Lucky Break (7 page)

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Authors: Liliana Rhodes

BOOK: Lucky Break
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She peeked through the seats and could see his long legs stretched out on his seat, his boots worn and dirty. Letting her eyes travel up his jeans, she couldn't help it and held her breath when they stopped at his bulge and wondered if the rumors were true. 

Her eyes moved up over his tight tan t-shirt that clung enviously to his muscular chest. Shifting in her seat so she could see him better, she noticed a silver chain around his neck. The stubble over his jaw. His smile.

She was so focused on him that her mind had shut off. As her eyes continued to take in every inch of him, they made their way up to his smiling green eyes which stared right back at her.

Quickly moving to hide, she looked away and tried to focus on the passing trees and cars on the highway as her cheeks burned with embarrassment.
Was he still looking?
She wanted to know but was afraid to look. She thought she heard him laugh and felt her stomach knot.

Scolding herself, she forced herself to pick up her notebook again. She had to remember that she was no longer the fan and he was just Jude Morrison. But he would never be just Jude Morrison, the fast beating of her heart guaranteed that.

Because of Jude's introduction at breakfast, and the bad traffic they ran into, the bus took them directly to the theater. Lucky always wanted to see Washington DC and visit the museums and monuments, but she realized she'd never get to see anything but hotels and theaters while she was on tour.

As the road crew set up their instruments, Lucky and Jordan decided to look around the theater. The old theater had been restored recently as part of a revitalization project for that part of the city. The entire venue glowed. From the lobby with its opalescent marble walls, red carpet, and intricate gold relief ceiling, to the theater itself, with its dramatic crystal chandelier dangling over red velvet seats.

Lucky's nerves were in full force again. It was a new city and a new drummer. And not just any drummer. Of course she knew he had the chops to pull it off, but as far as she knew he only heard her album on the ride down to DC.

She watched as Jude showed his drum tech exactly how he wanted his drums set up. Now wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt, Jude's biceps rippled as he tightened a bolt on his floor tom. As if he felt her staring, he looked directly at her and gave her a crooked smile that made her heart lurch in her chest.

"Hey I've been wanting to ask you something," he yelled over to her.

Walking over, still watching him with the final touches on his drums, she was sure it was obvious to everyone she floated on air because of him. She felt a stupid grin permanently affixed to her face and hoped she didn't look as ridiculous as she thought.

"Sure, is it about the set list?"

"No, I got that. I was curious..." He paused as he examined her face, his green eyes rarely leaving hers except to double check what he was doing. "Everyone calls you Lucky. Its on your album and everything. That can't possibly be your real name is it?"

She laughed. "No, its just a nickname. Long story."

"Let me guess, parents' idea. What's your real name?"

"Yup, their idea, they thought it was cute and a reminder of how lucky it was that I'm alive. My real name is Olivia," she said although she fully expected him to never use it and forget it existed like everyone else.

"That's pretty. Olivia. It suits you."

She giggled nervously and immediately hated herself for that. Walking off stage she replayed their conversation over and over in her head. Jordan joined her in the dressing room as she changed into a blue tie dyed maxi dress for the show.

"You really like him don't you?"

"What, who? Jude?"

"Don't play stupid with me. I've known you almost your whole life. You think I don't remember who's poster is hanging behind your bedroom door?" She teased her and giggled.

"What about you and Dylan? You barely left his side on the bus."

"This isn't about me. Dylan's not some huge rock star with an equally bad reputation. I never told you, but remember Cori from down the street? A friend of her friend has slept with him."

Lucky rolled her eyes. She pulled her long hair to the side and began braiding it, hoping Jordan would just shut up. The last thing she wanted to think about was Jude with someone else, let alone the friend of another friend as always seemed to be the case.

"What's your point Jordan?"

"Just be careful. You don't know guys and some of them see a sweet innocent girl like you and they want to take advantage."

"He's not like that."

"You don't know. You've known him all of five hours and barely spoken to him."

"Fine, whatever. This couldn't wait until after the show? You know how nervous I get."

"Well I didn't know if you were going to do a disappearing act like last night, so I had to tell you now."

"Ugh please, like I don't feel guilty enough about that."

Jordan smirked. "Good, just as long as you do feel guilty."

The lights blinked signaling it was time for her show. She made her way to the side of the stage with the rest of the band. Her nerves were already gone as she listened to the crowd in their seats. They took their positions on stage and nodded to Jude who started to play as the curtain rose.




The show went great. Lucky always felt that with the right drummer any band could come together. Jude's presence proved her right.

After changing back into her jeans and a royal blue tunic, she was surprised to see so many people back stage. These weren't just the usual band and roadies. A lot of people came up to her and told her they loved the show. Lucky was amazed.

While she knew she had talent, she really didn't think anyone would care to listen to her music. That's why each time she was performing she got so nervous. She'd never share it with anyone, but she expected the audience to leave and wonder what they were doing there in the first place. Once she could look out at the crowd from the stage, she could see them swaying and connecting with her music and she became confident.

Looking around for Jordan, she spotted Kat sitting on a table with a group of people around her. Lucky thought she looked like a queen with her court as looked down from her perch at everyone.

"Lucky! Get your ass over here!" Kat waved her hand high in the air.

As Lucky approached, two of Kat's group turned around. It was Ross and one of his friends from Philadelphia. Ross was cute as usual in a pale yellow polo with the band around the sleeves hugging his muscular arms and a pair of worn jeans that hugged just the right spots. With his short dark hair and everything about him looking perfect, Lucky couldn't help but think he looked like he stepped out of a clothing commercial.

"Its my lucky day! Hey there, beautiful! You put on a great show. Was that Jude Morrison behind the kit?" Ross asked.

"Thanks and yeah, that was Jude."

Lucky looked around for Jude hoping she could think of an excuse to talk to him and get away from Ross, Kat and her adoring fans. She spotted him walking towards one of the exits with a girl hanging on each of his arms. Her heart sank a little as she thought about what Jordan said.

She hoped Jude's reputation wasn't real, but it looked like it was. Lucky didn't know how she'd manage seeing that for an entire tour, no matter how short a tour it was.

"You remember Mike, right? He and I are following your tour."

Ross's voice brought her back and she looked at Mike who looked like a clone of Ross except with lighter hair.

"Oh hi, yes I remember Mike." Lucky lied as she looked down the hall Jude was in with the two girls, but they were gone. "Wait a second, you're doing what? Following the tour? What tour?"

"Ours silly," Kat said. I think we should invite them on the bus. Its only two of them and I bet they'd make the trip so much more fun. What do you say, Lucky? You know you want to."

Lucky stared at Kat blankly. She couldn't process that these guys were following her tour and would be wherever they performed. It didn't make sense to her, but even as she tried to figure it out, she couldn't get her mind off of Jude and those two girls.

"The group is going bar hopping tonight Lucky, you have to come along. Remember, you still owe me a kiss," Ross whispered in her ear.

She winced as Ross's alcohol breath reached her nose. After meeting Jude, last thing she wanted to do was kiss Ross. He was definitely cute, but now not so much. Especially not after seeing Jude in person.

"No, not tonight. Maybe another time, I'm pretty beat so I'm going to the hotel."

She quickly grabbed her messenger bag, knowing the crew would pack up everything else and walked out the exit door she saw Jude heading towards. No one was outside. The hum of the bus filled the air and she thought about how she preferred the smell of oil and exhaust to Ross's stinky breath.

Thinking Jude might have taken the girls into the bus she summoned up all her courage and got on. The back room door was closed. She hadn't seen it yet, but she heard it had a bed. As she walked to the back, she tried to talk herself out of it. This was crazy. What was she doing? She just met the man and now she was acting like a jealous girlfriend.

Her mind raced. What could he be doing with two girls? Did people actually do that? Throwing the door open she stepped inside expecting to catch them but the room was dark.

As she turned on the light she felt all her adrenalin leave her. She hated how Jude made her feel and she hated that he couldn't keep it in his pants.

She sat on the bed which took up most of the room and punched a pillow. Just the fact that there really was a bed in the bus filled her with rage. As tears filled her eyes she heard someone climb the steps onto the bus.

"Oh I didn't expect to see you Lucky."

Stan was an elderly man with more life and kick in him than people half his age. He was small and almost frail in appearance, with a thick southern accent.

While he appeared unassuming, Stan was a man not to mess with. Growing up in the inner city, he was picked on for his size and learned how to fight in order to protect himself. Fighting was something he didn't have to do once people turned to him for protection. His standing joke was that he was stronger and just as stubborn than a mule.

"Sorry Stan, I was just...looking for someone."

Smiling, he joined Lucky in the back of the bus. For as long as Stan could remember, he drove tour buses for some of the biggest and smallest acts in rock n roll. He had seen it all.

"Jude decided to walk back to the hotel. Its just a few blocks from here."

"I didn't say I was looking for him."

"And I never said I was the bus driver, I just am."

He had a twinkle in his eye that Lucky couldn't get mad at. Stan patted her on the back before standing.

"I'd like to go back to the hotel now."

"Sure, I'll see if anyone else is joining us." He walked down the aisle and turned around before going down the steps. "Lucky, remember one thing. In rock n roll there's more smoke and mirrors off-stage than on."

She didn't understand what he meant. Playing his words over in her head again she couldn't figure out what he was saying or why. She pulled her notebook out of her bag and wrote down what he said as Jordan and Dylan got on the bus.

After getting their hotel key, she and Jordan walked down a long plain hall, as they looked at the numbers for their room. Lucky thought about how great it was to experience all these things with her best friend and hugged her.

"You know I really am lucky. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you," she told Jordan.

"Oh come on, you're much stronger than you realize."

"No. I'm not. Did you know I text my parents several times a day? That's besides talking to them. I've been so dependent on them I don't even know how to live without talking to them

"You're being too hard on yourself. You just need some rest. Remember you didn't sleep much last night and with all the excitement of Jude today, I'm sure you're exhausted. You're just letting it all get to you."

"Maybe you're right."

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