Lucky Charm (10 page)

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Authors: Marie Astor

BOOK: Lucky Charm
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I don't want to drag it out for too long
. T
he sooner we tell them, the sooner it will be over. I bet Meredith is going to be most upset
. S
he's put so much energy into this wedding. She even offered to bake the cake.

Oh, no! I completely forgot. I swear I'm losing my mind these days!

What's wrong, Mom?

Meredith was supposed to come over today
. S
he was all excited about this new recipe for your wedding cake. She's supposed to be over at three.

Mrs. Green looked up at the clock on the wall
. I
t was a quarter to three. As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

of course
she's early
. S
he's always early.

Mrs. Green threw her hands up in desperation.

Annabel, go hide in your old room, and I'll tell her that something has come up.

Annabel felt herself smile for the first time since last night
. T
he situation was starting to resemble a family sitcom.

, Mom. Don't panic
I think I can handle Meredith.

Are you sure? Just say the word
and I'll get rid of her.


Chapter 9



Her back perfectly straight, Mrs. Green marched to the front door. From the kitchen
Annabel could hear her mother exchanging pleasantries with Meredith.
, she thought
ow bad could this be?
Of all people
Meredith was bound to understand her
. B
y now she probably wished she had called off her own wedding to Doug all those years ago.

Annabel! What a surprise!

Meredith ambled into the kitchen. She was carrying a huge parcel that obscured her face from view almost entirely.

Where should I put the cake, Aunt Jane?

On the counter is fine.

It might not fit over there,

Meredith objected
wouldn't want my masterpiece to tumble on the floor!

Meredith carefully placed the bundle on the kitchen table.

Just wait till you see it, Annabel
. Y
ou will be blown away.

Meredith, just wait a minute...

But before Mrs. Green could finish her sentence, Meredith took off the package cover with a flare, akin to a magician introducing a circus trick.

It’s vanilla cake with butter cream and pistachio marzipan,

Meredith announced proudly.

The cake was indeed magnificent
. It was
a three-tiered concoction of white cream with a delicate trim of pale-green pistachio marzipan. On top there was a tiny sculpture of
Precious Moments couple dressed as
bride and groom.

I could always change the top ornament to something more traditional,

Meredith added hurriedly.

Meredith, I think you're getting ahead of things,

Mrs. Green began.

, Mom,

Annabel cut in.

Of course
you don't have to decide right now,

Meredith added chirpily, oblivious to the heavy tension that filled the kitchen.

I understand that it's a big decision, but I just wanted you to have another option to consider. How about we have a taste right now?

Meredith offered.

Meredith, it's a beautiful cake,

Annabel started, her voice shaky despite her resolve to stay calm
. T
he sight of the wedding cake reminded her of the day she went shopping with Meredith
. I
t was only a few day
and she and Jeremy had still been together then, but now it seemed like centuries ago.

There won’t be a wedding.

What? Did I hear you right?

Meredith's flailed her arms
akin to a ruffled hen.

Yes, you heard me right.

Annabel did her best to contain a sigh.

Jeremy and I broke up.

When did this happen?

Last night.

Well, why? The two of you have been together for so long!

Look, Meredith, now is probably not the best time to rehash this,” Mrs. Green cut in as she placed her hand on Meredith's shoulder. “Suffice it to say, Annabel had a change of heart
. S
he has her reasons for it

What kind of reasons? You can't just go off cancelling a wedding on a whim! Not after we made all these preparations! The caterers, the florist, not to mention the reception hall and the cake!

Meredith looked to be on the verge of tears, as though it were her own and not Annabel's wedding that was being cancelled.

Irreconcilable differences, Meredith,

Mrs. Green voice grew firmer.

Annabel doesn't feel like Jeremy is the right person for her to spend the rest of her life with.

Well, when did she decide on that?

Meredith demanded, as though Annabel were not in the room.

Why did she suddenly realize it yesterday out of the blue?

Because I saw him kissing his agent,

Annabel blurted the words out before she could come up with a more discreet reason.

Are you sure?

Yes, Meredith
I sa
w the two of them going at it
in a sidewalk cafe.

Reliving the memory, Annabel felt the tears welling up again.

They were kissing and laughing and having a great time — the kind of time we no longer have together.

Well, did you talk to Jeremy about it? Was it just a one-time thing or has it been going on for a while? Do you know if it's serious?

Meredith took a seat in one of the kitchen chairs, gearing up to impart advice
. A
fter all,
infidelity was her expertise.

What difference does it make if it's serious or not? And yes, it's been going on for a while.

You know, no relationship is beyond saving,

Meredith announced authoritatively.

Did you think about trying couples therapy? Maybe he's just getting pre-wedding jitters
. T
here's no need to call off the wedding because of a small fling.

Annabel struggled hard to keep a smirk off her face
. I
n her opinion

pre-wedding jitters

was too strong a euphemism for Jeremy's shoving his tongue down Athena's throat.
“I sho
ved his clothes into garbage bags and threw him out of the apartment
I think it's too late for couples

therapy, Meredith. Anyway, it's done with and over. Now, can we please change the subject?

And what on earth possessed you to do that? You just made it easier for the other woman
. N
ow, he is all hers. It's clear that Jeremy was not ready to leave you
. H
e was not the one to break things off, was he? And now you've made the decision for him.

Now, Meredith,

Mrs. Green interrupted,

I think you're taking this too much to heart
emember, this is Annabel's decision, not yours.

Yes, it certainly is. I guess she likes the idea of spending the rest of her life as a spinster.

Better a spinster than
wife of a cheating husband,

Annabel snapped.

Meredith gasped, her face growing red.

Immediately, Annabel regretted her words
. S
he knew how hurtful they were, but then so was Meredith's


Meredith, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know what came over me
Annabel tried to reconcile, but Meredith was already getting up from her chair

Meredith, I understand that you’re upset, but there’s no need to overreact. Annabel is certainly in no danger of becoming a

spinster’. Personally, I thought this word was long out of use
I'm surprised to see that you're so much more old-fashioned than your aunt here
Mrs. Green attempted to lighten the tension.

Well, the wedding is off, but there's no reason why we still can't enjoy this wonderful cake that you made
. S
hould I put the kettle on?

Frankly, Aunt Jane, I don't see any reason for having cake
. I
t is clear to me that I'm not wanted here, so I'll be going, and I'll be taking the cake with me, if you don't mind. There is a cake show that I'm scheduled to be at tomorrow, and I'd much rather take my masterpiece there.

Meredith shot Annabel a loaded look.

Goodbye, Aunt Jane.

Meredith hastily put the cover on her cake
and with a martyr expression on her face, walked out the kitchen door.

I'll be right back,

Mrs. Green murmured as she hurried to see Meredith out.

I trust you will relay the news to the rest of the family, Aunt Jane,

Annabel heard Meredith's chilly words echo from the hallway.

I certainly would not want to be implicated in any of this. I still think that Annabel is making a huge mistake, and despite the way she acted, I want you to know that I'm still willing to help.

Goodbye, Meredith.

Annabel heard the sound of the front door snapping shut,

Boy, that girl's got some nerve!

exclaimed Mrs. Green once she was back in the kitchen.

I should have turned her out right when she showed up with that ridiculous-looking cake. Who wants to have Precious Moments figurines on their cake – it’s so cheesy!”

When we went looking for invitations, the other day, there was a card with
Precious Moments couple dressed as
bride and groom
. I
t looked so adorable!

Before she knew it, Annabel was sobbing again.

I shouldn't have let Meredith come in
. I
t would have been better if you had listened and hid
in your room instead.

Mrs. Green placed her arm around Annabel's shoulder.

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