar, he got the bartender's attention and ordered two beers.

"You know the paparazzi can dig up anything right?" Richard asked.

Jude wondered what he was talking about and started thinking about his wild days and all the skeletons in his closet. Richard could be talking about anything.

"What are you getting at Dick?"

Richard laughed. "Seems your marriage to Donna finally got some attention today when one overzealous reporter wondered where you'd been the past few years. Anyway it ends up that reporter had a run in with Donna years ago and let's just say she'd been waiting for a way to get back at her."

"Spill it already, will you?"

"It seems our Donna tied the knot before you."

"So? I know about that. Some drunken Vegas thing. She said it was annulled."

"It wasn't."

"What? Wait, that means–"

"That your marriage was never legal. It seems she has no idea based on what I heard."

"So...I'm free?"

"Free to do whatever you'd like. And I'd like to talk to you about a little business venture I think you'll be interested in."




After his impromptu meeting with Richard, Jude rode the elevator to the floor the band's rooms were on. As he got off the elevator he passed Donna who walked ahead of tear-stained Kat. He didn't even bother to acknowledge them. He needed to check on Lucky.

As he knocked on Lucky's door, he heard voices coming from inside her room. Jordan opened the door and slipped out, moving the lock hinge so it held the door open.

"She doesn't want to talk to you and frankly I don't blame her."

"I need to explain. It's not what it looks like."

"You know you say that a lot Jude, but sometimes if it walks and talks like a duck, it really is a duck."

He had no argument. Wasting his time arguing with Jordan was low on his list. Lucky would have to talk to him eventually. He'd make sure of it.


Chapter Eighteen


There was a knock on the door and Lucky groaned before wiping at her teary eyes with the backs of her hands. She couldn't believe his nerve. Jordan just told him to leave and he was back already? She stood up to head to the door but Jordan stopped her.

"I already told you to go away," Jordan said as she opened the door and saw Richard. "Oh sorry. I thought you were someone else." She called out to Lucky, "it's that label guy."

"Let him in," Lucky replied.

As Jordan opened the door further, Richard stepped inside and unbuttoned his suit jacket.

"Did you hear from Ian?" He asked.

"Huh? How do you know about that?" Jordan kept her voice low, not wanting Lucky to hear.

"Jordan, I take my job very seriously. When Lucky said she was bringing a friend on tour, I needed to make sure you wouldn't become a liability. I had my people dig up what little they could find about you."


"I take care of my people. You can learn a lot from him. Ian has an uncanny ability to see things in people others don't. I know Ian and based on what I learned about you, I thought it was a perfect fit."

"Oh. Well then, thank you. I don't know why you did that though."

"Have you told Lucky?"

"No. I didn't want to take away from her time. She needs this. I know she'll be excited for me, but all of that can wait until after the tour."

"Ok then, it's our secret. I need to talk to her about the tour. Some things have changed."

Curled up on the couch wearing her pajamas, Lucky looked suspiciously at Richard. She wiped her nose with a tissue and breathed in as she tried to brace herself.

"Let me guess. The show must go on. You want me to perform in an hour."

"No. You actually have a few days. I cancelled the Phoenix show like I said, but based on feedback I've been getting, I also cancelled the San Diego and Chicago shows."

"Is it that bad?"

"Instead, the rest of your tour will be two shows, one in LA and the other in New York. And not at the little clubs and theaters you've been playing at. We're going big."


"The initial news is that the photo is going viral, which is what we suspected. What we didn't expect is that people love you. They're clamoring for more. All the interviews you did weeks ago are being pushed up for publication too."

"Why? I don't understand."

"Because you're normal, Lucky. People identify with you. That picture of you and Jude kissing is every woman's dream come true. They're noticing you because you're not some twig thin model, you're the girl next door. You're pretty, you have meat on your bones, you're talented, and you got to kiss the one guy who has always been out of reach."

"That's crazy."

"But it's true. Here's the deal though. Bigger shows mean longer shows. Your music is selling like wildfire now. We need to show them you're not some one trick pony. You need to add a few new songs to the tour, then get back into the studio and cut a new album. Take advantage of your momentum."

"But I don't have any songs ready!"

"You have two days to get them ready. Once you're in LA, the band will be going to SIR studios to learn those new songs. Jude can help you."

"No, he's the last person I want help from."

"You don't have a choice. You need him. He's been through this before and he's a songwriter. Use him."

"There has to be someone else. What about Kat?"

"She's off the tour. Listen Lucky, I know you're hurt. I know you don't want to listen, but it's not what you think. Jude's a good guy. I don't normally get involved in the love affairs of my clients, but let me say that for this one time, you need to forgive him. At least talk to him. Let him tell you the truth."

"The truth is he's married."

"He's not. And it's been over a long time. That's all I'm saying. If you want to know more you'll have to talk to Jude. Even if you don't want to know more, you still have to talk to Jude. I need more music Lucky. You don't have a choice."

As he walked out, Lucky felt even more confused. At least she was past the feeling sorry for herself stage. Now she was just angry. How could he not tell her he was married? And how could he not be married when he has a wife?

Simply thinking about having to share her private words with someone who hurt her, filled her with more anger. Her songs meant everything to her. And they were personal, especially these.

Most of the songs she wrote on tour were about Jude. She couldn't share them with him. She wasn't ready to share her feelings with anyone. Grabbing a pillow she covered her head. If only it was that easy to make all her problems go away.



Chapter Nineteen


"Talk to me," Jude said.

Lucky kept her head buried in her new notebook, hoping he'd go away. She knew it wasn't very mature, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him to leave her alone, so operation 'I Can't Hear You' began. It seemed to be working too because he kept walking away. Granted, he always came back.

"This is ridiculous Olivia. You have to talk to me. I know you need my help with the songs."

He walked away again. She knew he'd be back. Each time he left, he came back sooner. Wishing he'd leave her alone she returned her focus to her notebook. She really needed to write but her mind was as blank as the page.

Since she met Jude, all her songs had been about him. She only had two days to come up with new songs and she knew she needed his help, but there was no way she was going to let him see those lyrics. Let alone share them with the world. She had to write something new.

She heard his boots thudding back down the aisle and wrote "Boomerang Man" at the top of the page. It figured the first somewhat creative thing she thought of would be because of him anyway.

This time he didn't say anything. He stood beside her seat, looking sexy as always, but this time his burning gaze penetrated her. Jude didn't need to say anything to get attention.

"Fine, what?" She asked.

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